Collaborated with:
M.Johansson Björn Strååt Yubo Kou Henrik Warpefelt
Talks about:
game (5) evalu (3) behavior (2) onlin (2) ethnograph (1) multiplay (1) demystifi (1) communiti (1) perspect (1) prosoci (1)
Person: Harko Verhagen
DBLP: Verhagen:Harko
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- DiGRA-2009-VerhagenJ #game studies
- Demystifying guilds: MMORPG-playing and norms (HV, MJ).
- DiGRA-2013-WarpefeltJV #behaviour #game studies #matrix #using
- Analyzing the believability of game character behavior using the Game Agent Matrix (HW, MJ, HV).
- FDG-2014-StraatV #evaluation #tool support
- Evaluating the evaluation tools (BS, HV).
- FDG-2015-JohanssonVK #game studies #multi #online #trust
- I am being watched by the Tribunal: Trust and control in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena games (MJ, HV, YK).
- FDG-2015-StraatV #evaluation #game studies #perspective
- Top Versus Bottom: Game Evaluation from an Expert or Player Perspective (BS, HV).
- FDG-2017-KouJV #behaviour #community #game studies #online
- Prosocial behavior in an online game community: an ethnographic study (YK, MJ, HV), p. 6.