Travelled to:
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
T.Klein W.Grieskamp C.Maeder P.Pepper F.Schintke T.Tantau B.T.y.Widemann
Talks about:
program (3) languag (3) opal (3) function (2) algebra (2) document (1) reflect (1) inform (1) dosfop (1) tool (1)
Person: Klaus Didrich
DBLP: Didrich:Klaus
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- IFL-1999-DidrichGSTT #functional #programming language
- Reflections in Opal — Meta Information in a Functional Programming Language (KD, WG, FS, TT, BTyW), pp. 149–164.
- IFL-1997-DidrichGMP #algebra #in the large #programming
- Programming in the Large: The Algebraic-Functional Language Opal 2α (KD, WG, CM, PP), pp. 322–337.
- TAPSOFT-1997-DidrichK #algebra #documentation #programming language
- DOSFOP - A Documentation Tool for the Algebraic Programming Language OPAL (KD, TK), pp. 875–878.