Collaborated with:
Monica Abarca Carlos Saito Juan Augusto Paredes Michel Sigüenza Paul Lean Antonio Angulo
Talks about:
develop (2) altitud (2) design (2) high (2) manufactur (1) multicopt (1) hexacopt (1) consumpt (1) qualiti (1) monitor (1)
Person: Francisco Cuéllar
DBLP: Cu=eacute=llar:Francisco
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CASE-2017-AbarcaSAPC #design #development #monitoring #quality
- Design and development of an hexacopter for air quality monitoring at high altitudes (MA, CS, AA, JAP, FC), pp. 1457–1462.
- CASE-2017-ParedesSAC #energy #multi
- Study of effects of high-altitude environments on multicopter and fixed-wing UAVs' energy consumption and flight time (JAP, CS, MA, FC), pp. 1645–1650.
- CASE-2018-SiguenzaLC #design #development #hybrid #low cost
- Design and Development of a Low Cost Hybrid Sensor System for Welding Manufacturing (MS, PL, FC), pp. 574–579.