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Travelled to:
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
P.Sewell K.Svendsen K.Memarian C.Watt A.Rossberg F.Sieczkowski L.Birkedal M.Batty K.Nienhuis M.Doko O.Lahav V.Vafeiadis S.Lau V.B.F.Gomes Christopher Pulte J.Kang Sung Hwan Lee C.Hur
Talks about:
concurr (4) semant (4) sequenti (2) promis (2) separ (2) logic (2) principl (1) cerberus (1) simpler (1) program (1)

Person: Jean Pichon-Pharabod

DBLP DBLP: Pichon-Pharabod:Jean

Contributed to:

ESOP 20152015
ESOP 20182018
CAV (1) 20192019
OOPSLA 20192019
POPL 20162016
PLDI 20192019

Wrote 7 papers:

ESOP-2015-BattyMNPS #concurrent #problem #programming language #semantics
The Problem of Programming Language Concurrency Semantics (MB, KM, KN, JPP, PS), pp. 283–307.
ESOP-2015-SieczkowskiSBP #consistency #logic
A Separation Logic for Fictional Sequential Consistency (FS, KS, LB, JPP), pp. 736–761.
ESOP-2018-SvendsenPDLV #logic #semantics
A Separation Logic for a Promising Semantics (KS, JPP, MD, OL, VV), pp. 357–384.
CAV-2019-LauGMPS #c #concurrent #named #semantics
Cerberus-BMC: A Principled Reference Semantics and Exploration Tool for Concurrent and Sequential C (SL, VBFG, KM, JPP, PS), pp. 387–397.
Weakening WebAssembly (CW, AR, JPP), p. 28.
POPL-2016-Pichon-Pharabod #concurrent #optimisation #semantics
A concurrency semantics for relaxed atomics that permits optimisation and avoids thin-air executions (JPP, PS), pp. 622–633.
PLDI-2019-PultePKLH #concurrent #named #performance
Promising-ARM/RISC-V: a simpler and faster operational concurrency model (CP, JPP, JK, SHL, CKH), pp. 1–15.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.