Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Portugal
1 × The Netherlands
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.Tanaka M.P.Kato S.Oyama A.Jatowt M.Yamamoto H.Iwasaki T.Yamamoto T.Kobayashi Y.Kawai K.Tsukuda Y.Takahashi S.Nakamura S.Konishi H.Kondo T.Tezuka
Talks about:
search (6) analysi (3) web (3) histori (2) inform (2) domain (2) relat (2) queri (2) model (2) base (2)
Person: Hiroaki Ohshima
DBLP: Ohshima:Hiroaki
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- SIGIR-2014-KatoYOT #query
- Investigating users’ query formulations for cognitive search intents (MPK, TY, HO, KT), pp. 577–586.
- SAC-2013-TsukudaOYIT #analysis #coordination
- Discovering unexpected information on the basis of popularity/unpopularity analysis of coordinate objects and their relationships (KT, HO, MY, HI, KT), pp. 878–885.
- SIGIR-2012-KatoOT #adaptation #retrieval
- Content-based retrieval for heterogeneous domains: domain adaptation by relative aggregation points (MPK, HO, KT), pp. 811–820.
- HT-2011-TakahashiOYIOT #analysis #using #wiki
- Evaluating significance of historical entities based on tempo-spatial impacts analysis using Wikipedia link structure (YT, HO, MY, HI, SO, KT), pp. 83–92.
- CIKM-2010-KatoOOT
- Search as if you were in your home town: geographic search by regional context and dynamic feature-space selection (MPK, HO, SO, KT), pp. 1541–1544.
- CIKM-2009-KatoOOT #query #relational #using #web
- Query by analogical example: relational search using web search engine indices (MPK, HO, SO, KT), pp. 27–36.
- SAC-2009-KobayashiOOT #modelling #overview #web
- Modeling and analyzing review information on the web focusing on credibility (TK, HO, SO, KT), pp. 1316–1317.
- HT-2008-JatowtKOT #documentation #interactive #modelling #towards #what
- What can history tell us?: towards different models of interaction with document histories (AJ, YK, HO, KT), pp. 5–14.
- ECDL-2007-NakamuraKJOKTOT #analysis #web
- Trustworthiness Analysis of Web Search Results (SN, SK, AJ, HO, HK, TT, SO, KT), pp. 38–49.