Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
Collaborated with:
M.Dionisis V.Costas
Talks about:
framework (2) scenario (2) adapt (2) bpel (2) feedback (1) resolut (1) monitor (1) integr (1) hybrid (1) execut (1)
Person: Georgiadis Panagiotis
DBLP: Panagiotis:Georgiadis
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SAC-2015-DionisisCP #adaptation #execution #feedback #framework #hybrid #monitoring #using
- A hybrid framework for WS-BPEL scenario execution adaptation, using monitoring and feedback data (MD, VC, GP), pp. 1672–1679.
- SAC-2013-DionisisCP #adaptation #exception #framework
- An integrated framework for QoS-based adaptation and exception resolution in WS-BPEL scenarios (MD, VC, GP), pp. 1900–1906.