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Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
S.Krishnamurthi Preston Tunnell Wilson J.Li J.G.Politz
Talks about:
sugar (3) syntact (2) resugar (2) languag (2) crowdsourc (1) transform (1) composit (1) sequenc (1) desugar (1) semant (1)

Person: Justin Pombrio

DBLP DBLP: Pombrio:Justin

Contributed to:

ICFP 20152015
Onward! 20152015
PLDI 20142014
Onward! 20172017
PLDI 20182018

Wrote 5 papers:

ICFP-2015-PombrioK #composition
Hygienic resugaring of compositional desugaring (JP, SK), pp. 75–87.
Onward-2015-LiPPK #semantics
Slimming languages by reducing sugar: a case for semantics-altering transformations (JL, JP, JGP, SK), pp. 90–106.
PLDI-2014-PombrioK #evaluation #named #sequence
Resugaring: lifting evaluation sequences through syntactic sugar (JP, SK), p. 38.
Onward-2017-WilsonPK #crowdsourcing #design #question
Can we crowdsource language design? (PTW, JP, SK), pp. 1–17.
Inferring type rules for syntactic sugar (JP, SK), pp. 812–825.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.