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Travelled to:
2 × Sweden
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Krishnamurthi K.Fisler J.Li D.Patterson H.Q.l.Vallee J.Pombrio Samuel Baxter Rachit Nigam A.Guha D.Clarke T.Clear M.Hauswirth V.Tirronen T.Wrigstad A.Martinez M.Milano S.Warren A.Chitipothu
Talks about:
review (3) peer (3) flow (3) program (2) captain (2) assign (2) teach (2) javascript (1) transform (1) progress (1)

Person: Joe Gibbs Politz

DBLP DBLP: Politz:Joe_Gibbs

Contributed to:

Onward! 20152015
ITiCSE 20142014
ITiCSE-WGR 20142014
OOPSLA 20132013
Onward! 20122012
PLDI 20182018

Wrote 7 papers:

Onward-2015-LiPPK #semantics
Slimming languages by reducing sugar: a case for semantics-altering transformations (JL, JP, JGP, SK), pp. 90–106.
ITiCSE-2014-PolitzKF #framework #named #overview #platform #programming
CaptainTeach: a platform for in-flow peer review of programming assignments (JGP, SK, KF), p. 332.
ITiCSE-2014-PolitzPKF #bibliography #multi #named #programming
CaptainTeach: multi-stage, in-flow peer review for programming assignments (JGP, DP, SK, KF), pp. 267–272.
ITiCSE-WGR-2014-ClarkeCFHKPTW #bibliography #perspective
In-Flow Peer Review (DC, TC, KF, MH, SK, JGP, VT, TW), pp. 59–79.
OOPSLA-2013-PolitzMMWPLCK #named #python
Python: the full monty (JGP, AM, MM, SW, DP, JL, AC, SK), pp. 217–232.
Progressive types (JGP, HQdlV, SK), pp. 55–66.
PLDI-2018-BaxterNPKG #execution #javascript
Putting in all the stops: execution control for JavaScript (SB, RN, JGP, SK, AG), pp. 30–45.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.