Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × France
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.S.Kolovos A.Zolotas R.F.Paige S.Popoola A.Yohannis F.Polack D.S.Kolovos S.Hutchesson R.Wei S.Gerasimou
Talks about:
model (5) generat (2) toward (2) proprietari (1) transform (1) synthet (1) papyrus (1) languag (1) graphic (1) epsilon (1)
Person: Horacio Hoyos Rodriguez
DBLP: Rodriguez:Horacio_Hoyos
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICMT-2016-PopoolaKR #generative #model transformation #named #transformation language
- EMG: A Domain-Specific Transformation Language for Synthetic Model Generation (SP, DSK, HHR), pp. 36–51.
- MoDELS-2017-ZolotasRKPH #model management #modelling #open source #tool support
- Bridging Proprietary Modelling and Open-Source Model Management Tools: The Case of PTC Integrity Modeller and Epsilon (AZ, HHR, DSK, RFP, SH), pp. 237–247.
- ECMFA-2018-YohannisRPK #modelling #performance #towards
- Towards Efficient Loading of Change-Based Models (AY, HHR, FP, DSK), pp. 235–250.
- ECMFA-2018-ZolotasWGRKP #automation #editing #generative #papyrus #towards #uml #visual notation
- Towards Automatic Generation of UML Profile Graphical Editors for Papyrus (AZ, RW, SG, HHR, DSK, RFP), pp. 12–27.