430 papers:
CASE-2015-KimCDZF #distributed #flexibility- DisCoF+: Asynchronous DisCoF with flexible decoupling for cooperative pathfinding in distributed systems (KK, JC, WD, YZ, GEF), pp. 369–376.
CASE-2015-LiuZ #adaptation #human-computer #modelling #predict #process- Adaptive predictive ANFIS based human arm movement modeling and control in machine-human cooperative GTAW process (YL, YZ), pp. 1465–1470.
CASE-2015-NohAH #assessment #behaviour- Situation assessment and behavior decision for vehicle/driver cooperative driving in highway environments (SN, KA, WH), pp. 626–633.
CASE-2015-TorresP #multi #using- Cooperative control of multiple untethered magnetic microrobots using a single magnetic field source (NAT, DOP), pp. 1608–1613.
DATE-2015-YinLLWG15a #policy- Cooperatively managing dynamic writeback and insertion policies in a last-level DRAM cache (SY, JL, LL, SW, YG), pp. 187–192.
CHI-2015-JohnsonWCW #difference #experience #game studies #process- Cooperative Game Play with Avatars and Agents: Differences in Brain Activity and the Experience of Play (DJ, PW, MC, CW), pp. 3721–3730.
DUXU-DD-2015-DavidC15a #design- Exploring and Experimenting Cooperative Design (SD, LC), pp. 149–156.
HCI-DE-2015-CrawfordAJRG #evaluation #experience #interactive #towards #user interface- User Experience Evaluation Towards Cooperative Brain-Robot Interaction (CSC, MA, FJ, SR, JEG), pp. 184–193.
HCI-UC-2015-OhJK #approach #human-computer #simulation #using- Simulation of an Affordance-Based Human-Machine Cooperative Control Model Using an Agent-Based Simulation Approach (YgO, IJ, NK), pp. 226–237.
ICEIS-v1-2015-SchusterEMS #documentation #flexibility #information management #named- Modelspace — Cooperative Document Information Extraction in Flexible Hierarchies (DS, DE, KM, AS), pp. 321–329.
SAC-2015-AhrndtBFA #adaptation #predict- Predictability in human-agent cooperation: adapting to humans’ personalities (SA, BB, JF, SA), pp. 474–479.
SAC-2015-AmaralTMH #as a service #framework #internet #middleware- Cooperative middleware platform as a service for internet of things applications (LAA, RTT, EdM, FH), pp. 488–493.
SAC-2015-MinsamS #game studies- Sustaining mutual cooperation in iterated prisoner’s dilemma game (KM, KYS), pp. 335–337.
SAC-2015-RajtmajerGMS #behaviour #game studies #network #online #social- An evolutionary game model for the spread of non-cooperative behavior in online social networks (SMR, CG, DM, ACS), pp. 1154–1159.
SAC-2015-SugiyamaS #learning #multi- Meta-strategy for cooperative tasks with learning of environments in multi-agent continuous tasks (AS, TS), pp. 494–500.
ICSE-v2-2015-SoundarajanJR #collaboration #re-engineering- Collaborative and Cooperative-Learning in Software Engineering Courses (NS, SJ, RR), pp. 319–322.
CADE-2015-RegerTV #proving- Cooperating Proof Attempts (GR, DT, AV), pp. 339–355.
ASE-2014-KusanoW #abstraction #optimisation #partial order #reduction- Assertion guided abstraction: a cooperative optimization for dynamic partial order reduction (MK, CW), pp. 175–186.
CASE-2014-GlorieuxDSL #approach #optimisation #using- Optimisation of interacting production stations using a Constructive Cooperative Coevolutionary approach (EG, FD, BS, BL), pp. 322–327.
DATE-2014-DamodaranWH #distributed #multi- Distributed cooperative shared last-level caching in tiled multiprocessor system on chip (PPD, SW, AH), pp. 1–4.
HT-2014-CazabetT14a #comprehension #visualisation- Understanding mass cooperation through visualization (RC, HT), pp. 206–211.
SAS-2014-MandelP #ml- Reactivity of Cooperative Systems — Application to ReactiveML (LM, CP), pp. 219–236.
AFL-2014-FernauFH #distributed #finite #hybrid- Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems of Finite Index Working in Hybrid Modes (HF, RF, MH), pp. 246–260.
SEFM-2014-LaibinisTGMK #behaviour #formal method #modelling #verification- Formal Modelling and Verification of Cooperative Ant Behaviour in Event-B (LL, ET, ZG, FM, AHK), pp. 363–377.
HIMI-DE-2014-LeeLS14a #communication #development- Development of Digital-Device-Based Cooperation Support System to Aid Communication between MCR Operators and Field Workers in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) (SML, HCL, PHS), pp. 483–490.
HIMI-DE-2014-ValdezSZH #clustering #network #research #scalability #social #visualisation- Enhancing Interdisciplinary Cooperation by Social Platforms — Assessing the Usefulness of Bibliometric Social Network Visualization in Large-Scale Research Clusters (ACV, AKS, MZ, AH), pp. 298–309.
ICEIS-v2-2014-CasalinoCMGT #effectiveness- Defining a Model for Effective e-Government Services and an Inter-organizational Cooperation in Public Sector (NC, MC, MdM, MG, GT), pp. 400–408.
ICEIS-v2-2014-ChangS #multi- Cooperation Strategies for Multi-user Transmission in Manhattan Environment (JC, WS), pp. 415–419.
ICPR-2014-AlmogahedK #game studies #named #using- NEATER: Filtering of Over-sampled Data Using Non-cooperative Game Theory (BAA, IAK), pp. 1371–1376.
ICPR-2014-WilliamsCD #automation #human-computer #on the #recognition- On Human Perception and Automatic Target Recognition: Strategies for Human-Computer Cooperation (DPW, MC, SD), pp. 4690–4695.
KMIS-2014-MattaMD #design #information management- Cooperative Knowledge Discovery in Design Projects (XM, NM, GD), pp. 27–35.
SEKE-2014-XuL #approach #architecture #automation #synthesis #using- Automated Software Architectural Synthesis using Patterns: A Cooperative Coevolution Approach (YX, PL), pp. 174–180.
ECOOP-2014-ImamS #parallel #scheduling- Cooperative Scheduling of Parallel Tasks with General Synchronization Patterns (SMI, VS), pp. 618–643.
SAC-2014-CalvoOFR #distributed #multi #parametricity- Parametric investigation of a distributed strategy for multiple agents systems applied to cooperative tasks (RC, JdO, MF, RAR), pp. 207–212.
SAC-2014-MuneraDAC #flexibility #parallel- Flexible cooperation in parallel local search (DM, DD, SA, PC), pp. 1360–1361.
SAC-2014-ParkKC #framework #kernel #memory management #online #using- Cooperative kernel: online memory test platform using inter-kernel context switch and memory isolation (HP, DK, JC), pp. 1517–1522.
CGO-2014-PanditG #execution #kernel #multi #source code- Fluidic Kernels: Cooperative Execution of OpenCL Programs on Multiple Heterogeneous Devices (PP, RG), p. 273.
CASE-2013-LaSC #mobile #network- Cooperative and active sensing in mobile sensor networks for scalar field mapping (HML, WS, JC), pp. 831–836.
CASE-2013-LiuLXB- Cooperative control of air flow for HVAC systems (SL, YL, LX, AMB), pp. 422–427.
CASE-2013-MaHS #grid #network #smarttech- Transmission power allocation for cooperative relay-based neighborhood area networks for smart grid (KM, GH, CJS), pp. 599–604.
CSEET-2013-GabrysiakHPG #education #implementation #requirements- Cooperating with a non-governmental organization to teach gathering and implementation of requirements (GG, RH, LP, HG), pp. 11–20.
GRAPHITE-2013-Majster-CederbaumS #architecture #constraints #operating system #reachability- Reachability in Cooperating Systems with Architectural Constraints is PSPACE-Complete (MEMC, NS), pp. 1–11.
CSCW-2013-ParkSLB #contest #design #scalability- Crowd vs. crowd: large-scale cooperative design through open team competition (CHP, KS, JHL, SHB), pp. 1275–1284.
DUXU-PMT-2013-PenhaCSCB #evaluation #usability- Ergonomic Evaluation of Usability with Users — Application of the Technique of Cooperative Evaluation (MP, WC, MMS, FC, MB), pp. 379–388.
HCI-AS-2013-TogawaK #framework- Private Cloud Cooperation Framework for Reducing the Earthquake Damage on e-Learning Environment (ST, KK), pp. 503–510.
HIMI-HSM-2013-WadaNS #approach- Approach to Haptic Guidance Control in Steering Operation Based on Cooperative States between Driver and Control System (TW, RN, SS), pp. 596–605.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-Takahashi13a- Role of Assigned Persona for Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Remote Control Environment (YT), pp. 372–380.
ICEIS-v1-2013-CarrerasP #evaluation #game studies- Cooperation Tendencies and Evaluation of Games (FC, MAP), pp. 415–422.
SAC-2013-NakamuraNTO #problem #towards- Towards solving an obstacle problem by the cooperation of UAVs and UGVs (SN, HN, YT, AO), pp. 77–82.
ASPLOS-2013-JogKNMKMID #array #concurrent #named #owl #performance #scheduling #thread- OWL: cooperative thread array aware scheduling techniques for improving GPGPU performance (AJ, OK, NCN, AKM, MTK, OM, RI, CRD), pp. 395–406.
ASPLOS-2013-LuciaC #empirical #parallel #source code #thread- Cooperative empirical failure avoidance for multithreaded programs (BL, LC), pp. 39–50.
ASPLOS-2013-SchulteDWF #assembly #automation #embedded #source code- Automated repair of binary and assembly programs for cooperating embedded devices (EMS, JD, WW, SF), pp. 317–328.
CAV-2013-BrockschmidtCF #proving #termination- Better Termination Proving through Cooperation (MB, BC, CF), pp. 413–429.
CAV-2013-DragoiGH #automation #concurrent #proving- Automatic Linearizability Proofs of Concurrent Objects with Cooperating Updates (CD, AG, TAH), pp. 174–190.
CASE-2012-SuhYO #algorithm #locality #mobile #network- A cooperative localization algorithm for mobile sensor networks (JS, SY, SO), pp. 1126–1131.
VLDB-2012-SwitakowskiBZ #predict- From Cooperative Scans to Predictive Buffer Management (MS, PAB, MZ), pp. 1759–1770.
CSEET-2012-MaoJSZ #education- A New Model on the School-Enterprise Cooperation Curriculum Construction (HM, NJ, WS, YZ), pp. 115–119.
SCAM-2012-Xie #analysis #testing- Cooperative Testing and Analysis: Human-Tool, Tool-Tool and Human-Human Cooperations to Get Work Done (TX), pp. 1–3.
CHI-2012-VoidaBOOD #distributed- Cross-cutting faultlines of location and shared identity in the intergroup cooperation of partially distributed groups (AV, NB, JSO, GMO, LD), pp. 3101–3110.
CSCW-2012-Benkler #design #towards- The penguin and the leviathan: towards cooperative human systems design (YB), pp. 1–2.
CSCW-2012-BoltonKV #comparison #performance #using- A comparison of competitive and cooperative task performance using spherical and flat displays (JB, KK, RV), pp. 529–538.
CSCW-2012-BossenJW- Medical secretaries’ care of records: the cooperative work of a non-clinical group (CB, LGJ, FW), pp. 921–930.
CSCW-2012-PentlandHK #consistency #distance #distributed- Awareness as an antidote to distance: making distributed groups cooperative and consistent (AP, PH, TK), pp. 1237–1246.
CSCW-2012-ZhouZAH #documentation #health #problem- Cooperative documentation: the patient problem list as a nexus in electronic health records (XZ, KZ, MSA, DAH), pp. 911–920.
CAiSE-2012-MehandjievLCR #composition- Cooperative Service Composition (NM, FL, MC, FAR), pp. 111–126.
ICEIS-v2-2012-ZianiBT #ontology- A Cooperation System based on Ontologies (MZ, DB, GT), pp. 90–97.
ICPR-2012-RenZMZ #classification #image #multi #optimisation- Hyperspectral image classification based on Multiple Improved particle swarm cooperative optimization and SVM (YR, YZ, QM, LZ), pp. 2274–2277.
SAC-2012-CasadoTY #reliability #testing #transaction #web #web service- Testing the reliability of web services transactions in cooperative applications (RC, JT, MY), pp. 743–748.
SAC-2012-RajeDFRR #data access #implementation #ontology #using- Using ontology-based methods for implementing role-based access control in cooperative systems (SR, CD, MF, RR, JR), pp. 763–764.
HPCA-2012-RolanFD #adaptation- Adaptive Set-Granular Cooperative Caching (DR, BBF, RD), pp. 213–224.
HPCA-2012-SundararajanPJTF #clustering #energy- Cooperative partitioning: Energy-efficient cache partitioning for high-performance CMPs (KTS, VP, TMJ, NPT, BF), pp. 311–322.
ISSTA-2012-YiDFF #concurrent #java #thread- Cooperative types for controlling thread interference in Java (JY, TD, SNF, CF), pp. 232–242.
ECSA-2011-TamburriL #agile #communication #development #network- Supporting Communication and Cooperation in Global Software Development with Agile Service Networks (DAT, PL), pp. 236–243.
DATE-2011-StranoGLFGB #architecture #scalability #self- Exploiting Network-on-Chip structural redundancy for a cooperative and scalable built-in self-test architecture (AS, CGR, DL, MF, MEG, DB), pp. 661–666.
ITiCSE-2011-MartinezC #algebra #education #relational- A cooperative learning-based strategy for teaching relational algebra (AM, AC), pp. 263–267.
CSCW-2011-KowN #community #exclamation #online- Forget online communities?: revisit cooperative work! (YMK, BAN), pp. 351–354.
DHM-2011-LaquaiDR #behaviour #modelling- Impact and Modeling of Driver Behavior Due to Cooperative Assistance Systems (FL, MD, GR), pp. 473–482.
DUXU-v1-2011-GouldM #collaboration #communication #development- Company Culture Audit to Improve Development Team’s Collaboration, Communication, and Cooperation (EWG, AM), pp. 415–424.
HCI-DDA-2011-Yamamoto #performance- Synchronization and Fluctuation of Rhythm in Musical Cooperative Performance (TY), pp. 517–526.
HCI-MIIE-2011-DambockKBB- The H-Metaphor as an Example for Cooperative Vehicle Driving (DD, MK, KB, HB), pp. 376–385.
ICEIS-J-2011-LezocheAP #concept #information management #model transformation #semantics- Formal Fact-Oriented Model Transformations for Cooperative Information Systems Semantic Conceptualisation (ML, AA, HP), pp. 117–131.
ICEIS-v1-2011-LezochePA #approach #concept #information management- Conceptualisation Approach for Cooperative Information Systems Interoperability (ML, HP, AA), pp. 101–110.
ICEIS-v2-2011-GonzalezML #design- A Model for Designing Non Cooperative Supply Chain Where Logistics Service Providers Take Part (EDRSG, GRM, HPLL), pp. 409–417.
ICEIS-v4-2011-NguyenD #approach #information management #mobile #performance- An Efficient Cooperative Cache Approach in Mobile Information System (TTMN, TTBD), pp. 153–159.
ICML-2011-JegelkaB11a #approximate #bound #using- Approximation Bounds for Inference using Cooperative Cuts (SJ, JAB), pp. 577–584.
KEOD-2011-ZianiBT #ontology- Business Ontologies Cooperation (MZ, DB, GT), pp. 214–219.
KMIS-2011-MeloRN #semantics #web- Cooperative Question Answering for the Semantic Web (DM, IPR, VBN), pp. 258–263.
ICSE-2011-Xiao #developer #generative #identification #problem #testing #towards- Problem identification for structural test generation: first step towards cooperative developer testing (XX), pp. 1179–1181.
PPoPP-2011-LuchangcoM #concurrent #transaction- Transaction communicators: enabling cooperation among concurrent transactions (VL, VJM), pp. 169–178.
PPoPP-2011-YiSF #execution #reasoning- Cooperative reasoning for preemptive execution (JY, CS, CF), pp. 147–156.
DocEng-2010-Skaf-MolliCM #distributed #documentation #framework #named #semantics #wiki- DSMW: a distributed infrastructure for the cooperative edition of semantic wiki documents (HSM, GC, PM), pp. 185–186.
ICALP-v1-2010-BateniHIM #game studies #network- The Cooperative Game Theory Foundations of Network Bargaining Games (MB, MH, NI, HM), pp. 67–78.
ILC-2010-RideauG #coordination #evolution- Evolving ASDF: more cooperation, less coordination (FRR, RPG), pp. 29–42.
CHI-2010-AssogbaD #bound #named #programming- Share: a programming environment for loosely bound cooperation (YA, JSD), pp. 961–970.
CHI-2010-El-NasrAMELMM #comprehension #game studies- Understanding and evaluating cooperative games (MSEN, BA, DM, ME, BL, HM, SM), pp. 253–262.
CSCW-2010-BreuPSZ #debugging #developer- Information needs in bug reports: improving cooperation between developers and users (SB, RP, JS, TZ), pp. 301–310.
CSCW-2010-ShaoLG #algorithm #mobile #sequence- A sequence transformation algorithm for supporting cooperative work on mobile devices (BS, DL, NG), pp. 159–168.
EDOC-2010-Halle #contract #interface #ltl #monitoring #runtime- Cooperative Runtime Monitoring of LTL Interface Contracts (SH), pp. 227–236.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-LassigT #enterprise #generative- New Approaches to Enterprise Cooperation Generation and Management (JL, UT), pp. 350–359.
ICPR-2010-BimboDLP #locality- Sensor Fusion for Cooperative Head Localization (ADB, FD, GL, FP), pp. 384–387.
KMIS-2010-Kenfack #collaboration #communication #community #information management- JADE Agent is Intermediation System (JAIS) for Knowledge Emergence in Community of Practices — Intelligent Information Systems, Best Practices & Communities of Practice, Cooperation, Communication, Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing (CK), pp. 372–377.
OOPSLA-2010-JinTLL #concurrent #debugging- Instrumentation and sampling strategies for cooperative concurrency bug isolation (GJ, AVT, BL, SL), pp. 241–255.
SAC-2010-FlegelHM- Cooperation enablement for centralistic early warning systems (UF, JH, MM), pp. 2001–2008.
ASPLOS-2010-BhattacharjeeM #multi- Inter-core cooperative TLB for chip multiprocessors (AB, MM), pp. 359–370.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-RodriguezDCJ #adaptation #architecture #communication #configuration management #modelling #multi- A model-based multi-level architectural reconfiguration applied to adaptability management in context-aware cooperative communication support systems (IBR, KD, CC, MJ), pp. 353–356.
VLDB-2009-DasAAA #architecture #concurrent #data type #manycore #thread- Thread Cooperation in Multicore Architectures for Frequency Counting over Multiple Data Streams (SD, SA, DA, AEA), pp. 217–228.
VLDB-2009-KotK- Cooperative Update Exchange in the Youtopia System (LK, CK), pp. 193–204.
ITiCSE-2009-Martin #learning- Cooperative learning to support the lacks of PBL (JGM), p. 343.
DHM-2009-MobusEGZ #empirical #modelling #probability- Probabilistic and Empirical Grounded Modeling of Agents in (Partial) Cooperative Traffic Scenarios (CM, ME, HG, MZ), pp. 423–432.
DHM-2009-YucelHDR #communication #coordination- Analyzing the Effects of a BCMA in Inter-Provider Communication, Coordination and Cooperation (GY, BH, VGD, MR), pp. 744–753.
HCD-2009-MayerOFNKKS #assembly #self- Cognitive Engineering for Direct Human-Robot Cooperation in Self-optimizing Assembly Cells (MPM, BO, MF, JN, WK, BK, CMS), pp. 1003–1012.
HIMI-DIE-2009-KojimaFI #process #web #web service- Web Service Systems for Cooperative Work Support in Knowledge Creation Processes (HK, KF, TI), pp. 94–103.
IDGD-2009-LorentsOR- Cyber Society and Cooperative Cyber Defence (PL, RO, RR), pp. 180–186.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-CardosoO #contract #monitoring- Monitoring Cooperative Business Contracts in an Institutional Environment (HLC, ECO), pp. 206–211.
ICEIS-J-2009-ChoB #query #retrieval #xml- Relaxing XML Preference Queries for Cooperative Retrieval (SC, WTB), pp. 160–171.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-TruongMLBCDGKLMMPSW #enterprise- Email-based Interoperability Service Utilities for Cooperative Small and Medium Enterprises (HLT, EM, ML, TB, MC, CD, PG, KK, DLL, CAM, CM, AP, MS, DW), pp. 95–101.
KEOD-2009-Szymanski #architecture #editing #named #semantics- Wordventure — Cooperative Wordnet Editor — Architecture for Lexical Semantic Acquisition (JS), pp. 28–33.
MoDELS-2009-Weissleder #industrial #modelling #state machine #testing #uml- Influencing Factors in Model-Based Testing with UML State Machines: Report on an Industrial Cooperation (SW), pp. 211–225.
MoDELS-2009-Weissleder #industrial #modelling #state machine #testing #uml- Influencing Factors in Model-Based Testing with UML State Machines: Report on an Industrial Cooperation (SW), pp. 211–225.
POPL-2009-AbadiP #thread- A model of cooperative threads (MA, GDP), pp. 29–40.
SAC-2009-GarciaBG #estimation- Cross-layer cooperation between membership estimation and routing (JCG, SB, PG), pp. 8–15.
SAC-2009-ParkPR #algorithm #automation #using- Planning for remarshaling in an automated container terminal using cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (KP, TP, KRR), pp. 1098–1105.
CASE-2008-0001S- Cooperative movements of binocular motor system (XZ, YS), pp. 321–327.
CASE-2008-LiuWZ #detection #multi #network- Cooperative multipath routing and relay based on noncoherent detection in wireless sensor networks (LL, ZW, MZ), pp. 128–132.
DATE-2008-PenazziCDSSM #multi #safety- Cooperative Safety: a Combination of Multiple Technologies (RP, PC, MD, AS, MS, EM), pp. 959–961.
SIGMOD-2008-LillisP #xpath- Cooperative XPath caching (KL, EP), pp. 327–338.
ITiCSE-2008-PerezMF #learning #operating system- Cooperative learning in operating systems laboratory (JEP, JGM, IMF), p. 323.
ESOP-2008-MartinFS #constraints #game studies- Playing with TOY: Constraints and Domain Cooperation (SEM, AJF, FSP), pp. 112–115.
SAS-2008-Liblit #debugging #static analysis- Reflections on the Role of Static Analysis in Cooperative Bug Isolation (BL), pp. 18–31.
LATA-2008-BordihnH #distributed #random- Random Context in Regulated Rewriting VersusCooperating Distributed Grammar Systems (HB, MH), pp. 125–136.
CHI-2008-ConvertinoMRCSG #process- Articulating common ground in cooperative work: content and process (GC, HMM, MBR, JMC, AS, CHG), pp. 1637–1646.
CSCW-2008-BardzellBPR #effectiveness- Blissfully productive: grouping and cooperation in world of warcraft instance runs (SB, JB, TP, KNR), pp. 357–360.
CSCW-2008-LiuLC- Operationalization of technology use and cooperation in CSCW (PJL, JML, KRC), pp. 505–514.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-UnemeKO #scheduling- Nurse Scheduling by Cooperative GA with Variable Mutation Operator (SyU, HK, MO), pp. 249–252.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-LeivaCGA #development #maintenance #using #workflow- A Cooperative Method for System Development and Maintenance Using Workflow Technologies (JLL, JLC, AG, MAA), pp. 130–135.
SEKE-2008-ZhongYAF #using- Ontology-learning Supported Sematic Search Using Cooperative Agents (CZ, Z(Y, MA, BHF), pp. 123–128.
PPDP-2008-MartinFHRSV #constraints- Cooperation of constraint domains in the TOY system (SEM, AJF, MTHG, MRA, FSP, RdVV), pp. 258–268.
REFSQ-2008-BendjennaZC #distributed #elicitation #process- Enhancing Elicitation Technique Selection Process in a Cooperative Distributed Environment (HB, NZ, PJC), pp. 23–36.
SAC-2008-BazzanSDB #contest #game studies- Emerging cooperation in a public goods game with competition (ALCB, RdS, SRD, ATB), pp. 8–12.
SAC-2008-JuniorCC #3d #architecture #distributed #named- Scara3D: 3-Dimensional HRI integrated to a distributed control architecture for remote and cooperative actuation (JMJ, LCJ, GAdPC), pp. 1597–1601.
OSDI-2008-LiCMKRAD #named- FlightPath: Obedience vs. Choice in Cooperative Services (HCL, AC, MM, MK, LR, LA, MD), pp. 355–368.
IJCAR-2008-BenzmullerPTF #automation #higher-order #logic #named #proving #theorem proving- LEO-II — A Cooperative Automatic Theorem Prover for Classical Higher-Order Logic (System Description) (CB, LCP, FT, AF), pp. 162–170.
ISSTA-2008-Liblit #debugging #testing- Cooperative debugging with five hundred million test cases (BL), pp. 119–120.
MBT-2008-DavidLLN #testing- Cooperative Testing of Timed Systems (AD, KGL, SL, BN), pp. 79–92.
CASE-2007-KwokNH #mobile #multi- PSO-Based Cooperative Control of Multiple Mobile Robots in Parameter-Tuned Formations (NMK, VTN, QPH), pp. 332–337.
VLDB-2007-ZukowskiHNB- Cooperative Scans: Dynamic Bandwidth Sharing in a DBMS (MZ, SH, NN, PAB), pp. 723–734.
HCI-AS-2007-ShihPLC #collaboration- Augmented Desk System: The Information Table of Collaborative and Cooperative (InfoTable) (CWS, SFP, MXL, HSC), pp. 735–741.
HIMI-IIE-2007-MurakamiTOH #development #energy- Development of Cooperative Building Controller for Energy Saving and Comfortable Environment (YM, MT, FO, MH), pp. 1078–1087.
OCSC-2007-YuanZW #community #contest #game studies #online- Cooperation and Competition Dynamics in an Online Game Community (RY, LZ, WW), pp. 475–484.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-CastroS #towards- Towards Cooperation Among Competitive Trader Agents (PALdC, JSS), pp. 138–143.
OOPSLA-2007-SmaragdakisKBY #transaction- Transactions with isolation and cooperation (YS, AK, RB, MY), pp. 191–210.
SAC-2007-BraghettoFP #control flow #process #specification #using- Using control-flow patterns for specifying business processes in cooperative environments (KRB, JEF, CP), pp. 1234–1241.
SAC-2007-GuKHC #thread- Shared-stack cooperative threads (BG, YK, JH, YC), pp. 1181–1186.
SAC-2007-VanderleiDMGAM #classification #component #retrieval- A cooperative classification mechanism for search and retrieval software components (TAV, FAD, ACM, VCG, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 866–871.
HPDC-2007-WeiRB- Cooperative secondary authorization recycling (QW, MR, KB), pp. 65–74.
CAV-2007-CharltonH #analysis #model checking #named #plugin- Hector: Software Model Checking with Cooperating Analysis Plugins (NC, MH), pp. 168–172.
HT-2006-WangR #authoring #comprehension #framework #hypermedia #social- A cognitive and social framework for shared understanding in cooperative hypermedia authoring (WW, JR), pp. 53–56.
SAS-2006-ChangHN #analysis #low level #using- Analysis of Low-Level Code Using Cooperating Decompilers (BYEC, MH, GCN), pp. 318–335.
CHI-2006-MorrisHPW #gesture #interactive #multi- Cooperative gestures: multi-user gestural interactions for co-located groupware (MRM, AH, AP, TW), pp. 1201–1210.
CSCW-2006-PiperOMW #development #game studies #named #social- SIDES: a cooperative tabletop computer game for social skills development (AMP, EO, MRM, TW), pp. 1–10.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-MeloB #approach #evaluation #user interface #web- An Inclusive Approach to Cooperative Evaluation of Web User Interfaces (AMM, MCCB), pp. 65–70.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-LewandowskiB #development #framework #process- A New Framework for the Support of Software Development Cooperative Activities (AL, GB), pp. 36–43.
ICEIS-J-2006-LewandowskiB06a #development #framework #process- An Eclipse-Based Framework for Supporting Software Development Cooperative Activities (AL, GB), pp. 254–268.
ICPR-v2-2006-Goto #distributed #framework- OCRGrid : A Platform for Distributed and Cooperative OCR Systems (HG), pp. 982–985.
ICPR-v3-2006-LienH #multi- Multi-view-based Cooperative Tracking of Multiple Human Objects in Cluttered Scenes (KCL, CLH), pp. 1123–1126.
SIGIR-2006-ShokouhiZST #distributed #retrieval- Capturing collection size for distributed non-cooperative retrieval (MS, JZ, FS, SMMT), pp. 316–323.
SAC-2006-CasallasVAL #enterprise #execution #modelling #named #simulation- xEAI-rules: executable models to simulate enterprise application cooperation (RC, MV, CA, NL), pp. 1308–1309.
SAC-2006-MatsumotoYN- Cooperative active contour model and its application to remote sensing (NM, NY, SN), pp. 44–45.
SAC-2006-SaC #education #process- Handheld devices for cooperative educational activities (MdS, LC), pp. 1145–1149.
HPCA-2006-HuangGH #ambiguity #memory management- Software-hardware cooperative memory disambiguation (RH, AG, MCH), pp. 244–253.
HPDC-2006-LopesM #clustering #file system #parallel- Cooperative Caching in the pCFS parallel Cluster File System (PAL, PDM), pp. 347–348.
ICLP-2006-NieuwenborghHV #programming #set- Cooperating Answer Set Programming (DVN, SH, DV), pp. 226–241.
CASE-2005-TangK #distributed #game studies #modelling #multi #problem- Cooperation in a multi-stage game for modeling distributed task delegation in a supply chain procurement problem (KT, SRTK), pp. 93–98.
DAC-2005-SchaumontLQV #architecture #design #energy #multi #thread- Cooperative multithreading on 3mbedded multiprocessor architectures enables energy-scalable design (PS, BCCL, WQ, IV), pp. 27–30.
HT-2005-GahleitnerBPW #on the #ontology- On cooperatively creating dynamic ontologies (EG, WB, JP, ERW), pp. 208–210.
STOC-2005-ChlebusK #memory management- Cooperative asynchronous update of shared memory (BSC, DRK), pp. 733–739.
CHI-2005-KamWITCGTC #named- Livenotes: a system for cooperative and augmented note-taking in lectures (MK, JW, AI, ET, JC, DG, OT, JFC), pp. 531–540.
ICEIS-v4-2005-EssmannH #distributed #framework #peer-to-peer- A Framework for Distributed Objects in Peer-to-Peer Cooperation Environments (BE, TH), pp. 157–162.
ICEIS-v5-2005-MahdaouiA #information management #workflow- A Cooperative Information System for E-Learning — A System Based on Workflows and Agents (LM, ZA), pp. 213–225.
CIKM-2005-YangH #ad hoc #network- Cooperative caching for k-NN search in ad hoc networks (BY, ARH), pp. 333–334.
ICML-2005-CrandallG #game studies #learning- Learning to compete, compromise, and cooperate in repeated general-sum games (JWC, MAG), pp. 161–168.
HPDC-2005-RanjanBH #clustering #distributed- A model for cooperative federation of distributed clusters (RR, RB, AH), pp. 295–296.
HPDC-2005-SonAL #named #on-demand #traversal- CODO: firewall traversal by cooperative on-demand opening (SCS, BA, ML), pp. 233–242.
SOSP-2005-AiyerACDMP #fault tolerance- BAR fault tolerance for cooperative services (ASA, LA, AC, MD, JPM, CP), pp. 45–58.
CBSE-2004-TivoliIPFS #assembly #component #data transformation- Correct Components Assembly for a Product Data Management Cooperative System (MT, PI, VP, AF, MS), pp. 84–99.
DAC-2004-MangH #abstraction #analysis #refinement- Abstraction refinement by controllability and cooperativeness analysis (FYCM, PHH), pp. 224–229.
CHI-2004-ViegasWD #visualisation- Studying cooperation and conflict between authors with history flow visualizations (FBV, MW, KD), pp. 575–582.
CSCW-2004-BardramH #architecture #mobile #social- The AWARE architecture: supporting context-mediated social awareness in mobile cooperation (JEB, TRH), pp. 192–201.
CSCW-2004-NealeCR #framework #modelling- Evaluating computer-supported cooperative work: models and frameworks (DCN, JMC, MBR), pp. 112–121.
CSCW-2004-WinbergB #design #interface #towards #visual notation- Assembling the senses: towards the design of cooperative interfaces for visually impaired users (FW, JB), pp. 332–341.
CAiSE-2004-ZdravkovicJ #process- Cooperation of Processes through Message Level Agreement (JZ, PJ), pp. 564–579.
ICEIS-v1-2004-DissonB #information management- Access Model in Cooperative Information Systems (ED, DB), pp. 259–266.
ICEIS-v4-2004-BoppHE #weaving- Connecting Virtual Spaces: Shadow Objects as Key Elements for Weaving the Cooperative Space (TB, TH, BE), pp. 475–479.
ICEIS-v4-2004-Bredin #network- Strategic Negotiation of Bandwidth in Cooperative Networks (JB), pp. 230–235.
ICML-2004-KokV- Sparse cooperative Q-learning (JRK, NAV).
SAC-2004-KehagiasSCM #data flow- Information agents cooperating with heterogenous data sources for customer-order management (DK, ALS, KCC, PAM), pp. 52–57.
SAC-2004-MaoWW #modelling #multi- Cooperation models for service oriented multi-agent system (XM, GW, HW), pp. 510–511.
SAC-2004-VincentR #analysis #framework #using- A framework and analysis for cooperative search using UAV swarms (PV, IR), pp. 79–86.
OSDI-2004-ParkPPW #named #performance #reliability- CoDNS: Improving DNS Performance and Reliability via Cooperative Lookups (KP, VSP, LLP, ZW), pp. 199–214.
CAV-2004-BarrettB #implementation- CVC Lite: A New Implementation of the Cooperating Validity Checker Category B (CWB, SB), pp. 515–518.
HT-2003-WangL #enterprise #hypermedia #realtime- A cooperative hypermedia solution to work management in real-time enterprises (WW, FML), pp. 196–197.
ITiCSE-2003-Hazzan03a #concept #student- Computer science students’ conception of the relationship between reward (grade) and cooperation (OH), pp. 178–182.
STOC-2003-GeorgiouRS #scheduling- Work-competitive scheduling for cooperative computing with dynamic groups (CG, AR, AAS), pp. 251–258.
AGTIVE-2003-HellerJ #development #distributed #graph #process #tool support- Graph-Based Tools for Distributed Cooperation in Dynamic Development Processes (MH, DJ), pp. 352–368.
ICEIS-v1-2003-CouturierS #architecture #component #information management #reuse- Patterns and Components to Capitalize and Reuse a Cooperative Information System Architecture (VC, MS), pp. 225–231.
ICEIS-v1-2003-ZarourBS #using- Using Information Technologies for Managing Cooperative Information Agent-Based Systems (NZ, MB, LS), pp. 430–440.
ICEIS-v2-2003-ChadesSC #markov #multi #process #using- Planning Cooperative Homogeneous Multiagent Systems Using Markov Decision Processes (IC, BS, FC), pp. 426–429.
ICEIS-v4-2003-AgostoPVB #named #personalisation- Someone: A Cooperative System for Personalized Information Exchange (LA, MP, LV, PB), pp. 71–78.
ICEIS-v4-2003-HampelB #documentation #web- Combining Web Based Document Management and Event-Based Systems — Integrating MUDS and MOOS Together with DMS to Form a Cooperative Knowledge Space (TH, TB), pp. 218–223.
ICEIS-v4-2003-Skaf-MolliMOGRR #enterprise #framework- Toxic Farm: A Cooperative Management Platform for Virtual Teams and Enterprises (HSM, PM, GO, CG, PR, FAR), pp. 348–356.
ICML-2003-StimpsonG #approach #learning #social- Learning To Cooperate in a Social Dilemma: A Satisficing Approach to Bargaining (JLS, MAG), pp. 728–735.
KDD-2003-MorinagaYT #distributed #mining- Distributed cooperative mining for information consortia (SM, KY, JiT), pp. 619–624.
SEKE-2003-AversanoLGR #distributed #flexibility #named #re-engineering- GENESIS: A Flexible and Distributed Environment for Cooperative Software Engineering (LA, ADL, MG, PR), pp. 497–502.
SEKE-2003-GrigoriCG #named #process- COO-flow: a Process Technology to Support Cooperative Processes (DG, FC, CG), pp. 663–670.
SAC-2003-MonfroyC #component #constraints #theorem proving- Basic Components for Constraint Solver Cooperations (EM, CC), pp. 367–374.
LDTA-2003-SanchezCMN #coordination #named #specification- CoordMaude: Simplifying Formal Coordination Specifications of Cooperation Environment (MS, PJC, JMM, JHN), pp. 643–658.
SOSP-2003-CastroDKNRS #multi #named- SplitStream: high-bandwidth multicast in cooperative environments (MC, PD, AMK, AN, AITR, AS), pp. 298–313.
HT-2002-TataGW #concept #hypermedia #implementation #policy #prototype- Policies for cooperative hypermedia systems: concepts and prototype implementation (ST, CG, UKW), pp. 140–141.
HT-2002-WangH #distributed #hypermedia #using #visual notation- Supporting distributed meetings using cooperative, visual, process-enabled hypermedia (WW, JMH), pp. 147–148.
SIGMOD-2002-OlstonW- Best-effort cache synchronization with source cooperation (CO, JW), pp. 73–84.
VLDB-2002-ShahRS #maintenance #repository- Maintaining Coherency of Dynamic Data in Cooperating Repositories (SS, KR, PJS), pp. 526–537.
CHI-2002-MartinRS #design #interactive- Applying patterns of cooperative interaction to work (re)design: e-government and planning (DBM, MR, IS), pp. 235–242.
CSCW-2002-Bossen #parametricity- The parameters of common information spaces: : the heterogeneity of cooperative work at a hospital ward (CB), pp. 176–185.
CSCW-2002-BradnerM #distance #matter #persuasion #why- Why distance matters: effects on cooperation, persuasion and deception (EB, GM), pp. 226–235.
CAiSE-2002-Jarke #information management #metadata- Metadata and Cooperative Knowledge Management (MJ), p. 2.
CAiSE-2002-JarkeK #information management #metadata- Metadata and Cooperative Knowledge Management (MJ, RK), pp. 4–20.
CIKM-2002-Hara #information management #mobile- Cooperative caching by mobile clients in push-based information systems (TH), pp. 186–193.
ICML-2002-OLZ #learning #using- Stock Trading System Using Reinforcement Learning with Cooperative Agents (JO, JWL, BTZ), pp. 451–458.
ICPR-v2-2002-UkitaM #communication #multi #realtime- Real-Time Cooperative Multi-Target Tracking by Communicating Active Vision Agents (NU, TM), pp. 14–19.
SEKE-2002-BagnoliFS #distance #education #named- WebTeach: an integrated web-based cooperative environment for distance teaching (FB, FF, AS), pp. 519–520.
SEKE-2002-Wang #process #re-engineering- A process centred environment for cooperative software engineering (AIW), pp. 469–472.
SAC-2002-GarciaF #concurrent #distributed- Concurrency control for distributed cooperative engineering applications (JCG, PF), pp. 958–963.
SAC-2002-JiangYWS #named #transaction- CovaTM: a transaction model for cooperative applications (JJ, GY, YW, MS), pp. 329–335.
SAC-2002-Yang #metamodelling #modelling- A uniform meta-model for modeling integrated cooperation (GY), pp. 322–328.
OSDI-2002-WeisselBB #energy #novel #semantics- Cooperative I/O: A Novel I/O Semantics for Energy-Aware Applications (AW, BB, FB), pp. 117–129.
CAV-2002-StumpBD #named- CVC: A Cooperating Validity Checker (AS, CWB, DLD), pp. 500–504.
HT-2001-RubartHTW #component #enterprise #hypermedia #using- Organizing shared enterprise workspaces using component-based cooperative hypermedia (JR, JMH, DAT, WW), pp. 73–82.
ICDAR-2001-RousselHI #comprehension #documentation- Web-based Cooperative Document Understanding (NR, OH, RI), pp. 368–373.
STOC-2001-JainV #algorithm #approximate #game studies- Applications of approximation algorithms to cooperative games (KJ, VVV), pp. 364–372.
EDOC-2001-PallecV #workflow- A Cooperative Workflow Management System with the Meta-Object Facility (XLP, TV), p. 273–?.
ICEIS-v1-2001-Kotowicz #communication- Computer Augmented Communication in Cooperative Groups (JPK), pp. 411–417.
KDD-2001-Aggarwal #clustering #effectiveness #human-computer- A human-computer cooperative system for effective high dimensional clustering (CCA), pp. 221–226.
SEKE-2001-LemosP #information management #interactive #modelling #petri net #using- Methodology for Modeling Interactions in Cooperative Information Systems Using Colored Petri Nets (AJPL, AP), pp. 299–306.
HPDC-2001-Cuenca-AcunaN #clustering #middleware- Cooperative Caching Middleware for Cluster-Based Servers (FMCA, TDN), pp. 303–314.
SOSP-2001-DabekKKMS- Wide-Area Cooperative Storage with CFS (FD, MFK, DRK, RM, IS), pp. 202–215.
CSEET-2000-MengelCF- A Perspective on Three Cooperating Courses (SAM, LMC, JF), pp. 265–272.
IFM-2000-Ameur #development #formal method #process- Cooperation of Formal Methods in an Engineering Based Software Development Process (YAA), pp. 136–155.
CHI-2000-DammHT #design #gesture #modelling #object-oriented #tool support- Tool support for cooperative object-oriented design: gesture based modelling on an electronic whiteboard (CHD, KMH, MT), pp. 518–525.
CHI-2000-JensenFDK #communication #online- The effect of communication modality on cooperation in online environments (CJ, SF, SMD, PK), pp. 470–477.
CSCW-2000-Bernstein #how #process #tool support- How can cooperative work tools support dynamic group process? bridging the specificity frontier (AB), pp. 279–288.
EDOC-2000-MecellaB #framework #information management #legacy- Cooperation of Heterogeneous Legacy Information Systems: A Methodological Framework (MM, CB), pp. 216–225.
EDOC-2000-SudaTHN #distributed #scalability- New Control Methods for the Realization of an Ultra-Large-Scale Cooperative Distributed System (SS, HT, AH, KN), pp. 13–20.
ICML-2000-LauerR #algorithm #distributed #learning #multi- An Algorithm for Distributed Reinforcement Learning in Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems (ML, MAR), pp. 535–542.
ICPR-v1-2000-BaillardHB #3d #segmentation #set- Cooperation between Level Set Techniques and Dense 3D Registration for the Segmentation of Brain Structures (CB, PH, CB), pp. 1991–1994.
ICPR-v4-2000-Buker #recognition- Cooperative Agents for Object Recognition (UB), pp. 4157–4160.
ICPR-v4-2000-UkitaM #incremental #modelling- Incremental Observable-Area Modeling for Cooperative Tracking (NU, TM), pp. 4192–4196.
KDD-2000-AnkerstEK #classification #effectiveness #towards- Towards an effective cooperation of the user and the computer for classification (MA, ME, HPK), pp. 179–188.
SIGIR-2000-PetasisCVPKS #adaptation #automation #machine learning #probability- Automatic adaptation of proper noun dictionaries through cooperation of machine learning and probabilistic methods (GP, AC, PV, GP, VK, CDS), pp. 128–135.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-MinyiMS #mobile #network- Cooperative Mobile Agents in Dynamic Network Environment (WM, ZM, YS), pp. 162–167.
SAC-2000-BarraCPGRS #distance #education #learning- Teach++: A Cooperative Distance Learning and Teaching Environment (MB, GC, UFP, VG, CR, VS), pp. 124–130.
SAC-2000-CasatiD #workflow- Supporting Workflow Cooperation Within and Across Organizations (FC, AD), pp. 196–202.
SAC-2000-RoselliCLPS #learning- WWW-Based Cooperative Learning (TR, CC, SL, MVP, GS), pp. 1014–1020.
SAC-2000-Tellioglu #architecture #using #web- Cooperative Planning: Using the Web for Cooperation in Architectural Planning (HT), pp. 1001–1005.
SPLC-2000-ToftCO #development #product line- A cooperative model for cross-divisional product development for a software product line (PT, DC, JTO), pp. 111–132.
CADE-2000-BarrettDS #framework- A Framework for Cooperating Decision Procedures (CWB, DLD, AS), pp. 79–98.
CL-2000-Hofstedt #communication- Better Communication for Tighter Cooperation (PH), pp. 342–358.
TestCom-2000-MaggioreVP #approach #quality- The Test Sub Group (TSG): A Cooperative Approach to Improve the Release Quality before Type Acceptance (GM, SV, JP), p. 239–?.
DATE-1999-IkedaKNSYMNO #architecture #scalability #video- An MPEG-2 Video Encoder LSI with Scalability for HDTV based on Three-layer Cooperative Architecture (MI, TK, KN, KS, TY, TM, JN, TO), p. 44–?.
HT-1999-Wang #data access #hypermedia- Team-and-RoleBbased Organizational Context and Access Control for Cooperative Hypermedia Environments (WW), pp. 37–46.
ICDAR-1999-LiNSSX- Cooperative Text and Line-Art Extraction from a Topographic Map (LL, GN, AS, SCS, YX), pp. 467–470.
DLT-1999-BordihnH #component #distributed- Cooperating distributed grammar systems with non-terminating components (HB, MH), pp. 305–315.
CHI-1999-Druin- Cooperative Inquiry: Developing new Technologies for Children with Children (AD), pp. 592–599.
CHI-1999-IshiiWOCP #design #game studies #interface #named- PingPongPlus: Design of an Athletic-Tangible Interface for Computer-Supported Cooperative Play (HI, CW, JO, BC, JAP), pp. 394–401.
HCI-CCAD-1999-EngelKM #lessons learnt- Conventions for cooperation — lessons learned from videoconferencing (AE, SK, AM), pp. 382–386.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Kim- Cooperative tele-operation in virtual environment (SJK), pp. 598–603.
HCI-CCAD-1999-LuczakW #communication- Computer supported communication and cooperation — making information aware (HL, MW), pp. 298–302.
HCI-CCAD-1999-McNeese #analysis #learning #metric #performance #process #protocol- Making sense of teamwork: the use of protocol analysis / performance measures to reveal cooperative work processes in a situated learning environment (MDM), pp. 502–506.
HCI-CCAD-1999-NakayasuNNNK #design #human-computer- Human-computer cooperative work for design and production cycle (HN, MN, EN, YN, TK), pp. 1226–1230.
HCI-CCAD-1999-PrinzGKK #framework #towards- Towards an awareness infrastructure for cooperative applications (WP, WG, KHK, SK), pp. 323–327.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Ziegler #design #framework #modelling- A framework for modelling and designing cooperation support systems (JZ0), pp. 348–352.
HCI-EI-1999-Adam #human-computer #interface #specification- Specifications of Human-Machine Interfaces for Helping Cooperation in Human Organizations (EA), pp. 311–315.
HCI-EI-1999-ONeill #development #usability- Cooperative Development: Underspecification in External Representations and Software Usability (EO), pp. 918–922.
HCI-EI-1999-ZullighovenGKW #development- Application-Oriented Software Development for Supporting Cooperative Work (HZ, GG, AK, IW), pp. 1213–1217.
CAiSE-1999-Oh #architecture #design #transaction #using- The Design of Cooperative Transaction Model by Using Client-Server Architecture (Abstract) (AsO), p. 269.
EDOC-1999-FellnerT #component #framework- Component framework supporting inter-company cooperation (KJF, KT), pp. 164–171.
ICEIS-1999-Klein #challenge #multi- Status & Challenges for Multi-Agent Cooperation Technology (MK), p. IX.
CIKM-1999-Wieczerzycki #database- Database Model for Web-Based Cooperative Applications (WW), pp. 131–138.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-LiMCX- Object Mapping for Layered Cooperative Systems (CL, BM, DC, LX), pp. 67–76.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-ZhuLXW #design #modelling #workflow- The Design of Cooperative Workflow Management Model Based on Agent (YZ, HL, JX, HW), pp. 465–470.
TOOLS-USA-1999-AltmannP #concept #development #tool support- Cooperative Software Development: Concepts, Model and Tools (JA, GP), p. 194–?.
RE-1999-Jarke #requirements- Cooperative Requirements Engineering with Scenarios (MJ), p. 111–?.
ICSE-1999-HallHW #approach #deployment #using- A Cooperative Approach to Support Software Deployment Using the Software Dock (RSH, DH, ALW), pp. 174–183.
SOSP-1999-WolmanVSCKL #on the #performance #web- On the scale and performance of cooperative Web proxy caching (AW, GMV, NS, NC, ARK, HML), pp. 16–31.
HT-1998-WangH #coordination #flexibility #hypermedia- Flexible Coordination with Cooperative Hypertext (WW, JMH), pp. 245–255.
WRLA-1998-BorovanskyC #constraints #process #theorem proving #using- Cooperation of constraint solvers: using the new process control facilities of ELAN (PB, CC), pp. 1–20.
ICSM-1998-FrenchL #case study #communication #distributed- A Study of Communication and Cooperation in Distributed Software Project Teams (AF, PJL), p. 146–?.
ICALP-1998-DurisJKL #finite #multi #power of- Power of Cooperation and Multihead Finite Systems (PD, TJ, MK, KL), pp. 896–907.
CSCW-1998-Bardram #design #process- Designing for the Dynamics of Cooperative Work Activities (JB), pp. 89–98.
CSCW-1998-HouseBS #information management #set #trust- Cooperative Knowledge Work and Practices of Trust: Sharing Environmental Planning Data Sets (NAVH, MHB, LRS), pp. 335–343.
CSCW-1998-Streitz #architecture #information management- Cooperative Buildings — Integrating Information, Organization and Architecture (NAS), pp. 411–413.
EDOC-1998-HillebrandKLP #concurrent- Integration-based cooperation in concurrent engineering (GGH, PK, PCL, DP), pp. 344–355.
SAC-1998-ArbabM #constraints #coordination #theorem proving #using- Using coordination for cooperative constraint solving (FA, EM), pp. 139–148.
HPDC-1998-HolmedahlSY #distributed #web- Cooperative Caching of Dynamic Content on a Distributed Web Server (VH, BS, TY), pp. 243–250.
CADE-1998-FuchsW- System Description: Cooperation in Model Elimination: CPTHEO (MF, AW), pp. 42–46.
ASE-1997-GoguenLMRS #distributed #formal method #tool support- Distributed Cooperative Formal Methods Tools (JAG, KL, AM, GR, AS), pp. 55–62.
DLT-1997-FernauHF #bound #distributed- Bounding resources in Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems (HF, MH, RF), pp. 261–272.
CHI-1997-HinckleyPPPK- Cooperative Bimanual Action (KH, RFP, DP, JP, NFK), pp. 27–34.
HCI-CC-1997-CarstensenN #towards- Towards Computer Support for Cooperation in Time-Critical Work Settings (PHC, MN), pp. 101–104.
HCI-CC-1997-DainoffAHTC- Results from the International Cooperative Study: Impact of Ergonomic Interventions on Musculoskeletal, Eyestrain, and Psychosocial Stress (MEPS) (MJD, AA, GH, MT, BGFC), pp. 583–586.
HCI-CC-1997-Herrmann #modelling #process- Communicable Models for Cooperative Processes (TH), pp. 285–288.
HCI-CC-1997-JasperEJNW #design #intranet #social #using- Using Cooperative Design to Introduce ORDBMS-Driven Intranet Applications to Collaborating Social Service Agencies (JEJ, RDE, TBJ, RN, SW), pp. 97–100.
HCI-CC-1997-KlocknerPP #approach #design- A Cooperative Design Approach for CSCW in Ministries (KK, UPB, WP), pp. 313–316.
HCI-CC-1997-LuczakSS #communication #social- Computer Supported Communication and Cooperation-Building Social Environments into Computer Systems (HL, JS, SS), pp. 277–280.
HCI-CC-1997-Matarazzo #quality #video- Desktop Videoconferencing in a Cooperative Discussion Task: Video Quality and Telepresence Aspect (GM), pp. 3–6.
HCI-CC-1997-PaulD #concept #design #multi #privacy- Privacy and Acting in Groups-Key Concepts in Designing Multimedia-Supported Cooperative Work (HP, SD), pp. 281–284.
HCI-CC-1997-RizzoMZB #coordination #design #process- Designing the Information Cooperative for Harmonizing, Coordinating, and Promoting Earth Observation Business Processes (AR, MM, AZ, SB), pp. 741–744.
HCI-CC-1997-Schmidt #concept #design #towards- Cooperative Work: Towards a Conceptual Foundation for CSCW Systems Design (KS), pp. 57–60.
HCI-CC-1997-SunJYZ #editing #named #prototype- REDUCE: A Prototypical Cooperative Editing System (CS, XJ, YY, YZ), pp. 89–92.
HCI-CC-1997-WolberS #adaptation #aspect-oriented #design #using- Using Psychological Aspects for the Design of Adaptive IT-Tools for Cooperative Engineering (MW, PS), pp. 781–784.
HCI-SEC-1997-Eggleston #adaptation #approach #human-computer #interface- Adaptive Interfaces as an Approach to Human-Machine Cooperation (RGE), pp. 495–500.
HCI-SEC-1997-Geddes #framework #human-computer- Associate Systems: A Framework for Human-Machine Cooperation (NDG), pp. 237–242.
SAC-1997-RobertRB #development #integration- A cooperative mission development environment for crossplatform integration (MAR, CR, CB), pp. 180–181.
HT-1996-CellaryDHHVW #editing #exclamation #version control- Things Change: Deal with it! Versioning, Cooperative Editing and Hzpertext (WC, DGD, AH, DLH, FV, EJWJ), p. 259.
ITiCSE-1996-CaoLLPZ #education #information management #learning- Integrating CSCW in a cooperative learning environment to teach information systems (NVC, AL, ML, OP, CZ), pp. 125–129.
ITiCSE-1996-Prey #education #learning- Cooperative learning and closed laboratories in an undergraduate computer science curriculum (JCP), pp. 23–24.
CSCW-1996-BowersOP- Practically Accomplishing Immersion: Cooperation in and for Virtual Environments (JB, JO, JP), pp. 380–389.
CSCW-1996-Elliott #case study #how- Conflict and Cooperation in the Courts: Case Study of how CSCW Alters Work (doctoral colloquium) (MSE), p. 445.
CSCW-1996-JarkeM #information management #research #tutorial- Cooperative Information Systems: A Research Agenda (Tutorial) (MJ, JM), p. 5.
CSCW-1996-PariseKSW #social- My Partner is a Real Dog: Cooperation with Social Agents (SP, SBK, LSS, KW), pp. 399–408.
CSCW-1996-Ramduny #architecture #interface- Temporal Interface Issues and Software Architecture for Remote Cooperative Work (doctoral colloquium) (DR), p. 447.
CSCW-1996-Rodden- Populating the Application: A Model of Awareness for Cooperative Applications (TR), pp. 87–96.
CSCW-1996-Smith #2d #lessons learnt #multi #user interface- Cooperative Virtual Environments: Lessons from 2D Multi User Interfaces (GS), pp. 390–398.
CSCW-1996-WattsWCPKH- Voice Loops as Cooperative Aids in Space Shuttle Mission Control (JCW, DDW, JMC, ESP, RLK, LCH), pp. 48–56.
ICPR-1996-FunayamaYIT #component #constraints- Facial component extraction by cooperative active nets with global constraints (RF, NY, HI, HT), pp. 300–304.
ICPR-1996-StellaCD #mobile #nondeterminism #self- Self-location of a mobile robot with uncertainty by cooperation of a heading sensor and a CCD TV camera (ES, GC, AD), pp. 303–307.
SEKE-1996-AllouiO #multi #process- Peace+: A Multi-Agent System for Computer-supported Cooperative work in Software Process Centered Environments (IA, FO), pp. 465–473.
SAC-1996-MonfroyRS #constraints #implementation- Implementing non-linear constraints with cooperative solvers (EM, MR, RS), pp. 63–72.
ICSE-1996-GreenwoodWS #approach #component #evolution #scalability- Cooperating Evolving Components: A Rigorous Approach to Evolving Large Software Systems (RMG, BW, JS), pp. 428–437.
ICSE-1996-PaoliS #architecture #interactive #multi #requirements- Requirements for a Layered Software Architecture Supporting Cooperative Multi-User Interaction (FDP, AS), pp. 408–417.
ICDAR-v2-1995-RondelB #documentation #estimation #image #multi- Cooperation of multi-layer perceptrons for the estimation of skew angle in text document images (NR, GB), pp. 1141–1144.
VLDB-1995-RusinkiewiczKTWM #process #towards #transaction- Towards a Cooperative Transaction Model — The Cooperative Activity Model (MR, WK, TT, JW, PM), pp. 194–205.
WCRE-1995-QuiliciC #legacy #named- DECODE: A Cooperative Environment for Reverse-Engineering Legacy Software (AQ, DNC).
ICALP-1995-Paun #approach- Grammar Systems: A Grammatical Approach to Distribution and Cooperation (GP), pp. 429–443.
CAiSE-1995-DignumW #communication #modelling- Modelling Communication between Cooperative Systems (FD, HW), pp. 140–153.
KDD-1995-ZhongO #multi #towards- Toward a Multi-Strategy and Cooperative Discovery System (NZ, SO), pp. 337–343.
SEKE-1995-SchaferW #development- Cooperation Patterns for process-centred Software Development Environments (WS, SW), pp. 454–463.
SIGIR-1995-DeFazioDSSCC #information retrieval #using- Integrating IR and RDBMS Using Cooperative Indexing (SD, AMD, LAS, JS, WBC, JPC), pp. 84–92.
DAC-1994-TeraiGNSO #automation #concept #design #performance- Basic Concept of Cooperative Timing-driven Design Automation Technology for High-speed RISC Processor HARP-1 (HT, KG, YN, YS, YO), pp. 262–269.
KBSE-1994-QuiliciC #comprehension- A Cooperative Program Understanding Environment (AQ, DNC), pp. 125–132.
CHI-1994-BowersP94a #design #prototype #requirements- Talking through design: requirements and resistance in cooperative prototyping (JB, JP), pp. 299–305.
CSCW-1994-Schmidt #concept- The Organization of Cooperative Work: Beyond the “Leviathan” Conception of the Organization of Cooperative Work (KS), pp. 101–112.
CSCW-1994-SimonSZ #communication- Communication Control in Computer Supported Cooperative Work Systems (RS, RJS, TZ), pp. 311–321.
CSCW-1994-SohlenkampC #communication- Integrating Communication, Cooperation, and Awareness: The DIVA Virtual Office Environment (MS, GC), pp. 331–343.
CSCW-1994-TrevorRM #adaptation- The Use of Adapters to Support Cooperative Sharing (JT, TR, JAM), pp. 219–230.
CSCW-1994-TwidaleRB #evaluation- Situated Evaluation for Cooperative Systems (MT, DR, RB), pp. 441–452.
CAiSE-1994-ConradiHL #transaction- Planning Support for Cooperating Transactions in EPOS (RC, MH, CL), pp. 2–13.
CAiSE-1994-GullaL #modelling #workflow- Modeling Cooperative Work for Workflow Management (JAG, OIL), pp. 53–65.
CIKM-1994-KirscheLS #architecture #database- Functionality and Architecture of a Cooperative Database System: A Vision (TK, RL, HS), pp. 384–391.
SEKE-1994-Verkamo #automation #development- Cooperation of KBS development environments and CASE environments (AIV), pp. 358–365.
ECOOP-1994-Streitz #hypermedia #matter- Putting Objects to Work: Hypermedia as the Subject Matter and the Medium for Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (NAS), pp. 183–193.
SAC-1994-Sun #modelling #process- Modelling software process change for cooperative work (YS), pp. 77–81.
DAC-1993-MogakiSKH #approach #layout- Cooperative Approach to a Practical Analog LSI Layout System (MM, YS, MK, TH), pp. 544–549.
HT-1993-GronbaekHMS #design #hypermedia- Designing Dexter-Based Cooperative Hypermedia Systems (KG, JAH, OLM, LS), pp. 25–38.
ICDAR-1993-HamanakaYT #feature model #online #recognition- On-line Japanese character recognition experiments by an off-line method based on normalization-cooperated feature extraction (MH, KY, JT), pp. 204–207.
SIGMOD-1993-KupperSR #database #interface #named #natural language #relational- NAUDA — A Cooperative, Natural Language Interface to Relational Databases (DK, MS, DFR), pp. 529–533.
HCI-ACS-1993-Badham #design #implementation- Implementing Smart Manufacturing: Some Techniques for Designer/User Cooperation (RJB), pp. 62–67.
HCI-ACS-1993-Nakamura #distributed- Cooperation of Distributed Human Scheduler in Cellular Manufacturing Systems (NN), pp. 14–19.
HCI-ACS-1993-NakauchiSYA #interface #named- FRECS: Interface System for Human-Robot Cooperation (YN, MS, YY, YA), pp. 237–242.
HCI-SHI-1993-DarsesFR- Cooperating Partners: Investigating Natural Assistance (FD, PF, JMR), pp. 997–1002.
HCI-SHI-1993-KacemSF #architecture #knowledge base- A Software Architecture for Cooperative Knowledge Based Systems (AHK, JLS, JF), pp. 303–308.
HCI-SHI-1993-KatoWI- Cooperative Musical Partner System: JASPER (Jam Session Partner) (HK, SHW, SI), pp. 250–255.
HCI-SHI-1993-KawasugiYNA #3d #named #physics- Romeo: Robot-Mediated Cooperative Work for Handling 3-Dimensional Physical Objects (KK, TY, YN, YA), pp. 567–572.
HCI-SHI-1993-UjitaKIK #analysis- Cooperative Work Analysis of Plant Operator Crew (HU, RK, KI, RK), pp. 955–960.
INTERCHI-1993-HaakeH- Take CoVer: exploiting version support in cooperative systems (AH, JMH), pp. 406–413.
INTERCHI-1993-QuekP #human-computer- Human-machine perceptual cooperation (FKHQ, MCP), pp. 123–130.
ICML-1993-Tan #independence #learning #multi- Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Independent versus Cooperative Agents (MT), pp. 330–337.
SEKE-1993-BachateneCS #design #re-engineering #using- Using Software Engineering Principles to Design Intelligent Cooperative Systems (HB, MC, AEFS), pp. 309–313.
SEKE-1993-SaekiIS #process #specification- Supporting Tool for Cooperative Specification Processes (MS, KI, MS), pp. 351–354.
SEKE-1993-ZhangC #community #distributed #information management #paradigm- Virtual Agents and Virtual Communities: An Agent-Oriented Software and Knowledge Engineering Paradigm for Distributed Cooperative Systems (WRZ, MYC), pp. 207–214.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-BarrilBB #authoring #object-oriented- Class Cooperation in a Dedicated Object System: The Force Authoring Environment (PB, MB, JFB), pp. 115–123.
TOOLS-USA-1993-MannsC #migration- Addressing the Task of Procedural to O-O Migration Through Corporate & Academic Cooperation (MLM, JNC), pp. 595–596.
RE-1993-Macaulay #process #requirements- Requirements capture as a cooperative activity (LAM), pp. 174–181.
SAC-1993-BauerMB #distributed- Distributed Search for Cooperative Applications (MAB, RAM, JMB), pp. 271–278.
ESEC-1993-PaoliT #design- Language Constructs for Cooperative Systems Design (FDP, FT), pp. 329–343.
HT-ECHT-1992-Salvato #named #tool support- INFOSHARE: A Network-Based Cooperation Tool (Demonstration) (GS), p. 291.
HT-ECHT-1992-StreitzHHLSST #authoring #hypermedia #named- SEPIA: A Cooperative Hypermedia Authoring Environment (NAS, JMH, JH, ACL, WS, HS, MT), pp. 11–22.
VLDB-1992-JagadishS #transaction- Proclamation-Based Model for Cooperating Transactions (HVJ, OS), pp. 265–276.
CHI-1992-GanttN- Gardeners and Gurus: Patterns of Cooperation Among CAD Users (MG, BAN), pp. 107–117.
CSCW-1992-BentleyRSS #architecture #multi- An Architecture for Tailoring Cooperative Multi-User Displays (RB, TR, PS, IS), pp. 187–194.
CSCW-1992-Borenstein #framework #network- Computational Mail as Network Infrastructure for Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (NSB), pp. 67–74.
CSCW-1992-MaloneLF- Experiments with Oval: A Radically Tailorable Tool for Cooperative Work (TWM, KYL, CF), pp. 289–297.
CSCW-1992-NarayanaswamyG #consistency #development #lazy evaluation- “Lazy” Consistency: A Basis for Cooperative Software Development (KN, NMG), pp. 257–264.
CSCW-1992-TakemuraK #using- Cooperative Work Environment Using Virtual Workspace (HT, FK), pp. 226–232.
ML-1992-Janikow #contest #induction #learning- Combining Competition and Cooperation in Supervised Inductive Learning (CZJ), pp. 241–248.
ML-1992-Tecuci #knowledge base #refinement- Cooperation in Knowledge Base Refinement (GT), pp. 445–450.
ASPLOS-1992-HillLRW #hardware #memory management #multi #scalability- Cooperative Shared Memory: Software and Hardware Support for Scalable Multiprocesors (MDH, JRL, SKR, DAW), pp. 262–273.
IWMM-1992-Samples #c++- GC-cooperative C++ (ADS), pp. 315–329.
CHI-1991-LaiM #lens- Object lens: letting end-users create cooperative work applications (KYL, TWM), pp. 425–426.
CAiSE-1991-ConradiM #design #implementation #transaction- Cooperating Transactions and Workspaces in EPOS: Design and Preliminary Implementation (RC, CCM), pp. 375–392.
ML-1991-Whitehead #complexity- Complexity and Cooperation in Q-Learning (SDW), pp. 363–367.
ICSE-1991-Marca- Augmenting SADT to Develop Computer Support for Cooperative Work (DAM), pp. 94–103.
SIGMOD-1990-ChaW #interface #named #query- Kaleidoscope: A Cooperative Menu-Guided Query Interface (SKC, GW), p. 387.
VLDB-1990-NodineZ #design #transaction- Cooperative Transaction Hierarchies: A Transaction Model to Support Design Applications (MHN, SBZ), pp. 83–94.
SEI-1990-SmithAARS #education #re-engineering- Industry-Academic Cooperation in Software Engineering Training and Continuing Education (GS, AFA, GNA, WJGR, GS), pp. 157–164.
CSCW-1990-Clement #social- Cooperative Support for Computer Work: A Social Perspective on the Empowering of End Users (AC), pp. 223–236.
CSCW-1990-MaloneC #coordination #design #how #question #what- What is Coordination Theory and How Can It Help Design Cooperative Work Systems? (TWM, KC), pp. 357–370.
CSCW-1990-RederS #process- The Temporal Structure of Cooperative Activity (SR, RGS), pp. 303–316.
ICSE-1990-Decina #approach #named- CEFRIEL: an Innovative Approach to University-Industry Cooperation in Information Technologies (MD), pp. 330–331.
VLDB-1989-Agrawal #database #knowledge-based- Building knowledge-based applications with cooperating databases (RA), p. 267.
VLDB-1989-KuntzM #query #visual notation- Pasta-3’s Graphical Query Language: Direct Manipulation, Cooperative Queries, Full Expressive Power (MK, RM), pp. 97–105.
CHI-1989-EhrlichBMT #tool support- Tools for supporting cooperative work near and far: highlights from the CSCW conference (SFE, TB, WM, JCT), pp. 353–356.
CSCW-1988-BjerknesB #evaluation- The Memoirs of two Survivors: or the Evaluation of a Computer System for Cooperative Work (GB, TB), pp. 167–177.
CSCW-1988-BodkerEKKM #design- Computer Support for Cooperative Design (invited paper) (SB, PE, JK, MK, KHM), pp. 377–394.
CSCW-1988-BorensteinT- Cooperative Work in the Andrew Message System (NSB, CAT), pp. 306–323.
CSCW-1988-Greenbaum #analysis- In Search of Cooperation: An Historical Analysis of Work Organization and Management Strategies (JG), pp. 102–114.
CSCW-1988-LaiM #lens #spreadsheet- Object Lens: A “Spreadsheet” for Cooperative Work (KYL, TWM), pp. 115–124.
CSCW-1988-Linde- Who’s in Charge here? Cooperative Work and Authority Negotiation in Police Helicopter Missions (CL), pp. 52–64.
VLDB-1987-KuspertDG #information management #prototype- Cooperative Object Buffer Management in the Advanced Information Management Prototype (KK, PD, JG), pp. 483–492.
HCI-CE-1987-Motro #database #design #user interface- The Design of FLEX: A Tolerant and Cooperative User Interface to Databases (AM), pp. 583–591.
CSCW-1986-KraemerK #development #problem- Computer-based systems for cooperative work and group decisionmaking: status of use and problems in development (KLK, JLK), pp. 353–375.
CSCW-1986-Lowe #design #named- Synview: the design of a system for cooperative structuring of information (DGL), pp. 376–385.
CSCW-1986-Orr #process- Narratives at work: story telling as cooperative diagnostic activity (JEO), pp. 62–72.
CSCW-1986-StaszB- Computer-supported cooperative work: examples and issues in one federal agency (CS, TKB), pp. 318–324.
CSCW-1986-Winograd #design- A language/action perspective on the design of cooperative work (TW), pp. 203–220.
DAC-1984-Snyder #industrial- A model for university, industry and government cooperation (LS), pp. 602–603.
ICSE-1984-UemuraO #approach #development- A Cooperative Approach to Software Development by Application Engineers and Software Engineers (KU, MO), pp. 86–96.
SOSP-1983-ReidK #file system #source code- A File System Supporting Cooperation between Programs (LGR, PLK), pp. 20–19.
ASPLOS-1982-Rattner #hardware- Hardware/Software Cooperation in the iAPX-423 (JRR), p. 1.
ICSE-1979-BanatreB #process- Language Features for Description of Cooperating Processes (JPB, MB), pp. 308–314.
DAC-1973-Kusunoki #automation #development- DEX-Design Automation system cooperative development (KK), pp. 187–192.