839 papers:
CBSE-2015-RuchkinSG #abstraction #architecture #hybrid #source code- Architectural Abstractions for Hybrid Programs (IR, BRS, DG), pp. 65–74.
CASE-2015-ChenHLL #development #ontology #tool support- Development of a Hybrid-Cloud-based Wheel-Manufacturing Service with Ontology inference for machine tools (CCC, MHH, YCL, PYL), pp. 1440–1445.
CASE-2015-LennartsonBW #hybrid #optimisation #petri net- Optimization of hybrid Petri nets with shared variables (BL, KB, OW), pp. 1395–1396.
CASE-2015-MaedaK #algorithm #hybrid- Inverse kinematics solution algorithm for continuous/binary hybrid manipulator (KM, EK), pp. 483–488.
CASE-2015-NakhaeiniaPHK #architecture #hybrid #mobile #navigation- A hybrid control architecture for autonomous mobile robot navigation in unknown dynamic environment (DN, PP, TSH, BK), pp. 1274–1281.
CASE-2015-SaezMBT #analysis #hybrid #performance #realtime #simulation- Real-time hybrid simulation of manufacturing systems for performance analysis and control (MS, FPM, KB, DMT), pp. 526–531.
CASE-2015-Schwung #automaton #cyber-physical #hybrid #modelling #using- Cyber-physical modeling of compression systems using hybrid automata (AS), pp. 1125–1130.
DAC-2015-BadrTG #hybrid #synthesis- Mask assignment and synthesis of DSA-MP hybrid lithography for sub-7nm contacts/vias (YB, AT, PG), p. 6.
DAC-2015-CampbellLMC #debugging #detection #fault #hybrid #synthesis #using #validation- Hybrid quick error detection (H-QED): accelerator validation and debug using high-level synthesis principles (KAC, DL, SM, DC), p. 6.
DAC-2015-LiCSHLWY #hybrid #power management- A STT-RAM-based low-power hybrid register file for GPGPUs (GL, XC, GS, HH, YL, YW, HY), p. 6.
DAC-2015-WangLPC #automation #hybrid- Joint automatic control of the powertrain and auxiliary systems to enhance the electromobility in hybrid electric vehicles (YW, XL, MP, NC), p. 6.
DAC-2015-WenWHLHLC #framework #hybrid #scalability- An EDA framework for large scale hybrid neuromorphic computing systems (WW, CRW, XH, BL, TYH, XL, YC), p. 6.
DATE-2015-AfacanBPDB #hybrid #monte carlo- A hybrid Quasi Monte Carlo method for yield aware analog circuit sizing tool (EA, GB, AEP, GD, IFB), pp. 1225–1228.
DATE-2015-BruggerVWTK #cpu #hybrid- Reverse longstaff-schwartz american option pricing on hybrid CPU/FPGA systems (CB, JAV, NW, ST, RK), pp. 1599–1602.
DATE-2015-ChenEC #3d #hybrid- Enabling vertical wormhole switching in 3D NoC-bus hybrid systems (CC, ME, SDC), pp. 507–512.
DATE-2015-GheolbanoiuPC #adaptation #hybrid- Hybrid adaptive clock management for FPGA processor acceleration (AG, LP, SC), pp. 1359–1364.
DATE-2015-Lastras-Montano #configuration management #hybrid #memory management #named- HReRAM: a hybrid reconfigurable resistive random-access memory (MALM, AG, KTC), pp. 1299–1304.
DATE-2015-MazloumiM #hybrid #memory management #multi- A hybrid packet/circuit-switched router to accelerate memory access in NoC-based chip multiprocessors (AM, MM), pp. 908–911.
DATE-2015-RawatS #architecture #concurrent #hybrid #manycore #memory management #thread- Enabling multi-threaded applications on hybrid shared memory manycore architectures (TR, AS), pp. 742–747.
DATE-2015-XieKBWPC #design #energy #hybrid #optimisation- Efficiency-driven design time optimization of a hybrid energy storage system with networked charge transfer interconnect (QX, YK, DB, YW, MP, NC), pp. 1607–1610.
HT-2015-Laouris #hybrid- The Near Future is Hybrid (YL), p. 1.
TACAS-2015-CimattiGMT #hybrid #model checking #named #smt- HyComp: An SMT-Based Model Checker for Hybrid Systems (AC, AG, SM, ST), pp. 52–67.
TACAS-2015-JeanninGKGSZP #hybrid- A Formally Verified Hybrid System for the Next-Generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System (JBJ, KG, YK, RG, AS, EZ, AP), pp. 21–36.
TACAS-2015-KongGCC #analysis #hybrid #named- dReach: δ-Reachability Analysis for Hybrid Systems (SK, SG, WC, EMC), pp. 200–205.
FM-2015-0009ZZZ #abstraction #hybrid- Abstraction of Elementary Hybrid Systems by Variable Transformation (JL, NZ, HZ, LZ), pp. 360–377.
FM-2015-SogokonJ #hybrid #liveness #verification- Direct Formal Verification of Liveness Properties in Continuous and Hybrid Dynamical Systems (AS, PBJ), pp. 514–531.
CHI-2015-DevendorfR #configuration management #hybrid- Being the Machine: Reconfiguring Agency and Control in Hybrid Fabrication (LD, KR), pp. 2477–2486.
CHI-2015-JacobsZ #collaboration #design #hybrid #tool support- Hybrid Practice in the Kalahari: Design Collaboration through Digital Tools and Hunter-Gatherer Craft (JJ, AZ), pp. 619–628.
CHI-2015-KuznetsovDWMHP #biology #hybrid #open source #tool support- DIYbio Things: Open Source Biology Tools as Platforms for Hybrid Knowledge Production and Scientific Participation (SK, CD, NW, SM, SEH, EP), pp. 4065–4068.
CHI-2015-PerrierDDAKUJ #communication #human-computer #hybrid #women- Engaging Pregnant Women in Kenya with a Hybrid Computer-Human SMS Communication System (TP, ND, BD, RJA, JK, JU, GJS), pp. 1429–1438.
CHI-2015-WakkarySDHDZL #design #hybrid #tutorial- Tutorial Authorship and Hybrid Designers: The Joy (and Frustration) of DIY Tutorials (RW, MLS, MAD, SH, AD, XZ, HWJL), pp. 609–618.
CSCW-2015-ChengB #classification #hybrid #machine learning #named- Flock: Hybrid Crowd-Machine Learning Classifiers (JC, MSB), pp. 600–611.
CSCW-2015-HoubenFB #collaboration #hybrid- Collaborative Affordances of Hybrid Patient Record Technologies in Medical Work (SH, MF, JEB), pp. 785–797.
DHM-EH-2015-BoZDYWF #hybrid #kernel #performance #recognition #using- Hybrid BFO-PSO and Kernel FCM for the Recognition of Pilot Performance Influenced by Simulator Movement Using Diffusion Maps (JB, YBZ, LD, BTY, QW, SF), pp. 239–247.
LCT-2015-RodriguezOD #hybrid #learning #recommendation #repository #student- A Student-Centered Hybrid Recommender System to Provide Relevant Learning Objects from Repositories (PAR, DAO, NDD), pp. 291–300.
ICEIS-v1-2015-Castanon-PugaSG #algorithm #data mining #fuzzy #logic #mining #mobile #using- Hybrid-Intelligent Mobile Indoor Location Using Wi-Fi Signals — Location Method Using Data Mining Algorithms and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems (MCP, ASC, CGP, GLS, MFP, EAT), pp. 609–615.
ICEIS-v1-2015-GharbiGB #approach #configuration management #embedded #hybrid #realtime #scheduling #search-based- A Hybrid Genetic based Approach for Real-time Reconfigurable Scheduling of OS Tasks in Uniprocessor Embedded Systems (IG, HG, SB), pp. 385–390.
ICEIS-v1-2015-SilvaHL #approach #hybrid #memory management- A Hybrid Memory Data Cube Approach for High Dimension Relations (RRS, CMH, JdCL), pp. 139–149.
ICEIS-v2-2015-SmirnovP #architecture #hybrid #network #peer-to-peer #privacy #recommendation- Privacy-preserving Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Recommendation System Architecture — Locality-Sensitive Hashing in Structured Overlay Network (AVS, AP), pp. 532–542.
ICML-2015-ZhuE #approach #hybrid #probability #random #using- A Hybrid Approach for Probabilistic Inference using Random Projections (MZ, SE), pp. 2039–2047.
KDD-2015-GroverKH #hybrid- A Deep Hybrid Model for Weather Forecasting (AG, AK, EH), pp. 379–386.
MLDM-2015-GovadaJMS #approach #hybrid #induction #learning #using- Hybrid Approach for Inductive Semi Supervised Learning Using Label Propagation and Support Vector Machine (AG, PJ, SM, SKS), pp. 199–213.
RecSys-2015-Geuens #behaviour #hybrid #recommendation- Factorization Machines for Hybrid Recommendation Systems Based on Behavioral, Product, and Customer Data (SG), pp. 379–382.
RecSys-2015-KoukiFFEG #flexibility #framework #hybrid #named #probability #recommendation- HyPER: A Flexible and Extensible Probabilistic Framework for Hybrid Recommender Systems (PK, SF, JRF, ME, LG), pp. 99–106.
RecSys-2015-Santos #hybrid #recommendation- A Hybrid Recommendation System Based on Human Curiosity (AMdS), pp. 367–370.
SEKE-2015-WangG #approach #hybrid #novel #predict- A Novel Hybrid Approach for Diarrhea Prediction (YW, JG), pp. 168–173.
ECOOP-2015-Alimadadi0P #hybrid #impact analysis #javascript- Hybrid DOM-Sensitive Change Impact Analysis for JavaScript (SA, AM, KP), pp. 321–345.
SAC-2015-CapelleMHFV #hybrid #recommendation #semantics- Bing-SF-IDF+: a hybrid semantics-driven news recommender (MC, MM, FH, FF, DV), pp. 732–739.
SAC-2015-DionisisCP #adaptation #execution #feedback #framework #hybrid #monitoring #using- A hybrid framework for WS-BPEL scenario execution adaptation, using monitoring and feedback data (MD, VC, GP), pp. 1672–1679.
SAC-2015-JakobssonKS #c #hybrid #memory management #monitoring #performance- Fast as a shadow, expressive as a tree: hybrid memory monitoring for C (AJ, NK, JS), pp. 1765–1772.
SAC-2015-LeeKKE #algorithm #architecture #hybrid #memory management #named- M-CLOCK: migration-optimized page replacement algorithm for hybrid DRAM and PCM memory architecture (ML, DK, JK, YIE), pp. 2001–2006.
SAC-2015-MongioviGFPT #analysis #approach #data flow #detection #hybrid #java- Combining static and dynamic data flow analysis: a hybrid approach for detecting data leaks in java applications (MM, GG, AF, GP, ET), pp. 1573–1579.
SPLC-2015-Santos #composition #comprehension #hybrid #refactoring- Understanding hybrid SPL composition impact on the refactoring into SPL (ARS), pp. 348–351.
ASPLOS-2015-MatveevS #hardware #hybrid #memory management #scalability #transaction- Reduced Hardware NOrec: A Safe and Scalable Hybrid Transactional Memory (AM, NS), pp. 59–71.
ASPLOS-2015-SenguptaBZBK #bound #dynamic analysis #hybrid- Hybrid Static: Dynamic Analysis for Statically Bounded Region Serializability (AS, SB, MZ, MDB, MK), pp. 561–575.
CC-2015-BourkeCPPP #code generation #hybrid- A Synchronous-Based Code Generator for Explicit Hybrid Systems Languages (TB, JLC, BP, CP, MP), pp. 69–88.
HPCA-2015-MenezoPG #energy #hybrid #performance #protocol #scalability- Flask coherence: A morphable hybrid coherence protocol to balance energy, performance and scalability (LGM, VP, JÁG), pp. 198–209.
ISMM-2015-StancuWBLF #hybrid #java #memory management #performance- Safe and efficient hybrid memory management for Java (CS, CW, SB, PL, MF), pp. 81–92.
PPoPP-2015-ShiLDHJLWLZ #gpu #graph #hybrid #optimisation- Optimization of asynchronous graph processing on GPU with hybrid coloring model (XS, JL, SD, BH, HJ, LL, ZW, XL, JZ), pp. 271–272.
CADE-2015-FultonMQVP #axiom #hybrid #proving #theorem proving- KeYmaera X: An Axiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover for Hybrid Systems (NF, SM, JDQ, MV, AP), pp. 527–538.
CAV-2015-Tiwari #abstraction- Time-Aware Abstractions in HybridSal (AT), pp. 504–510.
CAV-2015-AkazakiH #hybrid #robust- Time Robustness in MTL and Expressivity in Hybrid System Falsification (TA, IH), pp. 356–374.
VMCAI-2015-PrabhakarS #abstraction #analysis #hybrid- Foundations of Quantitative Predicate Abstraction for Stability Analysis of Hybrid Systems (PP, MGS), pp. 318–335.
CASE-2014-Gao #hybrid #towards- Towards a converse Lyapunov stability theory of hybrid impulsive and switching systems (RG), pp. 425–429.
CASE-2014-GunawanNPL #hybrid #metaheuristic #polynomial #problem- Hybrid metaheuristics for solving the quadratic assignment problem and the generalized quadratic assignment problem (AG, KMN, KLP, HCL), pp. 119–124.
CASE-2014-JuZDL #bibliography #energy #hybrid- Review of structures and control of battery-supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for electric vehicles (FJ, QZ, WD, JL), pp. 143–148.
CASE-2014-KanagarajPL #algorithm #optimisation #process- Application of a hybridized cuckoo search-genetic algorithm to path optimization for PCB holes drilling process (GK, SGP, WCEL), pp. 373–378.
CASE-2014-MaTLZLD #algorithm #hybrid #optimisation #scheduling- A hybrid particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing algorithm for job-shop scheduling (PCM, FT, YL, LZ, HXL, ZD), pp. 125–130.
CASE-2014-SachsMTS #energy #hybrid- Filter-based PV power smoothing control for island hybrid energy systems with high PV penetration (JS, BM, KT, OS), pp. 872–877.
CASE-2014-WangCG #algorithm #constraints #estimation #hybrid #multi #problem #scheduling- Hybrid estimation of distribution algorithm with multiple subpopulations for semiconductor manufacturing scheduling problem with limited waiting-time constraint (HKW, CFC, MG), pp. 101–106.
DAC-2014-AhnYC #hybrid #memory management #power management- Dynamic Power Management of Off-Chip Links for Hybrid Memory Cubes (JA, SY, KC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-ChuangLJ #hybrid #synthesis- Synthesis of PCHB-WCHB Hybrid Quasi-Delay Insensitive Circuits (CCC, YHL, JHRJ), p. 6.
DAC-2014-KabirS #hybrid- Computing with Hybrid CMOS/STO Circuits (MK, MRS), p. 6.
DATE-2014-BortolottiBWRB #architecture #hybrid #manycore #memory management #power management #scalability- Hybrid memory architecture for voltage scaling in ultra-low power multi-core biomedical processors (DB, AB, CW, DR, LB), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-CastellanaTF #adaptation #configuration management #hybrid #interface #memory management- An adaptive Memory Interface Controller for improving bandwidth utilization of hybrid and reconfigurable systems (VGC, AT, FF), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-JunsangsriLH #concurrent #detection #hybrid- A hybrid non-volatile SRAM cell with concurrent SEU detection and correction (PJ, FL, JH), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-KarkarDATMY #architecture #communication #hybrid- Hybrid wire-surface wave architecture for one-to-many communication in networks-on-chip (AK, ND, RAD, KT, TSTM, AY), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-KordesVDW #detection #fault #hybrid #network #robust- Startup error detection and containment to improve the robustness of hybrid FlexRay networks (AK, BV, AKD, MGW), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-LeeA #architecture #hybrid #novel #power management #using- A novel low power 11-bit hybrid ADC using flash and delay line architectures (HCL, JAA), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-RossiTB #hybrid #optimisation #realtime- Real-time optimization of the battery banks lifetime in Hybrid Residential Electrical Systems (MR, AT, DB), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ShinPM #architecture #hybrid #using- Thermal management of batteries using a hybrid supercapacitor architecture (DS, MP, EM), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-WangLXCP #energy #hybrid- Minimizing state-of-health degradation in hybrid electrical energy storage systems with arbitrary source and load profiles (YW, XL, QX, NC, MP), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-XuB #hybrid #question- Hybrid side-channel/machine-learning attacks on PUFs: A new threat? (XX, WB), pp. 1–6.
PODS-2014-GrecoS #hybrid #query- Counting solutions to conjunctive queries: structural and hybrid tractability (GG, FS), pp. 132–143.
VLDB-2014-BoehmTRSTBV #hybrid #machine learning #parallel #scalability- Hybrid Parallelization Strategies for Large-Scale Machine Learning in SystemML (MB, ST, BR, PS, YT, DB, SV), pp. 553–564.
PEPM-J-2013-Garcia-PerezN14 #automaton #functional #hybrid #on the- On the syntactic and functional correspondence between hybrid (or layered) normalisers and abstract machines (ÁGP, PN), pp. 176–199.
PLDI-2014-ZhangMNY #analysis #bottom-up #hybrid #interprocedural #top-down- Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis (XZ, RM, MN, HY), p. 28.
AFL-2014-FernauFH #distributed #finite #hybrid- Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems of Finite Index Working in Hybrid Modes (HF, RF, MH), pp. 246–260.
ICALP-v2-2014-Parter #hybrid- Bypassing Erdős’ Girth Conjecture: Hybrid Stretch and Sourcewise Spanners (MP), pp. 608–619.
FM-2014-MitschQP #hybrid #logic #reasoning #refactoring #refinement- Refactoring, Refinement, and Reasoning — A Logical Characterization for Hybrid Systems (SM, JDQ, AP), pp. 481–496.
IFM-2014-RamsdellDGR #analysis #hybrid #protocol #security- A Hybrid Analysis for Security Protocols with State (JDR, DJD, JDG, PDR), pp. 272–287.
CSCW-2014-MaruyamaRDSF #how #hybrid #twitter- Hybrid media consumption: how tweeting during a televised political debate influences the vote decision (MM, SPR, SKD, BS, HAF), pp. 1422–1432.
DUXU-DI-2014-FrankjaerG #hybrid #network #smarttech- Wearable Networks, Creating Hybrid Spaces with Soft Circuits (TRF, DG), pp. 435–445.
DUXU-DI-2014-Schranz #artificial reality #design #hybrid #physics- Augmented Reality in Design — Thinking about Hybrid Forms of Virtual and Physical Space in Design (CS), pp. 624–635.
SCSM-2014-SakamotoN #game studies #hybrid #process #social #social media- Gamifying Social Media to Encourage Social Activities with Digital-Physical Hybrid Role-Playing (MS, TN), pp. 581–591.
HILT-2014-AhmadLBZD #behaviour #cyber-physical #hybrid #interactive #modelling- Hybrid annex: an AADL extension for continuous behavior and cyber-physical interaction modeling (EA, BRL, SCB, NZ, YD), pp. 29–38.
ICEIS-v1-2014-GuerineRP #data mining #metaheuristic #mining- Extending the Hybridization of Metaheuristics with Data Mining to a Broader Domain (MG, IR, AP), pp. 395–406.
ICEIS-v1-2014-GuilavoguiKF #hybrid- A Hybrid Strategy for Integrating Sensor Information (KG, LK, MF), pp. 281–286.
ICEIS-v2-2014-ZhengJL #hybrid #learning #taxonomy #using- Cross-Sensor Iris Matching using Patch-based Hybrid Dictionary Learning (BRZ, DYJ, YHL), pp. 169–174.
ICPR-2014-AwadCR #hybrid- A New Hybrid Texture-Perceptual Descriptor: Application CBIR (DA, VC, AR), pp. 1150–1155.
ICPR-2014-ChenCF #approach #classification #hybrid #semantics- A Hybrid Holistic/Semantic Approach for Scene Classification (ZC, ZC, HF), pp. 2299–2304.
ICPR-2014-GaoATHRE #hybrid #image #multi #segmentation- Hybrid Decision Forests for Prostate Segmentation in Multi-channel MR Images (QG, AA, TT, YH, DR, PJE), pp. 3298–3303.
ICPR-2014-KusumotoHC #hybrid #recognition- Hybrid Aggregation of Sparse Coded Descriptors for Food Recognition (RK, XHH, YWC), pp. 1490–1495.
ICPR-2014-LiCGW #hybrid #interactive #recognition #using- A Hybrid Method for Human Interaction Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Interest Points (NL, XC, HG, ZW), pp. 2513–2518.
ICPR-2014-LiZ #hybrid- A Nonlocal Filter-Based Hybrid Strategy for Depth Map Enhancement (LL, CZ), pp. 4394–4399.
ICPR-2014-PhamP #3d #hybrid #online #sequence #video- Hybrid On-Line 3D Face and Facial Actions Tracking in RGBD Video Sequences (HXP, VP), pp. 4194–4199.
ICPR-2014-SandhanC #dataset #hybrid #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Handling Imbalanced Datasets by Partially Guided Hybrid Sampling for Pattern Recognition (TS, JYC), pp. 1449–1453.
ICPR-2014-SaygiliMH14a #artificial reality #hybrid #refinement- Hybrid Kinect Depth Map Refinement for Transparent Objects (GS, LvdM, EAH), pp. 2751–2756.
ICPR-2014-SharmaCL #3d #approach #generative #hybrid #novel- Kinect-Variety Fusion: A Novel Hybrid Approach for Artifacts-Free 3DTV Content Generation (MS, SC, BL), pp. 2275–2280.
ICPR-2014-WangCH #hybrid #markov #multi #random #using #video- Wide Baseline Multi-view Video Matting Using a Hybrid Markov Random Field (TW, JPC, AH), pp. 136–141.
ICPR-2014-Xiang0L #classification #hybrid #image- Local Hybrid Coding for Image Classification (WX, JW, ML), pp. 3744–3749.
ICPR-2014-ZhangHLHZL #approach #feature model #hybrid- A Hybrid Feature Selection Approach by Correlation-Based Filters and SVM-RFE (JZ, XH, PPL, WH, YZ, HL), pp. 3684–3689.
ICPR-2014-ZhuYCTJYZ #adaptation #classification #hybrid- A Noise-Robust Adaptive Hybrid Pattern for Texture Classification (ZZ, XY, CLPC, DT, XJ, FY, JZ), pp. 1633–1638.
RecSys-2014-BraunhoferCR #hybrid #recommendation- Switching hybrid for cold-starting context-aware recommender systems (MB, VC, FR), pp. 349–352.
RecSys-2014-Vahedian #hybrid #network #recommendation- Weighted hybrid recommendation for heterogeneous networks (FV), pp. 429–432.
SIGIR-2014-PetriMC #hybrid- Score-safe term-dependency processing with hybrid indexes (MP, AM, JSC), pp. 899–902.
OOPSLA-2014-RosnerBPKAFK #bound #generative #hybrid #invariant- Bounded exhaustive test input generation from hybrid invariants (NR, VSB, PP, SAK, NA, MFF, SK), pp. 655–674.
PLATEAU-2014-KoitzS #comparison #education #empirical #hybrid #programming language #visual notation- Empirical Comparison of Visual to Hybrid Formula Manipulation in Educational Programming Languages for Teenagers (RK, WS), pp. 21–30.
LOPSTR-2014-TahatE #hybrid #protocol #self #synthesis #verification- A Hybrid Method for the Verification and Synthesis of Parameterized Self-Stabilizing Protocols (AT, AE), pp. 201–218.
QAPL-2014-Feng #distributed #hybrid #modelling #probability #using- Patch-based Hybrid Modelling of Spatially Distributed Systems by Using Stochastic HYPE — ZebraNet as an Example (CF0), pp. 64–77.
SAC-2014-AndradeRMOCFR #architecture #hybrid #performance #scheduling- Efficient dynamic scheduling of heterogeneous applications in hybrid architectures (GA, GSR, DM, RSO, EC, RF, LCdR), pp. 866–871.
SAC-2014-LiuMHHSC #algorithm #hybrid #recommendation #twitter- A hybrid algorithm for recommendation twitter peers (JNKL, ZM, YXH, YLH, SCKS, VWSC), pp. 644–649.
SAC-2014-SantosSTO #approach #hybrid #navigation- A hybrid GA-ANN approach for autonomous robots topological navigation (VdCS, DOS, CFMT, FSO), pp. 148–153.
CGO-2014-GrosserCHSV #hybrid- Hybrid Hexagonal/Classical Tiling for GPUs (TG, AC, JH, PS, SV), p. 66.
HPCA-2014-WangJXSX #adaptation #hybrid #migration #policy- Adaptive placement and migration policy for an STT-RAM-based hybrid cache (ZW, DAJ, CX, GS, YX), pp. 13–24.
PPoPP-2014-LuoLHKP #hybrid #manycore #programming #runtime- Initial study of multi-endpoint runtime for MPI+OpenMP hybrid programming model on multi-core systems (ML, XL, KH, KCK, DKP), pp. 395–396.
CAV-2014-CimattiGMT #hybrid #ltl #verification- Verifying LTL Properties of Hybrid Systems with K-Liveness (AC, AG, SM, ST), pp. 424–440.
CAV-2014-Hagemann #analysis #hybrid #orthogonal #reachability #using- Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Systems Using Symbolic Orthogonal Projections (WH), pp. 407–423.
CAV-2014-HuangFMMK #automaton #hybrid #invariant #network #verification- Invariant Verification of Nonlinear Hybrid Automata Networks of Cardiac Cells (ZH, CF, AM, SM, MZK), pp. 373–390.
ICST-2014-KimXKCR #framework #hybrid #testing- Hybrid Directed Test Suite Augmentation: An Interleaving Framework (YK, ZX, MK, MBC, GR), pp. 263–272.
IJCAR-2014-GorinPSWW #algebra #hybrid #logic #named- Cool — A Generic Reasoner for Coalgebraic Hybrid Logics (System Description) (DG, DP, LS, FW, TW), pp. 396–402.
IJCAR-2014-JeanninP #difference #hybrid #logic #named- dTL2: Differential Temporal Dynamic Logic with Nested Temporalities for Hybrid Systems (JBJ, AP), pp. 292–306.
ISSTA-2014-TrippFP #analysis #hybrid #javascript #partial evaluation #security #web- Hybrid security analysis of web JavaScript code via dynamic partial evaluation (OT, PF, MP), pp. 49–59.
DAC-2013-LinLM #analysis #hybrid #kernel #reachability #verification- Verification of digitally-intensive analog circuits via kernel ridge regression and hybrid reachability analysis (HL, PL, CJM), p. 6.
DAC-2013-MaricAV #adaptation #energy #hybrid #named #predict #reliability- APPLE: adaptive performance-predictable low-energy caches for reliable hybrid voltage operation (BM, JA, MV), p. 8.
DAC-2013-ParkKC #energy #hybrid- Hybrid energy storage systems and battery management for electric vehicles (SP, YK, NC), p. 6.
DATE-2013-AbdullaDRSZ #hybrid #liveness #memory management #safety #transaction #verification- Verifying safety and liveness for the FlexTM hybrid transactional memory (PAA, SD, AR, AS, YZ), pp. 785–790.
DATE-2013-GuoYZC #hybrid #low cost- Low cost power failure protection for MLC NAND flash storage systems with PRAM/DRAM hybrid buffer (JG, JY, YZ, YC), pp. 859–864.
DATE-2013-HuZXTS #embedded #hybrid #in memory #memory management- Software enabled wear-leveling for hybrid PCM main memory on embedded systems (JH, QZ, CJX, WCT, EHMS), pp. 599–602.
DATE-2013-LeeJS #architecture #hybrid #memory management #performance- Fast shared on-chip memory architecture for efficient hybrid computing with CGRAs (JL, YJ, SS), pp. 1575–1578.
DATE-2013-LeeWHY #3d #hybrid #named- NUMANA: a hybrid numerical and analytical thermal simulator for 3-D ICs (YML, THW, PYH, CPY), pp. 1379–1384.
DATE-2013-LiD #approach #debugging #hybrid #performance- A hybrid approach for fast and accurate trace signal selection for post-silicon debug (ML, AD), pp. 485–490.
DATE-2013-MaricAV #architecture #hybrid #performance #reliability #using- Efficient cache architectures for reliable hybrid voltage operation using EDC codes (BM, JA, MV), pp. 917–920.
DATE-2013-NoguchiNAFAKNMN #energy #hybrid #memory management #performance- D-MRAM cache: enhancing energy efficiency with 3T-1MTJ DRAM/MRAM hybrid memory (HN, KN, KA, SF, EA, KK, TN, SM, HN), pp. 1813–1818.
DATE-2013-Pham-QuocHWABB #design #hardware #hybrid- Hybrid interconnect design for heterogeneous hardware accelerators (CPQ, JH, SW, ZAA, JB, KB), pp. 843–846.
DATE-2013-SabooriA #embedded #hybrid #manycore #prototype- Hybrid prototyping of multicore embedded systems (ES, SA), pp. 1627–1630.
DATE-2013-ShafiqueVH #adaptation #hybrid #manycore #power management #self- Self-adaptive hybrid dynamic power management for many-core systems (MS, BV, JH), pp. 51–56.
DATE-2013-WangLPPC #energy #hybrid- Optimal control of a grid-connected hybrid electrical energy storage system for homes (YW, XL, MP, SP, NC), pp. 881–886.
ICDAR-2013-AlvaroSB #classification #hybrid #network #online- Classification of On-Line Mathematical Symbols with Hybrid Features and Recurrent Neural Networks (FA, JAS, JMB), pp. 1012–1016.
ICDAR-2013-ChenYL #hybrid #performance #segmentation- Hybrid Page Segmentation with Efficient Whitespace Rectangles Extraction and Grouping (KC, FY, CLL), pp. 958–962.
VLDB-2013-Bress #gpu #hybrid #performance #query #why- Why it is time for a HyPE: A Hybrid Query Processing Engine for Efficient GPU Coprocessing in DBMS (SB), pp. 1398–1403.
VLDB-2013-LiuS #database #hybrid- Hybrid Storage Management for Database Systems (XL, KS), pp. 541–552.
ICSM-2013-AsaduzzamanRSP #approach #hybrid #independence #named #source code- LHDiff: A Language-Independent Hybrid Approach for Tracking Source Code Lines (MA, CKR, KAS, MDP), pp. 230–239.
PLDI-2013-KastrinisS #analysis #context-sensitive grammar #hybrid #points-to- Hybrid context-sensitivity for points-to analysis (GK, YS), pp. 423–434.
IFM-2013-IshiiMN #automaton #calculus #hybrid #induction #verification- Inductive Verification of Hybrid Automata with Strongest Postcondition Calculus (DI, GM, SN), pp. 139–153.
DUXU-PMT-2013-GuyC #experience #hybrid #interactive- The Lack of Subjective Experience in Hybrid Intelligent Agents in Interactive Storytelling (OG, RC), pp. 74–83.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-Canter #hybrid #student- A Hybrid Model for an E-learning System Which Develops Metacognitive Skills at Students (MC), pp. 9–15.
CAiSE-2013-BakkerFV #approach #detection #hybrid #web- A Hybrid Model Words-Driven Approach for Web Product Duplicate Detection (MdB, FF, DV), pp. 149–161.
ICEIS-v1-2013-YaguinumaMSCR #fuzzy #hybrid #integration #ontology #reasoning- HyFOM Reasoner: Hybrid Integration of Fuzzy Ontology and Mamdani Reasoning (CAY, WCPMJ, MTPS, HAC, MR), pp. 370–378.
CIKM-2013-TianCZ #approach #database #hybrid #mobile #privacy #query- A hybrid approach for privacy-preserving processing of knn queries in mobile database systems (ST, YC, QZ), pp. 1161–1164.
ECIR-2013-FreireMTOC #hybrid #query #scheduling- Hybrid Query Scheduling for a Replicated Search Engine (AF, CM, NT, IO, FC), pp. 435–446.
RecSys-2013-Dooms #generative #hybrid #personalisation #recommendation- Dynamic generation of personalized hybrid recommender systems (SD), pp. 443–446.
RecSys-2013-KaminskasRS #hybrid #music #recommendation #using- Location-aware music recommendation using auto-tagging and hybrid matching (MK, FR, MS), pp. 17–24.
RecSys-2013-KhroufT #hybrid #linked data #open data #recommendation #using- Hybrid event recommendation using linked data and user diversity (HK, RT), pp. 185–192.
RecSys-2013-MouraoRKM #hybrid #recommendation- Exploiting non-content preference attributes through hybrid recommendation method (FM, LCdR, JAK, WMJ), pp. 177–184.
SEKE-2013-ZouFCZZ #hybrid #test coverage #testing- A Hybrid Coverage Criterion for DynamicWeb Testing (S) (YZ, CF, ZC, XZ, ZZ), pp. 210–213.
SIGIR-2013-LiSWH #hybrid #segmentation #twitter- Exploiting hybrid contexts for Tweet segmentation (CL, AS, JW, QH), pp. 523–532.
SIGIR-2013-SchedlS #hybrid #music #recommendation #retrieval- Hybrid retrieval approaches to geospatial music recommendation (MS, DS), pp. 793–796.
LOPSTR-2013-GonzalezIS #architecture #debugging #eclipse #hybrid- A New Hybrid Debugging Architecture for Eclipse (JG, DI, JS), pp. 183–201.
SAC-2013-AllaniGP #hybrid #named #protocol- Hyphen: a hybrid protocol for generic overlay construction in P2P environments (MA, BG, PP), pp. 423–430.
SAC-2013-FurtadoC #hybrid #middleware #network- Sensor streams middleware for easy configuration and processing in hybrid sensor network (PF, JC), pp. 1499–1504.
SAC-2013-KimM #algorithm #detection #hybrid #search-based #using- Disguised malware script detection system using hybrid genetic algorithm (JK, BRM), pp. 182–187.
SAC-2013-LeeKP #hybrid #recommendation- A tour recommendation service for electric vehicles based on a hybrid orienteering model (JL, SWK, GLP), pp. 1652–1654.
SAC-2013-LommatzschKA #hybrid #learning #modelling #recommendation #semantics- Learning hybrid recommender models for heterogeneous semantic data (AL, BK, SA), pp. 275–276.
SAC-2013-ToledoAOD #algorithm #hybrid #multi #problem #search-based- A hybrid compact genetic algorithm applied to the multi-level capacitated lot sizing problem (CFMT, MdSA, RRRdO, ACBD), pp. 200–205.
SAC-2013-ZhangL #algorithm #debugging #developer #hybrid #recommendation- A hybrid bug triage algorithm for developer recommendation (TZ, BL), pp. 1088–1094.
ICSE-2013-SharTB #hybrid #injection #mining #program analysis #sql #using- Mining SQL injection and cross site scripting vulnerabilities using hybrid program analysis (LKS, HBKT, LCB), pp. 642–651.
HPCA-2013-CragoALP #energy #hybrid #latency #parallel #robust- Hybrid latency tolerance for robust energy-efficiency on 1000-core data parallel processors (NCC, OA, SSL, SJP), pp. 294–305.
LCTES-2013-WangLWS #hybrid #memory management #named #reduction- FTL2: a hybrid flash translation layer with logging for write reduction in flash memory (TW, DL, YW, ZS), pp. 91–100.
CADE-2013-Mayer #hybrid #logic #proving #transitive- A Proof Procedure for Hybrid Logic with Binders, Transitivity and Relation Hierarchies (MCM), pp. 76–90.
CADE-2013-Sofronie-Stokkermans #generative #hybrid #parametricity #reasoning #verification- Hierarchical Reasoning and Model Generation for the Verification of Parametric Hybrid Systems (VSS), pp. 360–376.
CAV-2013-ChenAS #hybrid- Flow*: An Analyzer for Non-linear Hybrid Systems (XC, EÁ, SS), pp. 258–263.
CAV-2013-KongHSHG #generative #hybrid #safety #verification- Exponential-Condition-Based Barrier Certificate Generation for Safety Verification of Hybrid Systems (HK, FH, XS, WNNH, MG), pp. 242–257.
CAV-2013-PrabhakarS #abstraction #hybrid #model checking- Abstraction Based Model-Checking of Stability of Hybrid Systems (PP, MGS), pp. 280–295.
ICST-2013-GraslandBGP #approach #functional #hybrid #safety #testing- A Functional Testing Approach for Hybrid Safety Properties with Incomplete Information (YG, LdB, RG, IP), pp. 104–113.
ISSTA-2013-HowarGR #analysis #generative #hybrid #interface #learning- Hybrid learning: interface generation through static, dynamic, and symbolic analysis (FH, DG, ZR), pp. 268–279.
VMCAI-2013-PrabhakarDMV #hybrid- Hybrid Automata-Based CEGAR for Rectangular Hybrid Systems (PP, PSD, SM, MV), pp. 48–67.
CASE-2012-CaiL #algorithm #hybrid #multi #problem #scheduling #search-based- A hybrid genetic algorithm for resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem with resource transfer time (ZC, XL), pp. 569–574.
CASE-2012-LiuSJT #automation #hybrid #mobile- A Floyd-Dijkstra hybrid application for mobile robot path planning in life science automation (HL, NS, SJ, KT), pp. 279–284.
CASE-2012-ParkM #behaviour #bound #clustering #hybrid #linear #performance #tool support- Performance bounds for hybrid flow lines: Fundamental behavior, practical features and application to linear cluster tools (KP, JRM), pp. 371–376.
DAC-2012-BathenD #distributed #hybrid #named- HaVOC: a hybrid memory-aware virtualization layer for on-chip distributed ScratchPad and non-volatile memories (LADB, ND), pp. 447–452.
DAC-2012-DonkohLS #adaptation #design #hybrid #predict #using- A hybrid and adaptive model for predicting register file and SRAM power using a reference design (ED, AL, ES), pp. 62–67.
DAC-2012-KimLCKWYL #cpu #gpu #hybrid #in memory #memory management- Hybrid DRAM/PRAM-based main memory for single-chip CPU/GPU (DK, SL, JC, DK, DHW, SY, SL), pp. 888–896.
DAC-2012-KimPCXWP #architecture #energy #hybrid- Networked architecture for hybrid electrical energy storage systems (YK, SP, NC, QX, YW, MP), pp. 522–528.
DAC-2012-KumarGCALT #approach #cyber-physical #hybrid #verification- A hybrid approach to cyber-physical systems verification (PK, DG, SC, AA, KL, LT), pp. 688–696.
DAC-2012-MurilloEJYLA #hybrid #simulation- Synchronization for hybrid MPSoC full-system simulation (LGM, JFE, JJ, SY, RL, GA), pp. 121–126.
DAC-2012-ZhaoJDZKI #design #hybrid #multi #optimisation- A hybrid NoC design for cache coherence optimization for chip multiprocessors (HZ, OJ, WD, YZ, MTK, MJI), pp. 834–842.
DATE-2012-CampagnaV #architecture #detection #fault #hybrid #validation- An hybrid architecture to detect transient faults in microprocessors: An experimental validation (SC, MV), pp. 1433–1438.
DATE-2012-ChenCHLLPR #configuration management #design #energy #hybrid- Dynamically reconfigurable hybrid cache: An energy-efficient last-level cache design (YTC, JC, HH, BL, CL, MP, GR), pp. 45–50.
DATE-2012-JovicYMELA #hybrid #simulation- Hybrid simulation for extensible processor cores (JJ, SY, LGM, JFE, RL, GA), pp. 288–291.
DATE-2012-MasrurGCCAB #analysis #communication #cyber-physical #hybrid #protocol- Timing analysis of cyber-physical applications for hybrid communication protocols (AM, DG, SC, JJC, AA, AB), pp. 1233–1238.
DATE-2012-PanagopoulosAR #approach #framework #hybrid #simulation- A framework for simulating hybrid MTJ/CMOS circuits: Atoms to system approach (GP, CA, KR), pp. 1443–1446.
DATE-2012-PiscitelliP #analysis #design #hybrid- Design space pruning through hybrid analysis in system-level design space exploration (RP, ADP), pp. 781–786.
DATE-2012-SabryAC #approach #embedded #fault #hybrid- A hybrid HW-SW approach for intermittent error mitigation in streaming-based embedded systems (MMS, DA, FC), pp. 1110–1113.
DATE-2012-StattelmannGCBR #hybrid #modelling #simulation #using- Hybrid source-level simulation of data caches using abstract cache models (SS, GG, CC, OB, WR), pp. 376–381.
DATE-2012-WangXPKCP #energy #hybrid #migration #multi- Multiple-source and multiple-destination charge migration in hybrid electrical energy storage systems (YW, QX, MP, YK, NC, MP), pp. 169–174.
DATE-2012-XieLWPSC #energy #health #hybrid- State of health aware charge management in hybrid electrical energy storage systems (QX, XL, YW, MP, DS, NC), pp. 1060–1065.
VLDB-2012-FunkeKN #database #hybrid #transaction- Compacting Transactional Data in Hybrid OLTP & OLAP Databases (FF, AK, TN), pp. 1424–1435.
VLDB-2012-LuoLMCZ #data transformation #hybrid #named- hStorage-DB: Heterogeneity-aware Data Management to Exploit the Full Capability of Hybrid Storage Systems (TL, RL, MPM, FC, XZ), pp. 1076–1087.
VLDB-2012-RoschDHF #database- A Storage Advisor for Hybrid-Store Databases (PR, LD, GH, FF), pp. 1748–1758.
VLDB-2012-WangHLWZS #cpu #gpu #hybrid #image- Accelerating Pathology Image Data Cross-Comparison on CPU-GPU Hybrid Systems (KW, YH, RL, FW, XZ, JHS), pp. 1543–1554.
PEPM-2012-Xu #contract #hybrid- Hybrid contract checking via symbolic simplification (DNX), pp. 107–116.
PLDI-2012-HackettG #hybrid #javascript #performance #precise #type inference- Fast and precise hybrid type inference for JavaScript (BH, SyG), pp. 239–250.
PLDI-2012-LeeCFN #hybrid #named #program analysis- Chimera: hybrid program analysis for determinism (DL, PMC, JF, SN), pp. 463–474.
FLOPS-2012-RoseVS #data flow #hybrid #programming language #query- A Data Flow Language for Hybrid Query and Programming Languages (KHR, LV, NS), pp. 228–242.
FM-2012-JohnsonGMDE #case study #hybrid #verification- Satellite Rendezvous and Conjunction Avoidance: Case Studies in Verification of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems (TTJ, JG, SM, RD, RSE), pp. 252–266.
FM-2012-ZhaoZKL #approach #case study #hybrid #industrial- A “Hybrid” Approach for Synthesizing Optimal Controllers of Hybrid Systems: A Case Study of the Oil Pump Industrial Example (HZ, NZ, DK, KGL), pp. 471–485.
CHI-2012-MorrisonMRSC #approach #hybrid #mobile- A hybrid mass participation approach to mobile software trials (AM, DM, SR, SS, MC), pp. 1311–1320.
ICEIS-J-2012-KaragiannisS #approach #design #hybrid #modelling- An Engineering Approach for the Design of Hybrid Modelling Methods (DK, MS), pp. 3–17.
ICEIS-v1-2012-DomagalaWLS #energy #hybrid- A Hybrid Solver for Maximizing the Profit of an Energy Company (LD, TW, WL, MS), pp. 278–283.
ICEIS-v1-2012-Karagiannis #hybrid #modelling- Hybrid Modeling (DK).
ICEIS-v3-2012-XavierN #approach #evaluation #hybrid #information management- A Hybrid Evaluation Approach for the Emotional State of Information Systems Users (RACX, VPdAN), pp. 45–53.
CIKM-2012-SakrEH #graph #hybrid #named #query #scalability- G-SPARQL: a hybrid engine for querying large attributed graphs (SS, SE, YH), pp. 335–344.
CIKM-2012-SunWGM #hybrid #learning #rank #recommendation- Learning to rank for hybrid recommendation (JS, SW, BJG, JM), pp. 2239–2242.
CIKM-2012-XieFTCMLL #approach #hybrid #performance- A hybrid approach for efficient provenance storage (YX, DF, ZT, LC, KKMR, YL, DDEL), pp. 1752–1756.
ICML-2012-AzimiJF #hybrid #optimisation- Hybrid Batch Bayesian Optimization (JA, AJ, XZF), p. 45.
ICML-2012-Laue #algorithm #hybrid #optimisation- A Hybrid Algorithm for Convex Semidefinite Optimization (SL), p. 142.
ICML-2012-McDowellA #classification #hybrid- Semi-Supervised Collective Classification via Hybrid Label Regularization (LM, DWA), p. 162.
ICPR-2012-ClausnerAP #approach #documentation #hybrid #robust #segmentation- A robust hybrid approach for text line segmentation in historical documents (CC, AA, SP), pp. 335–338.
ICPR-2012-JetleyBKN #documentation #hybrid #image #segmentation- Two-stage hybrid binarization around fringe map based text line segmentation for document images (SJ, SB, VKK, AN), pp. 343–346.
ICPR-2012-RiechertZMK #estimation #hybrid #realtime #recursion #using- Real-time disparity estimation using line-wise hybrid recursive matching and cross-bilateral median up-sampling (CR, FZ, MM, PK), pp. 3168–3171.
KDD-2012-WuWCT #detection #hybrid #named #recommendation- HySAD: a semi-supervised hybrid shilling attack detector for trustworthy product recommendation (ZW, JW, JC, DT), pp. 985–993.
KDIR-2012-LemnaruTCP #case study #classification #detection #hybrid #network #problem- A Hybrid Solution for Imbalanced Classification Problems — Case Study on Network Intrusion Detection (CL, ATV, AC, RP), pp. 348–352.
KR-2012-Fink #hybrid- Paraconsistent Hybrid Theories (MF).
MLDM-2012-Ba-KaraitSS #classification #hybrid #optimisation #using- EEG Signals Classification Using a Hybrid Method Based on Negative Selection and Particle Swarm Optimization (NOSBK, SMS, RS), pp. 427–438.
MLDM-2012-SinghCS #approach #hybrid #performance #recognition #using- A Hybrid Approach to Increase the Performance of Protein Folding Recognition Using Support Vector Machines (LS, GC, DS), pp. 660–668.
RecSys-2012-BostandjievOH #hybrid #interactive #named #recommendation #visual notation- TasteWeights: a visual interactive hybrid recommender system (SB, JO, TH), pp. 35–42.
RecSys-2012-RibeiroLVZ #multi #recommendation- Pareto-efficient hybridization for multi-objective recommender systems (MTR, AL, AV, NZ), pp. 19–26.
SEKE-2012-LiLCZJZ #adaptation #continuation #self #verification- A HybridUML and QdL Based Verification Method for CPS Self-Adaptability (JL, BL, QC, MZ, SJ, XZ), pp. 239–242.
SEKE-2012-ZhuLLCZJ #continuation #difference #logic #using #verification- HybridUML Based Verification of CPS Using Differential Dynamic Logic (MZ, BL, JL, QC, XZ, SJ), pp. 235–238.
SIGIR-2012-YeHM #ad hoc #hybrid #information retrieval- A hybrid model for ad-hoc information retrieval (ZY, JXH, JM), pp. 1025–1026.
QAPL-2012-BortolussiGH #hybrid #modelling #network #performance- Hybrid performance modelling of opportunistic networks (LB, VG, JH), pp. 106–121.
SAC-2012-KimPJSCH #garbage collection #hybrid #named #performance- AAGC: an efficient associativity-aware garbage collection scheme for hybrid FTLs (BK, MP, CJ, COS, YC, JH), pp. 1785–1790.
SAC-2012-ParkSSP #algorithm #hybrid #in memory #memory management- PRAM wear-leveling algorithm for hybrid main memory based on data buffering, swapping, and shifting (SKP, HS, DJS, KHP), pp. 1643–1644.
FSE-2012-WangZXXM #analysis #automation #collaboration #hybrid #web- Automating presentation changes in dynamic web applications via collaborative hybrid analysis (XW, LZ, TX, YX, HM), p. 16.
HPCA-2012-YanLHLGL #architecture #hybrid #manycore #named #performance- AgileRegulator: A hybrid voltage regulator scheme redeeming dark silicon for power efficiency in a multicore architecture (GY, YL, YH, XL, MG, XL), pp. 287–298.
HPDC-2012-NicolaeC #hybrid #migration- A hybrid local storage transfer scheme for live migration of I/O intensive workloads (BN, FC), pp. 85–96.
HPDC-2012-SchendelPJBBGLLKCKRS #hybrid #optimisation #parallel #scalability- ISOBAR hybrid compression-I/O interleaving for large-scale parallel I/O optimization (ERS, SVP, JJ, DABI, ZG, SL, QL, HK, JC, SK, RBR, NFS), pp. 61–72.
LCTES-2012-LiZXH #embedded #hybrid- Compiler-assisted preferred caching for embedded systems with STT-RAM based hybrid cache (QL, MZ, CJX, YH), pp. 109–118.
PPoPP-2012-KwonJEM #approach #clustering #hybrid- A hybrid approach of OpenMP for clusters (OK, FJ, RE, SPM), pp. 75–84.
CAV-2012-HasuoS #hybrid #standard #static analysis- Exercises in Nonstandard Static Analysis of Hybrid Systems (IH, KS), pp. 462–478.
CAV-2012-Tiwari #relational- HybridSAL Relational Abstracter (AT), pp. 725–731.
ICTSS-2012-DangS #estimation #hybrid #testing- State Estimation and Property-Guided Exploration for Hybrid Systems Testing (TD, NS), pp. 152–167.
IJCAR-2012-QueselP #game studies #hybrid- Playing Hybrid Games with KeYmaera (JDQ, AP), pp. 439–453.
LICS-2012-Platzer12a #hybrid #proving- The Complete Proof Theory of Hybrid Systems (AP), pp. 541–550.
WICSA-2011-TsakirisKM #case study #evaluation #hybrid #industrial #plugin #quality- Evaluation of the Use of Quality Attribute Scenarios in a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Controls System — Industrial Case Study (AT, JK, RM), pp. 66–72.
CASE-2011-DotoliFI #first-order #hybrid #petri net- A freeway traffic control model by first order hybrid Petri nets (MD, MPF, GI), pp. 425–431.
CASE-2011-GhomriA #hybrid #petri net #using- Continuous flow systems and control methodology using Hybrid Petri nets (LG, HA), pp. 419–424.
CASE-2011-HejriG #hybrid #modelling- Hybrid modeling and control of switching DC-DC converters via MLD systems (MH, AG), pp. 714–719.
CASE-2011-ParkCH #design #hybrid- Design and control for hybrid magnetic thrust bearing for turbo refrigerant compressor (CHP, SKC, SYH), pp. 792–797.
DAC-2011-DyerMK #hybrid #modelling #process- Hybrid modeling of non-stationary process variations (ELD, MM, FK), pp. 194–199.
DAC-2011-LiuZXL #clustering #hybrid #in memory #memory management #power management- Power-aware variable partitioning for DSPs with hybrid PRAM and DRAM main memory (TL, YZ, CJX, ML), pp. 405–410.
DAC-2011-ParkYL #hybrid #in memory #memory management #power management- Power management of hybrid DRAM/PRAM-based main memory (HP, SY, SL), pp. 59–64.
DAC-2011-SaripalliMDN #energy #hybrid- An energy-efficient heterogeneous CMP based on hybrid TFET-CMOS cores (VS, AKM, SD, VN), pp. 729–734.
DATE-2011-BehrendLHRKR #embedded #hybrid #scalability #verification- Scalable hybrid verification for embedded software (JB, DL, PH, JR, TK, WR), pp. 179–184.
DATE-2011-ChangMFWHYN #architecture #hardware #hybrid #optimisation- Optimization of stateful hardware acceleration in hybrid architectures (XC, YM, HF, KW, RH, HY, TN), pp. 567–570.
DATE-2011-GoswamiSC #communication #cyber-physical #hybrid #protocol #re-engineering- Re-engineering cyber-physical control applications for hybrid communication protocols (DG, RS, SC), pp. 914–919.
DATE-2011-HaronH #fault tolerance #hybrid #low cost- Cost-efficient fault-tolerant decoder for hybrid nanoelectronic memories (NZH, SH), pp. 265–268.
DATE-2011-HuXZTS #energy #hybrid #memory management #performance #towards- Towards energy efficient hybrid on-chip Scratch Pad Memory with non-volatile memory (JH, CJX, QZ, WCT, EHMS), pp. 746–751.
DATE-2011-LiuV #analysis #generative #performance #source code #validation- Efficient validation input generation in RTL by hybridized source code analysis (LL, SV), pp. 1596–1601.
DATE-2011-MirhoseiniK #energy #hybrid #optimisation #performance- HypoEnergy. Hybrid supercapacitor-battery power-supply optimization for Energy efficiency (AM, FK), pp. 887–890.
DATE-2011-ShinKSCWP #hybrid- Battery-supercapacitor hybrid system for high-rate pulsed load applications (DS, YK, JS, NC, YW, MP), pp. 875–878.
DRR-2011-YouADRGT #automation #documentation #hybrid #identification #image #retrieval #towards- Automatic identification of ROI in figure images toward improving hybrid (text and image) biomedical document retrieval (DY, SA, DDF, MMR, VG, GRT), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-KluznerTCW #adaptation #approach #hybrid- Hybrid Approach to Adaptive OCR for Historical Books (VK, AT, DC, EW), pp. 900–904.
SIGMOD-2011-WangFGHW #declarative #hybrid #information management- Hybrid in-database inference for declarative information extraction (DZW, MJF, MNG, JMH, MLW), pp. 517–528.
VLDB-2011-GrundCM #hybrid #in memory #memory management- A Demonstration of HYRISE — A Main Memory Hybrid Storage Engine (MG, PCM, SM), pp. 1434–1437.
TACAS-2011-AnnpureddyLFS #hybrid #logic #named- S-TaLiRo: A Tool for Temporal Logic Falsification for Hybrid Systems (YA, CL, GEF, SS), pp. 254–257.
ICPC-2011-KeivanlooRC #approach #clone detection #hybrid #named #realtime- SeClone — A Hybrid Approach to Internet-Scale Real-Time Code Clone Search (IK, JR, PC), pp. 223–224.
ICALP-v2-2011-BrihayeDGORW #automaton #bound #hybrid #on the #reachability- On Reachability for Hybrid Automata over Bounded Time (TB, LD, GG, JO, JFR, JW), pp. 416–427.
ICALP-v2-2011-FischerK #calculus #hybrid #linear #model checking #μ-calculus- Model Checking the Quantitative μ-Calculus on Linear Hybrid Systems (DF, LK), pp. 404–415.
ICALP-v2-2011-SuenagaH #hybrid #modelling #programming- Programming with Infinitesimals: A While-Language for Hybrid System Modeling (KS, IH), pp. 392–403.
FM-2011-LoosPN #adaptation #distributed #hybrid- Adaptive Cruise Control: Hybrid, Distributed, and Now Formally Verified (SML, AP, LN), pp. 42–56.
SEFM-2011-EggersRNF #analysis #hybrid #satisfiability- Improving SAT Modulo ODE for Hybrid Systems Analysis by Combining Different Enclosure Methods (AE, NR, NSN, MF), pp. 172–187.
SEFM-2011-FadlisyahOA #analysis #formal method #hybrid #modelling #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Formal Modeling and Analysis of Interacting Hybrid Systems in HI-Maude (MF, PCÖ, EÁ), pp. 415–430.
SEFM-2011-MadeiraFMB #approach #hybrid #specification- Hybrid Specification of Reactive Systems: An Institutional Approach (AM, JMF, MAM, LSB), pp. 269–285.
CHI-2011-JetterGZRM #collaboration #hybrid #query- Materializing the query with facet-streams: a hybrid surface for collaborative search on tabletops (HCJ, JG, MZ, HR, NMF), pp. 3013–3022.
CSCW-2011-ZhaoLLG #approach #game studies #hybrid #internet #realtime #video- Back to the future: a hybrid approach to transparent sharing of video games over the internet in real time (SZ, DL, TL, NG), pp. 187–196.
HCI-ITE-2011-EdlingerHG #human-computer #hybrid #interface #smarttech- A Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface for Smart Home Control (GE, CH, CG), pp. 417–426.
HCI-MIIE-2011-CarrinoMKI #approach #hybrid #interactive #named #towards- ARAMIS: Toward a Hybrid Approach for Human- Environment Interaction (SC, EM, OAK, RI), pp. 165–174.
HCI-MIIE-2011-YuC #hybrid #interactive- Reacting with Care: The Hybrid Interaction Types in a Sensible Space (GJY, TWC), pp. 250–258.
HIMI-v2-2011-GonzalezGGS #hybrid #tool support #towards- Towards Argument Representational Tools for Hybrid Argumentation Systems (MPG, SG, AJG, GRS), pp. 236–245.
HIMI-v2-2011-PohlML #hybrid #learning #standard- Transforming a Standard Lecture into a Hybrid Learning Scenario (HMP, JTM, JL), pp. 55–61.
EDOC-2011-SapkotaAIS #composition #hybrid #information management #web #web service- A Simple Solution for Information Sharing in Hybrid Web Service Composition (BS, CHA, MEI, MvS), pp. 235–244.
ICEIS-v1-2011-SchrodlGLT #assessment #framework #hybrid #network #risk management- Risk Management in Supply Networks for Hybrid Value Bundles — A Risk Assessment Framework (HS, MG, LL, KT), pp. 157–162.
ICEIS-v3-2011-LuLC #hybrid- An Advanced Hybrid P2P Botnet 2.0 (TTL, HYL, MFC), pp. 273–276.
CIKM-2011-AmodeoBB #hybrid #modelling #predict- Hybrid models for future event prediction (GA, RB, UB), pp. 1981–1984.
CIKM-2011-ChenCC #framework #hybrid #network #query- Coupling or decoupling for KNN search on road networks?: a hybrid framework on user query patterns (YJC, KTC, MSC), pp. 795–804.
CIKM-2011-GhionnaGS #hybrid #named #sql- H-DB: a hybrid quantitative-structural sql optimizer (LG, GG, FS), pp. 2573–2576.
CIKM-2011-SeguelaS #hybrid #recommendation- A semi-supervised hybrid system to enhance the recommendation of channels in terms of campaign roi (JS, GS), pp. 2265–2268.
ECIR-2011-AltingovdeOCU #approach #hybrid- Second Chance: A Hybrid Approach for Dynamic Result Caching in Search Engines (ISA, RO, BBC, ÖU), pp. 510–516.
KDIR-2011-DoquireV #approach #category theory #feature model #hybrid- An Hybrid Approach to Feature Selection for Mixed Categorical and Continuous Data (GD, MV), pp. 394–401.
KEOD-2011-FrikhDO #hybrid #ontology #web- A Hybrid Method for Domain Ontology Construction from the Web (BF, ASD, BO), pp. 285–292.
MLDM-2011-LiTM #classification #hybrid #named #performance- ACE-Cost: Acquisition Cost Efficient Classifier by Hybrid Decision Tree with Local SVM Leaves (LL, UT, NDM), pp. 60–74.
SIGIR-2011-BelloginCC #analysis #hybrid #network #recommendation #self #social- Self-adjusting hybrid recommenders based on social network analysis (AB, PC, IC), pp. 1147–1148.
SIGIR-2011-BroschartS #hybrid #novel #performance #retrieval- A novel hybrid index structure for efficient text retrieval (AB, RS), pp. 1175–1176.
OOPSLA-2011-ShaliC #hybrid #partial evaluation- Hybrid partial evaluation (AS, WRC), pp. 375–390.
QAPL-2011-AssouramouD #analysis #hybrid #probability- Analysis of Non-Linear Probabilistic Hybrid Systems (JA, JD), pp. 104–119.
SAC-2011-AlencarRB #composition #evaluation #human-computer #hybrid- Composition of HCI evaluation methods for hybrid virtual environments (MFCA, ABR, SDJB), pp. 1237–1244.
SAC-2011-KienHB #algorithm #communication #hybrid #problem #search-based- New hybrid genetic algorithm for solving optimal communication spanning tree problem (PTK, NDH, HTTB), pp. 1076–1081.
SAC-2011-MonfroyCCF #adaptation- Adaptive hybridization strategies (EM, CC, BC, CF), pp. 922–923.
SAC-2011-NakajimaLYZGXYDQCG #hybrid #optimisation #using #virtual machine- Optimizing virtual machines using hybrid virtualization (JN, QL, SY, MZ, SG, MX, PY, YD, ZQ, KC, HG), pp. 573–578.
SAC-2011-SeokPP #algorithm #hybrid #in memory #memory management #migration- Migration based page caching algorithm for a hybrid main memory of DRAM and PRAM (HS, YP, KHP), pp. 595–599.
ICSE-2011-Zhang #automation #generative #hybrid #java #named #testing- Palus: a hybrid automated test generation tool for java (SZ), pp. 1182–1184.
ASPLOS-2011-DalessandroCWLMSS #case study #effectiveness #hardware #hybrid #memory management #transaction- Hybrid NOrec: a case study in the effectiveness of best effort hardware transactional memory (LD, FC, SW, YL, MM, MLS, MFS), pp. 39–52.
LCTES-2011-BenvenisteBCP #compilation #hybrid- Divide and recycle: types and compilation for a hybrid synchronous language (AB, TB, BC, MP), pp. 61–70.
CADE-2011-KlinovP #hybrid #probability #satisfiability- A Hybrid Method for Probabilistic Satisfiability (PK, BP), pp. 354–368.
CADE-2011-Platzer #difference #hybrid #logic #probability #source code- Stochastic Differential Dynamic Logic for Stochastic Hybrid Programs (AP), pp. 446–460.
CAV-2011-CimattiMT #automaton #hybrid #performance #verification- Efficient Scenario Verification for Hybrid Automata (AC, SM, ST), pp. 317–332.
CAV-2011-FrehseGDCRLRGDM #hybrid #named #scalability #verification- SpaceEx: Scalable Verification of Hybrid Systems (GF, CLG, AD, SC, RR, OL, RR, AG, TD, OM), pp. 379–395.
CAV-2011-Platzer #composition #hybrid #logic #tutorial #verification- Logic and Compositional Verification of Hybrid Systems — (Invited Tutorial) (AP), pp. 28–43.
CAV-2011-SankaranarayananT #abstraction #hybrid #relational- Relational Abstractions for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (SS, AT), pp. 686–702.
ICLP-2011-Bottalico #consistency #hybrid #simulation- Consistency Techniques for Hybrid Simulations (MB), pp. 255–260.
ICLP-2011-BrikR #hybrid- Hybrid ASP (AB, JBR), pp. 40–50.
ICLP-J-2011-SlotaLS #hybrid #knowledge base- Splitting and updating hybrid knowledge bases (MS, JL, TS), pp. 801–819.
ICST-2011-Bhattacharya #hybrid #verification- SoftwareHardware Hybrid Systems Verification (NB), pp. 435–438.
QoSA-2010-MartensAKMR #approach #component #hybrid #multi #optimisation- A Hybrid Approach for Multi-attribute QoS Optimisation in Component Based Software Systems (AM, DA, HK, RM, RHR), pp. 84–101.
CASE-2010-CaiM #analysis #approach #hybrid #industrial #process- Dwell-time approach to stability analysis for hybrid control systems: Application to an industrial refrigeration process (CC, SM), pp. 728–733.
CASE-2010-ChangJZ #assembly #hybrid- Hybrid micro assembly of microchips on segmented patterns (BC, MJ, QZ), pp. 15–20.
CASE-2010-GuerreroLBX #hybrid #state of the art- Hybrid/electric vehicle battery manufacturing: The state-of-the-art (CPAG, JL, SB, GX), pp. 281–286.
CASE-2010-IslamL #distributed #hybrid- A distributed hybrid sliding mode control system for a class of nonlinear mechanical systems (SI, PXL), pp. 356–361.
CASE-2010-JingL #assembly #hybrid #scheduling- A MILP-based batch scheduling for two-stage hybrid flowshop with sequence-dependent setups in semiconductor assembly and test manufacturing (XJ, ZL), pp. 87–92.
CASE-2010-Julius #design #hybrid- Trajectory-based controller design for hybrid systems with affine continuous dynamics (AAJ), pp. 1007–1012.
CASE-2010-WangKF #approach #assembly #hybrid #layout- A hybrid approach for dynamic assembly shop floor layout (LW, SK, HYF), pp. 604–609.
CASE-2010-WangL #3d #hybrid- Hybrid impedance control of a 3-DOF robotic arm used for rehabilitation treatment (JW, YL), pp. 768–773.
DAC-2010-Koushanfar #hybrid #network #power management- Hierarchical hybrid power supply networks (FK), pp. 629–630.
DATE-2010-BuLWCL #bound #composition #hybrid #linear #reachability- BACH 2 : Bounded reachability checker for compositional linear hybrid systems (LB, YL, LW, XC, XL), pp. 1512–1517.
DATE-2010-StrukovM #hybrid- Monolithically stackable hybrid FPGA (DBS, AM), pp. 661–666.
DATE-2010-TotaCRRZ #architecture #hybrid #message passing #multi #named- MEDEA: a hybrid shared-memory/message-passing multiprocessor NoC-based architecture (ST, MRC, MRR, LR, MZ), pp. 45–50.
DocEng-2010-CahierMZ #documentation #hybrid #modelling #semantics #web- Document and item-based modeling: a hybrid method for a socio-semantic web (JPC, XM, LZ), pp. 243–246.
DRR-2010-AwalMV #classification #hybrid #recognition- A hybrid classifier for handwritten mathematical expression recognition (AMA, HM, CVG), pp. 1–10.
HT-2010-ZhangQHJWHHJ #approach #collaboration #hybrid #identification #web- Collaborative identification and annotation of government deep web resources: a hybrid approach (PZ, YQ, CH, PTJ, JW, WSH, JEH, XJ), pp. 285–286.
VLDB-2011-GrundKPZCM10 #hybrid #in memory #memory management #named- HYRISE — A Main Memory Hybrid Storage Engine (MG, JK, HP, AZ, PCM, SM), pp. 105–116.
CSMR-2010-MaiaBFG #hybrid #impact analysis #object-oriented- The Hybrid Technique for Object-Oriented Software Change Impact Analysis (MCOM, RAB, JCAdF, DDSG), pp. 252–255.
SAS-2010-MatringeMR #algebra #generative #hybrid #invariant #linear- Generating Invariants for Non-linear Hybrid Systems by Linear Algebraic Methods (NM, AVM, RR), pp. 373–389.
DLT-2010-CarpiD #hybrid #on the #problem- On the Hybrid Cerný-Road Coloring Problem and Hamiltonian Paths (AC, FD), pp. 124–135.
IFM-2010-FranzleTE #hybrid #probability #smt- Satisfaction Meets Expectations — Computing Expected Values of Probabilistic Hybrid Systems with SMT (MF, TT, AE), pp. 168–182.
CHI-2010-CaoVI #hybrid #performance- Comparing user performance with single-finger, whole-hand, and hybrid pointing devices (XC, NV, SI), pp. 1643–1646.
CHI-2010-EngstromJPB #realtime- Temporal hybridity: footage with instant replay in real time (AE, OJ, MJP, MB), pp. 1495–1504.
CHI-2010-LiaoLLW #fine-grained #gesture #hybrid #interactive #named- Pacer: fine-grained interactive paper via camera-touch hybrid gestures on a cell phone (CL, QL, BL, LW), pp. 2441–2450.
EDOC-2010-NarmanBKJ #analysis #hybrid #modelling #probability #quality #relational- Hybrid Probabilistic Relational Models for System Quality Analysis (PN, MB, JK, PJ), pp. 57–66.
CIKM-2010-GemmellSMB #hybrid #recommendation #social- Hybrid tag recommendation for social annotation systems (JG, TS, BM, RDB), pp. 829–838.
CIKM-2010-KaliciakSWP #hybrid #image #novel #retrieval- Novel local features with hybrid sampling technique for image retrieval (LK, DS, NW, JP), pp. 1557–1560.
CIKM-2010-PavlovGB #hybrid #named #scalability- BagBoo: a scalable hybrid bagging-the-boosting model (DYP, AG, CAB), pp. 1897–1900.
ICPR-2010-BastanlarTYS #effectiveness #hybrid- Effective Structure-from-Motion for Hybrid Camera Systems (YB, AT, YY, PFS), pp. 1654–1657.
ICPR-2010-ChenWJ #hybrid #robust- Robust Frame-to-Frame Hybrid Matching (LC, ZW, YJ), pp. 1019–1022.
ICPR-2010-ChoPPKKALL #hybrid #segmentation #using- Level-Set Segmentation of Brain Tumors Using a New Hybrid Speed Function (WC, JP, SYP, SHK, SWK, GA, MEL, GL), pp. 1545–1548.
ICPR-2010-KimYJS #estimation #hybrid #robust #visual notation- Receding Horizon Estimation for Hybrid Particle Filters and Application for Robust Visual Tracking (DYK, EY, MJ, VS), pp. 3508–3512.
ICPR-2010-LiuZYL #hybrid #image #performance- A Fast Image Inpainting Method Based on Hybrid Similarity-Distance (JL, SZ, WY, HL), pp. 4432–4435.
ICPR-2010-SakarK #analysis #canonical #correlation #feature model #hybrid- A Hybrid Method for Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information and Canonical Correlation Analysis (COS, OK), pp. 4360–4363.
KEOD-2010-NirenburgMBC #elicitation #hybrid- Hybrid Methods of Knowledge Elicitation within a Unified Representational Knowledge Scheme (SN, MM, SB, RC), pp. 177–182.
RecSys-2010-MarxHM #algorithm #comprehension #hybrid #recommendation- Increasing consumers’ understanding of recommender results: a preference-based hybrid algorithm with strong explanatory power (PM, THT, AM), pp. 297–300.
RecSys-2010-Said #hybrid #identification #recommendation- Identifying and utilizing contextual data in hybrid recommender systems (AS), pp. 365–368.
LOPSTR-2010-Vidal #approach #hybrid #logic programming #partial evaluation #source code- A Hybrid Approach to Conjunctive Partial Evaluation of Logic Programs (GV), pp. 200–214.
PADL-2010-GomesAS #hybrid #implementation #knowledge base #query- Implementing Query Answering for Hybrid MKNF Knowledge Bases (ASG, JJA, TS), pp. 25–39.
SAC-2010-AraujoOS #hybrid #quantum- Hybrid evolutionary quantum inspired method to adjust time phase distortions in financial time series (RdAA, ALIdO, SCBS), pp. 1153–1154.
SAC-2010-DuraoD #hybrid #personalisation #recommendation- Extending a hybrid tag-based recommender system with personalization (FAD, PD), pp. 1723–1727.
SAC-2010-KaoLW #approach #hybrid #novel- Expert finding in question-answering websites: a novel hybrid approach (WCK, DRL, SWW), pp. 867–871.
SAC-2010-KimKPT #framework #hybrid #realtime #scheduling- Integrating real-time hybrid task scheduling into a sensor node platform (TK, BK, EKP, ST), pp. 737–741.
SAC-2010-LeePKKS #hybrid #network #policy #retrieval- A hybrid prefetch policy for the retrieval of link-associated information on vehicular networks (JL, GLP, SWK, HJK, SYS), pp. 189–193.
SAC-2010-SchutzC #approach #fault tolerance #hybrid #multi #network #optimisation- A multi-objective optimization approach for fault-tolerance provisioning in multi-radio hybrid wireless-optical broadband access networks (GS, NSCC), pp. 635–640.
SAC-2010-SillaKK #automation #classification #hybrid #music- Improving automatic music genre classification with hybrid content-based feature vectors (CNSJ, ALK, CAAK), pp. 1702–1707.
ICSE-2010-Bodden #analysis #hybrid #performance #type system- Efficient hybrid typestate analysis by determining continuation-equivalent states (EB), pp. 5–14.
ICSE-2010-WuGAK #approach #evolution #framework #hybrid #identification #named- AURA: a hybrid approach to identify framework evolution (WW, YGG, GA, MK), pp. 325–334.
SPLC-2010-ZhangJ #approach #feature model #hybrid #programming- A Hybrid Approach to Feature-Oriented Programming in XVCL (HZ, SJ), pp. 440–445.
CGO-2010-JungMO #compilation #framework #hybrid #java #optimisation- Hybrid Java compilation and optimization for digital TV software platform (DHJ, SMM, HSO), pp. 73–81.
HPCA-2010-SunJCNXCL #architecture #energy #hybrid #performance- A Hybrid solid-state storage architecture for the performance, energy consumption, and lifetime improvement (GS, YJ, YC, DN, YX, YC, HL), pp. 1–12.
HPDC-2010-KimKJP #adaptation #framework #hybrid- Exploring application and infrastructure adaptation on hybrid grid-cloud infrastructure (HK, YEK, SJ, MP), pp. 402–412.
HPDC-2010-KrampeLS #hybrid #markov #parallel- A hybrid Markov chain model for workload on parallel computers (AK, JL, WS), pp. 589–596.
PPoPP-2010-MarjanovicLAV #communication #effectiveness #hybrid- Effective communication and computation overlap with hybrid MPI/SMPSs (VM, JL, EA, MV), pp. 337–338.
CAV-2010-Donze #hybrid #parametricity #synthesis #verification- Breach, A Toolbox for Verification and Parameter Synthesis of Hybrid Systems (AD), pp. 167–170.
CAV-2010-MariMST #feedback #hybrid #linear #synthesis- Synthesis of Quantized Feedback Control Software for Discrete Time Linear Hybrid Systems (FM, IM, IS, ET), pp. 180–195.
CAV-2010-ZhangSRHH #hybrid #probability #safety #verification- Safety Verification for Probabilistic Hybrid Systems (LZ, ZS, SR, HH, EMH), pp. 196–211.
CSL-2010-Platzer #difference #distributed #hybrid #logic #quantifier- Quantified Differential Dynamic Logic for Distributed Hybrid Systems (AP), pp. 469–483.
IJCAR-2010-KaminskiS #hybrid #logic- Terminating Tableaux for Hybrid Logic with Eventualities (MK, GS), pp. 240–254.
IJCAR-2010-MayerC #hybrid #logic #proving- Herod and Pilate: Two Tableau Provers for Basic Hybrid Logic (MCM, SC), pp. 255–262.
VMCAI-2010-BuZL #automaton #hybrid #programming #reachability #using #verification- Path-Oriented Reachability Verification of a Class of Nonlinear Hybrid Automata Using Convex Programming (LB, JZ, XL), pp. 78–94.
CASE-2009-MitraS #automaton #composition #hybrid- Hybrid Input Output Automata for composable conveyor systems (SM, SS), p. 29.
DAC-2009-BorgstromHWADCMCN #hardware #hybrid #prototype #question- System prototypes: virtual, hardware or hybrid? (TB, EH, RW, DA, AD, RC, OM, CC, AN), pp. 1–3.
DAC-2009-ChangMR #architecture #hybrid #process #video- A voltage-scalable & process variation resilient hybrid SRAM architecture for MPEG-4 video processors (IJC, DM, KR), pp. 670–675.
DAC-2009-DhimanAR #hybrid #in memory #memory management #named- PDRAM: a hybrid PRAM and DRAM main memory system (GD, RZA, TR), pp. 664–469.
DAC-2009-GlassLTBC #analysis #architecture #design #encoding #hybrid #network- Designing heterogeneous ECU networks via compact architecture encoding and hybrid timing analysis (MG, ML, JT, UDB, SC), pp. 43–46.
DAC-2009-LiFMSVFPS #hybrid #named #network- Spectrum: a hybrid nanophotonic-electric on-chip network (ZL, DF, ARM, LS, MV, DF, WP, YS), pp. 575–580.
DATE-2009-ModarressiSA #hybrid #network- A hybrid packet-circuit switched on-chip network based on SDM (MM, HSA, MA), pp. 566–569.
DATE-2009-WuLZSX #hybrid #performance- Power and performance of read-write aware Hybrid Caches with non-volatile memories (XW, JL, LZ, ES, YX), pp. 737–742.
DATE-2009-ZhuSJ #architecture #cpu #hybrid #realtime #scheduling #streaming- Buffer minimization of real-time streaming applications scheduling on hybrid CPU/FPGA architectures (JZ, IS, AJ), pp. 1506–1511.
DocEng-2009-KuttyNL #approach #clustering #documentation #hybrid #named #performance #xml- HCX: an efficient hybrid clustering approach for XML documents (SK, RN, YL), pp. 94–97.
ICDAR-2009-Smith #analysis #detection #hybrid #layout- Hybrid Page Layout Analysis via Tab-Stop Detection (RWS), pp. 241–245.
VLDB-2009-AbouzeidBARS #architecture #hybrid #named #pipes and filters- HadoopDB: An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads (AA, KBP, DJA, AR, AS), pp. 922–933.
ITiCSE-2009-ErnstSW #data type #evolution #hybrid- Hybrid and custom data structures: evolution of the data structures course (DJE, DES, PJW), pp. 213–217.
FoSSaCS-2009-MyersPS #algebra #hybrid #logic- Coalgebraic Hybrid Logic (RSRM, DP, LS), pp. 137–151.
TACAS-2009-PlakuKV #hybrid #ltl #safety- Falsification of LTL Safety Properties in Hybrid Systems (EP, LEK, MYV), pp. 368–382.
ICSM-2009-DongG #comprehension #hybrid #using- Understanding source package organization using the hybrid model (XD, MWG), pp. 575–578.
CHI-2009-KolevaESGGRD #case study #experience #hybrid- Supporting the creation of hybrid museum experiences (BK, SRE, HS, KG, CG, TR, MDR), pp. 1973–1982.
HCI-AUII-2009-SuedaIMR #communication #hybrid #physics- Communication Grill/Salon: Hybrid Physical/Digital Artifacts for Stimulating Spontaneous Real World Communication (KS, KI, TM, JR), pp. 526–535.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-Jou #algorithm #hybrid #mining- A Projection-based Hybrid Sequential Patterns Mining Algorithm (CJ), pp. 152–157.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-ZanchettinL #design #hybrid #network #optimisation- Hybrid Optimization Technique for Artificial Neural Networks Design (CZ, TBL), pp. 242–247.
ICEIS-J-2009-ChenPZQ #case study #hybrid- A Study of Indexing Strategies for Hybrid Data Spaces (CC, SP, QZ, GQ), pp. 149–159.
ICEIS-J-2009-MohebiS #ambiguity #analysis #clustering #detection #hybrid #network #using- An Optimized Hybrid Kohonen Neural Network for Ambiguity Detection in Cluster Analysis Using Simulated Annealing (EM, MNMS), pp. 389–401.
CIKM-2009-GobelHNB #hybrid- A hybrid index structure for geo-textual searches (RG, AH, RN, DB), pp. 1625–1628.
KDD-2009-FrenoTG #estimation #hybrid #pseudo #random #scalability- Scalable pseudo-likelihood estimation in hybrid random fields (AF, ET, MG), pp. 319–328.
KEOD-2009-CardilloTS #hybrid #information management- A Hybrid Methodology for Consumer-oriented Healthcare Knowledge Acquisition (EC, AT, LS), pp. 64–71.
KEOD-2009-GrozaH #approach #hybrid #metadata #towards- A Hybrid Approach Towards Information Expansion based on Shallow and Deep Metadata (TG, SH), pp. 109–116.
RecSys-2009-GunawardanaM #approach #hybrid #recommendation- A unified approach to building hybrid recommender systems (AG, CM), pp. 117–124.
SEKE-2009-LinWK #algorithm #feature model #hybrid #novel- A Novel Hybrid Search Algorithm for Feature Selection (PL, HW, TMK), pp. 81–86.
ECMDA-FA-2009-CharfiSS #editing #hybrid #uml #visual notation- A Hybrid Graphical and Textual Notation and Editor for UML Actions (AC, AS, AS), pp. 237–252.
PPDP-2009-FeltyM #hybrid #reasoning- Reasoning with hypothetical judgments and open terms in hybrid (APF, AM), pp. 83–92.
HPCA-2009-EbrahimiMP #data type #hybrid #linked data #open data- Techniques for bandwidth-efficient prefetching of linked data structures in hybrid prefetching systems (EE, OM, YNP), pp. 7–17.
CAV-2009-BouissouGPTV #named #source code- HybridFluctuat: A Static Analyzer of Numerical Programs within a Continuous Environment (OB, EG, SP, KT, FV), pp. 620–626.
CAV-2009-CimattiRT #hybrid #requirements #validation- Requirements Validation for Hybrid Systems (AC, MR, ST), pp. 188–203.
CAV-2009-GuernicG #analysis #hybrid #reachability #using- Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Systems Using Support Functions (CLG, AG), pp. 540–554.
MBT-2009-AichernigBW #consistency #hybrid #modelling #reasoning #testing- Conformance Testing of Hybrid Systems with Qualitative Reasoning Models (BKA, HB, FW), pp. 53–69.
SAT-2009-Chen #hybrid #reasoning #satisfiability- Building a Hybrid SAT Solver via Conflict-Driven, Look-Ahead and XOR Reasoning Techniques (JC), pp. 298–311.
TAP-2009-RatschanS #fault #hybrid #optimisation #quality- Finding Errors of Hybrid Systems by Optimising an Abstraction-Based Quality Estimate (SR, JGS), pp. 153–168.
VMCAI-2009-JurdzinskiLR #automaton #game studies #hybrid- Average-Price-per-Reward Games on Hybrid Automata with Strong Resets (MJ, RL, MR), pp. 167–181.
CASE-2008-AdamekSS #hybrid #nondeterminism #probability- Stochastic optimal control for hybrid systems with uncertain discrete dynamics (FA, MS, OS), pp. 23–28.
CASE-2008-DasSPS #aspect-oriented #assembly #hybrid #on the #precise- On the precision alignment and hybrid assembly aspects in manufacturing of a microspectrometer (AND, JS, DOP, HES), pp. 959–966.
CASE-2008-DotoliFM #automation #fault #first-order #hybrid #monitoring #petri net- Fault monitoring of automated manufacturing systems by first order hybrid Petri nets (MD, MPF, AMM), pp. 181–186.
CASE-2008-GiglioMSS #hybrid #optimisation- Optimization of inventory levels and production effort in Hybrid Inventory-Production (HIP) systems (DG, RM, SS, SS), pp. 8–15.
CASE-2008-TeoP #heuristic #hybrid #layout #problem- A hybrid ACO/PSO heuristic to solve single row layout problem (YTT, SGP), pp. 597–602.
DAC-2008-BalkanQV #hybrid #network #parallel- An area-efficient high-throughput hybrid interconnection network for single-chip parallel processing (AOB, GQ, UV), pp. 435–440.
DAC-2008-GaoKKLAM #estimation #hybrid #multi #performance #simulation #using- Multiprocessor performance estimation using hybrid simulation (LG, KK, SK, RL, GA, HM), pp. 325–330.
DRR-2008-KimLT #approach #hybrid #identification #statistics- Hybrid approach combining contextual and statistical information for identifying MEDLINE citation terms (ICK, DXL, GRT), p. 68150.
ESOP-2008-BouissouM #hybrid #semantics- A Hybrid Denotational Semantics for Hybrid Systems (OB, MM), pp. 63–77.
TACAS-2008-SankaranarayananDI #hybrid #model checking #using- Symbolic Model Checking of Hybrid Systems Using Template Polyhedra (SS, TD, FI), pp. 188–202.
PASTE-2008-ZhangLGZ #approach #effectiveness #hybrid #identification- Effective identification of failure-inducing changes: a hybrid approach (SZ, YL, ZG, JZ), pp. 77–83.
WCRE-2008-GhanbariCA #analysis #aspectj #hybrid #java #query #source code- A Hybrid Query Engine for the Structural Analysis of Java and AspectJ Programs (HG, CC, VA), pp. 133–137.
ICALP-B-2008-VladimerouPVD #hybrid- STORMED Hybrid Systems (VV, PP, MV, GED), pp. 136–147.
LATA-2008-AlhazovCMR #hybrid #network- About Universal Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors of Small Size (AA, ECV, CMV, YR), pp. 28–39.
LATA-2008-PhuongHRV #approach #hybrid #segmentation #word- A Hybrid Approach to Word Segmentation of Vietnamese Texts (HPL, NTMH, AR, HTV), pp. 240–249.
SEFM-2008-BartheKPS #hybrid #proving #verification- Preservation of Proof Pbligations for Hybrid Verification Methods (GB, CK, DP, JSF), pp. 127–136.
SFM-2008-BortolussiP #biology #hybrid- Hybrid Systems and Biology (LB, AP), pp. 424–448.
IFL-2008-GiorgidzeN #functional #haskell #hybrid #modelling- Embedding a Functional Hybrid Modelling Language in Haskell (GG, HN), pp. 138–155.
CSCW-2008-LindtnerNWMJL #hybrid- A hybrid cultural ecology: world of warcraft in China (SL, BAN, YW, SDM, HJ, WL), pp. 371–382.
CSCW-2008-TabardME #collaboration #evolution #hybrid- From individual to collaborative: the evolution of prism, a hybrid laboratory notebook (AT, WEM, EE), pp. 569–578.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-PanahiT #clustering #hybrid #performance #problem- An Efficient Hybrid Method for Clustering Problems (HP, RTM), pp. 288–294.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-BainaT #algorithm #graph #hybrid #towards #verification #workflow- Toward a Hybrid Algorithm for Workflow Graph Structural Verification (FT, KB, WG), pp. 442–447.
ICEIS-J-2008-PapatheocharousA08a #algorithm #approach #hybrid #modelling #network #predict #search-based #using- Hybrid Computational Models for Software Cost Prediction: An Approach Using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (EP, ASA), pp. 87–100.
CIKM-2008-WangTL #hybrid #named #ranking #scalability #towards- CE2: towards a large scale hybrid search engine with integrated ranking support (HW, TT, CL), pp. 1323–1324.
ECIR-2008-VanB #hybrid #library #personalisation- Hybrid Method for Personalized Search in Digital Libraries (TTV, MB), pp. 647–651.
ICPR-2008-Abd-AlmageedASD #classification #hybrid #using- Document-zone classification using partial least squares and hybrid classifiers (WAA, MA, WS, DSD), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-DelayeMA #fuzzy #hybrid #online #recognition #statistics- Hybrid statistical-structural on-line Chinese character recognition with fuzzy inference system (AD, SM, ÉA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GeorgeKK #classification #hybrid- Hybrid wavelet support vector classification of temporal bone abnormalities (JG, STK, RK), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SerCY #classification #hybrid #recognition #speech- A Hybrid PNN-GMM classification scheme for speech emotion recognition (WS, LC, ZLY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SinghNGBSP #hybrid #random #using- Hybrid SVM — Random Forest classication system for oral cancer screening using LIF spectra (RKS, SKN, LG, SB, CS, KMP), pp. 1–4.
LOPSTR-2008-BandaG #analysis #hybrid #linear- Analysis of Linear Hybrid Systems in CLP (GB, JPG), pp. 55–70.
SAC-2008-CorreaL #documentation #hybrid #semantics- Semantic mapping and K-means applied to hybrid SOM-based document organization system construction (RFC, TBL), pp. 1112–1116.
SAC-2008-Ercan #comparison #hybrid #multi #performance #scheduling- A performance comparison of PSO and GA in scheduling hybrid flow-shops with multiprocessor tasks (MFE), pp. 1767–1771.
SAC-2008-ErdilL #grid #hybrid #scheduling #self- Supporting self-organization for hybrid grid resource scheduling (DCE, MJL), pp. 1981–1986.
SAC-2008-GuiFSB #component #configuration management #embedded #hybrid #realtime- A hybrid real-time component model for reconfigurable embedded systems (NG, VDF, HS, CB), pp. 1590–1596.
SAC-2008-LuCL #embedded #hybrid #self- A hybrid software-based self-testing methodology for embedded processor (THL, CHC, KJL), pp. 1528–1534.
SAC-2008-ParkLLP #architecture #file system #hybrid #memory management #named #ram #scalability- PFFS: a scalable flash memory file system for the hybrid architecture of phase-change RAM and NAND flash (YP, SHL, CL, KHP), pp. 1498–1503.
SAC-2008-PereiraAGS #architecture #configuration management #hybrid #using- Using traditional loop unrolling to fit application on a new hybrid reconfigurable architecture (MMP, SRFdA, BCdO, ISS), pp. 1552–1553.
SAC-2008-Schneider #analysis #hybrid #reachability- Reachability analysis of generalized polygonal hybrid systems (GS), pp. 327–332.
SAC-2008-SobralB #hybrid #mobile #realtime- A wireless hybrid contention/TDMA-based MAC for real-time mobile application (MMS, LBB), pp. 284–288.
SAC-2008-TaghipourK #hybrid #recommendation #web- A hybrid web recommender system based on Q-learning (NT, AAK), pp. 1164–1168.
ICSE-2008-McCafferyPR #agile #assessment #hybrid #named #safety- Ahaa — agile, hybrid assessment method for automotive, safety critical smes (FM, MP, IR), pp. 551–560.
CAV-2008-GulwaniT #analysis #approach #constraints #hybrid- Constraint-Based Approach for Analysis of Hybrid Systems (SG, AT), pp. 190–203.
CAV-2008-KobayashiS #hybrid #mobile #process #type system- A Hybrid Type System for Lock-Freedom of Mobile Processes (NK, DS), pp. 80–93.
CAV-2008-PlatzerC #difference #hybrid #invariant- Computing Differential Invariants of Hybrid Systems as Fixedpoints (AP, EMC), pp. 176–189.
ICLP-2008-Cipriano #constraints #modelling #on the #programming #tool support- On the Hybridization of Constraint Programming and Local Search Techniques: Models and Software Tools (RC), pp. 803–804.
IJCAR-2008-KaminskiS #difference #hybrid #logic- Terminating Tableaux for Hybrid Logic with the Difference Modality and Converse (MK, GS), pp. 210–225.
IJCAR-2008-PlatzerQ #hybrid #named #proving #theorem proving- KeYmaera: A Hybrid Theorem Prover for Hybrid Systems (System Description) (AP, JDQ), pp. 171–178.
SAT-2008-LetombeM #algorithm #hybrid #incremental #satisfiability- Improvements to Hybrid Incremental SAT Algorithms (FL, JMS), pp. 168–181.
TestCom-FATES-2008-DangN #generative #hybrid #testing #using- Using Disparity to Enhance Test Generation for Hybrid Systems (TD, TN), pp. 54–69.
VMCAI-2008-SohailSR #algorithm #game studies #hybrid #ltl- A Hybrid Algorithm for LTL Games (SS, FS, KR), pp. 309–323.
CASE-2007-JiangLCHHS #automation #development #framework- Development of Whole Human Genome Micro-array Automated Hybridization Platform (JYJ, KHL, CCC, JLH, CHH, HJS), pp. 640–645.
CASE-2007-NguyenCYD #hybrid- Motion Control of a Robotic Puppet through a Hybrid Motion Capture Device (KDN, IMC, SHY, HBLD), pp. 753–758.
CASE-2007-YogeswaranPT #algorithm #heuristic #hybrid #problem #search-based #using- An hybrid heuristic using genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm to solve machine loading problem in FMS (MY, SGP, MKT), pp. 182–187.
CASE-2007-ZhangBGL #feature model #hybrid #monitoring- A Hybrid Model with a Weighted Voting Scheme for Feature Selection in Machinery Condition Monitoring (KZ, ADB, FG, YL), pp. 424–429.
DAC-2007-DadgourB #analysis #design #hybrid #power management- Design and Analysis of Hybrid NEMS-CMOS Circuits for Ultra Low-Power Applications (HFD, KB), pp. 306–311.
DAC-2007-GhodratLR #analysis #estimation #hybrid #using- Accelerating System-on-Chip Power Analysis Using Hybrid Power Estimation (MAG, KL, AR), pp. 883–886.
DAC-2007-ZhangSJ #architecture #configuration management #design #hybrid #named #optimisation- NanoMap: An Integrated Design Optimization Flow for a Hybrid Nanotube/CMOS Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture (WZ, LS, NKJ), pp. 300–305.
DAC-2007-ZhouLS #bound #embedded #hybrid #multi #performance #using- Fast Capacitance Extraction in Multilayer, Conformal and Embedded Dielectric using Hybrid Boundary Element Method (NYZ, ZL, WS), pp. 835–840.
DAC-2007-ZhuoCLC #hybrid #power management- Dynamic Power Management with Hybrid Power Sources (JZ, CC, KL, NC), pp. 871–876.
DATE-2007-BauerPT #analysis #hybrid #modelling- Tool-support for the analysis of hybrid systems and models (AB, MP, MT), pp. 924–929.
DATE-2007-FangH #hybrid #performance #satisfiability- A new hybrid solution to boost SAT solver performance (LF, MSH), pp. 1307–1313.
ICDAR-2007-AssabieB #hybrid #recognition #robust- A Hybrid System for Robust Recognition of Ethiopic Script (YA, JB), pp. 556–560.
ICDAR-2007-KeshariW #hybrid #recognition #using- Hybrid Mathematical Symbol Recognition Using Support Vector Machines (BK, SMW), pp. 859–863.
ICDAR-2007-ToujAA07a #approach #hybrid #markov #modelling #recognition- A hybrid approach for off-line Arabic handwriting recognition based on a Planar Hidden Markov modeling (SMT, NEBA, HA), pp. 964–968.
SIGMOD-2007-MoroLC #hybrid- Schema advisor for hybrid relational-XML DBMS (MMM, LL, YCC), pp. 959–970.
ICPC-2007-Godfrey #hybrid #object-oriented #reverse engineering- A Hybrid Program Model for Object-Oriented Reverse Engineering (MWG), pp. 81–90.
CIAA-J-2006-BordihnHK07 #automaton #finite #hybrid- Hybrid Extended Finite Automata (HB, MH, MK), pp. 745–760.
DHM-2007-WangYHWJJLZ #classification #hybrid- A Hybrid AB-RBF Classifier for Surface Electromyography Classification (RW, YY, XH, FW, DJ, XJ, FL, JZ), pp. 727–735.
HIMI-MTT-2007-NoorinaeiniLW #classification #composition #hybrid- Hybrid Singular Value Decomposition: A Model of Human Text Classification (AN, MRL, SjW), pp. 517–525.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-CuellarDP #algorithm #hybrid #network #problem- Problems and Features of Evolutionary Algorithms to Build Hybrid Training Methods for Recurrent Neural Networks (MPC, MD, MdCPJ), pp. 204–211.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-GorawskiF #hybrid #named- STAH-TREE: Hybrid index for spatio temporal aggregation (MG, MF), pp. 113–118.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-LazanasKK #hybrid #policy #recommendation #web #web service- Applying Hybrid Recommendation Policies through Agent-Invoked Web Services in E-Markets (AL, NIK, VK), pp. 161–166.
CIKM-2007-PaltoglouSS #hybrid- Hybrid results merging (GP, MS, MS), pp. 321–330.
ICML-2007-GriraH #clustering #heuristic- Best of both: a hybridized centroid-medoid clustering heuristic (NG, MEH), pp. 313–320.
ICML-2007-WangZZ #array #classification #hybrid- Hybrid huberized support vector machines for microarray classification (LW, JZ, HZ), pp. 983–990.
KDD-2007-DruckPMZ #classification #generative #hybrid- Semi-supervised classification with hybrid generative/discriminative methods (GD, CP, AM, XZ), pp. 280–289.
KDD-2007-JanssensGM #analysis #clustering #hybrid #mining- Dynamic hybrid clustering of bioinformatics by incorporating text mining and citation analysis (FALJ, WG, BDM), pp. 360–369.
MLDM-2007-AburtoW #hybrid #predict- A Sequential Hybrid Forecasting System for Demand Prediction (LA, RW), pp. 518–532.
MLDM-2007-GomezF #2d #algorithm #evolution #hybrid #image #learning- A Hybrid Algorithm Based on Evolution Strategies and Instance-Based Learning, Used in Two-Dimensional Fitting of Brightness Profiles in Galaxy Images (JCG, OF), pp. 716–726.
MLDM-2007-Lehmann #hybrid #learning #ontology- Hybrid Learning of Ontology Classes (JL), pp. 883–898.
RecSys-2007-ChenP #evaluation #hybrid #recommendation- The evaluation of a hybrid critiquing system with preference-based recommendations organization (LC, PP), pp. 169–172.
RecSys-2007-Donaldson #hybrid #music #recommendation- A hybrid social-acoustic recommendation system for popular music (JD), pp. 187–190.
RecSys-2007-TiemannP #hybrid #learning #music #recommendation #towards- Towards ensemble learning for hybrid music recommendation (MT, SP), pp. 177–178.
SEKE-2007-TeekayuphunS #approach #hybrid #natural language #query- A Hybrid Approach for Natural Language Query Translation (PT, OS), pp. 368–373.
RE-2007-LuoST #hybrid #modelling #music- Modelling a Smart Music Player with a Hybrid Agent-Oriented Methodology (YL, LS, KT), pp. 281–286.
SAC-2007-BoussellaaZA #hybrid #using- A methodology for the separation of foreground/background in Arabic historical manuscripts using hybrid methods (WB, AZ, AMA), pp. 605–609.
SAC-2007-ImmaneniT #hybrid #retrieval #web- Hybrid retrieval from the unified web (TI, KT), pp. 1346–1350.
ICSE-2007-MajumdarS #hybrid #testing- Hybrid Concolic Testing (RM, KS), pp. 416–426.
HPCA-2007-ZhongLM #architecture #hybrid #manycore #parallel #thread- Extending Multicore Architectures to Exploit Hybrid Parallelism in Single-thread Applications (HZ, SAL, SAM), pp. 25–36.
CAV-2007-Franzle #hybrid #verification- Verification of Hybrid Systems (MF), p. 38.
CAV-2007-NahhalD #hybrid #test coverage- Test Coverage for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (TN, TD), pp. 449–462.
CAV-2007-PlakuKV #hybrid #verification- Hybrid Systems: From Verification to Falsification (EP, LEK, MYV), pp. 463–476.
CAV-2007-Segelken #abstraction #automaton #hybrid #linear #model checking #modelling- Abstraction and Counterexample-Guided Construction of ω-Automata for Model Checking of Step-Discrete Linear Hybrid Models (MS), pp. 433–448.
VMCAI-2007-KlaedtkeRS #abstraction #hybrid #refinement #verification- Language-Based Abstraction Refinement for Hybrid System Verification (FK, SR, ZS), pp. 151–166.
CASE-2006-ChenYTCW #difference #fuzzy #hybrid #linear #matrix- Applying the Linear Matrix Inequality for Hybrid Fuzzy/H-infinity Control of Active Structural Damping (CWC, KY, CHT, CYC, DJW), pp. 678–682.
CASE-2006-XieLP #hybrid #linear- The hybrid calibration of linear structured light system (KX, WYL, ZBP), pp. 611–614.
CASE-2006-ZhangCY #adaptation #automation #fuzzy #hybrid #identification- Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for Hybrid Traction Control System based on Automatic Road Identification (JZ, DC, CY), pp. 524–529.
DAC-2006-BrahmbhattZWQ #adaptation #algorithm #encoding #hybrid #power management #using- Low-power bus encoding using an adaptive hybrid algorithm (ARB, JZ, QW, QQ), pp. 987–990.
DAC-2006-RadT #clustering #hybrid- A new hybrid FPGA with nanoscale clusters and CMOS routing (RMR, MT), pp. 727–730.
DAC-2006-ZhangJS #architecture #configuration management #hybrid #named- NATURE: a hybrid nanotube/CMOS dynamically reconfigurable architecture (WZ, NKJ, LS), pp. 711–716.
DAC-2006-ZhuoCCV #hybrid- Extending the lifetime of fuel cell based hybrid systems (JZ, CC, NC, SBKV), pp. 562–567.
DATE-2006-BhaduriSCTGG #analysis #architecture #design #fault tolerance #framework #hybrid- A hybrid framework for design and analysis of fault-tolerant architectures (DB, SKS, DC, VET, PSG, MG), pp. 335–336.
DATE-2006-ShyamB #hybrid #verification- Distance-guided hybrid verification with GUIDO (SS, VB), pp. 1211–1216.
DATE-2006-YavariSR #design #hybrid- Systematic and optimal design of CMOS two-stage opamps with hybrid cascode compensation (MY, OS, ÁRV), pp. 144–149.
ITiCSE-2006-Quade #hybrid #learning #re-engineering- Developing a hybrid software engineering curse that promotes project-based active learning (AMQ), p. 308.
FoSSaCS-2006-EdalatP #automaton #hybrid #semantics- Denotational Semantics of Hybrid Automata (AE, DP), pp. 231–245.
CIAA-2006-BordihnHK #automaton #finite #hybrid- Hybrid Extended Finite Automata (HB, MH, MK), pp. 34–45.
CIAA-2006-YangXSP #hybrid #quantum #synthesis- Universality of Hybrid Quantum Gates and Synthesis Without Ancilla Qudits (GY, FX, XS, MAP), pp. 279–280.
ICALP-v2-2006-HarnikN #bound #hybrid #on the #security- On Everlasting Security in the Hybrid Bounded Storage Model (DH, MN), pp. 192–203.
ICALP-v2-2006-PhanST #hybrid- Generic Construction of Hybrid Public Key Traitor Tracing with Full-Public-Traceability (DHP, RSN, DT), pp. 264–275.
ICFP-2006-HickeyNYK #hybrid #representation #using- Mechanized meta-reasoning using a hybrid HOAS/de bruijn representation and reflection (JH, AN, XY, AK), pp. 172–183.
CHI-2006-LuffHKYY #documentation #hybrid- Handling documents and discriminating objects in hybrid spaces (PL, CH, HK, KY, JY), pp. 561–570.
CHI-2006-MedynskiyDF #analysis #community #development #hybrid #network #online #using- Using hybrid networks for the analysis of online software development communities (YEM, ND, AF), pp. 513–516.
CSCW-2006-JunuzovicD #architecture #collaboration #hybrid- Response times in N-user replicated, centralized, and proximity-based hybrid collaboration architectures (SJ, PD), pp. 129–138.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-LiSB #correlation #hybrid #recognition #sketching #synthesis #using- Face Recognition from Sketches Using Advanced Correlation Filters Using Hybrid Eigenanalysis for Face Synthesis (YhL, MS, VB), pp. 11–18.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-DasguptaSKG #hybrid #modelling #re-engineering #using- Hybrid Modeling Using I* and Agentspeak(L) Agents in Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AD, FS, AK, AKG), pp. 420–425.
ECIR-2006-ButtcherC #approach #hybrid #maintenance #retrieval- A Hybrid Approach to Index Maintenance in Dynamic Text Retrieval Systems (SB, CLAC), pp. 229–240.
ICPR-v1-2006-HadidP #approach #detection #hybrid- A Hybrid Approach to Face Detection under Unconstrained Environments (AH, MP), pp. 227–230.
ICPR-v1-2006-IvaldiMG #framework #hybrid- A hybrid resampling framework for facial shape alignment (WI, MM, SG), pp. 488–491.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiCF #hybrid #kernel #set- Hybrid Kernel Machine Ensemble for Imbalanced Data Sets (PL, KLC, WF), pp. 1108–1111.
ICPR-v1-2006-ViswanathP #clustering #hybrid #performance- l-DBSCAN : A Fast Hybrid Density Based Clustering Method (PV, RP), pp. 912–915.
ICPR-v2-2006-AndelicSKK #hybrid #kernel #modelling #speech #using- A Hybrid HMM-Based Speech Recognizer Using Kernel-Based Discriminants as Acoustic Models (EA, MS, MK, SEK), pp. 1158–1161.
ICPR-v2-2006-GatosPP #hybrid #recognition #word- Hybrid Off-Line Cursive Handwriting Word Recognition (BG, IP, SJP), pp. 998–1002.
ICPR-v2-2006-LeL #hybrid- A Hybrid License Plate Extraction Method for Complex Scenes (WL, SL), pp. 324–327.
ICPR-v2-2006-LiLW #feature model #hybrid #ranking- A Hybrid Method of Unsupervised Feature Selection Based on Ranking (YL, BLL, ZFW), pp. 687–690.
ICPR-v2-2006-LuXL #hybrid #recognition- A Hybrid Recognition Scheme Based on Partially Labeled SOM and MLP (SL, CX, YL), pp. 800–803.
ICPR-v3-2006-JainHSVHG #algorithm #clustering #hybrid #recursion #sequence- A Hybrid, Recursive Algorithm for Clustering Expressed Sequence Tags in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (MJ, HJH, JS, OV, CH, AG), pp. 404–407.
ICPR-v4-2006-JinYSLX #classification #detection #hybrid #precise #robust- A hybrid classifier for precise and robust eye detection (LJ, XHY, SS, JL, LX), pp. 731–735.
ICPR-v4-2006-LeeRS #hybrid #recognition- Fusion of Chaotic Measure Into a New Hybrid Face-Gait System for Human Recognition (TKML, SR, SS), pp. 541–544.
ICPR-v4-2006-LiuXYD #hybrid #verification- A New Hybrid GMM/SVM for Speaker Verification (ML, YX, ZY, BD), pp. 314–317.
KR-2006-SannerM #calculus #first-order #hybrid #logic #reasoning- An Ordered Theory Resolution Calculus for Hybrid Reasoning in First-Order Extensions of Description Logic (SS, SAM), pp. 100–111.
SEKE-2006-AguilaCPT #development #hybrid #towards- Towards a Methodology for Hybrid Systems Software Development (IMdÁ, JC, JTP, ST), pp. 188–193.
SIGIR-2006-ButtcherCL #hybrid #maintenance- Hybrid index maintenance for growing text collections (SB, CLAC, BL), pp. 356–363.
SIGIR-2006-DingLP #algorithm #equivalence #hybrid- NMF and PLSI: equivalence and a hybrid algorithm (CHQD, TL, WP), pp. 641–642.
PADL-2006-HawkinsS #constraints #finite #hybrid #satisfiability #theorem proving- A Hybrid BDD and SAT Finite Domain Constraint Solver (PH, PJS), pp. 103–117.
POPL-2006-Flanagan #hybrid #type checking- Hybrid type checking (CF), pp. 245–256.
SAC-2006-BianchiniAM #hybrid #ontology- Hybrid ontology-based matchmaking for service discovery (DB, VDA, MM), pp. 1707–1708.
SAC-2006-CutelloNP #algorithm #hybrid #optimisation #using- Real coded clonal selection algorithm for unconstrained global optimization using a hybrid inversely proportional hypermutation operator (VC, GN, MP), pp. 950–954.
SAC-2006-SousaNV #architecture- Proactive resilience through architectural hybridization (PS, NFN, PV), pp. 686–690.
ICSE-2006-TrendowiczHMIYK #development #estimation #hybrid- Development of a hybrid cost estimation model in an iterative manner (AT, JH, JM, YI, KY, NK), pp. 331–340.
ASPLOS-2006-DamronFLLMN #hybrid #memory management #transaction- Hybrid transactional memory (PD, AF, YL, VL, MM, DN), pp. 336–346.
CC-2006-CavazosMO #algorithm #hybrid #optimisation #question- Hybrid Optimizations: Which Optimization Algorithm to Use? (JC, JEBM, MFPO), pp. 124–138.
OSDI-2006-CowlingMLRS #fault tolerance #hybrid #protocol #replication- HQ Replication: A Hybrid Quorum Protocol for Byzantine Fault Tolerance (JAC, DSM, BL, RR, LS), pp. 177–190.
PPoPP-2006-KumarCHKN #hybrid #memory management #transaction- Hybrid transactional memory (SK, MC, CJH, PK, ADN), pp. 209–220.
CAV-2006-BoigelotH #hybrid #power of- The Power of Hybrid Acceleration (BB, FH), pp. 438–451.
FATES-RV-2006-Osch #consistency #generative #hybrid #testing- Hybrid Input-Output Conformance and Test Generation (MvO), pp. 70–84.
ISSTA-2006-CsallnerS #analysis #debugging #hybrid #named- DSD-Crasher: a hybrid analysis tool for bug finding (CC, YS), pp. 245–254.
LICS-2006-BouyerBC #hybrid- Control in o-minimal Hybrid Systems (PB, TB, FC), pp. 367–378.
CASE-2005-TsinarakisTV #hybrid #multi #petri net- Studying multi-assembly machine production systems with hybrid timed Petri nets (GJT, NT, KPV), pp. 327–332.
DAC-2005-MuttrejaRRJ #embedded #energy #estimation #hybrid #simulation- Hybrid simulation for embedded software energy estimation (AM, AR, SR, NKJ), pp. 23–26.
DATE-2005-FaroukS #algorithm #communication #encryption #hybrid #implementation #security- An Improved FPGA Implementation of the Modified Hybrid Hiding Encryption Algorithm (MHHEA) for Data Communication Security (HAF, MS), pp. 76–81.
DATE-2005-LiC #analysis #clustering #hybrid #sequence- Hybrid BIST Based on Repeating Sequences and Cluster Analysis (LL, KC), pp. 1142–1147.
DATE-2005-LiuPP #hybrid #named #performance #power management- RIP: An Efficient Hybrid Repeater Insertion Scheme for Low Power (XL, YP, MCP), pp. 1330–1335.
DATE-2005-ResanoMC #configuration management #hardware #heuristic #hybrid #runtime #scheduling- A Hybrid Prefetch Scheduling Heuristic to Minimize at Run-Time the Reconfiguration Overhead of Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware (JR, DM, FC), pp. 106–111.
DATE-2005-StagniGLBR #design #detection- Hardware-Software Design of a Smart Sensor for Fully-Electronic DNA Hybridization Detection (CS, CG, ML, LB, BR), pp. 198–203.
ICDAR-2005-CecottiB05a #approach #documentation #hybrid- Hybrid OCR combination approach complemented by a specialized ICR applied on ancient documents (HC, AB), pp. 1045–1049.
ICDAR-2005-KumarJ #architecture #configuration management #hybrid #recognition- Configurable Hybrid Architectures for Character Recognition Applications (MNSSKPK, CVJ), pp. 1199–1205.
ICDAR-2005-LongJ #hybrid #recognition- Hybrid Recognition for One Stroke Style Cursive Handwriting Characters (TL, LJ), pp. 232–236.
ICDAR-2005-ZhangBS #feature model #hybrid #recognition- Hybrid Feature Extraction and Feature Selection for Improving Recognition Accuracy of Handwritten Numerals (PZ, TDB, CYS), pp. 136–140.
ICALP-2005-CatalanoV #hybrid- Hybrid Trapdoor Commitments and Their Applications (DC, IV), pp. 298–310.
ICEIS-v1-2005-FengWM #clustering #hybrid- A Hybrid Clustering Criterion for R*-Tree on Business Data (YF, ZW, AM), pp. 346–352.
ICEIS-v1-2005-XuePQZ #database #hybrid #scalability #string- The Hybrid Digital Tree: A New Indexing Technique for Large String Databases (QX, SP, GQ, QZ), pp. 115–121.
ICEIS-v2-2005-ClemmonsH #enterprise #hybrid- Reducing Risk in the Enterprise: Proposal for a Hybrid Audit Expert System (SC, KH), pp. 260–266.
ICEIS-v2-2005-LokugeA #hybrid #learning #multi- Handling Multiple Events in Hybrid BDI Agents with Reinforcement Learning: A Container Application (PL, DA), pp. 83–90.
ICEIS-v4-2005-GruhnH #hybrid #information management #mobile- Hybrid Application Support for Mobile Information Systems (VG, MH), pp. 232–237.
CIKM-2005-FreskoRF #approach #hybrid- A hybrid approach to NER by MEMM and manual rules (MF, BR, RF), pp. 361–362.
CIKM-2005-ZhouXWGM #hybrid #web- Hybrid index structures for location-based web search (YZ, XX, CW, YG, WYM), pp. 155–162.
ICML-2005-GuptaG #clustering #hybrid #robust #using- Robust one-class clustering using hybrid global and local search (GG, JG), pp. 273–280.
KDD-2005-SurdeanuTA #approach #clustering #documentation #hybrid- A hybrid unsupervised approach for document clustering (MS, JT, AA), pp. 685–690.
SEKE-2005-FerreiraV #algorithm #generative #hybrid #named #search-based #testing- TDSGen: An Environment Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Generation of Test Data (LPF, SRV), pp. 312–317.
SEKE-2005-WangWH #hybrid #linear #verification- Verifying Timed and Linear Hybrid Rule-Systems with RED (FW, RSW, GDH), pp. 448–454.
SIGIR-2005-HawkingT #hybrid- Server selection methods in hybrid portal search (DH, PT), pp. 75–82.
QAPL-2004-Huth05 #abstraction #hybrid #logic- Abstraction and Probabilities for Hybrid Logics (MH), pp. 61–76.
PADL-2005-SaadP #framework #hybrid #logic programming #probability #towards- Towards a More Practical Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programming Framework (ES, EP), pp. 67–82.
SAC-2005-Eliassi-RadC #approach #hybrid #modelling #multi #scalability- A hybrid approach for multiresolution modeling of large-scale scientific data (TER, TC), pp. 511–518.
SAC-2005-LambertMS #constraints #using- Solving strategies using a hybridization model for local search and constraint propagation (TL, EM, FS), pp. 398–403.
SAC-2005-OcaGA #algorithm #classification #clustering #network- An hybridization of an ant-based clustering algorithm with growing neural gas networks for classification tasks (MAMdO, LG, JLA), pp. 9–13.
SAC-2005-OuajaR #composition #hybrid- Hybrid Lagrangian relaxation for bandwidth-constrained routing: knapsack decomposition (WO, BR), pp. 383–387.
ESEC-FSE-2005-MetzLG #approach #hybrid #performance #using- Performance data collection using a hybrid approach (EM, RL, TFG), pp. 126–135.
HPDC-2005-MassettoJS #hybrid #named- HMPI — hybrid MPI (FIM, AMGJ, LMS), pp. 306–307.
SAT-J-2004-JinS05 #hybrid #named #satisfiability- CirCUs: A Hybrid Satisfiability Solver (HJ, FS), pp. 211–223.
CAV-2005-SebastianiTV #hybrid #ltl #model checking- Symbolic Systems, Explicit Properties: On Hybrid Approaches for LTL Symbolic Model Checking (RS, ST, MYV), pp. 350–363.
CSL-2005-CateF #complexity #hybrid #logic #on the- On the Complexity of Hybrid Logics with Binders (BtC, MF), pp. 339–354.
ICLP-2005-LambertCMRS #algorithm #constraints #search-based- Hybridization of Genetic Algorithms and Constraint Propagation for the BACP (TL, CC, EM, MCR, FS), pp. 421–423.
ICLP-2005-SaadP #hybrid #logic programming #probability #source code- Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programs with Non-monotonic Negation (ES, EP), pp. 204–220.
VMCAI-2005-AbrahamBKS #bound #hybrid #linear #model checking #optimisation- Optimizing Bounded Model Checking for Linear Hybrid Systems (EÁ, BB, FK, MS), pp. 396–412.
ASE-2004-Xie #approach #component #hybrid #verification- Decompositional Verification of Component-based Systems — A Hybrid Approach (GX), pp. 414–417.
DATE-v1-2004-Skadron #architecture #hybrid- Hybrid Architectural Dynamic Thermal Management (KS), pp. 10–15.
DATE-v2-2004-BobrekPNPT #approach #hybrid #modelling #simulation #using- Modeling Shared Resource Contention Using a Hybrid Simulation/Analytical Approach (AB, JJP, JEN, JMP, DET), pp. 1144–1149.
DATE-v2-2004-MineKKWA #hybrid #linear #performance #reduction #simulation- Hybrid Reduction Technique for Efficient Simulation of Linear/Nonlinear Mixed Circuits (TM, HK, AK, TW, HA), pp. 1327–1333.
DATE-v2-2004-WangLC #fault #hardware #hybrid #testing- Hybrid Delay Scan: A Low Hardware Overhead Scan-Based Delay Test Technique for High Fault Coverage and Compact Test Sets (SW, XL, STC), pp. 1296–1301.
DATE-2005-GalanisMTSG04 #clustering #configuration management #hybrid- A Partitioning Methodology for Accelerating Applications in Hybrid Reconfigurable Platforms (MDG, AM, GT, DS, CEG), pp. 247–252.
IFM-2004-Willemse #algebra #automaton #hybrid #process- Embeddings of Hybrid Automata in Process Algebra (TACW), pp. 343–362.
ICEIS-v2-2004-KotsiantisP #classification #hybrid #using- A Hybrid Decision Support Tool — Using Ensemble of Classifiers (SBK, PEP), pp. 448–456.
ICEIS-v4-2004-DegemmisLSCLG #collaboration #hybrid #recommendation- A Hybrid Collaborative Recommender System Based on User Profiles (MD, PL, GS, MFC, OL, SG), pp. 162–169.
CIKM-2004-RosenfeldFFSA #approach #hybrid #information management #named- TEG: a hybrid approach to information extraction (BR, RF, MF, JS, YA), pp. 589–596.
ICPR-v2-2004-ChangLC #hybrid #recognition- Applying A Hybrid Method To Handwritten Character Recognition (FC, CCL, CJC), pp. 529–532.
ICPR-v2-2004-HongliangC #hybrid #statistics- A hybrid License Plate Extraction Method Based On Edge Statistics and Morphology (HB, CL), pp. 831–834.
ICPR-v2-2004-WeiXMJS #hybrid- A Hybrid SOM-SVM Method for Analyzing Zebra Fish Gene Expression (WW, LX, XM, PJ, RS), pp. 323–326.
ICPR-v3-2004-HuangMP #hybrid #markov #random #recognition #using- A Hybrid Face Recognition Method using Markov Random Fields (RH, DNM, VP), pp. 157–160.
ICPR-v4-2004-DharaC #approach #estimation #hybrid #predict #using #video- Video Motion Estimation Using Prediction Based Hybrid Approach (BCD, BC), pp. 737–740.
ICPR-v4-2004-QiuMHHS #hybrid #video- A Hybrid Watermarking Scheme for H.264/AVC Video (GQ, PM, ATSH, DH, QS), pp. 865–869.
KR-2004-Barrett #compilation #hybrid- From Hybrid Systems to Universal Plans Via Domain Compilation (AB), pp. 654–661.
SIGIR-2004-DoranSNDC #generative #hybrid #statistics- A hybrid statistical/linguistic model for generating news story gists (WPD, NS, EN, JD, JC), pp. 464–465.
SAC-2004-AlbaC #fault #heuristic #hybrid #parallel #problem- Solving the error correcting code problem with parallel hybrid heuristics (EA, JFC), pp. 985–989.
SAC-2004-CaldeiraMR #algorithm #hybrid #problem #using- Using a hybrid Evolutionary-Taboo Algorithm to solve Job Shop Problem (JPC, FM, ACR), pp. 1446–1451.
SAC-2004-FeltlR #algorithm #hybrid #problem #search-based- An improved hybrid genetic algorithm for the generalized assignment problem (HF, GRR), pp. 990–995.
SAC-2004-JulstromA #algorithm #hybrid #problem- Two hybrid evolutionary algorithms for the rectilinear Steiner arborescence problem (BAJ, AA), pp. 980–984.
ICSE-2004-Francois #architecture #data type #distributed #hybrid #parallel- A Hybrid Architectural Style for Distributed Parallel Processing of Generic Data Streams (ARJF), pp. 367–376.
HPDC-2004-PearlmanKGSFRFHS #case study #distributed #experience #grid #hybrid- Distributed Hybrid Earthquake Engineering Experiments: Experiences with a Ground-Shaking Grid Application (LP, CK, SG, BFSJ, JF, KR, ITF, PH, CS), pp. 14–23.
CAV-2004-Wang #analysis #hybrid #linear #parametricity #safety- Symbolic Parametric Safety Analysis of Linear Hybrid Systems with BDD-Like Data-Structures (FW), pp. 295–307.
CSL-2004-KorovinaV #hybrid- Pfaffian Hybrid Systems (MVK, NV), pp. 430–441.
ICLP-2004-MonfroySL #constraints #on the- On Hybridization of Local Search and Constraint Propagation (EM, FS, TL), pp. 299–313.
SAT-2004-JinS #hybrid #named #satisfiability- CirCUs: A Hybrid Satisfiability Solver (HJ, FS), pp. 47–55.
ASE-2003-Ellman #animation #automaton #hybrid #specification #synthesis- Specification and Synthesis of Hybrid Automata for Physics-Based Animation (TE), pp. 80–93.
DAC-2003-SeshiaLB #hybrid #logic #satisfiability- A hybrid SAT-based decision procedure for separation logic with uninterpreted functions (SAS, SKL, REB), pp. 425–430.
DAC-2003-ShiG #hybrid #performance #power management- Hybrid hierarchical timing closure methodology for a high performance and low power DSP (KS, GG), pp. 850–855.
DRR-2003-RahmanTA #heuristic #hybrid #web- Exploring a hybrid of support vector machines (SVMs) and a heuristic-based system in classifying web pages (AFRR, YT, HA), pp. 120–127.
ICDAR-2003-RagotA #classification #fuzzy #hybrid #modelling #online #recognition- A Generic Hybrid Classifier Based on Hierarchical Fuzzy Modeling: Experiments on On-Line Handwritten Character Recognition (NR, ÉA), pp. 963–967.
ICDAR-2003-ZimmerL #hybrid #verification- A Hybrid On/Off Line Handwritten Signature Verification System (AZ, LLL), pp. 424–428.
TACAS-2003-AlurDI #abstraction #hybrid- Counter-Example Guided Predicate Abstraction of Hybrid Systems (RA, TD, FI), pp. 208–223.
TACAS-2003-ClarkeFHKST #abstraction #hybrid #refinement #verification- Verification of Hybrid Systems Based on Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (EMC, AF, ZH, BHK, OS, MT), pp. 192–207.
AGTIVE-2003-LaraGV #analysis #graph transformation #hybrid #metamodelling #model checking- Meta-Modelling, Graph Transformation and Model Checking for the Analysis of Hybrid Systems (JdL, EG, HV), pp. 292–298.
ICEIS-v2-2003-SalemNB #adaptation #hybrid- A Hybrid Case-Based Adaptation Model for Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis (ABMS, KAN, BEB), pp. 58–65.
ICEIS-v2-2003-SalemSH #approach #fuzzy #hybrid #recognition #self- A Hybrid Approach for Handwritten Arabic Character Recognition: Combining Self-Organizing Maps (SOMS) and Fuzzy Rules (ABMS, MMS, MKH), pp. 529–532.
CIKM-2003-LuC #hybrid #network #peer-to-peer #retrieval- Content-based retrieval in hybrid peer-to-peer networks (JL, JPC), pp. 199–206.
ECIR-2003-CachedaCGV #data type #hybrid #optimisation #strict #using #web- Optimization of Restricted Searches in Web Directories Using Hybrid Data Structures (FC, VC, CG, ÁV), pp. 436–451.
ECIR-2003-XuXYT #approach #hybrid #retrieval- A Hybrid Relevance-Feedback Approach to Text Retrieval (ZX, XX, KY, VT), pp. 281–293.
SEKE-2003-KendalAC #bibliography #development #hybrid #information management- A Brief Overview of HyM: A Methodology for the Development of Hybrid Intelligent Information Systems (SLK, KA, XC), pp. 322–326.
SIGIR-2003-Blair-GoldensohnMS #hybrid #named- DefScriber: a hybrid system for definitional QA (SBG, KM, AHS), p. 462.
SIGIR-2003-TsaiMT #classification #hybrid #image #network #using- Image classification using hybrid neural networks (CFT, KM, JT), pp. 431–432.
LOPSTR-2003-Ellman #animation #automaton #hybrid #specification #synthesis- Specification and Synthesis of Hybrid Automata for Physics-Based Animation (TE), pp. 54–55.
PADL-2003-NilssonPH #functional #hybrid #modelling- Functional Hybrid Modeling (HN, JP, PH), pp. 376–390.
SAC-2003-LiLR #approach #hybrid #problem- A Hybrid AI Approach for Nurse Rostering Problem (HL, AL, BR), pp. 730–735.
SAC-2003-PannalaDSO #hybrid #modelling #parallel- Hybrid (OpenMP and MPI) Parallelization of MFIX: A Multiphase CFD Code for Modeling Fluidized Beds (SP, EFD, MS, TO), pp. 199–206.
SAC-2003-QianZ #approach #clustering #hybrid- A Customizable Hybrid Approach to Data Clustering (YQ, KZ), pp. 485–489.
SAC-2003-RagothamanP #assessment #hybrid #segmentation- Hybrid Log Segmentation for Assured Damage Assessment (PR, BP), pp. 522–527.
LCTES-2003-AlurIKLS #embedded #generative #hybrid #modelling- Generating embedded software from hierarchical hybrid models (RA, FI, JK, IL, OS), pp. 171–182.
PPoPP-2003-OCallahanC #concurrent #detection #hybrid- Hybrid dynamic data race detection (RO, JDC), pp. 167–178.
CAV-2003-BoigelotHJ #automaton #hybrid #using- Hybrid Acceleration Using Real Vector Automata (Extended Abstract) (BB, FH, SJ), pp. 193–205.
DAC-2002-HazelhurstWKF #approach #design #hybrid #verification- A hybrid verification approach: getting deep into the design (SH, OW, GK, LF), pp. 111–116.
DAC-2002-IonescuDMBG #hybrid #towards- Few electron devices: towards hybrid CMOS-SET integrated circuits (AMI, MJD, SM, KB, JG), pp. 88–93.
VLDB-2002-SeifertS #hybrid #multi #policy- A Multi-version Cache Replacement and Prefetching Policy for Hybrid Data Delivery Environments (AS, MHS), pp. 850–861.
WRLA-J-1996-OlveczkyM02 #hybrid #logic #realtime #specification- Specification of real-time and hybrid systems in rewriting logic (PCÖ, JM), pp. 359–405.
TACAS-2002-KwiatkowskaNP #approach #hybrid #model checking #probability- Probabilistic Symbolic Model Checking with PRISM: A Hybrid Approach (MZK, GN, DP), pp. 52–66.
CIAA-2002-Sutner02a #automaton #hybrid- automata, a Hybrid System for Computational Automata Theory (KS), pp. 221–227.
ICPR-v1-2002-HarnsomburanaS #approach #database #feedback #hybrid #image #performance #retrieval- A Hybrid Tree Approach for Efficient Image Database Retrieval with Dynamic Feedback (JH, CRS), pp. 263–266.
ICPR-v1-2002-LongL #hybrid #invariant- A Hybrid Model for Invariant and Perceptual Texture Mapping (HL, WKL), pp. 135–138.
ICPR-v1-2002-MaedaKI #3d #hybrid #modelling #representation #using- Shapes Modeling of 3-D Objects Based on A Hybrid Representation Using Extended B-spline Surface Model (MM, KK, KI), pp. 656–659.
ICPR-v3-2002-MaoCLS #detection #hybrid #image #video- Hybrid Chinese/English Text Detection in Images and Video Frames (WM, FLC, KKML, WCS), pp. 1015–1018.
ICPR-v3-2002-RossJR #hybrid- A Hybrid Fingerprint Matcher (AR, AKJ, JR), pp. 795–798.
SEKE-2002-RaffoHV #framework #hybrid #metric #modelling #process #trade-off #using- Software process decision support: making process tradeoffs using a hybrid metrics, modeling and utility framework (DR, WH, JV), pp. 803–809.
SAC-2002-AlcalaCCHZ- Hybridizing Hierarchical and Weighted Linguistic Rules (RA, JC, OC, FH, IZ), pp. 812–816.
CADE-2002-ArecesH #hybrid #logic- HyLoRes 1.0: Direct Resolution for Hybrid Logics (CA, JH), pp. 156–160.
CAV-2002-AsarinDM #hybrid #verification- The d/dt Tool for Verification of Hybrid Systems (EA, TD, OM), pp. 365–370.
CAV-2002-AsarinPSY #hybrid #named #verification- SPeeDI — A Verification Tool for Polygonal Hybrid Systems (EA, GJP, GS, SY), pp. 354–358.
CAV-2002-Henzinger #approach #hybrid- The Symbolic Approach to Hybrid Systems (TAH), p. 57.
ICLP-2002-BockmayrC #biology #concurrent #constraints #hybrid #programming #using- Using Hybrid Concurrent Constraint Programming to Model Dynamic Biological Systems (AB, AC), pp. 85–99.
DAC-2001-MneimnehAWCSA #hybrid #scalability #verification- Scalable Hybrid Verification of Complex Microprocessors (MNM, FAA, CTW, SC, KAS, TMA), pp. 41–46.
DAC-2001-WangHLKZMD #abstraction #hybrid #refinement #simulation #verification- Formal Property Verification by Abstraction Refinement with Formal, Simulation and Hybrid Engines (DW, PHH, JL, JHK, YZ, HKTM, RFD), pp. 35–40.
ICDAR-2001-BelliliGG #hybrid- An Hybrid MLP-SVM Handwritten Digit Recognizer (AB, MG, PG), pp. 28–33.
ICDAR-2001-ElgammalI01a #documentation #hybrid #identification #image- Techniques for Language Identification for Hybrid Arabic-English Document Images (AME, MAI), pp. 1100–1104.
ICDAR-2001-MarukatatAGD #hybrid #modelling #recognition- Sentence Recognition through Hybrid Neuro-Markovian Modeling (SM, TA, PG, BD), pp. 731–737.
VLDB-2001-YangG #hybrid #peer-to-peer- Comparing Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Systems (BY, HGM), pp. 561–570.
ITiCSE-2001-Rosbottom #distance #education #hybrid #learning- Hybrid learning — a safe route into web-based open and distance learning for the computer science teacher (JR), pp. 89–92.
SCAM-2001-RillingK #framework #hybrid #slicing- A Hybrid Program Slicing Framework (JR, BK), pp. 14–25.
STOC-2001-Trakhtenbrot #automaton- Automata, circuits and hybrids: facets of continuous time (BAT), pp. 754–755.
ICALP-2001-Trakhtenbrot #automaton- Automata, Circuits, and Hybrids: Facets of Continuous Time (BAT), pp. 4–23.
CIKM-2001-KimLJH #algorithm #hybrid #named #transaction- O-PreH: Optimistic Transaction Processing Algorithm based on Pre-Reordering in Hybrid Broadcast Environments (SK, SL, SYJ, CSH), pp. 553–555.
ICML-2001-Das #feature model #hybrid- Filters, Wrappers and a Boosting-Based Hybrid for Feature Selection (SD), pp. 74–81.
MLDM-2001-PernerB #data mining #hybrid #mining- A Hybrid Tool for Data Mining in Picture Archiving System (PP, TPB), pp. 141–156.
SEKE-2001-WangenheimLW #approach #hybrid #memory management- A Hybrid Approach for Corporate Memory Management Systems in Software R&D Organizations (CGvW, DL, AvW), pp. 326–330.
SAC-2001-GaliassoW #algorithm #hybrid #multi #problem #search-based- A hybrid genetic algorithm for the point to multipoint routing problem with single split paths (PG, RLW), pp. 327–332.
LCTES-OM-2001-KimH #embedded #hybrid #power management #realtime #runtime #scalability- Hybrid Run-time Power Management Technique for Real-time Embedded System with Voltage Scalable Processor (MK, SH), pp. 11–19.
IJCAR-2001-SattlerV #calculus #hybrid- The Hybrid µ-Calculus (US, MYV), pp. 76–91.
LICS-2001-AsarinB #hybrid #turing machine- Perturbed Turing Machines and Hybrid Systems (EA, AB), pp. 269–278.
TACAS-2000-HenzingerM #hybrid #model checking- Symbolic Model Checking for Rectangular Hybrid Systems (TAH, RM), pp. 142–156.
WRLA-2000-OlveczkyM #hybrid #maude #realtime #simulation- Real-Time Maude: A Tool for Simulating and Analyzing Real-Time and Hybrid Systems (PCÖ, JM), pp. 361–382.
ICML-2000-SilvaL #hybrid #learning- Obtaining Simplified Rule Bases by Hybrid Learning (RBdAeS, TBL), pp. 879–886.
ICPR-v2-2000-GuoM #approach #automation #feature model #hybrid #statistics- Automatic Feature Selection — A Hybrid Statistical Approach (HG, YLM), pp. 2382–2385.
ICPR-v2-2000-PodolakLBM #hybrid- A Hybrid Neural System for Phonematic Transformation (ITP, SWL, AB, EM), pp. 2957–2960.
ICPR-v2-2000-StainvasI #architecture #hybrid #network #recognition- Blurred Face Recognition via a Hybrid Network Architecture (IS, NI), pp. 2805–2808.
ICPR-v4-2000-BrakensiekWR #documentation #hybrid #modelling #n-gram #recognition- Improved Degraded Document Recognition with Hybrid Modeling Techniques and Character N-Grams (AB, DW, GR), pp. 4438–4441.
KDD-2000-Farahat #hybrid #process- Hybrid Poisson process (AF), pp. 474–479.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-Taibi #development #hybrid #object-oriented #process- Hybrid Object-Oriented Method (HOOM): The Software Development Process (TT), pp. 8–17.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-ZhengZYW #compilation #concurrent #design #hybrid #java #virtual machine- A Java Virtual Machine Design Based on Hybrid Concurrent Compilation Model (WZ, FZ, BY, YW), pp. 18–23.
PADL-2000-YunesMS #approach #hybrid #problem #scalability #scheduling- A Hybrid Approach for Solving Large Scale Crew Scheduling Problems (THY, AVM, CCdS), pp. 293–307.
SAC-2000-LohHTN #concurrent #database #hybrid #mobile- A Hybrid Method for Concurrent Updates on Disconnected Databases in Mobile Computing Environments (YHL, TH, MT, SN), pp. 563–565.
SAC-2000-LoiaSTS #approach #design #hybrid- An Evolutionary Hybrid Approach to the Design of a Decision Support System (VL, AS, RT, SS), pp. 524–528.
LCTES-2000-AmnellDY #hybrid #realtime- A Real-Time Animator for Hybrid Systems (TA, AD, WY), pp. 134–145.
CAV-2000-CassezL #constraints #hybrid #model checking- Model-Checking for Hybrid Systems by Quotienting and Constraints Solving (FC, FL), pp. 373–388.
DATE-1999-BolsensMDBV #hybrid #integration- Single Chip or Hybrid System Integration (IB, WM, LD, JB, HJMV), p. 616–?.
ICDAR-1999-BrakensiekKWWR #evaluation #hybrid #modelling #online #performance #recognition #using- Performance Evaluation of a New Hybrid Modeling Technique for Handwriting Recognition using On-Line and Off-Line Data (AB, AK, DW, WW, GR), pp. 446–449.
ICDAR-1999-TanakaNIAN #hybrid #integration #recognition- Hybrid Pen-Input Character Recognition System based on Integration of Online-Offline Recognition (HT, KN, KI, KA, MN), pp. 209–212.
VLDB-1999-VorugantiOU #adaptation #architecture #hybrid- An Adaptive Hybrid Server Architecture for Client Caching ODBMSs (KV, MTÖ, RCU), pp. 150–161.
WCRE-1999-DemeyerDL #approach #hybrid #metric #reverse engineering #visualisation- A Hybrid Reverse Engineering Approach Combining Metrics and Program Visualization (SD, SD, ML), pp. 175–186.
FM-v1-1999-AlurEKKL #analysis #case study #coordination #formal method #hybrid #modelling #multi- Formal Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Systems: A Case Study in Multi-robot Coordination (RA, JME, MK, VK, IL), pp. 212–232.
CHI-1999-RekimotoS #hybrid- Augmented Surfaces: A Spatially Continuous Work Space for Hybrid Computing Environments (JR, MS), pp. 378–385.
HCI-CCAD-1999-NabeshimaTSNIOKS #hybrid #monitoring- Hybrid monitoring system for high temperature gas cooling reactor (KN, ET, TS, SN, KI, TO, KK, KS), pp. 1187–1191.
ICML-1999-ZhouB #algorithm #approach #hybrid #learning #memory management #parametricity #requirements- A Hybrid Lazy-Eager Approach to Reducing the Computation and Memory Requirements of Local Parametric Learning Algorithms (YZ, CEB), p. 503–?.
PADL-1999-DemoenS #approach #chat #named- CHAT: The Copy-Hybrid Approach to Tabling (BD, KFS), pp. 106–121.
SAC-1999-Sabharwal #approach #database #hybrid #image #implementation- An Implementation of Hybrid Approach to Indexing Image Databases (CLS), pp. 421–426.
CSL-1999-ArecesBM #complexity #hybrid #logic- A Road-Map on Complexity for Hybrid Logics (CA, PB, MM), pp. 307–321.
CSL-1999-Franzle #analysis #hybrid #infinity- Analysis of Hybrid Systems: An Ounce of Realism Can Save an Infinity of States (MF), pp. 126–140.
ICLP-1999-CiarliniF #execution #hybrid #symbolic computation- Symbolic Execution for the Derivation of Meaningful Properties of Hybrid Systems (AEMC, TWF), p. 606.
DAC-1998-AzizKS #hybrid #simulation #using #verification- Hybrid Verification Using Saturated Simulation (AA, JHK, TRS), pp. 615–618.
DAC-1998-LuoWA #functional #hybrid #performance #simulation- Hybrid Techniques for Fast Functional Simulation (YL, TW, AA), pp. 664–667.
DATE-1998-GrimmW #clustering #hybrid- Repartitioning and Technology-Mapping of Electronic Hybrid Systems (CG, KW), pp. 52–58.
ICPR-1998-BukerK #hybrid #learning- Learning in an active hybrid vision system (UB, BK), pp. 178–181.
ICPR-1998-KnerrA #hybrid #markov #recognition #word- A neural network-hidden Markov model hybrid for cursive word recognition (SK, EA), pp. 1518–1520.
ICPR-1998-KummertFSB #hybrid #image #recognition #sequence- Hybrid object recognition in image sequences (FK, GAF, GS, EB), pp. 1165–1170.
ICPR-1998-RigollKW #approach #hybrid #recognition #scalability- A new hybrid approach to large vocabulary cursive handwriting recognition (GR, AK, DW), pp. 1512–1514.
ICPR-1998-ShahA #architecture #classification #hybrid #performance #reasoning- A hybrid architecture for performance reasoning in classification systems (SS, JKA), pp. 326–330.
ICSE-1998-BriandEB #assessment #benchmark #estimation #hybrid #metric #named #risk management- COBRA: A Hybrid Method for Software Cost Estimation, Benchmarking, and Risk Assessment (LCB, KEE, FB), pp. 390–399.
DAC-1997-TsaiCLB #algorithm #hybrid- A Hybrid Algorithm for Test Point Selection for Scan-Based BIST (HCT, KTC, CJL, SB), pp. 478–483.
EDTC-1997-ChiusanoCPR #graph #hybrid #problem- Hybrid symbolic-explicit techniques for the graph coloring problem (SC, FC, PP, MSR), pp. 422–426.
ICDAR-1997-TeoS #classification #hybrid- A Hybrid Classifier for Recognizing Handwritten Numerals (RYMT, RS), pp. 283–287.
VLDB-1997-StathatosRB #adaptation #hybrid #network- Adaptive Data Broadcast in Hybrid Networks (KS, NR, JSB), pp. 326–335.
DLT-1997-Mihalache #communication #hybrid #parallel- Hybrid Parallel Communicating Grammar Systems (VM), pp. 175–189.
ICALP-1997-HenzingerK97a #automaton #hybrid- Discrete-Time Control for Rectangular Hybrid Automata (TAH, PWK), pp. 582–593.
HCI-SEC-1997-BaconS #3d #representation- Hybridization of Classical Documentary Techniques and Techniques of Three Dimensional Representation in Space: Dynamical Constitution of Virtual Scenes (JB, XS), pp. 925–928.
SAC-1997-ChristensenWS #algorithm #hybrid #multi #problem- A hybrid algorithm for the point to multipoint routing problem (HLC, RLW, DAS), pp. 263–268.
SAC-1997-KaiserLMGP #algorithm #hybrid #predict #search-based- Polypeptide structure prediction: real-value versus binary hybrid genetic algorithms (CEK, GBL, LDM, GHGJ, RP), pp. 279–286.
SAC-1997-PargasLS #algorithm #hybrid- Hybrid search algorithms (RPP, JL, SAS), pp. 269–273.
SAC-1997-SurmaS #communication #hybrid #parallel #scheduling- Hybrid static-dynamic communication scheduling for parallel systems (DRS, EHMS), pp. 374–379.
SOSP-1997-CastroALM #adaptation #distributed #hybrid #named- HAC: Hybrid Adaptive Caching for Distributed Storage Systems (MC, AA, BL, ACM), pp. 102–115.
CADE-1997-FeltyH #hybrid #interactive #proving #theorem proving #using- Hybrid Interactive Theorem Proving Using Nuprl and HOL (APF, DJH), pp. 351–365.
CAV-1997-BoigelotBR #analysis #hybrid #linear #reachability- An Improved Reachability Analysis Method for Strongly Linear Hybrid Systems (Extended Abstract) (BB, LB, SR), pp. 167–178.
CAV-1997-HenzingerHW #hybrid #model checking #named- HYTECH: A Model Checker for Hybrid Systems (TAH, PHH, HWT), pp. 460–463.
ICLP-1997-DekhtyarS #hybrid #probability #source code- Hybrid Probabilistic Programs (AD, VSS), pp. 391–405.
DAC-1996-ChengCWM #estimation #hybrid- A New Hybrid Methodology for Power Estimation (DIC, KTC, DCW, MMS), pp. 439–444.
SAS-1996-RouxR #automaton #decidability #hybrid- Uniformity for the Decidability of Hybrid Automata (OFR, VR), pp. 301–316.
ICPR-1996-Ayoung-CheeDF #3d #hybrid #representation #using- Enhanced 3D representation using a hybrid model (NAC, GD, FPF), pp. 575–579.
ICPR-1996-BalaDHVW #architecture #detection #hybrid #search-based #using #visual notation- Visual routine for eye detection using hybrid genetic architectures (JWB, KD, JH, HV, HW), pp. 606–610.
ICPR-1996-ChiangG #feature model #framework #hybrid #recognition- A hybrid feature extraction framework for handwritten numeric fields recognition (JHC, PDG), pp. 436–440.
KDD-1996-CiesielskiP #bibliography #database #hybrid #mining #using- Using a Hybrid Neural/Expert System for Data Base Mining in Market Survey Data (VC, GP), pp. 38–43.
KDD-1996-Kohavi #classification #hybrid #scalability- Scaling Up the Accuracy of Naive-Bayes Classifiers: A Decision-Tree Hybrid (RK), pp. 202–207.
SEKE-1996-ChenKPS #development #hybrid #information management #process- The Development of Hybrid Information Systems: a Process Model an Methodology (XC, SK, IP, PS), pp. 51–58.
SAC-1996-MerkleGLGP #algorithm #energy #hybrid #search-based- Hybrid genetic algorithms for polypeptide energy minimization (LDM, RLG, GBL, GHGJ, RP), pp. 305–311.
HPCA-1996-AndersonK #adaptation #hybrid #protocol- Two Adaptive Hybrid Cache Coherency Protocols (CA, ARK), pp. 303–313.
LICS-1996-Henzinger #automaton #formal method #hybrid- The Theory of Hybrid Automata (TAH), pp. 278–292.
ICDAR-v1-1995-GillouxLL #hybrid #markov #network #recognition #word- A hybrid radial basis function network/hidden Markov model handwritten word recognition system (MG, BL, ML), pp. 394–397.
ICDAR-v1-1995-PowalkaSW #hybrid #invariant #recognition- Zoning invariant holistic recognizer for hybrid recognition of handwriting (RKP, NS, RJW), pp. 64–67.
STOC-1995-HenzingerKPV #automaton #decidability #hybrid #question #what- What’s decidable about hybrid automata? (TAH, PWK, AP, PV), pp. 373–382.
ICALP-1995-Henzinger95a #automaton #bisimulation #finite #hybrid- Hybrid Automata with Finite Bisimulatioins (TAH), pp. 324–335.
CIKM-1995-ParkST #algorithm #concurrent #detection #distributed #generative #graph #hybrid- A Distributed Deadlock Detection and Resolution Algorithm Based on A Hybrid Wait-for Graph and Probe Generation Scheme (YCP, PS, HLT), pp. 378–386.
SAC-1995-Goonatilake #hybrid- Intelligent hybrid systems for financial decision making (SG), pp. 471–476.
SAC-1995-ThuenteS #algorithm #hybrid #problem #programming #search-based- Mathematical programming in a hybrid genetic algorithm for Steiner point problems (DJT, PS), pp. 357–363.
FSE-1995-GuptaS #approach #hybrid #information management #slicing #using- Hybrid Slicing: An Approach for Refining Static Slices Using Dynamic Information (RG, MLS), pp. 29–40.
HPCA-1995-TheobaldHG #design #hybrid- A Design Frame for Hybrid Access Caches (KBT, HHJH, GRG), pp. 144–153.
HPDC-1995-Sivalingam #hybrid #network #protocol- Hybrid Media Access Protocols for a DSM System Based on Optical WDM Networks (KMS), pp. 40–47.
LCT-RTS-1995-LeeLK #hybrid #scheduling- Scheduling of Hard Aperiodic Tasks in Hybrid Static/Dynamic Priority Systems (JL, SL, HK), pp. 7–19.
CAV-1995-BouajjaniLR #automaton #calculus #hybrid #linear- From Duration Calculus To Linear Hybrid Automata (AB, YL, RR), pp. 196–210.
CAV-1995-BouajjaniR #hybrid #linear #subclass #verification- Verifying ω-Regular Properties for a Subclass of Linear Hybrid Systems (AB, RR), pp. 437–450.
CAV-1995-HenzingerH #algorithm #analysis #hybrid- Algorithmic Analysis of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems (TAH, PHH), pp. 225–238.
ICLP-1995-Hausman #erlang #hybrid #implementation- Hybrid Implementation Techniques in Erlang BEAM (BH), p. 816.
DAC-1994-BuiM #algorithm #clustering #hybrid #performance #problem #search-based- A Fast and Stable Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Ratio-Cut Partitioning Problem on Hypergraphs (TNB, BRM), pp. 664–669.
DAC-1994-KrishnakumarC #hybrid #modelling #on the #set- On the Computation of the Set of Reachable States of Hybrid Models (ASK, KTC), pp. 615–621.
SAS-1994-HalbwachsPR #approximate #hybrid #linear #verification- Verification of Linear Hybrid Systems by Means of Convex Approximations (NH, YEP, PR), pp. 223–237.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-KarakostasP #automation #c++ #hybrid #logic #specification- Automatic Transformation of Hybrid Object and Logic Specification to C++ Code (VK, LP), pp. 363–373.
PLILP-1994-HundehegeLX #hybrid #memory management #optimisation #program transformation #runtime #semantics- Semantic-Based Static Program Transformations for Memory Space and Run Time Optimization in Hybrid Languages (JBH, WML, UX), pp. 453–454.
SAC-1994-GrissW #flexibility #hybrid- Hybrid domain-specific kits for a flexible software factory (MLG, KDW), pp. 47–52.
SAC-1994-WongD #hybrid #stack #thread #using- Supporting thousands of threads using a hybrid stack sharing scheme (KFW, BD), pp. 493–498.
CAV-1994-BouajjaniER #hybrid #linear #using #verification- Verification of Context-Free Timed Systems Using Linear Hybrid Observers (AB, RE, RR), pp. 118–131.
CAV-1994-McManisV #automaton #decidability #hybrid- Suspension Automata: A Decidable Class of Hybrid Automata (JM, PV), pp. 105–117.
CAV-1994-OliveroSY #abstraction #hybrid #linear #using #verification- Using Abstractions for the Verification of Linear Hybrid Systems (AO, JS, SY), pp. 81–94.
CAV-1994-PuriV #decidability #difference #hybrid- Decidability of Hybrid Systems with Rectangular Differential Inclusion (AP, PV), pp. 95–104.
CAV-1994-Schubert #hardware #hybrid #reasoning- A Hybrid Model for Reasoning about Composed Hardware Systems (ETS), pp. 260–272.
ICLP-1994-MoolenaarD #hybrid- Hybrid Tree Search in the Andorra Model (RM, BD), pp. 110–123.
KBSE-1993-KingstonVD #approach #development #evaluation #hybrid #using- Development of an Expert Assistant for Software Evaluation using a Hybrid Approach (GK, RV, PD), p. 26.
ICDAR-1993-OkamotoT #hybrid #segmentation- A hybrid page segmentation method (MO, MT), pp. 743–746.
WCRE-1993-Quilici #approach #hybrid #programming- A Hybrid Approach to Recognizing Programming Plans (AQ), pp. 126–133.
HCI-SHI-1993-MilechWNRK #hybrid #modelling #student- Student Modelling in Hybrid Training Systems (DM, BW, SN, GGR, KK), pp. 754–759.
CIKM-1993-GolverRO #hybrid #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition #self- Hybrid Pattern Recognition System Capable of Self-Modification (CWG, NSVR, EMO), pp. 239–244.
CIKM-1993-ShinLYC #hybrid #information retrieval #knowledge base #named- HYKIS — An Information Retrieval System Based on a Hybrid Knowledge Base (DS, HL, YY, KSC), pp. 264–273.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-PloschW #communication #distributed #hybrid #library- An Extensible Communication Class Library for Hybrid Distributed Systems (RP, RW), pp. 431–437.
SAC-1993-RankinWHS #algorithm #evaluation #hybrid #problem #search-based- A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for an NP-Complete Problem with an Expensive Evaluation Function (RR, RWW, GH, JS), pp. 251–256.
SAC-1993-SutherlandPR #architecture #hybrid #integration #object-oriented #relational- The Hybrid Object-Relational Architecture (HORA): An Integration of Object-Oriented and Relational Technology (JS, MP, KR), pp. 326–333.
SAC-1993-VeezhinathanKT #bound #branch #hybrid- A Hybrid of Neural Net and Branch and Bound Techniques for Seismic Horizon Tracking (JV, FK, JT), pp. 173–178.
CAV-1993-LincolnR #algorithm #consistency #fault #hybrid #interactive #verification- The Formal Verification of an Algorithm for Interactive Consistency under a Hybrid Fault Model (PL, JMR), pp. 292–304.
ICLP-1993-NerodeK #constraints #hybrid #logic programming- Hybrid Systems and Constraint Logic Programming (AN, WK), pp. 18–24.
ESOP-1992-BenvenisteBG #hybrid #realtime- SIGNAL as a Model for Real-Time and Hybrid Systems (AB, MLB, PLG), pp. 20–38.
KR-1992-Jang #feedback #hybrid #information management #representation- Knowledge Representation and Incorporation in a Hybrid System with Feedback (YJ), pp. 477–488.
ASPLOS-1992-VeenstraF #evaluation #hybrid #performance #protocol- A Performance Evaluation of Optimal Hybrid Cache Coherency Protocols (JEV, RJF), pp. 149–160.
KR-1991-Myers #integration #logic- Universal Attachment: An Integration Method for Logic Hybrids (KLM), pp. 405–416.
ML-1991-FawcettU #generative #hybrid- A Hybrid Method for Feature Generation (TF, PEU), pp. 137–141.
ML-1991-GratchD #approach #effectiveness #hybrid- A Hybrid Approach to Guaranteed Effective Control Strategies (JG, GD), pp. 509–513.
SIGIR-1991-LuoY #algorithm #hybrid #image- Image Decompression: A Hybrid Image Decompressing Algorithm (CL, CTY), pp. 82–91.
ECOOP-1991-MatsuokaWY #architecture #concurrent #hybrid #object-oriented #programming- Hybrid Group Reflective Architecture for Object-Oriented Concurrent Reflective Programming (SM, TW, AY), pp. 231–250.
VLDB-1990-AgrawalJ #algorithm #hybrid #transitive- Hybrid Transitive Closure Algorithms (RA, HVJ), pp. 326–334.
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KR-1989-Cohn #framework #hybrid #on the #reasoning- On the Appearance of Sortal Literals: a Non Substitutional Framework for Hybrid Reasoning (AGC), pp. 55–66.
KR-1989-Frisch #deduction #framework #hybrid #reasoning- A General Framework for Sorted Deduction: Fundamental Results on Hybrid Reasoning (AMF), pp. 126–136.
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DAC-1979-Sherwood #hybrid #logic #scheduling- A hybrid scheduling technique for hierarchical logic simulators or “Close Encounters of the Simulated Kind” (WS), pp. 249–254.
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