Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × The Netherlands
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Bowers J.O'Brien K.Palfreyman J.Allanson G.Button P.Johnson S.Wilson P.Markopoulos P.Tolmie T.Diggins A.MacLean A.Karsenty
Talks about:
environ (3) design (3) prototyp (2) virtual (2) requir (2) cooper (2) talk (2) get (2) ethnographi (1) accomplish (1)
Person: James Pycock
DBLP: Pycock:James
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- CHI-2002-TolmiePDMK
- Unremarkable computing (PT, JP, TD, AM, AK), pp. 399–406.
- CSCW-1998-PycockPAB #representation #requirements
- Representing Fieldwork and Articulating Requirements Through VR (JP, KP, JA, GB), pp. 383–392.
- CHI-1996-BowersPO #collaboration
- Talk and Embodiment in Collaborative Virtual Environments (JB, JP, JO), pp. 58–65.
- CSCW-1996-BowersOP
- Practically Accomplishing Immersion: Cooperation in and for Virtual Environments (JB, JO, JP), pp. 380–389.
- CSCW-1996-PycockB #design #industrial
- Getting Others to get it Right: an Ethnography of Design Work in the Fashion Industry (JP, JB), pp. 219–228.
- CHI-1994-BowersP94a #design #prototype #requirements
- Talking through design: requirements and resistance in cooperative prototyping (JB, JP), pp. 299–305.
- INTERCHI-1993-JohnsonWMP #design #modelling #named #prototype
- ADEPT: Advanced Design Environment for Prototyping with Task Models (PJ, SW, PM, JP), p. 56.