Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.A.Mahmoud K.C.Toth O.Sherif
Talks about:
distribut (3) resourc (2) network (2) inform (2) optim (2) alloc (2) architectur (1) databas (1) system (1) add (1)
Person: J. Spruce Riordon
DBLP: Riordon:J=_Spruce
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- VLDB-1978-TothMRS #architecture #database #distributed
- The ADD System: An Architecture for Distributed Databases (KCT, SAM, JSR, OS), pp. 462–471.
- VLDB-1975-MahmoudR #distributed #network
- Optimal Allocation of Resources in Distributed Information Networks (SAM, JSR), p. i.
- VLDB-J-1975-MahmoudR76 #distributed #network
- Optimal Allocation of Resources in Distributed Information Networks (SAM, JSR), pp. 66–78.