Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × France
1 × Luxembourg
1 × Turkey
2 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
M.A.Sindhu F.Niu ∅ L.Feng S.Lundmark P.Y.H.Wong
Talks about:
test (6) learn (5) base (5) reactiv (3) system (3) technolog (1) increment (1) approach (1) abstract (1) softwar (1)
Person: Karl Meinke
DBLP: Meinke:Karl
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ICST-2013-MeinkeS #named #testing
- LBTest: A Learning-Based Testing Tool for Reactive Systems (KM, MAS), pp. 447–454.
- ICTSS-2013-FengLMNSW #case study #testing
- Case Studies in Learning-Based Testing (LF, SL, KM, FN, MAS, PYHW), pp. 164–179.
- ICTSS-2011-MeinkeN #term rewriting #testing #using
- Learning-Based Testing for Reactive Systems Using Term Rewriting Technology (KM, FN), pp. 97–114.
- TAP-2011-MeinkeS #incremental #testing
- Incremental Learning-Based Testing for Reactive Systems (KM, MAS), pp. 134–151.
- ICTSS-2010-MeinkeN #approach #testing
- A Learning-Based Approach to Unit Testing of Numerical Software (KM, FN), pp. 221–235.
- CSL-1991-Meinke #combinator #data type #equation #specification
- Equational Specification of Abstract Types and Combinators (KM), pp. 257–271.