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48 papers:

SOSPSOSP-2015-0002BMZ #graph #named
Chaos: scale-out graph processing from secondary storage (AR, LB, JM, WZ), pp. 410–424.
SCAMSCAM-2014-KargenS #performance #scalability #slicing
Efficient Utilization of Secondary Storage for Scalable Dynamic Slicing (UK, NS), pp. 155–164.
ICMLICML-c1-2014-ZhouT #generative #network #predict #probability
Deep Supervised and Convolutional Generative Stochastic Network for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction (JZ, OGT), pp. 745–753.
Column imprints: a secondary index structure (LS, MLK), pp. 893–904.
ICPRICPR-2012-CantoniOFP #analysis
Structural analysis of protein Secondary Structure by GHT (VC, OO, AF, AP), pp. 1767–1770.
SEKESEKE-2012-MolleriB #automation #bibliography #perspective #process
Automated Approaches to Support Secondary Study Processes: a Systematic Review (JSM, FBVB), pp. 143–147.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-GiannakosDVK #education #programming
Programming in secondary education: benefits and perspectives (MNG, SD, PV, CK), p. 349.
MLDMMLDM-2011-Garcia-ConstantinoCNRST #classification #generative #summary #using
An Investigation Concerning the Generation of Text Summarisation Classifiers Using Secondary Data (MGC, FC, PJN, AR, CS, AT), pp. 387–398.
SACSAC-2011-ChamorroDA #predict
Evolutionary computation for the prediction of secondary protein structures (AEMC, FD, JSAR), pp. 1082–1087.
SACSAC-2011-TranCS #permutation #predict
Prediction of permuted super-secondary structures in β-barrel proteins (VDT, PC, JMS), pp. 110–111.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2010-BrindaH #case study #design #education #experience
A lecture about teaching informatics in secondary education: lecture design and first experiences (TB, PH), p. 320.
Creating digital divas: scaffolding perception change through secondary school and university alliances (CL, AC, JF, HF), pp. 38–42.
SACSAC-2010-LiuCGT #energy #mobile #performance
Energy efficient management scheme for heterogeneous secondary storage system in mobile computers (SL, XC, XG, DT), pp. 251–257.
Secondary indexing in one dimension: beyond b-trees and bitmap indexes (RP, SRS), pp. 177–186.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2009-OlteanuH #query
Secondary-storage confidence computation for conjunctive queries with inequalities (DO, JH), pp. 389–402.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2009-BrindaPS #education #standard
Bridging ICT and CS: educational standards for computer science in lower secondary education (TB, HP, CS), pp. 288–292.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2009-Saeli #education #how #programming
How to teach programming in secondary education: first results of a PhD project (MS), p. 356.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2009-SchluterB #education #empirical
The attributes of task difficulty in informatics in secondary education: first results of an empirical study (KS, TB), p. 357.
HCIHIMI-DIE-2009-GarciaV #performance
Effects of Practice with Foot- and Hand-Operated Secondary Input Devices on Performance of a Word-Processing Task (FPG, KPLV), pp. 505–514.
SACSAC-2009-MathuriyaBHH #manycore #named #predict #scalability
GTfold: a scalable multicore code for RNA secondary structure prediction (AM, DAB, CEH, SCH), pp. 981–988.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2008-SchluterB #education
Characteristics and dimensions of a competence model of theoretical computer science in secondary education (KS, TB), p. 367.
CASECASE-2007-RuppelLZS #adaptation #generative
Modal Trajectory Generation for Adaptive Secondary Mirrors in Astronomical Adaptive Optics (TR, MLH, DZ, OS), pp. 430–435.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2007-GovenderM #challenge #education
Challenges with respect to the e-readiness of secondary school teachers in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa (DWG, MM), pp. 191–195.
SACSAC-2007-FangWLYD #assessment #detection #multi #sequence #using
The detection and assessment of possible RNA secondary structure using multiple sequence alignment (XF, ZW, ZL, BY, FD), pp. 133–137.
Cooperative secondary authorization recycling (QW, MR, KB), pp. 65–74.
MLDMMLDM-2005-KurganH #approach #feature model #predict #sequence
Prediction of Secondary Protein Structure Content from Primary Sequence Alone — A Feature Selection Based Approach (LAK, LH), pp. 334–345.
ICMLICML-2004-ChuGW #predict #visual notation
A graphical model for protein secondary structure prediction (WC, ZG, DLW).
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-ColleP #predict #process
Relaxation Labeling Processes for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction (GC, MP), pp. 355–358.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-LiuCKG #predict
Context sensitive vocabulary and its application in protein secondary structure prediction (YL, JGC, JKS, VG), pp. 538–539.
ICDARICDAR-2003-StrohmaierRSM #question #taxonomy #web
Lexical Postcorrection of OCR-Results: The Web as a Dynamic Secondary Dictionary? (CMS, CR, KUS, SM), pp. 1133–1137.
VLDBVLDB-2003-Koch #approach #performance #query #xml
Efficient Processing of Expressive Node-Selecting Queries on XML Data in Secondary Storage: A Tree Automata-based Approach (CK), pp. 249–260.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2003-EkateriniSP #education #learning #problem
Teaching IT in secondary education through problem-based learning could be really beneficial (GE, BS, GP), p. 243.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2003-MoormanJ #student #towards
Still a stranger here: attitudes among secondary school students towards computer science (PM, EJ), pp. 193–197.
ICALPICALP-2003-Condon #design #predict #problem
Problems on RNA Secondary Structure Prediction and Design (AC), pp. 22–32.
VLDBVLDB-2002-HammelP #sequence
Searching on the Secondary Structure of Protein Sequences (LH, JMP), pp. 634–645.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2001-KuchumovRS #ada #library #named #object-oriented
OASIS — An ASIS Secondary Library for Analyzing Object-Oriented Ada Code (AK, SR, AS), pp. 113–122.
Distant I/O: One-Sided Access to Secondary Storage on Remote Processors (JN, ITF, HD), pp. 148–154.
KDDKDD-1996-WangSSZC #automation #multi
Automated Discovery of Active Motifs in Multiple RNA Secondary Structures (JTLW, BAS, DS, KZ, CYC), pp. 70–75.
ICMLICML-1994-AbeM #predict #probability
A New Method for Predicting Protein Secondary Structures Based on Stochastic Tree Grammars (NA, HM), pp. 3–11.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1993-KettaniC #ada #realtime #standard #towards
Toward a Secondary Standard for Hard Real-Time Ada: The Real-Time Rapporteur Group (ISO/JTC1/SC22/WG9/RRG) JTC 1.22.35 (NK, VC), pp. 330–351.
PODSPODS-1989-FaloutsosR #retrieval
Fractals for Secondary Key Retrieval (CF, SR), pp. 247–252.
ICLPSLP-1986-FosterK86 #logic
A Logical Treatment of Secondary Storage (ITF, AJK), pp. 58–67.
VLDBVLDB-1979-Pirotte #design #relational
Fundamental and Secondary Issues in the Design of Non-Procedural Relational Languages (AP), pp. 239–250.
SIGIRSIGIR-1978-Yan #retrieval
Record Block Allocation for Retrieval on Secondary Keys (CSY), pp. 83–108.
ICSEICSE-1976-Stonebraker #comparison #database #relational
A Comparison of the Use of Links and Secondary Indices in a Relational Data Base System (MS), pp. 527–531.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1975-Schkolnick #optimisation
Secondary Index Optimization (MS), pp. 186–192.
VLDBVLDB-1975-Reiter #modelling
Data Models for Secondary Storage Representations (AR), pp. 87–119.
LISPLISP-1963-Edwards #lisp
Secondary Storage in LISP (DE), p. 2.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.