Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
2 × France
Collaborated with:
L.Liu W.Hofman R.Triepels
Talks about:
risk (2) busi (2) intellig (1) bayesian (1) reliabl (1) network (1) explain (1) suppli (1) logist (1) intern (1)
Person: Hennie A. M. Daniels
DBLP: Daniels:Hennie_A=_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICEIS-v2-2014-LiuDT #network #reliability
- Auditing Data Reliability in International Logistics — An Application of Bayesian Networks (LL, HAMD, RT), pp. 707–712.
- ICEIS-J-2013-LiuDH13a #risk management
- Business Intelligence for Improving Supply Chain Risk Management (LL, HAMD, WH), pp. 190–205.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-LiuDH #assessment #detection #exception #risk management
- Detecting and Explaining Business Exceptions for Risk Assessment (LL, HAMD, WH), pp. 530–535.