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Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × USA
2 × Austria
2 × France
Collaborated with:
R.F.Paige K.Barmpis H.H.Rodriguez A.García-Domínguez R.Wei A.Zolotas S.Popoola J.Hingorani S.Madani S.Hutchesson M.A.A.d.Silva A.Abherve A.Bagnato S.Gerasimou A.Gómez X.Mendialdua G.Bergmann J.Cabot C.Debreceni A.Garmendia J.d.Lara S.Trujillo
Talks about:
model (10) languag (2) generat (2) epsilon (2) toward (2) integr (2) tool (2) proprietari (1) transform (1) technolog (1)

Person: Dimitrios S. Kolovos

DBLP DBLP: Kolovos:Dimitrios_S=

Contributed to:

ECMFA 20162016
ICMT 20162016
MoDELS 20162016
ECMFA 20172017
MoDELS 20172017
ECMFA 20182018

Wrote 9 papers:

Stress-Testing Centralised Model Stores (AGD, KB, DSK, RW, RFP), pp. 48–63.
ICMT-2016-PopoolaKR #generative #model transformation #named #transformation language
EMG: A Domain-Specific Transformation Language for Synthetic Model Generation (SP, DSK, HHR), pp. 36–51.
MoDELS-2016-Garcia-Dominguez #graph #integration #modelling #tool support
Integration of a graph-based model indexer in commercial modelling tools (AGD, KB, DSK, MAAdS, AA, AB), pp. 340–350.
MoDELS-2016-WeiKGBP #modelling #xmi
Partial loading of XMI models (RW, DSK, AGD, KB, RFP), pp. 329–339.
ECMFA-2017-GomezMBCDGKLT #case study #development #experience #modelling #on the #scalability
On the Opportunities of Scalable Modeling Technologies: An Experience Report on Wind Turbines Control Applications Development (AG, XM, GB, JC, CD, AG, DSK, JdL, ST), pp. 300–315.
MoDELS-2017-ZolotasRKPH #model management #modelling #open source #tool support
Bridging Proprietary Modelling and Open-Source Model Management Tools: The Case of PTC Integrity Modeller and Epsilon (AZ, HHR, DSK, RFP, SH), pp. 237–247.
ECMFA-2018-BarmpisKH #execution #framework #natural language #towards
Towards a Framework for Writing Executable Natural Language Rules (KB, DSK, JH), pp. 251–263.
ECMFA-2018-MadaniKP #parallel #validation
Parallel Model Validation with Epsilon (SM, DSK, RFP), pp. 115–131.
ECMFA-2018-ZolotasWGRKP #automation #editing #generative #papyrus #towards #uml #visual notation
Towards Automatic Generation of UML Profile Graphical Editors for Papyrus (AZ, RW, SG, HHR, DSK, RFP), pp. 12–27.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.