Travelled to:
1 × Croatia
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Pande S.Herhut C.Radoi D.Dig R.L.Hudson T.Shpeisman T.Kumar R.Cledat
Talks about:
parallel (2) driven (2) applic (2) javascript (1) checkpoint (1) framework (1) transact (1) recoveri (1) statist (1) analysi (1)
Person: Jaswanth Sreeram
DBLP: Sreeram:Jaswanth
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- PPoPP-2015-RadoiHSD #parallel #question #web
- Are web applications ready for parallelism? (CR, SH, JS, DD), pp. 289–290.
- OOPSLA-2013-HerhutHSS #javascript #parallel
- River trail: a path to parallelism in JavaScript (SH, RLH, TS, JS), pp. 729–744.
- OOPSLA-2012-SreeramP #compilation #transaction
- Safe compiler-driven transaction checkpointing and recovery (JS, SP), pp. 41–56.
- ESEC-FSE-2007-KumarSCP #analysis #design #framework #optimisation #realtime #statistics
- A profile-driven statistical analysis framework for the design optimization of soft real-time applications (TK, JS, RC, SP), pp. 529–532.