Tag #algebra
962 papers:
POPL-2020-SmolkaFHKKS #linear #source code #testing #verification- Guarded Kleene algebra with tests: verification of uninterpreted programs in nearly linear time (SS, NF, JH, TK, DK, AS0), p. 28.
CSL-2020-Adamek #on the- On Free Completely Iterative Algebras (JA), p. 21.
CSL-2020-Brunet #axiom- A Complete Axiomatisation of a Fragment of Language Algebra (PB), p. 15.
CSL-2020-CockettLL #category theory #difference- Tangent Categories from the Coalgebras of Differential Categories (JRBC, JSPL, RBBLW), p. 17.
CSL-2020-Miquey #analysis #modelling- Revisiting the Duality of Computation: An Algebraic Analysis of Classical Realizability Models (ÉM), p. 18.
- IFM-2019-BenesBGPS #constraints #parametricity #synthesis #using
- Accelerating Parameter Synthesis Using Semi-algebraic Constraints (NB, LB, MG, SP, DS), pp. 27–45.
Haskell-2019-SchrijversPWJ #composition #monad #what- Monad transformers and modular algebraic effects: what binds them together (TS, MP, NW, MJ), pp. 98–113.
- ICFP-2019-Morihata #equation #parallel #reasoning #reduction #λ-calculus
- Lambda calculus with algebraic simplification for reduction parallelization by equational reasoning (AM), p. 25.
ECOOP-2019-MakwanaK #linear #named- NumLin: Linear Types for Linear Algebra (DCM, NRK), p. 25.
ECOOP-2019-ShaikhhaP #linear #polymorphism- Finally, a Polymorphic Linear Algebra Language (Pearl) (AS, LP), p. 29.
OOPSLA-2019-MarianoRXNQFS #library #specification #synthesis- Program synthesis with algebraic library specifications (BM, JR, SX, TN, XQ, JSF, ASL), p. 25.
PLDI-2019-KrishnaswamiY #approach #parsing- A typed, algebraic approach to parsing (NRK, JY), pp. 379–393.
POPL-2019-BiernackiPPS - Abstracting algebraic effects (DB, MP, PP, FS), p. 28.
POPL-2019-BonchiHPSZ #concurrent #diagrams #linear- Diagrammatic algebra: from linear to concurrent systems (FB, JH, RP, PS, FZ), p. 28.
- ICSE-2019-WangWSTCS0WZL #optimisation #probability #source code
- Global optimization of numerical programs via prioritized stochastic algebraic transformations (XW, HW, ZS, ET, XC, WS, ZC0, LW, XZ, XL), pp. 1131–1141.
CC-2019-Amarasinghe #compilation- The sparse tensor algebra compiler (keynote) (SPA), p. 1.
CGO-2019-KjolstadAKA #compilation- Tensor Algebra Compilation with Workspaces (FK, PA, SK, SPA), pp. 180–192.
ESOP-2019-GlabbeekHM #process #protocol- A Process Algebra for Link Layer Protocols (RvG, PH, MM), pp. 668–693.
ESOP-2019-SekiyamaI #polymorphism- Handling Polymorphic Algebraic Effects (TS, AI), pp. 353–380.
JCDL-2018-WillkommSSSB #corpus #query- A Query Algebra for Temporal Text Corpora (JW, CSP, MS, MS, KB), pp. 183–192.
FM-2018-AmericoAM #approach #data flow #reasoning- An Algebraic Approach for Reasoning About Information Flow (AA, MSA, AM), pp. 55–72.
FM-2018-HayesM #concurrent #encoding- Encoding Fairness in a Synchronous Concurrent Program Algebra (IJH, LAM), pp. 222–239.
FSCD-2018-Lemay #category theory- Lifting Coalgebra Modalities and IMELL Model Structure to Eilenberg-Moore Categories (JSPL), p. 20.
- ICFP-2018-BracevacASEEM #correlation
- Versatile event correlation with algebraic effects (OB, NA, GS, SE, PE, MM), p. 31.
- ICFP-2018-GibbonsHHW #relational
- Relational algebra by way of adjunctions (JG, FH, RH, NW), p. 28.
- ICFP-2018-YallopGK
- Partially-static data as free extension of algebras (JY, TvG, OK), p. 30.
KDD-2018-DahiyaKW #empirical #evaluation #linear #sketching- An Empirical Evaluation of Sketching for Numerical Linear Algebra (YD, DK, DPW), pp. 1292–1300.
OOPSLA-2018-ChouKA #abstraction #compilation- Format abstraction for sparse tensor algebra compilers (SC, FK, SPA), p. 30.
OOPSLA-2018-ZhuH - Conflict resolution for structured merge via version space algebra (FZ, FH), p. 25.
PLDI-2018-WangHR #framework #named #probability #source code #static analysis- PMAF: an algebraic framework for static analysis of probabilistic programs (DW, JH0, TWR), pp. 513–528.
POPL-2018-Ahman - Handling fibred algebraic effects (DA), p. 29.
POPL-2018-BiernackiPPS #relational- Handle with care: relational interpretation of algebraic effects and handlers (DB, MP, PP, FS), p. 30.
CGO-2018-SpampinatoFBP #generative #linear- Program generation for small-scale linear algebra applications (DGS, DFT, PB, MP), pp. 327–339.
ESOP-2018-KappeB0Z #concurrent- Concurrent Kleene Algebra: Free Model and Completeness (TK, PB, AS0, FZ), pp. 856–882.
ESOP-2018-OstermannJ #data type #matrix- Dualizing Generalized Algebraic Data Types by Matrix Transposition (KO, JJ), pp. 60–85.
ESOP-2018-SimpsonV #behaviour #equivalence- Behavioural Equivalence via Modalities for Algebraic Effects (AS, NFWV), pp. 300–326.
CSL-2018-BehrS #category theory- Rule Algebras for Adhesive Categories (NB, PS), p. 21.
CSL-2018-DasP #proving- Non-Wellfounded Proof Theory For (Kleene+Action)(Algebras+Lattices) (AD0, DP), p. 18.
CSL-2018-KrebsLPS #logic- An Algebraic Decision Procedure for Two-Variable Logic with a Between Relation (AK, KL, PKP, HS), p. 17.
CSL-2018-LopezS #nondeterminism #probability- Basic Operational Preorders for Algebraic Effects in General, and for Combined Probability and Nondeterminism in Particular (AL, AS), p. 17.
IJCAR-2018-JeannerodT #first-order- Deciding the First-Order Theory of an Algebra of Feature Trees with Updates (NJ, RT), pp. 439–454.
FSCD-2017-FioreS - List Objects with Algebraic Structure (MF, PS), p. 18.
- IFM-2017-BaxterC #bytecode #compilation #java #safety
- Algebraic Compilation of Safety-Critical Java Bytecode (JB, AC), pp. 161–176.
Haskell-2017-Mokhov #functional #graph- Algebraic graphs with class (functional pearl) (AM), pp. 2–13.
- ICFP-2017-Hamana #calculus #decidability #higher-order #how
- How to prove your calculus is decidable: practical applications of second-order algebraic theories and computation (MH), p. 28.
CIKM-2017-YuCY #finite #matrix #rank #recommendation- Low-Rank Matrix Completion over Finite Abelian Group Algebras for Context-Aware Recommendation (CAY, TSC, YHY), pp. 2415–2418.
ICML-2017-OngieWNB #matrix #modelling #rank- Algebraic Variety Models for High-Rank Matrix Completion (GO, RW, RDN, LB), pp. 2691–2700.
OOPSLA-2017-KjolstadKCLA #compilation- The tensor algebra compiler (FK, SK, SC, DL, SPA), p. 29.
LOPSTR-2017-GutierrezM #decidability #satisfiability- Variant-Based Decidable Satisfiability in Initial Algebras with Predicates (RG, JM), pp. 306–322.
POPL-2017-Leijen #compilation- Type directed compilation of row-typed algebraic effects (DL), pp. 486–499.
ASE-2017-KjolstadCLKA #kernel #named- taco: a tool to generate tensor algebra kernels (FK, SC, DL, SK, SPA), pp. 943–948.
CASE-2017-YangLXC #logic #network- Controllability of dynamic-algebraic mix-valued logical control networks (LY, BL, RX, JC), pp. 171–176.
CSL-2017-HorcikMV #approach #constraints- An Algebraic Approach to Valued Constraint Satisfaction (RH, TM, AV), p. 20.
EDM-2016-SalesWP #predict #student- Student Usage Predicts Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in the Cognitive Tutor Algebra I Program (AS, AW, JP), pp. 207–214.
CIAA-2016-JirasekS - Kuratowski Algebras Generated by Prefix-Free Languages (JJJ, JS), pp. 150–162.
CIAA-2016-KhoussainovL #automaton #finite #infinity #problem- Decision Problems for Finite Automata over Infinite Algebraic Structures (BK, JL), pp. 3–11.
FM-2016-GomesS #correctness- Modal Kleene Algebra Applied to Program Correctness (VBFG, GS), pp. 310–325.
FM-2016-HayesCMWV - An Algebra of Synchronous Atomic Steps (IJH, RJC, LAM, KW, AV), pp. 352–369.
FSCD-2016-Hamana #category theory #higher-order #normalisation- Strongly Normalising Cyclic Data Computation by Iteration Categories of Second-Order Algebraic Theories (MH), p. 18.
FSCD-2016-Hasuo #approach #higher-order- Coalgebras and Higher-Order Computation: a GoI Approach (IH), p. 2.
Haskell-2016-AugustssonA #case study #experience #library #relational- Experience report: types for a relational algebra library (LA, MÅ), pp. 127–132.
ICPR-2016-Altamirano-Gomez #detection #geometry- Conformal Geometric Algebra method for detection of geometric primitives (GEAG, EBC), pp. 4190–4195.
ICPR-2016-SantaK #framework #image- An algebraic framework for deformable image registration (ZS, ZK), pp. 3792–3797.
AdaEurope-2016-MittermayrB #ada #static analysis- Kronecker Algebra for Static Analysis of Barriers in Ada (RM, JB), pp. 145–159.
PADL-2016-CaretteS #probability #source code #using- Simplifying Probabilistic Programs Using Computer Algebra (JC, CcS), pp. 135–152.
POPL-2016-ChatterjeeGIP #algorithm #component #concurrent #constant- Algorithms for algebraic path properties in concurrent systems of constant treewidth components (KC, AKG, RIJ, AP), pp. 733–747.
POPL-2016-HasuoSC #metric #model checking- Lattice-theoretic progress measures and coalgebraic model checking (IH, SS, CC), pp. 718–732.
PPDP-2016-YangEMMS #process #semantics- Strand spaces with choice via a process algebra semantics (FY, SE, CAM, JM, SS), pp. 76–89.
CGO-2016-SpampinatoP #compilation #linear #matrix- A basic linear algebra compiler for structured matrices (DGS, MP), pp. 117–127.
ESOP-2016-BresGH #network #process- A Timed Process Algebra for Wireless Networks with an Application in Routing - (Extended Abstract) (EB, RJvG, PH), pp. 95–122.
CSL-2016-EnqvistSV #fixpoint #logic- Completeness for Coalgebraic Fixpoint Logic (SE, FS, YV), p. 19.
CSL-2016-Leiss #matrix- The Matrix Ring of a μ-Continuous Chomsky Algebra is mu-Continuous (HL), p. 15.
CSL-2016-Silva #learning- Coalgebraic Learning (AS0), p. 1.
EDM-2015-Fancsali #behaviour #learning #modelling #using #visual notation- Confounding Carelessness? Exploring Causal Relationships Between Carelessness, Affect, Behavior, and Learning in Cognitive Tutor Algebra Using Graphical Causal Models (SF), pp. 508–511.
EDM-2015-SalesP #effectiveness #random- Exploring Causal Mechanisms in a Randomized Effectiveness Trial of the Cognitive Tutor Algebra I Program (AS, JP), pp. 504–507.
ITiCSE-2015-KarpovaDHP #named #parsing #relational #tool support- RAPT: Relational Algebra Parsing Tools (OK, ND, DH, AP), p. 334.
CIAA-2015-BrodaCFM - Deciding Synchronous Kleene Algebra with Derivatives (SB, SC, MF, NM), pp. 49–62.
DLT-2015-EsikFL - *-Continuous Kleene ω-Algebras (ZÉ, UF, AL), pp. 240–251.
ICALP-v1-2015-AronovK #diagrams #tool support- Batched Point Location in SINR Diagrams via Algebraic Tools (BA, MJK), pp. 65–77.
ICALP-v1-2015-BerkholzG #graph #morphism #testing- Limitations of Algebraic Approaches to Graph Isomorphism Testing (CB, MG), pp. 155–166.
ICALP-v1-2015-KozikO #constraints #problem- Algebraic Properties of Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem (MK, JO), pp. 846–858.
ICALP-v2-2015-KariS #approach #geometry- An Algebraic Geometric Approach to Nivat’s Conjecture (JK, MS), pp. 273–285.
ICALP-v2-2015-KozenMP0 - Nominal Kleene Coalgebra (DK, KM, DP, AS), pp. 286–298.
ICALP-v2-2015-StatonU - Effect Algebras, Presheaves, Non-locality and Contextuality (SS, SU), pp. 401–413.
LATA-2015-LiH #automaton #network #on the- On Observability of Automata Networks via Computational Algebra (RL, YH), pp. 249–262.
RTA-2015-Hellstrom #network- Network Rewriting II: Bi- and Hopf Algebras (LH), pp. 194–208.
ICFP-2015-GaboardiP #λ-calculus- Algebras and coalgebras in the light affine λ calculus (MG, RP), pp. 114–126.
GCM-2015-LoweT #category theory- Single-Pushout Rewriting of Partial Algebras (ML, MT), pp. 82–96.
ICGT-2015-CorradiniDEPR #graph grammar #named- AGREE — Algebraic Graph Rewriting with Controlled Embedding (AC, DD, RE, FP, LR), pp. 35–51.
KDD-2015-ZhouALS #linear- Cuckoo Linear Algebra (LZ, DGA, ML, AJS), pp. 1553–1562.
BX-2015-Abou-SalehMG #aspect-oriented #bidirectional- Coalgebraic Aspects of Bidirectional Computation (FAS, JM, JG), pp. 16–30.
ICMT-2015-RichaBP #atl #graph transformation #model transformation- Translating ATL Model Transformations to Algebraic Graph Transformations (ER, EB, LP), pp. 183–198.
ECOOP-2015-BiboudisPFS #pipes and filters- Streams a la carte: Extensible Pipelines with Object Algebras (AB, NP, GF, YS), pp. 591–613.
OOPSLA-2015-ZhangCOS #scrap your boilerplate- Scrap your boilerplate with object algebras (HZ, ZC, BCdSO, TvdS), pp. 127–146.
LOPSTR-2015-MeseguerS #equation #order- Equational Formulas and Pattern Operations in Initial Order-Sorted Algebras (JM, SS), pp. 36–53.
POPL-2015-ChatterjeeIPG #algorithm #constant #performance #recursion #state machine- Faster Algorithms for Algebraic Path Properties in Recursive State Machines with Constant Treewidth (KC, RIJ, AP, PG), pp. 97–109.
POPL-2015-FosterKM0T - A Coalgebraic Decision Procedure for NetKAT (NF, DK, MM, AS, LT), pp. 343–355.
POPL-2015-Pous #algorithm #equivalence #testing- Symbolic Algorithms for Language Equivalence and Kleene Algebra with Tests (DP), pp. 357–368.
POPL-2015-Sojakova #induction- Higher Inductive Types as Homotopy-Initial Algebras (KS), pp. 31–42.
POPL-2015-Staton #programming language #quantum- Algebraic Effects, Linearity, and Quantum Programming Languages (SS), pp. 395–406.
PPDP-2015-HaarPRV #concurrent #logic- An algebraic view of space/belief and extrusion/utterance for concurrency/epistemic logic (SH, SP, CR, FDV), pp. 161–172.
GTTSE-2015-PontesMOP #approach #implementation #linear- Implementing a Linear Algebra Approach to Data Processing (RP, MM, JNO, JOP), pp. 215–222.
GPCE-2015-InostrozaS #composition #using- Modular interpreters for the masses: implicit context propagation using object algebras (PI, TvdS), pp. 171–180.
DATE-2015-KyrtatasSP #compilation #embedded #linear- A basic linear algebra compiler for embedded processors (NK, DGS, MP), pp. 1054–1059.
DATE-2015-SunKPE #geometry #using #verification- Formal verification of sequential Galois field arithmetic circuits using algebraic geometry (XS, PK, TP, FE), pp. 1623–1628.
PDP-2015-ConinckKVSBMF #matrix #parallel #predict #scalability #towards- Towards Parallel Large-Scale Genomic Prediction by Coupling Sparse and Dense Matrix Algebra (ADC, DK, FV, OS, BDB, SM, JF), pp. 747–750.
FoSSaCS-2015-KlinR #logic #semantics- Coalgebraic Trace Semantics via Forgetful Logics (BK, JR), pp. 151–166.
CADE-2015-Passmore #decidability #integer- Decidability of Univariate Real Algebra with Predicates for Rational and Integer Powers (GOP), pp. 181–196.
CADE-2015-ZulkoskiGC #named #satisfiability- MathCheck: A Math Assistant via a Combination of Computer Algebra Systems and SAT Solvers (EZ, VG, KC), pp. 607–622.
CSL-2015-Traytel - A Coalgebraic Decision Procedure for WS1S (DT), pp. 487–503.
ICST-2015-HuuhtanenIL #algorithm #design #testing- Combining Algebraic and Domain Testing to Design Adequate Test Cases for Signal Processing Algorithms (TH, JI, CL), pp. 1–10.
LICS-2015-CarvalhoMM #complexity- From Complexity to Algebra and Back: Digraph Classes, Collapsibility, and the PGP (CC, FRM, BM), pp. 462–474.
LICS-2015-EnqvistSV #bisimulation #higher-order #logic #monad- Monadic Second-Order Logic and Bisimulation Invariance for Coalgebras (SE, FS, YV), pp. 353–365.
LICS-2015-HeunenL #commutative- Domains of Commutative C-Subalgebras (CH, BL), pp. 450–461.
VMCAI-2015-GhorbalSP #difference #proving #set- A Hierarchy of Proof Rules for Checking Differential Invariance of Algebraic Sets (KG, AS, AP), pp. 431–448.
VMCAI-2015-SalaunY #debugging #process #specification- Debugging Process Algebra Specifications (GS, LY), pp. 245–262.
EDM-2014-Fancsali #behaviour #learning #modelling- Causal Discovery with Models: Behavior, Affect, and Learning in Cognitive Tutor Algebra (SF), pp. 28–35.
EDM-2014-RaffertyG #comprehension- Diagnosing Algebra Understanding via Bayesian Inverse Planning (ANR, TLG), pp. 351–352.
AFL-2014-Klima #automaton #on the- On Varieties of Automata Enriched with an Algebraic Structure (OK), pp. 49–54.
DLT-2014-Weil #logic- From Algebra to Logic: There and Back Again The Story of a Hierarchy — (PW), pp. 275–278.
ICALP-v2-2014-BonsangueRABR #induction- A Coalgebraic Foundation for Coinductive Union Types (MMB, JR, DA, FSdB, JJMMR), pp. 62–73.
ICALP-v2-2014-GoncharovP #bisimulation #equation #monad #recursion- Coalgebraic Weak Bisimulation from Recursive Equations over Monads (SG, DP), pp. 196–207.
ICALP-v2-2014-Heunen - Piecewise Boolean Algebras and Their Domains (CH), pp. 208–219.
ICALP-v2-2014-KozenM #equation- Kleene Algebra with Equations (DK, KM), pp. 280–292.
LATA-2014-DubourgJ #tool support- Algebraic Tools for the Overlapping Tile Product (ED, DJ), pp. 335–346.
LATA-2014-KlaudelKD #logic #semantics- Interval Temporal Logic Semantics of Box Algebra (HK, MK, ZD), pp. 441–452.
FM-2014-ArmstrongGS #concurrent #tool support #verification- Algebraic Principles for Rely-Guarantee Style Concurrency Verification Tools (AA, VBFG, GS), pp. 78–93.
FM-2014-HayesM #invariant #realtime- Invariants, Well-Founded Statements and Real-Time Program Algebra (IJH, LM), pp. 318–334.
RTA-TLCA-2014-SternagelT #certification #complexity #formal method #proving #termination- Formalizing Monotone Algebras for Certification of Termination and Complexity Proofs (CS, RT), pp. 441–455.
ICPR-2014-DumonceauxRG #approach #clustering- An Algebraic Approach to Ensemble Clustering (FD, GR, MG), pp. 1301–1306.
KR-2014-Dufour-LussierHBL - Belief Revision in the Propositional Closure of a Qualitative Algebra (VDL, AH, FLB, JL).
KR-2014-ZhangR #reasoning #representation- Qualitative Spatial Representation and Reasoning in Angry Birds: The Extended Rectangle Algebra (PZ, JR).
SKY-2014-Ben-Av #generative #multi #ontology #using- Ontology Hierarchy Self Generation using Algebraic Multi-Grid (AMG) (RBA), pp. 79–85.
AMT-2014-RichaBPBR #graph transformation #model transformation #testing #towards #using- Towards Testing Model Transformation Chains Using Precondition Construction in Algebraic Graph Transformation (ER, EB, LP, MB, JFR), pp. 34–43.
SPLC-2014-Tribastone #behaviour #process- Behavioral relations in a process algebra for variants (MT), pp. 82–91.
OOPSLA-2014-RendelBO #attribute grammar- From object algebras to attribute grammars (TR, JIB, KO), pp. 377–395.
AdaEurope-2014-BurgstallerB #ada #source code #static analysis- Kronecker Algebra for Static Analysis of Ada Programs with Protected Objects (BB, JB), pp. 27–42.
HILT-2014-BaggeH #api #specification #why- Specification of generic APIs, or: why algebraic may be better than pre/post (AHB, MH), pp. 71–80.
QAPL-2014-TschaikowskiT #biology #difference #performance #process- Extended Differential Aggregations in Process Algebra for Performance and Biology (MT, MT), pp. 34–47.
SAS-2014-GhorbalSP #difference #equation #polynomial- Invariance of Conjunctions of Polynomial Equalities for Algebraic Differential Equations (KG, AS, AP), pp. 151–167.
SAC-2014-SeffrinRJ #network- A dynamic bayesian network for inference of learners’ algebraic knowledge (HMS, GLR, PAJ), pp. 235–240.
GPCE-2014-GousetiPS #implementation- Extensible language implementation with object algebras (MG, CP, TvdS), pp. 25–28.
CGO-2014-SpampinatoP #compilation #linear- A Basic Linear Algebra Compiler (DGS, MP), p. 23.
LCTES-2014-BeaugnonKHBTAL #linear #named- VOBLA: a vehicle for optimized basic linear algebra (UB, AK, SvH, RB, DT, JA, AL), pp. 115–124.
FoSSaCS-2014-BonchiSZ - Interacting Bialgebras Are Frobenius (FB, PS, FZ), pp. 351–365.
FoSSaCS-2014-Cirstea #approach #linear #logic- A Coalgebraic Approach to Linear-Time Logics (CC), pp. 426–440.
FoSSaCS-2014-RotB #equation #semantics- Combining Bialgebraic Semantics and Equations (JR, MMB), pp. 381–395.
STOC-2014-ForbesSS #branch #multi #order #set #source code- Hitting sets for multilinear read-once algebraic branching programs, in any order (MAF, RS, AS), pp. 867–875.
TACAS-2014-GhorbalP #difference #invariant- Characterizing Algebraic Invariants by Differential Radical Invariants (KG, AP), pp. 279–294.
IJCAR-2014-GorinPSWW #hybrid #logic #named- Cool — A Generic Reasoner for Coalgebraic Hybrid Logics (DG, DP, LS, FW, TW), pp. 396–402.
LICS-CSL-2014-FioreS - Substitution, jumps, and algebraic effects (MPF, SS), p. 10.
LICS-CSL-2014-HoshinoMH #component #geometry #interactive- Memoryful geometry of interaction: from coalgebraic components to algebraic effects (NH, KM, IH), p. 10.
SIGMOD-2013-PapadopoulosCDG #authentication #data type #lightweight #linear #query- Lightweight authentication of linear algebraic queries on data streams (SP, GC, AD, MNG), pp. 881–892.
VLDB-2013-NirkhiwaleDJ #estimation- A Sampling Algebra for Aggregate Estimation (SN, AD, CMJ), pp. 1798–1809.
CIAA-J-2012-Oliveira13 #automaton #category theory #matrix- Weighted Automata as Coalgebras in Categories of Matrices (JNO), pp. 709–728.
ICALP-v1-2013-BhattacharyyaY - An Algebraic Characterization of Testable Boolean CSPs (AB, YY), pp. 123–134.
ICALP-v2-2013-CarreiroGS #logic- Coalgebraic Announcement Logics (FC, DG, LS), pp. 101–112.
ICALP-v2-2013-Janin #automaton #logic- Algebras, Automata and Logic for Languages of Labeled Birooted Trees (DJ), pp. 312–323.
LATA-2013-SelivanovK - Boolean Algebras of Regular ω-Languages (VLS, AK), pp. 504–515.
IFM-2013-LaneveP #contract #web #web service- An Algebraic Theory for Web Service Contracts (CL, LP), pp. 301–315.
ICFP-2013-Brady #dependent type #programming #reasoning- Programming and reasoning with algebraic effects and dependent types (EB), pp. 133–144.
ICFP-2013-DelbiancoN #continuation #hoare #reasoning- Hoare-style reasoning with (algebraic) continuations (GAD, AN), pp. 363–376.
ICFP-2013-Dolan #functional #linear #using- Fun with semirings: a functional pearl on the abuse of linear algebra (SD), pp. 101–110.
HCI-AS-2013-HuseyinovT #evaluation #fuzzy #using- Evaluation of Computer Algebra Systems Using Fuzzy AHP at the Universities of Cyprus (IH, FST), pp. 391–397.
ICML-c3-2013-Izbicki #approach #classification #online #parallel #performance- Algebraic classifiers: a generic approach to fast cross-validation, online training, and parallel training (MI), pp. 648–656.
ECOOP-2013-OliveiraSLC #feature model #programming- Feature-Oriented Programming with Object Algebras (BCdSO, TvdS, AL, WRC), pp. 27–51.
LOPSTR-2013-AransayD #algorithm #execution #formal method #linear #theorem- Formalization and Execution of Linear Algebra: From Theorems to Algorithms (JA, JD), pp. 1–18.
POPL-2013-AtkeyJK #abstraction- Abstraction and invariance for algebraically indexed types (RA, PJ, AK), pp. 87–100.
QAPL-2013-McIverRS #concurrent #probability- Probabilistic Concurrent Kleene Algebra (AM, TMR, GS), pp. 97–115.
SAS-2013-WhiteM #analysis #memory management #optimisation #using- Concise Analysis Using Implication Algebras for Task-Local Memory Optimisation (LW, AM), pp. 433–453.
ESEC-FSE-2013-PhamW #abstraction #data type #named #reasoning- RADA: a tool for reasoning about algebraic data types with abstractions (THP, MWW), pp. 611–614.
LDTA-J-2009-AndersenBC #composition- Banana Algebra: Compositional syntactic language extension (JA, CB, DRC), pp. 1845–1870.
CGO-2013-DuchateauPB #algorithm #automation #equation #linear #named- Hydra: Automatic algorithm exploration from linear algebra equations (AD, DAP, DB), p. 10.
PDP-2013-LiuZB #case study #in the cloud #specification- A Case Study on Algebraic Specification of Cloud Computing (DL, HZ, IB), pp. 269–273.
ESOP-2013-SharmaGHALN #approach #data-driven #invariant- A Data Driven Approach for Algebraic Loop Invariants (RS, SG, BH, AA, PL, AVN), pp. 574–592.
FoSSaCS-2013-DahlqvistP #logic- Some Sahlqvist Completeness Results for Coalgebraic Logics (FD, DP), pp. 193–208.
FoSSaCS-2013-KatsumataS #monad #simulation- Preorders on Monads and Coalgebraic Simulations (SyK, TS), pp. 145–160.
FoSSaCS-2013-Staton #logic- An Algebraic Presentation of Predicate Logic — (SS), pp. 401–417.
STOC-2013-Ben-SassonGKKS #geometry #product line- A new family of locally correctable codes based on degree-lifted algebraic geometry codes (EBS, AG, YK, SK, SS), pp. 833–842.
STOC-2013-GuruswamiX #bound #geometry- List decoding reed-solomon, algebraic-geometric, and gabidulin subcodes up to the singleton bound (VG, CX), pp. 843–852.
CADE-2013-LoupSCAB #composition #constraints- A Symbiosis of Interval Constraint Propagation and Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (UL, KS, FC, EÁ, BB), pp. 193–207.
CSL-2013-KozenM - Kleene Algebra with Products and Iteration Theories (DK, KM), pp. 415–431.
ICTSS-2013-ElyasovPH #mining #specification- Guided Algebraic Specification Mining for Failure Simplification (AE, ISWBP, JH), pp. 223–238.
LICS-2013-FioreH #equation #logic #multi #polymorphism #semantics #syntax- Multiversal Polymorphic Algebraic Theories: Syntax, Semantics, Translations, and Equational Logic (MPF, MH), pp. 520–529.
LICS-2013-Staton #perspective- Instances of Computational Effects: An Algebraic Perspective (SS), p. 519.
SAT-2013-Atserias #bound #problem #proving- The Proof-Search Problem between Bounded-Width Resolution and Bounded-Degree Semi-algebraic Proofs (AA), pp. 1–17.
CSEET-2012-Virseda #data type #implementation #specification #testing #verification- A Software Testing Tool for the Verification of Abstract Data Type Implementations from Formal Algebraic Specifications (RdVV), pp. 100–104.
WCRE-2012-BernatM #context-free grammar #editing- Structured Binary Editing with a CFG Transformation Algebra (ARB, BPM), pp. 9–18.
CIAA-2012-Oliveira #automaton #linear #probability- Typed Linear Algebra for Weigthed (Probabilistic) Automata (JNO), pp. 52–65.
ICALP-v2-2012-AcetoCEI #process- Algebraic Synchronization Trees and Processes (LA, AC, ZÉ, AI), pp. 30–41.
ICALP-v2-2012-DawarH #game studies- Pebble Games with Algebraic Rules (AD, BH), pp. 251–262.
ICALP-v2-2012-LitakPSS #logic- Coalgebraic Predicate Logic (TL, DP, KS, LS), pp. 299–311.
FM-2012-BenkiraneNSS #process #using- Measles Epidemics and PEPA: An Exploration of Historic Disease Dynamics Using Process Algebra (SB, RN, ES, CS), pp. 101–115.
IFM-2012-CalderS #case study #network #process #runtime #verification- Process Algebra for Event-Driven Runtime Verification: A Case Study of Wireless Network Management (MC, MS), pp. 21–23.
RTA-2012-Anai #geometry- Computational Real Algebraic Geometry in Practice (HA), p. 1.
Haskell-2012-DuregardJW #functional #named- Feat: functional enumeration of algebraic types (JD, PJ, MW0), pp. 61–72.
GT-VMT-2012-GabrielLE #approach #petri net- Algebraic Approach to Timed Petri Nets (KG, PL, CE).
GT-VMT-2012-NatschlagerS #approach #graph #graph transformation #inheritance- A Flattening Approach for Attributed Type Graphs with Inheritance in Algebraic Graph Transformation (CN, KDS).
ICGT-2012-Lowe #framework #graph grammar #graph transformation- Refined Graph Rewriting in Span-Categories — A Framework for Algebraic Graph Transformation (ML), pp. 111–125.
ICML-2012-KiralyT #approach #combinator #matrix #rank- A Combinatorial Algebraic Approach for the Identifiability of Low-Rank Matrix Completion (FJK, RT), p. 100.
KDIR-2012-AugelloGPV #encoding #geometry- Geometric Encoding of Sentences based on Clifford Algebra (AA, MG, GP, GV), pp. 457–462.
SEKE-2012-ZhaiLZLCJ #cyber-physical #logic #verification- Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems Based on Differential-Algebraic Temporal Dynamic Logic (XZ, BL, MZ, JL, QC, SJ), pp. 231–234.
BX-2012-GibbonsJ #lens- Relating Algebraic and Coalgebraic Descriptions of Lenses (JG, MJ), pp. 5–20.
ECOOP-2012-OliveiraC - Extensibility for the Masses — Practical Extensibility with Object Algebras (BCdSO, WRC), pp. 2–27.
POPL-2012-KammarP #optimisation- Algebraic foundations for effect-dependent optimisations (OK, GDP), pp. 349–360.
QAPL-2012-PalamidessiS #bound #constraints #difference #privacy #relational- Differential Privacy for Relational Algebra: Improving the Sensitivity Bounds via Constraint Systems (CP, MS), pp. 92–105.
GPCE-2012-RafkindF #named- Honu: syntactic extension for algebraic notation through enforestation (JR, MF), pp. 122–131.
PDP-2012-CastilloFMQR #analysis #energy #kernel #linear #message passing- Analysis of Strategies to Save Energy for Message-Passing Dense Linear Algebra Kernels (MC, JCF, RM, ESQO, VR), pp. 346–352.
PDP-2012-CuencaGG #linear #parallel #platform- Improving Linear Algebra Computation on NUMA Platforms through Auto-tuned Nested Parallelism (JC, LPG, DG), pp. 66–73.
PPoPP-2012-MarkerTPBG #developer #linear- Mechanizing the expert dense linear algebra developer (BM, AT, JP, DSB, RAvdG), pp. 289–290.
ESOP-2012-FehnkerGHMPT #network #process- A Process Algebra for Wireless Mesh Networks (AF, RJvG, PH, AM, MP, WLT), pp. 295–315.
FoSSaCS-2012-AdamekBHKMS - A Coalgebraic Perspective on Minimization and Determinization (JA, FB, MH, BK, SM, AS), pp. 58–73.
FoSSaCS-2012-AdamekMMS - Well-Pointed Coalgebras (JA, SM, LSM, LS), pp. 89–103.
IJCAR-2012-FosterS #analysis #automation- Automated Analysis of Regular Algebra (SF, GS), pp. 271–285.
LICS-2012-ChenM #category theory #constraints #quantifier #theorem- An Algebraic Preservation Theorem for Aleph-Zero Categorical Quantified Constraint Satisfaction (HC, MM), pp. 215–224.
LICS-2012-Schuster #case study #induction- Induction in Algebra: A First Case Study (PS), pp. 581–585.
SIGMOD-2011-BalesDV #optimisation #query- Score-consistent algebraic optimization of full-text search queries with GRAFT (NB, AD, VV), pp. 769–780.
VLDB-2011-KimRA #pipes and filters #using- From SPARQL to MapReduce: The Journey Using a Nested TripleGroup Algebra (HK, PR, KA), pp. 1426–1429.
VLDB-2011-OgasawaraOVDPM #approach #workflow- An Algebraic Approach for Data-Centric Scientific Workflows (ESO, DdO, PV, JD, FP, MM), pp. 1328–1339.
ITiCSE-2011-MartinezC #education #relational- A cooperative learning-based strategy for teaching relational algebra (AM, AC), pp. 263–267.
DLT-J-2009-BloomE11 #linear #order- Algebraic Linear Orderings (SLB, ZÉ), pp. 491–515.
DLT-J-2010-Head11 #parallel #towards- Computing with Light: toward Parallel Boolean Algebra (TH), pp. 1625–1637.
AFL-2011-Kunimochi #morphism #petri net- Algebraic Properties of Petri Net Morphisms based on Place Connectivity (YK), pp. 270–284.
DLT-2011-SelivanovK #regular expression- Boolean Algebras of Regular Languages (VLS, AK), pp. 386–396.
ICALP-v1-2011-AllenderW #branch #on the #power of #source code- On the Power of Algebraic Branching Programs of Width Two (EA, FW), pp. 736–747.
ICALP-v2-2011-BeeckenMS #independence #testing- Algebraic Independence and Blackbox Identity Testing (MB, JM, NS), pp. 137–148.
RTA-2011-KopR #dependence #functional #higher-order- Higher Order Dependency Pairs for Algebraic Functional Systems (CK, FvR), pp. 203–218.
TLCA-2011-BrunelHH #deduction #orthogonal- Orthogonality and Boolean Algebras for Deduction Modulo (AB, OH, CH), pp. 76–90.
AGTIVE-2011-RungeET #graph transformation #specification- AGG 2.0 — New Features for Specifying and Analyzing Algebraic Graph Transformations (OR, CE, GT), pp. 81–88.
CIKM-2011-KimC #approximate #composition #framework- Approximate tensor decomposition within a tensor-relational algebraic framework (MK, KSC), pp. 1737–1742.
MLDM-2011-DanylenkoLL #implementation #named- Decisions: Algebra and Implementation (AD, JL, WL), pp. 31–45.
BX-2011-Gibbons1 #lens #monad- Lenses are Coalgebras for the Costate Comonad (JG), p. 56.
BX-2011-Gibbons2 #lens- Lenses, Coalgebraically (JG), p. 57.
POPL-2011-OngR #data type #functional #higher-order #pattern matching #source code #verification- Verifying higher-order functional programs with pattern-matching algebraic data types (CHLO, SJR), pp. 587–598.
LDTA-2011-DominguezP - Exploiting algebra/coalgebra duality for program fusion extensions (FD, AP), p. 6.
DATE-2011-PavlenkoWSKDSG #named #problem #reasoning #smt #verification- STABLE: A new QF-BV SMT solver for hard verification problems combining Boolean reasoning with computer algebra (EP, MW, DS, WK, AD, FS, GMG), pp. 155–160.
FoSSaCS-2011-Jacobs #quantum- Coalgebraic Walks, in Quantum and Turing Computation (BJ0), pp. 12–26.
FoSSaCS-2011-Levy #similarity- Similarity Quotients as Final Coalgebras (PBL), pp. 27–41.
CSL-2011-BesC #linear #order- Algebraic Characterization of FO for Scattered Linear Orderings (AB, OC), pp. 67–81.
CSL-2011-KomendantskayaP #logic programming- Coalgebraic Derivations in Logic Programming (EK, JP), pp. 352–366.
CSL-2011-Straubing #finite #word- Algebraic Characterization of the Alternation Hierarchy in FO2[<] on Finite Words (HS), pp. 525–537.
PODS-2010-DalviSS #probability #query- Computing query probability with incidence algebras (NND, KS, DS), pp. 203–214.
DLT-2010-BerrimaR #bisimulation #equivalence- Linking Algebraic Observational Equivalence and Bisimulation (MB, NBR), pp. 76–87.
DLT-2010-Head #parallel #using- Using Light to Implement Parallel Boolean Algebra (TH), pp. 231–242.
ICALP-v2-2010-FontaineLV #approach #automaton #using- Automata for Coalgebras: An Approach Using Predicate Liftings (GF, RAL, YV), pp. 381–392.
SEFM-2010-MassinkLBH #analysis #approach #process #scalability- A Scalable Fluid Flow Process Algebraic Approach to Emergency Egress Analysis (MM, DL, AB, MDH), pp. 169–180.
IFL-2010-BrownLBH - Improving Your CASH Flow: The Computer Algebra SHell (CB, HWL, JB, KH), pp. 169–184.
GT-VMT-2010-GrohmannM #graph- Graph Algebras for Bigraphs (DG, MM).
ICPR-2010-Machucho-CadenaB #3d #geometry #re-engineering #using- 3D Reconstruction of Tumors for Applications in Laparoscopy Using Conformal Geometric Algebra (RMC, EBC), pp. 2532–2535.
PEPM-2010-Henglein #equivalence #lazy evaluation #optimisation #relational #using- Optimizing relational algebra operations using generic equivalence discriminators and lazy products (FH), pp. 73–82.
POPL-2010-SuterDK #abstraction #data type- Decision procedures for algebraic data types with abstractions (PS, MD, VK), pp. 199–210.
SAS-2010-MatringeMR #generative #hybrid #invariant #linear- Generating Invariants for Non-linear Hybrid Systems by Linear Algebraic Methods (NM, AVM, RR), pp. 373–389.
SAC-2010-BoscPML #relational- Extending relational algebra to handle bipolarity (PB, OP, AM, LL), pp. 1718–1722.
GPCE-J-2007-FrisbyKWA10 #combinator- Constructing language processors with algebra combinators (NF, GK, PW, PA), pp. 543–572.
LDTA-2009-AndersenB10 - Syntactic Language Extension via an Algebra of Languages and Transformations (JA, CB), pp. 19–35.
SLE-2010-BraatzB #domain-specific language #graph transformation #modelling #rdf- Domain-Specific Modelling Languages with Algebraic Graph Transformations on RDF (BB, CB), pp. 82–101.
PPoPP-2010-ChandramowlishwaranKV #concurrent #linear #parallel #programming- Applying the concurrent collections programming model to asynchronous parallel dense linear algebra (AC, KK, RWV), pp. 345–346.
FoSSaCS-2010-PopescuG #formal method #incremental #induction #process- Incremental Pattern-Based Coinduction for Process Algebra and Its Isabelle Formalization (AP, ELG), pp. 109–127.
FoSSaCS-2010-SchroderP - Coalgebraic Correspondence Theory (LS, DP), pp. 328–342.
FoSSaCS-2010-Staton - Completeness for Algebraic Theories of Local State (SS), pp. 48–63.
STOC-2010-LokshtanovN - Saving space by algebraization (DL, JN), pp. 321–330.
TACAS-2010-BuchsHMR #named #petri net- AlPiNA: An Algebraic Petri Net Analyzer (DB, SH, AM, MR), pp. 349–352.
TACAS-2010-GoreKP #algorithm #logic- Optimal Tableau Algorithms for Coalgebraic Logics (RG, CK, DP), pp. 114–128.
CSL-2010-CookF #linear- Formal Theories for Linear Algebra (SAC, LF), pp. 245–259.
CSL-2010-GhaniJF #induction- Fibrational Induction Rules for Initial Algebras (NG, PJ, CF), pp. 336–350.
CSL-2010-Pous #linear #logic #proving- Untyping Typed Algebraic Structures and Colouring Proof Nets of Cyclic Linear Logic (DP), pp. 484–498.
IJCAR-2010-GoreKPS #logic- Global Caching for Coalgebraic Description Logics (RG, CK, DP, LS), pp. 46–60.
LICS-2010-Abramsky #physics- Coalgebras, Chu Spaces, and Representations of Physical Systems (SA), pp. 411–420.
LICS-2010-BodirskyHM #approach #constraints #on the- On the Scope of the Universal-Algebraic Approach to Constraint Satisfaction (MB, MH, BM), pp. 90–99.
LICS-2010-JohannSV - A Generic Operational Metatheory for Algebraic Effects (PJ, AS, JV), pp. 209–218.
TAP-2010-Blanchette #analysis #data type #induction #recursion #relational- Relational Analysis of (Co)inductive Predicates, (Co)algebraic Datatypes, and (Co)recursive Functions (JCB), pp. 117–134.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-BontaB #architecture #code generation #java #named #process- PADL2Java: A Java code generator for process algebraic architectural descriptions (EB, MB), pp. 161–170.
ICALP-v1-2009-KoutisW #problem- Limits and Applications of Group Algebras for Parameterized Problems (IK, RW), pp. 653–664.
IFM-2009-SalaunB #encoding #process #using- Realizability of Choreographies Using Process Algebra Encodings (GS, TB), pp. 167–182.
RTA-2009-BursucC #bound #protocol #security- Protocol Security and Algebraic Properties: Decision Results for a Bounded Number of Sessions (SB, HCL), pp. 133–147.
TLCA-2009-Hamana #semantics- Initial Algebra Semantics for Cyclic Sharing Structures (MH), pp. 127–141.
TLCA-2009-Tasson #towards- Algebraic Totality, towards Completeness (CT), pp. 325–340.
CAiSE-2009-HornungML #process #query #workflow- Process Algebra-Based Query Workflows (TH, WM, GL), pp. 440–454.
CIKM-2009-MouzaLRS #n-gram #named #string #using- AS-index: a structure for string search using n-grams and algebraic signatures (CdM, WL, PR, TJES), pp. 295–304.
CIKM-2009-WuBTJDS #comparison #named- ASIC: algebra-based structural index comparison (YW, SB, TT, SJ, DD, MS), pp. 2111–2112.
CIKM-2009-WuLACB #benchmark #generative #named #query #xpath- XQGen: an algebra-based XPath query generator for micro-benchmarking (YW, NL, RA, SC, SB), pp. 2109–2110.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-BoronatM #metamodelling #ocl #semantics #specification- Algebraic Semantics of OCL-Constrained Metamodel Specifications (AB, JM), pp. 96–115.
AdaEurope-2009-SokolskyLC #modelling- Process-Algebraic Interpretation of AADL Models (OS, IL, DC), pp. 222–236.
SAC-2009-BriggsA #constraints #parametricity #specification- Algebraic specification techniques for parametric types with logic-based constraints (DB, SA), pp. 1890–1897.
SAC-2009-IdaT #graph grammar- Origami fold as algebraic graph rewriting (TI, HT), pp. 1132–1137.
SAC-2009-RodriguesMF #implementation #navigation #process #web #web service- Implementing rigorous web services with process algebra: navigation plan for web services (MCR, SM, JEF), pp. 625–631.
DATE-2009-GopalakrishnanK #polynomial #synthesis- Algebraic techniques to enhance common sub-expression elimination for polynomial system synthesis (SG, PK), pp. 1452–1457.
DATE-2009-MendlerHT #interface- WCRT algebra and interfaces for esterel-style synchronous processing (MM, RvH, CT), pp. 93–98.
ESOP-2009-PlotkinP - Handlers of Algebraic Effects (GDP, MP), pp. 80–94.
FoSSaCS-2009-AbbesB #concurrent #probability- Concurrency, σ-Algebras, and Probabilistic Fairness (SA, AB), pp. 380–394.
FoSSaCS-2009-BonsangueRS #polynomial #theorem- A Kleene Theorem for Polynomial Coalgebras (MMB, JJMMR, AS), pp. 122–136.
FoSSaCS-2009-MyersPS #hybrid #logic- Coalgebraic Hybrid Logic (RSRM, DP, LS), pp. 137–151.
STOC-2009-ClarksonW #linear #streaming- Numerical linear algebra in the streaming model (KLC, DPW), pp. 205–214.
CSL-2009-Bojanczyk - Algebra for Tree Languages (MB), p. 1.
CSL-2009-CirsteaKP #calculus #μ-calculus- EXPTIME Tableaux for the Coalgebraic μ-Calculus (CC, CK, DP), pp. 179–193.
LICS-2009-BojanczykSW #logic- Wreath Products of Forest Algebras, with Applications to Tree Logics (MB, HS, IW), pp. 255–263.
LICS-2009-BonsangueRS #polynomial- An Algebra for Kripke Polynomial Coalgebras (MMB, JJMMR, AS), pp. 49–58.
ECSA-2008-BernardoB #architecture #process- Non-synchronous Communications in Process Algebraic Architectural Description Languages (MB, EB), pp. 3–18.
ICSM-2008-KothariBMS #development #on the #performance #using- On evaluating the efficiency of software feature development using algebraic manifolds (JK, DB, SM, AS), pp. 7–16.
ICALP-A-2008-Koutis #algorithm #performance #problem- Faster Algebraic Algorithms for Path and Packing Problems (IK), pp. 575–586.
ICALP-B-2008-Mathissen #logic #word- Weighted Logics for Nested Words and Algebraic Formal Power Series (CM), pp. 221–232.
RTA-2008-ArrighiD #confluence #encoding #higher-order #λ-calculus- Linear-algebraic λ-calculus: higher-order, encodings, and confluence (PA, GD), pp. 17–31.
SEFM-2008-HofnerKM - Algebraic View Reconciliation (PH, RK, BM), pp. 85–94.
SFM-2008-CiocchettaH #biology #process- Process Algebras in Systems Biology (FC, JH), pp. 265–312.
FLOPS-2008-AbelCD #on the #proving #type system- On the Algebraic Foundation of Proof Assistants for Intuitionistic Type Theory (AA, TC, PD), pp. 3–13.
Haskell-2008-AhnS #data type #recursion #type system- Shared subtypes: subtyping recursive parametrized algebraic data types (KYA, TS), pp. 75–86.
GT-VMT-2008-EhrigEH #approach #graph grammar #integration #model transformation- From Model Transformation to Model Integration based on the Algebraic Approach to Triple Graph Grammars (HE, KE, FH).
ICGT-2008-Stevens #bidirectional #towards- Towards an Algebraic Theory of Bidirectional Transformations (PS), pp. 1–17.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-Savnik #data flow #implementation #query #web- Implementation of Algebra for Querying Web Data Sources (IS), pp. 91–96.
CIKM-2008-MasudaT - Nested region algebra extended with variables for tag-annotated text search (KM, JT), pp. 1349–1350.
ICPR-2008-Falcon-MoralesB #geometry- Radon transform and Conformal Geometric Algebra with lines (LFM, EBC), pp. 1–4.
BX-2008-Diskin1 #semantics- Algebraic Semantics for Model Translation (ZD), p. 34.
ICMT-2008-AmstelBPV #modelling #process #question #semantic gap #state machine #uml- Transforming Process Algebra Models into UML State Machines: Bridging a Semantic Gap? (MvA, MvdB, ZP, TV), pp. 61–75.
MoDELS-2008-Diskin #bidirectional #modelling- Algebraic Models for Bidirectional Model Synchronization (ZD), pp. 21–36.
MoDELS-2008-Diskin #bidirectional #modelling- Algebraic Models for Bidirectional Model Synchronization (ZD), pp. 21–36.
SAC-2008-AraujoSF #analysis #process- HIV drug resistance analysis tool based on process algebra (LVdA, ECS, JEF), pp. 1358–1363.
SAC-2008-BraghettoFP #execution #process #using- Using process algebra to control the execution of business processes (KRB, JEF, CP), pp. 128–129.
SAC-2008-HojjatMS #evaluation #framework #functional #performance #probability #process #verification- A framework for performance evaluation and functional verification in stochastic process algebras (HH, MRM, MS), pp. 339–346.
SAC-2008-LasserreLR #algorithm- Computing the real variety of an ideal: a real algebraic and symbolic-numeric algorithm (JBL, ML, PR), pp. 1845–1846.
SAC-2008-SansL #interface #named #order #visualisation #xquery- IFOX: interface for ordered XQuery an algebraic oriented tool for ordered XQuery visualization (VS, DL), pp. 1252–1257.
CASE-2008-AddadA #architecture #evaluation #graph #modelling #using- Modeling and response time evaluation of ethernet-based control architectures using timed event graphs and Max-Plus algebra (BA, SA), pp. 418–423.
DATE-2008-FanBSV #design #encryption- FPGA Design for Algebraic Tori-Based Public-Key Cryptography (JF, LB, KS, IV), pp. 1292–1297.
HPDC-2008-YouseffSYDW #kernel #linear #memory management- The impact of paravirtualized memory hierarchy on linear algebra computational kernels and software (LY, KS, HY, JD, RW), pp. 141–152.
PPoPP-2008-DiamondRKGGB #distributed #linear #performance- High performance dense linear algebra on a spatially distributed processor (JRD, BR, SWK, RAvdG, KG, DB), pp. 63–72.
FASE-2008-BoronatM #semantics- An Algebraic Semantics for MOF (AB, JM), pp. 377–391.
FoSSaCS-2008-BonsangueRS #automaton #logic #synthesis- Coalgebraic Logic and Synthesis of Mealy Machines (MMB, JJMMR, AS), pp. 231–245.
FoSSaCS-2008-HasuoJS #concurrent- The Microcosm Principle and Concurrency in Coalgebra (IH, BJ, AS), pp. 246–260.
FoSSaCS-2008-PattinsonS #finite #logic #modelling #rank #semantics- Beyond Rank 1: Algebraic Semantics and Finite Models for Coalgebraic Logics (DP, LS), pp. 66–80.
STOC-2008-KaufmanS #testing- Algebraic property testing: the role of invariance (TK, MS), pp. 403–412.
TACAS-2008-Kovacs #reasoning- Reasoning Algebraically About P-Solvable Loops (LK), pp. 249–264.
CAV-2008-WienandWSKG #approach #correctness #proving- An Algebraic Approach for Proving Data Correctness in Arithmetic Data Paths (OW, MW, DS, WK, GMG), pp. 473–486.
ICST-2008-YuKZZ #component #java #specification #testing- Testing Java Components based on Algebraic Specifications (BY, LK, YZ, HZ), pp. 190–199.
LICS-2008-Beffara #calculus #process- An Algebraic Process Calculus (EB), pp. 130–141.
LICS-2008-Kozen #testing- Nonlocal Flow of Control and Kleene Algebra with Tests (DK), pp. 105–117.
LICS-2008-PlotkinP #logic- A Logic for Algebraic Effects (GDP, MP), pp. 118–129.
VLDB-2007-LitwinMRS #performance #string #using- Fast nGram-Based String Search Over Data Encoded Using Algebraic Signatures (WL, RM, PR, TJES), pp. 207–218.
ICALP-2007-LaroseT #constraints #problem- Universal Algebra and Hardness Results for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (BL, PT), pp. 267–278.
IFM-2007-KongOF #analysis #formal method- Algebraic Approaches to Formal Analysis of the Mondex Electronic Purse System (WK, KO, KF), pp. 393–412.
SEFM-2007-ZhuHLB #approach #semantics #web #web service- Algebraic Approach to Linking the Semantics of Web Services (HZ, JH, JL, JPB), pp. 315–328.
SFM-2007-ClarkGHT #probability #process- Stochastic Process Algebras (AC, SG, JH, MT), pp. 132–179.
TLCA-2007-JohannG #exclamation #semantics- Initial Algebra Semantics Is Enough! (PJ, NG), pp. 207–222.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-BarkerD #information management #policy- Secure knowledge exchange by policy algebra and erml (SB, PD), pp. 212–217.
ECMDA-FA-2007-HerrmannKRSV #composition #semantics- An Algebraic View on the Semantics of Model Composition (CH, HK, BR, MS, SV), pp. 99–113.
LOPSTR-2007-BossiPR #process #refinement #security- Action Refinement in Process Algebra and Security Issues (AB, CP, SR), pp. 201–217.
PADL-2007-FisselerKBKM #haskell #information management #using- Algebraic Knowledge Discovery Using Haskell (JF, GKI, CB, AK, CM), pp. 80–93.
QAPL-2007-CianciaF #logic #modelling- Co-Algebraic Models for Quantitative Spatial Logics (VC, GLF), pp. 43–58.
ASE-2007-MateescuPS #adaptation #behaviour #component #composition #encoding #process- Behavioral adaptation of component compositions based on process algebra encodings (RM, PP, GS), pp. 385–388.
SAC-2007-GhourabiITMK #axiom #logic- Logical and algebraic view of Huzita’s origami axioms with applications to computational origami (FG, TI, HT, MM, AK), pp. 767–772.
GPCE-2007-WeaverKFA #combinator- Constructing language processors with algebra combinators (PW, GK, NF, PA), pp. 155–164.
CASE-2007-ReveliotisR0 #concurrent #correctness #policy #programming #verification- Correctness Verification of Generalized Algebraic Deadlock Avoidance Policies through Mathematical Programming (SR, ER, JYC), pp. 200–206.
WRLA-2006-SasseM07 #hoare #java #logic #semantics #verification- Java+ITP: A Verification Tool Based on Hoare Logic and Algebraic Semantics (RS, JM), pp. 29–46.
ESOP-2007-HasuoK #probability #simulation- Probabilistic Anonymity Via Coalgebraic Simulations (IH, YK), pp. 379–394.
CADE-2007-HofnerS #automation #reasoning- Automated Reasoning in Kleene Algebra (PH, GS), pp. 279–294.
CADE-2007-KuncakR #performance #satisfiability #towards- Towards Efficient Satisfiability Checking for Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (VK, MCR), pp. 215–230.
LICS-2007-IdziakMMVW - Tractability and learnability arising from algebras with few subpowers (PMI, PM, RM, MV, RW), pp. 213–224.
LICS-2007-Klin #logic #semantics- Bialgebraic Operational Semantics and Modal Logic (BK), pp. 336–345.
VLDB-2006-Pradhan #effectiveness #performance #query #retrieval #xml- An Algebraic Query Model for Effective and Efficient Retrieval of XML Fragments (SP), pp. 295–306.
ITiCSE-2006-Gal-EzerT #how #question #regular expression- Algebraic characterization of regular languages: how to cope with all these equivalences? (JGE, MBT), p. 325.
ICALP-v1-2006-Kunc #finite- Algebraic Characterization of the Finite Power Property (MK), pp. 120–131.
ICALP-v2-2006-ArmknechtK #multi- Constructing Single- and Multi-output Boolean Functions with Maximal Algebraic Immunity (FA, MK), pp. 180–191.
FM-2006-HofnerKM - Feature Algebra (PH, RK, BM), pp. 300–315.
SEFM-2006-Lodaya #automaton #process- Product Automata and Process Algebra (KL), pp. 128–136.
FLOPS-2006-SulzmannWS #data type #framework- A Framework for Extended Algebraic Data Types (MS, JW, PJS), pp. 47–64.
Haskell-2006-Eaton #haskell #linear #static typing- Statically typed linear algebra in Haskell (FE), pp. 120–121.
ICFP-2006-KatsumataN #parametricity- Algebraic fusion of functions with an accumulating parameter and its improvement (SyK, SN), pp. 227–238.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-KafkasBY #equation #implementation- Implementation Strategies for “Equation Guru” — A User Friendly Intelligent Algebra Tutor (SK, ZB, HY), pp. 58–65.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-AkhlakiTT #design #modelling #process #realtime #specification #uml- Design of Real-Time Systems by Systematic Transformation of UML/RT Models into Simple Timed Process Algebra System Specifications (KBA, MICT, JAHT), pp. 290–297.
ICPR-v1-2006-Bayro-CorrochanoM #fuzzy #geometry #logic #using- Object Manipulation using Fuzzy Logic and Geometric Algebra (EBC, RMC), pp. 1120–1123.
ICPR-v1-2006-Heyden #constraints #multi- Differential-Algebraic Multiview Constraints (AH), pp. 159–162.
ICPR-v1-2006-Lopez-FrancoB #geometry #invariant #navigation #using- Omnidirectional Vision and Invariant Theory for Robot Navigation Using Conformal Geometric Algebra (CLF, EBC), pp. 570–573.
ICPR-v4-2006-Rivera-RoveloB #framework #geometry #realtime #using- Non-Rigid Alignment and Real-Time Tracking Using the Geometric Algebra Framework (JRR, EBC), pp. 675–678.
KR-2006-Truszczynski #approach #equivalence- Strong and Uniform Equivalence of Nonmonotonic Theories — An Algebraic Approach (MT), pp. 389–399.
ECMDA-FA-2006-BoronatOGRC #eclipse #framework #modelling #ocl #query #specification- An Algebraic Specification of Generic OCL Queries Within the Eclipse Modeling Framework (AB, JO, AG, IR, JÁC), pp. 316–330.
POPL-2006-PottierR #data type #type inference- Stratified type inference for generalized algebraic data types (FP, YRG), pp. 232–244.
PPDP-2006-SchrijversB #data type #polymorphism #re-engineering- Polymorphic algebraic data type reconstruction (TS, MB), pp. 85–96.
SAC-2006-RuizCCP #analysis #concurrent #e-commerce #process #protocol #set #using- Analysis of the SET e-commerce protocol using a true concurrency process algebra (MCR, DC, FC, JJP), pp. 879–886.
GPCE-2006-Fontijne #generative #geometry #implementation- Gaigen 2: a geometric algebra implementation generator (DF), pp. 141–150.
FASE-2006-BoronatCR #model transformation #specification- Algebraic Specification of a Model Transformation Engine (AB, JÁC, IR), pp. 262–277.
FoSSaCS-2006-PhillipsU #calculus #process- Reversing Algebraic Process Calculi (ICCP, IU), pp. 246–260.
FoSSaCS-2006-Schroder #finite #logic- A Finite Model Construction for Coalgebraic Modal Logic (LS), pp. 157–171.
CSL-2006-LautemannTT - An Algebraic Point of View on the Crane Beach Property (CL, PT, DT), pp. 426–440.
CSL-2006-Truszczynski #logic- Nonmonotonic Logics and Their Algebraic Foundations (MT), pp. 58–71.
LICS-2006-ManzonettoS #λ-calculus- Boolean Algebras for λ Calculus (GM, AS), pp. 317–326.
SAT-2006-KojevnikovK #complexity #proving #strict- Complexity of Semialgebraic Proofs with Restricted Degree of Falsity (AK, ASK), pp. 11–21.
PODS-2005-LeindersB #complexity #on the #relational #set- On the complexity of division and set joins in the relational algebra (DL, JVdB), pp. 76–83.
SIGMOD-2005-LiCIS #named #optimisation #query #relational- RankSQL: Query Algebra and Optimization for Relational Top-k Queries (CL, KCCC, IFI, SS), pp. 131–142.
VLDB-2005-PaparizosJ #question #sequence #set- Pattern Tree Algebras: Sets or Sequences? (SP, HVJ), pp. 349–360.
ICALP-2005-BadouelCG #petri net- Petri Algebras (EB, JC, GG), pp. 742–754.
IFM-2005-SalaunS #hardware #process #standard- Translating Hardware Process Algebras into Standard Process Algebras: Illustration with CHP and LOTOS (GS, WS), pp. 287–306.
RTA-2005-Comon-LundhD #finite #how- The Finite Variant Property: How to Get Rid of Some Algebraic Properties (HCL, SD), pp. 294–307.
RTA-2005-Hamana #higher-order #termination- Universal Algebra for Termination of Higher-Order Rewriting (MH), pp. 135–149.
RTA-2005-Hoffman #approach #equation- Union of Equational Theories: An Algebraic Approach (PH), pp. 61–73.
RTA-2005-StumpT #proving #similarity- The Algebra of Equality Proofs (AS, LYT), pp. 469–483.
ICFP-2005-Nilsson #data type #functional #optimisation #programming #using- Dynamic optimization for functional reactive programming using generalized algebraic data types (HN), pp. 54–65.
ICEIS-v1-2005-BekaiR #framework #xml- A Tree Based Algebra Framework for XML Data Systems (AEB, BNR), pp. 305–312.
CIKM-2005-MihajlovicBHA #database- Score region algebra: building a transparent XML-R database (VM, HEB, DH, PMGA), pp. 12–19.
SEKE-2005-NabliFG #adaptation #data flow #multi #using- Adapting Multidimensional Schemes to Data sources using Algebraic Operators (AN, JF, FG), pp. 713–718.
ECMDA-FA-2005-TabuchiSN #analysis #design #modelling #performance #probability #process #uml- Model-Driven Performance Analysis of UML Design Models Based on Stochastic Process Algebra (NT, NS, HN), pp. 41–58.
OOPSLA-2005-KennedyR #data type #object-oriented #programming- Generalized algebraic data types and object-oriented programming (AK, CVR), pp. 21–40.
SAS-2005-BagnaraRZ #generative #invariant #using- Generation of Basic Semi-algebraic Invariants Using Convex Polyhedra (RB, ERC, EZ), pp. 19–34.
RE-2005-SabetzadehE #consistency #framework- An Algebraic Framework for Merging Incomplete and Inconsistent Views (MS, SME), pp. 306–318.
ESEC-FSE-2005-KuncakJ #analysis #data type #relational- Relational analysis of algebraic datatypes (VK, DJ), pp. 207–216.
CASE-2005-FalkmanLT #petri net #process #specification #using- Specification of a batch plant using process algebra and Petri nets (PF, BL, MT), pp. 339–344.
DATE-2005-ShashidharBCJ #equivalence #functional #source code #verification- Functional Equivalence Checking for Verification of Algebraic Transformations on Array-Intensive Source Code (KCS, MB, FC, GJ), pp. 1310–1315.
PPoPP-2005-LowGZ #algorithm #linear #parallel #specification- Extracting SMP parallelism for dense linear algebra algorithms from high-level specifications (TML, RAvdG, FGVZ), pp. 153–163.
FoSSaCS-2005-Schroder #logic- Expressivity of Coalgebraic Modal Logic: The Limits and Beyond (LS), pp. 440–454.
FoSSaCS-2005-Stark #modelling #π-calculus- Free-Algebra Models for the π-Calculus (IS), pp. 155–169.
STOC-2005-Basu #algorithm #polynomial #set- Polynomial time algorithm for computing the top Betti numbers of semi-algebraic sets defined by quadratic inequalities (SB), pp. 313–322.
STOC-2005-BasuPR #component #set- Computing the first Betti number and the connected components of semi-algebraic sets (SB, RP, MFR), pp. 304–312.
SAT-J-2004-BaulandCCHV05 #approach #complexity #query- An Algebraic Approach to the Complexity of Generalized Conjunctive Queries (MB, PC, NC, MH, HV), pp. 30–45.
SAT-J-2004-ChenD05 #quantifier- Looking Algebraically at Tractable Quantified Boolean Formulas (HC, VD), pp. 71–79.
CADE-2005-KuncakNR #algorithm- An Algorithm for Deciding BAPA: Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (VK, HHN, MCR), pp. 260–277.
CAV-2005-PiazzaAMPWM #algorithm #biology #challenge #model checking- Algorithmic Algebraic Model Checking I: Challenges from Systems Biology (CP, MA, VM, AP, FW, BM), pp. 5–19.
CSL-2005-Blanqui #calculus #decidability- Decidability of Type-Checking in the Calculus of Algebraic Constructions with Size Annotations (FB), pp. 135–150.
CSL-2005-KhoussainovR #decidability- Decidability of Term Algebras Extending Partial Algebras (BK, SR), pp. 292–308.
CSL-2005-Marx #navigation #xml- XML Navigation and Tarski’s Relation Algebras (MM), pp. 1–2.
CSL-2005-Tiwari #approach #constraints #satisfiability- An Algebraic Approach for the Unsatisfiability of Nonlinear Constraints (AT), pp. 248–262.
FATES-2005-AiguierABGM #axiom #specification #testing- Testing from Algebraic Specifications: Test Data Set Selection by Unfolding Axioms (MA, AA, CB, PLG, BM), pp. 203–217.
LICS-2005-BaetenC #process #regular expression- Regular Expressions in Process Algebra (JCMB, FC), pp. 12–19.
LICS-2005-Hardin #proving- Proof Theory for Kleene Algebra (CH), pp. 290–299.
LICS-2005-Hillston #analysis #process- Process Algebras for Quantitative Analysis (JH), pp. 239–248.
LICS-2005-KupkeV #automaton- Closure Properties of Coalgebra Automata (CK, YV), pp. 199–208.
LICS-2005-Santocanale - Completions of μ-algebras (LS), pp. 219–228.
SAT-2005-MeierS #benchmark #metric #problem #satisfiability #set- A New Set of Algebraic Benchmark Problems for SAT Solvers (AM, VS), pp. 459–466.
VLDB-2004-HoweM #dataset- Algebraic Manipulation of Scientific Datasets (BH, DM), pp. 924–935.
VLDB-2004-SuRM #optimisation #query #semantics #xml #xquery- Semantic Query Optimization in an Automata-Algebra Combined XQuery Engine over XML Streams (HS, EAR, MM), pp. 1293–1296.
CIAA-2004-Egri-NagyN #automaton #comparison #composition #finite #implementation- Algebraic Hierarchical Decomposition of Finite State Automata: Comparison of Implementations for Krohn-Rhodes Theory (AEN, CLN), pp. 315–316.
DLT-2004-JonoskaS #modelling #process- Algebraic and Topological Models for DNA Recombinant Processes (NJ, MS), pp. 49–62.
ICALP-2004-DengS #mobile #process #towards- Towards an Algebraic Theory of Typed Mobile Processes (YD, DS), pp. 445–456.
IFM-2004-Willemse #automaton #hybrid #process- Embeddings of Hybrid Automata in Process Algebra (TACW), pp. 343–362.
SEFM-2004-Fronk #analysis #approach #automation #petri net #using- Using Relation Algebra for the Analysis of Petri Nets in a CASE Tool Based Approach (AF), pp. 396–405.
SEFM-2004-MengNB #on the #perspective #refinement #semantics #uml- On Semantics and Refinement of UML Statecharts: A Coalgebraic View (SM, ZN, LSB), pp. 164–173.
SFM-2004-BaetenR #process #termination- Timed Process Algebra (With a Focus on Explicit Termination and Relative-Timing) (JCMB, MAR), pp. 59–97.
FLOPS-2004-Ogawa #axiom #graph- Complete Axiomatization of an Algebraic Construction of Graphs (MO), pp. 163–179.
CAiSE-2004-FranconiK #multi- The GMD Data Model and Algebra for Multidimensional Information (EF, AK), pp. 446–462.
ICPR-v2-2004-Bayro-CorrochanoO - Lie Algebra Template Tracking (EBC, JOA), pp. 56–59.
ICPR-v2-2004-Ortegon-AguilarB #3d #approach #estimation- Monocular Lie Algebra Approach for 3D Motion Estimation (JOA, EBC), pp. 200–203.
ICPR-v3-2004-KellerS #approach #detection #symmetry- An Algebraic Approach to Symmetry Detection (YK, YS), pp. 186–189.
ICPR-v4-2004-ChenI #image #metric- Planar Metric Rectification by Algebraically Estimating The Image of the Absolute Conic (YC, HHSI), pp. 88–91.
ICPR-v4-2004-Lopez-FrancoB #framework #geometry #using- Unified Model for Omnidirectional Vision Using the Conformal Geometric Algebra Framework (CLF, EBC), pp. 48–51.
PADL-2004-Hudak #polymorphism- An Algebraic Theory of Polymorphic Temporal Media (PH), pp. 1–15.
POPL-2004-Muller-OlmS #analysis #interprocedural #linear #precise- Precise interprocedural analysis through linear algebra (MMO, HS), pp. 330–341.
SAS-2004-Colon #approximate #imperative #relational #semantics #source code- Approximating the Algebraic Relational Semantics of Imperative Programs (MC), pp. 296–311.
ICSE-2004-HenkelD #debugging #specification- A Tool for Writing and Debugging Algebraic Specifications (JH, AD), pp. 449–458.
ICSE-2004-ZiadiHJ #approach #statechart #synthesis- Revisiting Statechart Synthesis with an Algebraic Approach (TZ, LH, JMJ), pp. 242–251.
STOC-2004-BurgisserC #complexity #set- Counting complexity classes for numeric computations II: algebraic and semialgebraic sets (PB, FC), pp. 475–485.
IJCAR-2004-ColtonMSM #automation #classification #finite #generative #theorem- Automatic Generation of Classification Theorems for Finite Algebras (SC, AM, VS, RLM), pp. 400–414.
LICS-2004-NordhJ #approach #complexity- An Algebraic Approach to the Complexity of Propositional Circumscription (GN, PJ), pp. 367–376.
SAT-2004-BaulandCCHV #approach #complexity #query- An Algebraic Approach to the Complexity of Generalized Conjunctive Queries (MB, PC, NC, MH, HV), pp. 181–190.
SAT-2004-ChenD #quantifier- Looking Algebraically at Tractable Quantified Boolean Formulas (HC, VD), pp. 224–229.
VMCAI-2004-KuncakR #analysis #constraints- Boolean Algebra of Shape Analysis Constraints (VK, MCR), pp. 59–72.
VMCAI-2004-LucanuC #model checking #specification- Model Checking for Object Specifications in Hidden Algebra (DL, GC), pp. 97–109.
VLDB-2003-HaasB #automation #constraints #fuzzy #named #relational- BHUNT: Automatic Discovery of Fuzzy Algebraic Constraints in Relational Data (PB, PJH), pp. 668–679.
ICALP-2003-BergstraB #equivalence #process- Polarized Process Algebra and Program Equivalence (JAB, IB), pp. 1–21.
TLCA-2003-Blanqui #calculus #induction- Inductive Types in the Calculus of Algebraic Constructions (FB), pp. 46–59.
IFL-2003-MartinezP #algorithm #interface- Building an Interface Between Eden and Maple: A Way of Parallelizing Computer Algebra Algorithms (RMT, RP), pp. 135–151.
CIKM-2003-SuJR #framework #named #xml- Raindrop: a uniform and layered algebraic framework for XQueries on XML streams (HS, JJ, EAR), pp. 279–286.
ECOOP-2003-BorbaSC #object-oriented #programming #refinement- A Refinement Algebra for Object-Oriented Programming (PB, AS, MC), pp. 457–482.
ECOOP-2003-HenkelD #java #specification- Discovering Algebraic Specifications from Java Classes (JH, AD), pp. 431–456.
PPDP-2003-Hamana #approach #term rewriting- Term rewriting with variable binding: an initial algebra approach (MH), pp. 148–159.
SAC-2003-HuaJVT #analysis #approach #data mining #mining #named #performance #using- ADMiRe: An Algebraic Approach to System Performance Analysis Using Data Mining Techniques (KAH, NJ, RV, DAT), pp. 490–496.
DAC-2003-ChenCCKMSYZ #clustering #layout #multi- An algebraic multigrid solver for analytical placement with layout based clustering (HC, CKC, NCC, ABK, JFM, PS, BY, ZZ), pp. 794–799.
DAC-2003-SuAN #grid #multi #power management #reduction- Power grid reduction based on algebraic multigrid principles (HS, EA, SRN), pp. 109–112.
DAC-2003-ZhuYC #adaptation #analysis #approach #multi #network #using- Power network analysis using an adaptive algebraic multigrid approach (ZZ, BY, CKC), pp. 105–108.
DATE-2003-JiangMB #multi- Reducing Multi-Valued Algebraic Operations to Binary (JHRJ, AM, RKB), pp. 10752–10757.
PDP-2003-CuencaGGDR #automation #linear #optimisation #parallel- Automatic Optimisation of Parallel Linear Algebra Routines in Systems with Variable Load (JC, DG, JG, JD, KR), pp. 409–416.
CSL-2003-Khoussainov #data type #on the #specification- On Algebraic Specifications of Abstract Data Types (BK), pp. 299–313.
VLDB-2002-OzsoyogluAAOUO #database- Sideway Value Algebra for Object-Relational Databases (GÖ, AAH, ISA, SAÖ, ÖU, ZMÖ), pp. 59–70.
CIAA-2002-BrzozowskiG #simulation- Simulation of Gate Circuits in the Algebra of Transients (JAB, MG), pp. 57–66.
CIAA-2002-GheorghiuB - Feedback-Free Circuits in the Algebra of Transients (MG, JAB), pp. 106–116.
ICALP-2002-GrigorievHP #bound #exponential #proving- Exponential Lower Bound for Static Semi-algebraic Proofs (DG, EAH, DVP), pp. 257–268.
ICALP-2002-Kick #modelling #process- Bialgebraic Modelling of Timed Processes (MK), pp. 525–536.
ICALP-2002-MeseguerR #approach #specification- A Total Approach to Partial Algebraic Specification (JM, GR), pp. 572–584.
ICALP-2002-Srba #process #similarity- Strong Bisimilarity and Regularity of Basic Process Algebra Is PSPACE-Hard (JS), pp. 716–727.
IFM-2002-LopezNR #probability #process- Stochastic Process Algebras Meet Eden (NL, MN, FR), pp. 29–48.
FLOPS-2002-Meer #consistency #constraints #on the #source code- On Consistency and Width Notions for Constraint Programs with Algebraic Constraints (KM), pp. 88–102.
ICGT-2002-MontanariR #graph grammar #linear #order- Linear Ordered Graph Grammars and Their Algebraic Foundations (UM, LR), pp. 317–333.
ICPR-v1-2002-Auclair-FortierPZA #approach- A Computational Algebraic Topology Approach for Optical Flow (MFAF, PP, DZ, MA), pp. 352–355.
Ada-2002-Siara #ada #german- Ada trifft Algebra (RS), pp. 147–151.
SAS-2002-Esparza #approach #concurrent #static analysis- An Algebraic Approach to the Static Analysis of Concurrent Software (JE), p. 3.
SAC-2002-DingKRP - The P-tree algebra (QD, MK, AR, WP), pp. 426–431.
DAC-2002-PeymandoustMS #embedded #library #using- Complex library mapping for embedded software using symbolic algebra (AP, GDM, TS), pp. 325–330.
DATE-2002-PeymandoustSM #embedded #optimisation #power management #using- Low Power Embedded Software Optimization Using Symbolic Algebra (AP, TS, GDM), pp. 1052–1058.
PDP-2002-CuencaGG #automation #design #library #linear #towards- Towards the Design of an Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Library (JC, DG, JG), p. 201–?.
FASE-2002-Cerone #implementation #process- Implementing Condition/Event Nets in the Circal Process Algebra (AC), pp. 49–63.
FoSSaCS-2002-Cirstea #logic #on the #reachability #specification- On Specification Logics for Algebra-Coalgebra Structures: Reconciling Reachability and Observability (CC), pp. 82–97.
FoSSaCS-2002-FerrariMP #calculus- Minimizing Transition Systems for Name Passing Calculi: A Co-algebraic Formulation (GLF, UM, MP), pp. 129–158.
STOC-2002-AroraK #semistructured data- Fitting algebraic curves to noisy data (SA, SK), pp. 162–169.
STOC-2002-ChienRS #approximate- Clifford algebras and approximating the permanent (SC, LER, AS), pp. 222–231.
CSL-2002-EsikL #normalisation- Greibach Normal Form in Algebraically Complete Semirings (ZÉ, HL), pp. 135–150.
LICS-2002-BenediktL #automaton #logic #query- Tree Extension Algebras: Logics, Automata, and Query Languages (MB, LL), p. 203–?.
LICS-2002-SoltysC #complexity #linear #proving- The Proof Complexity of Linear Algebra (MS, SAC), pp. 335–344.
WICSA-2001-BernardoCD #architecture #detection #process- Detecting Architectural Mismatches in Process Algebraic Descriptions of Software Systems (MB, PC, LD), pp. 77–86.
IWPC-2001-LuccaFC #comprehension #object-oriented #representation #thread- An Algebraic Notation for Representing Threads in Object Oriented Software Comprehension (GADL, ARF, UdC), pp. 176–185.
DLT-2001-FernauS #perspective- Valuated and Valence Grammars: An Algebraic View (HF, RS), pp. 281–292.
ICALP-2001-Blaser #bound- Improvements of the Alder-Strassen Bound: Algebras with Nonzero Radical (MB), pp. 79–91.
ICALP-2001-HonsellMS #approach #axiom- An Axiomatic Approach to Metareasoning on Nominal Algebras in HOAS (FH, MM, IS), pp. 963–978.
RTA-2001-BerarducciB #higher-order #recursion- General Recursion on Second Order Term Algebras (AB, CB), pp. 15–30.
TLCA-2001-Altenkirch #first-order- Representations of First Order Function Types as Terminal Coalgebras (TA), pp. 8–21.
TLCA-2001-KnapikNU #monad- Deciding Monadic Theories of Hyperalgebraic Trees (TK, DN, PU), pp. 253–267.
FLOPS-J1-1998-Takahashi01 - λ-Representable Functions Over Term Algebras (MT), pp. 3–29.
ICFP-2001-ZengerO #data type- Extensible Algebraic Datatypes with Defaults (MZ, MO), pp. 241–252.
CIKM-2001-WyssG #database #integration #metadata #relational- A Relational Algebra for Data/Metadata Integration in a Federated Database System (CMW, DVG), pp. 65–72.
ASE-2001-FahmyHC #architecture- Wins and Losses of Algebraic Transformations of Software Architectures (HF, RCH, JRC), pp. 51–62.
ESEC-FSE-2001-RamseyC #approach- An algebraic approach to file synchronization (NR, EC), pp. 175–185.
SAC-2001-Kandemir #algorithm #linear #locality #optimisation- A dynamic locality optimization algorithm for linear algebra codes (MTK), pp. 632–635.
DAC-2001-PeymandoustM #algorithm #synthesis #using- Using Symbolic Algebra in Algorithmic Level DSP Synthesis (AP, GDM), pp. 277–282.
PDP-2001-CuencaGG #algorithm #behaviour #linear #message passing #modelling- Modeling the Behaviour of Linear Algebra Algorithms with Message-Passing (JC, DG, JG), pp. 282–289.
ESOP-2001-ClementsFF #modelling- Modeling an Algebraic Stepper (JC, MF, MF), pp. 320–334.
FoSSaCS-2001-KrsticLP #category theory #process- Categories of Processes Enriched in Final Coalgebras (SK, JL, DP), pp. 303–317.
FoSSaCS-2001-PlotkinP - Adequacy for Algebraic Effects (GDP, JP), pp. 1–24.
TACAS-2001-AndovaB #abstraction #probability #process- Abstraction in Probabilistic Process Algebra (SA, JCMB), pp. 204–219.
TACAS-2001-RuysLKLM #analysis #partial order #probability #process #using- First Passage Time Analysis of Stochastic Process Algebra Using Partial Orders (TCR, RL, JPK, DL, MM), pp. 220–235.
CAV-2001-BlomFGLLP #named #specification #tool support- µCRL: A Toolset for Analysing Algebraic Specifications (SB, WF, JFG, IvL, BL, JvdP), pp. 250–254.
CSL-2001-Akama #combinator #logic #towards #λ-calculus- Limiting Partial Combinatory Algebras towards Infinitary λ-Calculi and Classical Logic (YA), pp. 399–413.
CSL-2001-PowerT - An Algebraic Foundation for Higraphs (JP, KT), pp. 145–159.
VLDB-2000-LakshmananJN #data mining #mining- The 3W Model and Algebra for Unified Data Mining (TJ, LVSL, RTN), pp. 21–32.
CSMR-2000-BrilFGKW #multi #using- Hiding Expressed Using Relation Algebra with Multi-Relations — Oblique Lifting and Lowering for Unbalanced Systems (RJB, LMGF, AG, RLK, TW), pp. 33–44.
ICALP-2000-BruniS #modelling- Algebraic Models for Contextual Nets (RB, VS), pp. 175–186.
ICALP-2000-BulatovKJ #constraints #finite #problem- Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Finite Algebras (AAB, AAK, PJ), pp. 272–282.
IFM-2000-HermannsKMS #model checking #probability #process #towards- Towards Model Checking Stochastic Process Algebra (HH, JPK, JMK, MS), pp. 420–439.
RTA-2000-Struth - An Algebra of Resolution (GS), pp. 214–228.
CSCW-2000-SingleySFFS #collaboration #learning- Algebra jam: supporting teamwork and managing roles in a collaborative learning environment (MKS, MS, PGF, RGF, SS), pp. 145–154.
ICML-2000-LauDW #programming- Version Space Algebra and its Application to Programming by Demonstration (TAL, PMD, DSW), pp. 527–534.
ICPR-v1-2000-Bayro-Corrochano #invariant #using- Computing Depth, Shape and Motion Using Invariants and Incidence Algebra (EBC), pp. 1881–1884.
ICPR-v1-2000-TasdizenC #bound #estimation #image #modelling- Boundary Estimation from Intensity/Color Images with Algebraic Curve Models (TT, DBC), pp. 1225–1228.
ICPR-v3-2000-Ghosal #on the- On Algebraic Smoothing: Theory and Results (SG), pp. 3021–3024.
OOPSLA-2000-LujanFG #analysis #design #linear #named #object-oriented- OoLALA: an object oriented analysis and design of numerical linear algebra (ML, TLF, JRG), pp. 229–252.
ASE-2000-ChaudetO #architecture #evolution #named #process- pi-SPACE: A Formal Architecture Description Language Based on Process Algebra for Evolving Software Systems (CC, FO), pp. 245–248.
FSE-2000-BernardoCD #architecture #formal method #on the #process- On the formalization of architectural types with process algebras (MB, PC, LD), pp. 140–148.
FASE-2000-Dierks #process #realtime #source code- A Process Algebra for Real-Time Programs (HD), pp. 66–81.
FASE-2000-PadbergHG #safety- Stepwise Introduction and Preservation of Safety Properties in Algebraic High-Level Net Systems (JP, KH, MG), pp. 249–265.
FoSSaCS-2000-Thiemann #adaptation #programming- An Algebraic Foundation for Adaptive Programming (PT), pp. 314–328.
CADE-2000-Sinz #automation #proving #theorem proving- System Description: ARA — An Automatic Theorem Prover for Relation Algebras (CS), pp. 177–182.
CL-2000-KozenP #certification #compilation #optimisation #testing #using- Certification of Compiler Optimizations Using Kleene Algebra with Tests (DK, MCP), pp. 568–582.
LICS-2000-BergmanS #complexity #problem- Computational Complexity of Some Problems Involving Congruences on Algebras (CB, GS), pp. 168–174.
LICS-2000-KorovinV - A Decision Procedure for the Existential Theory of Term Algebras with the Knuth-Bendix Ordering (KK, AV), pp. 291–302.
LICS-2000-RybinaV - A Decision Procedure for Term Algebras with Queues (TR, AV), pp. 279–290.
PODS-1999-BusscheW #polymorphism #relational #type inference- Type Inference in the Polymorphic Relational Algebra (JVdB, EW), pp. 80–90.
PODS-1999-KleinbergT #analysis #hypermedia #information retrieval #linear- Applications of Linear Algebra in Information Retrieval and Hypertext Analysis (JMK, AT), pp. 185–193.
SIGMOD-1999-AdaliSS #multi- A Multimedia Presentation Algebra (SA, MLS, VSS), pp. 121–132.
ICALP-1999-Galpin #comparison #process #using- Comparison of Process Algebra Equivalences Using Formats (VG), pp. 341–350.
ICALP-1999-HirshfeldJ #bisimulation #decidability #process- Bisimulation Equivanlence Is Decidable for Normed Process Algebra (YH, MJ), pp. 412–421.
ICALP-1999-KuceraM #process #simulation- Simulation Preorder on Simple Process Algebras (AK, RM), pp. 503–512.
FM-v2-1999-DiaconescuFI #component #specification #verification- Component-Based Algebraic Specification and Verification in CafeOBJ (RD, KF, SI), pp. 1644–1663.
FM-v2-1999-GoguenR - Hiding More of Hidden Algebra (JAG, GR), pp. 1704–1719.
FM-v2-1999-JimenezO #framework #higher-order- An Algebraic Framework for Higher-Order Modules (RMJ, FO), pp. 1778–1797.
FM-v2-1999-Nakajima #development #framework #object-oriented #specification #using- Using Algebraic Specification Techniques in Development of Object-Oriented Frameworks (SN), pp. 1664–1683.
FM-v2-1999-OcicaI #aspect-oriented #corba #syntax- Algebraic Aspects of the Mapping between Abstract Syntax Notation One and CORBA IDL (RO, DI), p. 1863.
IFM-1999-Grosse-Rhode #comparison #composition #protocol #specification- A Compositional Comparison of Specifications of the Alternating Bit Protocol in CCS and UNITY Based on Algebra Transformation Systems (MGR), pp. 253–272.
IFM-1999-TreharneS #process #using- Using a Process Algebra to Control B Operations (HT, SS), pp. 437–456.
RTA-1999-BlanquiJO #calculus- The Calculus of algebraic Constructions (FB, JPJ, MO), pp. 301–316.
RTA-1999-Marcinkowski #formal method- Undecidability of the exists*forall* Part of the Theory of Ground Term Algebra Modulo an AC Symbol (JM), pp. 92–102.
TLCA-1999-Damiani #data type #detection- Useless-Code Detection and Elimination for PCF with Algebraic Data types (FD), pp. 83–97.
AGTIVE-1999-Taentzer #graph transformation #named- AGG: A Tool Environment for Algebraic Graph Transformation (GT), pp. 481–488.
HCI-CCAD-1999-VirvouM #authoring- An authoring tool for algebra-related domains (MV, MM), pp. 647–651.
ECOOP-1999-GaspariZ #corba #process #specification- Process Algebraic Specification of the New Asynchronous CORBA Messaging Service (MG, GZ), pp. 495–518.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-BuehrerL #ontology #reasoning- Class Algebra for Ontology Reasoning (DJB, CHL), pp. 2–13.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-ZhangD #object-oriented #web- An Object Oriented Data Model for Web and Its Algebra (DZ, YD), pp. 83–88.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-FavreC #specification #uml- Integrating UML and Algebraic Specification Techniques (LF, SC), pp. 151–162.
LOPSTR-1999-Sannella #development #refinement #specification- Algebraic Specification and Program Development by Stepwise Refinement (DS), pp. 1–9.
ESEC-FSE-1999-WermelingerF #architecture #configuration management- Algebraic Software Architecture Reconfiguration (MW, JLF), pp. 393–409.
FASE-1999-Muller-OlmSC #approach #component #evolution #on the- On the Evolution of Reactive Components: A Process-Algebraic Approach (MMO, BS, RC), pp. 161–175.
FoSSaCS-1999-Benke #ml #type system- An Algebraic Characterization of Typability in ML with Subtyping (MB), pp. 104–119.
STOC-1999-OlshevskyS #approach #geometry #performance- A Displacement Approach to Efficient Decoding of Algebraic-Geometric Codes (VO, MAS), pp. 235–244.
TACAS-1999-BastenH #process- Process Algebra in PVS (TB, JH), pp. 270–284.
CAV-1999-LangerakB #finite #process- A Complete Finite Prefix for Process Algebra (RL, EB), pp. 184–195.
CAV-1999-MatthewsL #architecture- Elementary Microarchitecture Algebra (JM, JL), pp. 288–300.
CSL-1999-KuceraE #logic- A Logical Viewpoint on Process-Algebraic Quotients (AK, JE), pp. 499–514.
ICLP-1999-SeresSH #logic programming- Algebra of Logic Programming (SS, JMS, CARH), pp. 184–199.
LICS-1999-HopkinsK #commutative #theorem- Parikh’s Theorem in Commutative Kleene Algebra (MWH, DK), pp. 394–401.
LICS-1999-Kozen #hoare #logic #on the #testing- On Hoare Logic and Kleene Algebra with Tests (DK), pp. 167–172.
ADL-1998-NgLHBQ #web- Web Warehousing: An Algebra for Web Information (WKN, EPL, CTH, SSB, FQ), pp. 228–237.
SIGMOD-1998-AdaliBSS #multi- A Multi-Similarity Algebra (SA, PAB, MLS, VSS), pp. 402–413.
WCRE-1998-Holt #architecture #relational #using- Structural Manipulations of Software Architecture using Tarski Relational Algebra (RCH), pp. 210–219.
ICALP-1998-RaymondTT #approach #communication #complexity- An Algebraic Approach to Communication Complexity (JFR, PT, DT), pp. 29–40.
RTA-1998-Akama #combinator- SN Combinators and Partial Combinatory Algebras (YA), pp. 302–316.
RTA-1998-GuoNS #process #unification- Unification and Matching in Process Algebras (QG, PN, SKS), pp. 91–105.
TAGT-1998-LlabresR #category theory- Pushout Complements for Arbitrary Partial Algebras (ML, FR), pp. 131–144.
ICPR-1998-RiazanovSZ #logic #optimisation #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Mathematical methods for pattern recognition: logic, optimization, algebraic approaches (VVR, OVS, YIZ), pp. 831–834.
SIGIR-1998-SmithS #named #probability #web- PWA: An Extended Probabilistic Web Algebra (DS, RS), p. 388.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-Favre #object-oriented #reuse #specification- Object Oriented Reuse through Algebraic Specifications (LF), pp. 101–112.
ASE-1998-Dimitrakos #diagrams #specification- Parameterising (Algebraic) Specifications on Diagrams (TD), pp. 221–224.
SAC-1998-Nola #aspect-oriented #fuzzy #logic- Algebraic aspects of fuzzy logic (AdN), pp. 255–261.
FASE-1998-Grosse-Rhode #composition- Algebra Transformation Systems and their Composition (MGR), pp. 107–122.
STOC-1998-HuangR #approach #black box #composition #problem #set- A Black Box Approach to the Algebraic Set Decomposition Problem (MDAH, AJR), pp. 497–506.
STOC-1998-ShokrollahiW #bound #geometry- Decoding Algebraic-Geometric Codes Beyond the Error-Correction Bound (MAS, HW), pp. 241–248.
STOC-1998-Vorobjov #set- Computing Local Dimension of a Semialgebraic Set (NV), pp. 483–487.
WRLA-1998-DuranM #maude- An extensible module algebra for Maude (FD, JM), pp. 174–195.
CADE-1998-FeveW #geometry #proving #theorem #using- Proving Geometric Theorems Using Clifford Algebra and Rewrite Rules (SF, DW), pp. 17–31.
CSL-1998-KempeS #first-order #on the #power of #specification- On the Power of Quantifers in First-Order Algebraic Specification (DK, AS), pp. 45–57.
LICS-1998-JohnstonePTWW #axiom #category theory- An Axiomatics for Categories of Transition Systems as Coalgebras (PJ, JP, TT, HW, JW), pp. 207–213.
PODS-1997-GuchtDGV #database #decidability #on the #set- On the Decidability of Semi-Linearity of Semi-Algebraic Sets and Its Implications for Spatial Databases (FD, MG, LV, DVG), pp. 68–77.
DLT-1997-Bozapalidis - Mezei-Wright Theory on N-Subsets of an Algebra (SB), pp. 291–298.
DLT-1997-Polemi #geometry- An Algebraic-Geometric Public Key Cryptosystem (DP), pp. 521–528.
DLT-1997-RahonisS - Hierarchies of synchronized and algebraic forests (GR, KS), pp. 447–460.
DLT-1997-RaskovaR #formal method #recursion- Recursive Constructions in the Theory of P.I. Algebras (TGR, PIR), pp. 559–566.
ICALP-1997-Bernardo - An Algebra-Based Method to Associate Rewards with EMPA Terms (MB), pp. 358–368.
ICALP-1997-Fokkink #axiom #process- Axiomatizations for the Perpetual Loop in Process Algebra (WF), pp. 571–581.
ICALP-1997-VinkR #approach #bisimulation #probability- Bisimulation for Probabilistic Transition Systems: A Coalgebraic Approach (EPdV, JJMMR), pp. 460–470.
IFL-1997-DidrichGMP #in the large #programming- Programming in the Large: The Algebraic-Functional Language Opal 2α (KD, WG, CM, PP), pp. 322–337.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-CorradiniMREHL #approach #category theory #concept #graph transformation- Algebraic Approaches to Graph Transformation — Part I: Basic Concepts and Double Pushout Approach (AC, UM, FR, HE, RH, ML), pp. 163–246.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-EhrigHKLRWC #approach #category theory #comparison #graph transformation- Algebraic Approaches to Graph Transformation — Part II: Single Pushout Approach and Comparison with Double Pushout Approach (HE, RH, MK, ML, LR, AW, AC), pp. 247–312.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-WuW #database #graph #object-oriented- Directed Graph Based Association Algebra for Object-Oriented Databases (SW, NW), pp. 53–59.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-Zamulin #modelling #object-oriented #semantics- Algebraic Semantics of Object-Oriented Data Models (AVZ), pp. 43–52.
ALP-1997-BartheR #approach #termination #type system- Termination of Algebraic Type Systems: The Syntactic Approach (GB, FvR), pp. 174–193.
ALP-1997-Steggles #higher-order #specification- Parameterised Higher-Order Algebraic Specifications (LJS), pp. 76–98.
PLILP-1997-CompagnoniF #calculus #on the- On Object Calculus with Algebraic Rewriting (ABC, MF), pp. 17–31.
SAS-1997-CodishLB #analysis #approach #logic programming #source code- An Algebraic Approach to Sharing Analysis of Logic Programs (MC, VL, FB), pp. 68–82.
ICSE-1997-NakajimaF #modelling #object-oriented #specification- An Object-Oriented Modeling Method for Algebraic Specifications in CafeOBJ (SN, KF), pp. 34–44.
ASF+SDF-1997-Brunekreef #prolog #source code #specification- An algebraic specification of a transformation tool for Prolog programs (JB), p. 7.
STOC-1997-Mulmuley #exclamation #proving #question- Is There an Algebraic Proof for P != NC? (KM), pp. 210–219.
TAPSOFT-1997-Arenas-SanchezR #framework #functional #logic programming #polymorphism #semantics- A Semantic Framework for Functional Logic Programming with Algebraic Polymorphic Types (PAS, MRA), pp. 453–464.
TAPSOFT-1997-DidrichK #documentation #programming language- DOSFOP - A Documentation Tool for the Algebraic Programming Language OPAL (KD, TK), pp. 875–878.
TAPSOFT-1997-Jacobs #behaviour #correctness #induction #proving #specification- Behaviour-Refinement of Coalgebraic Specifications with Coinductive Correctness Proofs (BJ0), pp. 787–802.
TAPSOFT-1997-May #evolution #specification- Specifying Complex and Structured Systems with Evolving Algebras (WM), pp. 535–549.
TAPSOFT-1997-Mosses #development #framework #named #specification- CoFI: The Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic Specification and Development (PDM), pp. 115–137.
CADE-1997-OheimbG #named #proving- RALL: Machine-Supported Proofs for Relation Algebra (DvO, TFG), pp. 380–394.
CSL-1997-Hollenberg #axiom #equation- Equational Axioms of Test Algebra (MH), pp. 295–310.
CSL-1997-Power #category theory- Categories with Algebraic Structure (AJP), pp. 389–405.
ILPS-1997-Arenas-SanchezR #calculus #functional #lazy evaluation #logic programming #polymorphism- A Lazy Narrowing Calculus for Functional Logic Programming with Algebraic Polymorphic Types (PAS, MRA), pp. 53–67.
LICS-1997-EscardoS #induction #recursion- Induction and Recursion on the Partial Real Line via Biquotients of Bifree Algebras (MHE, TS), pp. 376–386.
LICS-1997-Kozen #complexity #on the #reasoning- On the Complexity of Reasoning in Kleene Algebra (DK), pp. 195–202.
SIGMOD-1996-CherniackZ #rule-based- Rule Languages and Internal Algebras for Rule-Based Optimizers (MC, SBZ), pp. 401–412.
SIGMOD-1996-SeshadriHPLRSSS #cost analysis #implementation #optimisation- Cost-Based Optimization for Magic: Algebra and Implementation (PS, JMH, HP, TYCL, RR, DS, PJS, SS), pp. 435–446.
ITiCSE-1996-WohlgehagenN - Computer-based high school algebra I (KW, CN), p. 230.
ICALP-1996-ChenN - Algebraic Characterizations of Decorated Trace Equivalences over Tree-Like Structures (XJC, RDN), pp. 63–74.
RTA-1996-Luth #composition #proving #term rewriting #theorem- Compositional Term Rewriting: An Algebraic Proof of Toyama’s Theorem (CL), pp. 261–275.
CIKM-1996-LinO #query- Processing OODB Queries by O-Algebra (JL, ZMÖ), pp. 134–142.
ICPR-1996-AnL - Stereo vision based on algebraic curves (MHA, CNL), pp. 476–482.
ICPR-1996-Bayro-CorrochanoBS #geometry #network #self #using- A new self-organizing neural network using geometric algebra (EBC, SB, GS), pp. 555–559.
ICPR-1996-Bayro-CorrochanoLS #framework #geometry #using- Geometric algebra: a framework for computing point and line correspondences and projective structure using n uncalibrated cameras (EBC, JL, GS), pp. 334–338.
ICPR-1996-KimHN #3d #modelling- Reconstructing 3D models with algebraic curved surfaces from three-view drawings (CHK, MWH, SN), pp. 854–858.
KR-1996-JonssonDB #classification #subclass- Tractable Subclasses of the Point-Interval Algebra: A Complete Classification (PJ, TD, CB), pp. 352–363.
ALP-1996-Almendros-JimenezGG #functional #logic programming #order #polymorphism #semantics- Algebraic Semantics for Functional Logic Programming with Polymorphic Order-Sorted Types (JMAJ, AGF, AGL), pp. 299–313.
ALP-1996-AnconaZ #approach #composition #mixin- An Algebraic Approach to Mixins and Modularity (DA, EZ), pp. 179–193.
ALP-1996-BrimJGK #concurrent #constraints #process #programming- A Process Algebra for Synchronous Concurrent Constraint Programming (LB, JMJ, DRG, MK), pp. 165–178.
PLILP-1996-Mateos-LagoR #inheritance #specification- GOTA Algebras: A Specification Formalism for Inheritance and Object Hierarchies (JML, MRA), pp. 62–76.
KBSE-1996-EllmanM #deduction #difference #equation #network #simulation #source code #synthesis- Deductive Synthesis of Numerical Simulation Programs from Networks of Algebraic and Ordinary Differential Equations (TE, TM), p. 5.
KBSE-1996-Jr.B #algorithm #synthesis- Synthesis of Local Search Algorithms by Algebraic Means (RPGJ, PDB), p. 7.
STOC-1996-Basu #bound #on the #set- On Bounding the Betti Numbers and Computing the Euler Characteristic of Semi-Algebraic Sets (SB), pp. 408–417.
STOC-1996-BasuPR #set- Computing Roadmaps of Semi-Algebraic Sets (SB, RP, MFR), pp. 168–173.
STOC-1996-GrigorievKHS #bound #random- A Lower Bound for Randomized Algebraic Decision Trees (DG, MK, FMadH, RS), pp. 612–619.
TACAS-1996-BerghammerKU #analysis #perspective #petri net- Realtion-Algebraic Analysis of Petri Nets with RELVIEW (RB, BvK, CU), pp. 49–69.
TACAS-1996-HermannsMR #analysis #probability #process- A Construction and Analysis Tool Based on the Stochastic Process Algebra TIPP (HH, VM, MR), pp. 427–430.
TACAS-1996-Kozen #commutative- Kleene Algebra withTests and Commutativity Conditions (DK), pp. 14–33.
TACAS-1996-MichelAV #process- Permutable Agents in Process Algebras (FM, PA, FV), pp. 187–206.
CADE-1996-LintonMPS #automation #deduction- Algebra and Automated Deduction (SL, UM, PP, DS), pp. 448–462.
CAV-1996-Avrunin #geometry #model checking #using- Symbolic Model Checking Using Algebraic Geometry (GSA), pp. 26–37.
CSL-1996-BartheM #on the #reduction #type system- On the Subject Reduction Property for Algebraic Type Systems (GB, PAM), pp. 34–57.
CSL-1996-Gore #calculus- Cut-free Display Calculi for Relation Algebras (RG), pp. 198–210.
CSL-1996-KozenS #decidability #testing- Kleene Algebra with Tests: Completeness and Decidability (DK, FS), pp. 244–259.
ISSTA-1996-HughesS #named #object-oriented #source code #testing- Daistish: Systematic Algebraic Testing for OO Programs in the Presence of Side-effects (MH, PDS), pp. 53–61.
LICS-1996-BethkeKV #combinator #normalisation- Completing Partial Combinatory Algebras With Unique Head-Normal Forms (IB, JWK, RCdV), pp. 448–454.
LICS-1996-NatarajanC #performance #process- An Algebraic Theory of Process Efficiency (VN, RC), pp. 63–72.
PODS-1995-ConsensM #query- Algebras for Querying Text Regions (MPC, TM), pp. 11–22.
FPLE-1995-Fokker #functional #source code- Explaining Algebraic Theory with Functional Programs (JF), pp. 139–158.
DLT-1995-KudlekM #distributed- Rational and Algebraic Languages with Distributed Catenation (MK, AM), pp. 129–138.
ICALP-1995-Ben-AmramG #bound #random- Lower Bounds on Algebraic Random Access Machines (AMBA, ZG), pp. 360–371.
ICALP-1995-Kuich - The Algebraic Equivalent of AFL Theory (WK), pp. 39–50.
RTA-1995-BaaderS #constraints #perspective #theorem proving- Combination of Constraint Solving Techniques: An Algebraic POint of View (FB, KUS), pp. 352–366.
AFP-1995-KieburtzL95 #programming- Programming with Algebras (RBK, JL), pp. 267–307.
CIKM-1995-Wang #database #multi #query- Algebraic Query Languages on Temporal Databases with Multiple Time Granularities (XSW), pp. 304–311.
OOPSLA-1995-RossieF #semantics- An Algebraic Semantics of Subobjects (JGRJ, DPF), pp. 187–199.
AdaEurope-1995-BuchsBR #modelling #validation- Modeling and Validation of Tasks with Algebraic Structured Nets (DB, CB, PR), pp. 284–297.
ICSE-1995-ClarkeL #constraints #process #realtime #testing- Testing Real-Time Constraints in a Process Algebraic Setting (DC, IL), pp. 51–60.
ASF+SDF-1995-Heering #imperative #source code- An Algebraic Machine for Imperative Programs (JH), pp. 27–28.
PDP-1995-Pavani #linear #parallel- Parallel Numerical Linear Algebra (RP), p. 400–?.
TAPSOFT-1995-AndersenM #case study #process- Describing a Signal Analyzer in the Process Algebra PMC - A Case Study (HRA, MM), pp. 620–635.
TAPSOFT-1995-Baumeister #data type- Relations as Abstract Datatypes: An Institution to Specify Relations between Algebras (HB), pp. 756–771.
TAPSOFT-1995-Karger #approach #logic- An Algebraic Approach to Temporal Logic (BvK), pp. 232–246.
TAPSOFT-1995-Marre #named #specification #testing- LOFT: A Tool for Assisting Selection of Test Data Sets from Algebraic Specifications (BM), pp. 799–800.
TAPSOFT-1995-Wagner #graph grammar #on the #power of- On the Expressive Power of Algebraic Graph Grammars with Application Conditions (AW), pp. 409–423.
CAV-1995-DsouzaB #generative #modelling #process- Generating BDD Models for Process Algebra Terms (AD, BB), pp. 16–30.
PODS-1994-SuciuP #algorithm #exponential #set #transitive- Any Algorithm in the Complex Object Algebra with Powerset Needs Exponential Space to Compute Transitive Closure (DS, JP), pp. 201–209.
VLDB-1994-BaralisW #analysis #approach #database- An Algebraic Approach to Rule Analysis in Expert Database Systems (EB, JW), pp. 475–486.
VLDB-1994-PoulovassilisS #database #optimisation #programming language #query- Investigation of Algebraic Query Optimisation Techniques for Database Programming Languages (AP, CS), pp. 415–426.
ICSM-1994-PaulP #query #source code #using- Querying Source Code Using an Algebraic Query Language (SP, AP), pp. 127–136.
ICALP-1994-CosmoK #first-order #recursion #term rewriting #λ-calculus- Combining First Order Algebraic Rewriting Systems, Recursion and Extensional λ Calculi (RDC, DK), pp. 462–472.
FME-1994-FencottGLOP #formal method #modelling #process #semantics #using- Formalising the Semantics of Ward/Mellor SA/RT Essential Models using a Process Algebra (PCF, AG, MAL, SJO, SP), pp. 681–702.
LFP-1994-Cosmadakis #proving- Complete Proof Systems for Algebraic Simply-Typed Terms (SSC), pp. 220–226.
TAGT-1994-AlberichBRVW #approach #graph transformation- A Partial Algebras Approach to Graph Transformation (RA, PB, FR, GV, BW), pp. 1–15.
TAGT-1994-Banach #graph grammar- The Contractum in Algebraic Graph Rewriting (RB), pp. 16–26.
TAGT-1994-Drewes #graph #transducer #using- The Use of Tree Transducers to Compute Translations Between Graph Algebras (FD), pp. 196–210.
CIKM-1994-LiuR #relational- Algebraic Equivalences Among Nested Relational Expressions (HCL, KR), pp. 234–243.
ALP-1994-CodishM #approximate #proving- Proving Implications by Algebraic Approximation (MC, GM), pp. 6–22.
SAS-1994-ArmstrongMSS #analysis #dependence #performance #representation- Boolean Functions for Dependency Analysis: Algebraic Properties and Efficient Representation (TA, KM, PS, HS), pp. 266–280.
DAC-1994-Minato #set #using- Calculation of Unate Cube Set Algebra Using Zero-Suppressed BDDs (SiM), pp. 420–424.
PDP-1994-MilliganMB #automation #empirical #linear #parallel- The Mathematician’s Devil: An Experiment In Automating The Production Of Parallel Linear Algebra Software (PM, RM, TJGB), pp. 385–391.
ESOP-1994-AndersenM #multi- An Asynchronous Algebra with Multiple Clocks (HRA, MM), pp. 58–73.
ESOP-1994-Walker #proving- Algebraic Proofs of Properties of Objects (DW), pp. 501–516.
STOC-1994-GrigorievKV #bound #testing- Lower bounds on testing membership to a polyhedron by algebraic decision trees (DG, MK, NV), pp. 635–644.
CADE-1994-Jackson #type system- Exploring Abstract Algebra in Constructive Type Theory (PJ), pp. 590–604.
CADE-1994-Wang #geometry #proving- Algebraic Factoring and Geometry Proving (DW), pp. 386–400.
ICLP-1994-KirchnerR #constraints #theorem proving- Constraint Solving by Narrowing in Combined Algebraic Domains (HK, CR), pp. 617–631.
ICLP-1994-Silcrat #logic #static analysis- Logic, Algebra and Static Analysis in DM Systems, the IE Way (EDS), p. 744.
ILPS-1994-CominiL - An Algebraic Theory of Observables (MC, GL), pp. 172–186.
LICS-1994-BarbaneraFG #composition #confluence #normalisation- Modularity of Strong Normalization and Confluence in the algebraic-λ-Cube (FB, MF, HG), pp. 406–415.
LICS-1994-BrogiT #logic #semantics #source code- Semantics of Meta-Logic in an Algebra of Programs (AB, FT), pp. 262–270.
PODS-1993-BusscheGV #programming #relational- Reflective Programming in the Relational Algebra (JVdB, DVG, GV), pp. 17–25.
PODS-1993-GrumbachM #towards- Towards Tractable Algebras for Bags (SG, TM), pp. 49–58.
SIGMOD-1993-BeeriM #on the #power of #recursion- On the Power of Algebras with Recursion (CB, TM), pp. 377–386.
VLDB-1993-WolniewiczG #database #optimisation- Algebraic Optimization of Computations over Scientific Databases (RHW, GG), pp. 13–24.
ICALP-1993-Dumas #aspect-oriented- Algebraic Aspects of B-regular Series (PD), pp. 457–468.
ICALP-1993-Wilke #testing- Algebras for Classifying Regular Tree Languages and an Application to Frontier Testability (TW), pp. 347–358.
RTA-1993-GuiO #higher-order #named #specification- LAMBDALG: Higher Order Algebraic Specification Language (YG, MO), pp. 462–466.
RTA-1993-LoweB #graph grammar #implementation #named- AGG — An Implementation of Algebraic Graph Rewriting (ML, MB), pp. 451–456.
HCI-SHI-1993-SaitoN #comprehension #visual notation- An Algebraic System that Symbolic Expressions Can Interact with Graphical Representations for Understanding Mathematics (HS, MN), pp. 267–272.
ECOOP-1993-RoseS #named #object-oriented- TOOA: A Temporal Object-Oriented Algebra (ER, AS), pp. 297–325.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Sanders #case study #eiffel #object-oriented #programming- A Case Study in Object Oriented Programming: Algebraic Structures in Eiffel (PS), pp. 379–388.
POPL-1993-ReickeS #reasoning- Algebraic Reasoning and Completeness in Typed Languages (JGR, RS), pp. 185–195.
WSA-1993-Benton #data type #lazy evaluation #strict- Strictness Properties of Lazy Algebraic Datatypes (PNB), pp. 206–217.
FSE-1993-Hoare #modelling- Algebra and Models (CARH), pp. 1–8.
DAC-1993-IqbalPDP #using- Critical Path Minimization Using Retiming and Algebraic Speed-Up (ZI, MP, SD, ACP), pp. 573–577.
PDP-1993-DaugerasBC #linear #standard- Static computation of standard linear algebra subroutines for PTAH (ED, JLB, FC), pp. 30–34.
TAPSOFT-1993-BertrandDFL #development #geometry #modelling #specification- Algebraic Specification and Development in Geometric Modeling (YB, JFD, JF, PL), pp. 75–89.
CSL-1993-BergstraBP #combinator #process- Process Algebra with Combinators (JAB, IB, AP), pp. 36–65.
PODS-1992-Ross #calculus- Relations with Relation Names as Arguments: Algebra and Calculus (KAR), pp. 346–353.
ICALP-1992-SannellaT #development #source code #specification #towards- Towards Formal Development of Programs from Algebraic Specifications: Model-Theoretic Foundations (DS, AT), pp. 656–671.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-FritzsonVHF #analysis #industrial #modelling #object-oriented- Industrial Application of OO Mathematical Modeling and Computer Algebra in Mechanical Analysis (PF, LV, JH, DF), pp. 167–181.
ALP-1992-EhrigP #equation #specification- High-Level-Replacement Systems for Equational Algebraic Specifications (HE, FPP), pp. 3–20.
ALP-1992-GioviniMC #concurrent #implementation #prototype #specification #tool support- Implementation of a Toolset for Prototyping Algebraic Specifications of Concurrent Systems (AG, FM, AC), pp. 335–349.
ALP-1992-Lysne #consistency #proving #semantics- Proof by Consistency in Constructive Systems with Final Algebra Semantics (OL), pp. 276–290.
PLILP-1992-Reus #higher-order #implementation #specification- Implementing Higher-Order Functions in an Algebraic Specification Language with Narrowing (BR), pp. 483–484.
DAC-1992-HsuS #logic #multi #synthesis- Coalgebraic Division for Multilevel Logic Synthesis (WJH, WZS), pp. 438–442.
STOC-1992-AdlerB #algorithm #linear #polynomial #programming- Polynomial Algorithms for Linear Programming over the Algebraic Numbers (IA, PAB), pp. 483–494.
CADE-1992-Boudet #order #unification- Unification in Order-Sorted Algebras with Overloading (AB), pp. 193–207.
CAV-1992-FischerST #case study #distributed #process #verification- Verification in Process Algebra of the Distributed Control of Track Vehicles — A Case Study (SF, AS, DT), pp. 192–205.
CSL-1992-GlavanR #communication #evolution- Communicating Evolving Algebras (PG, DR), pp. 182–215.
JICSLP-1992-BoerP #concurrent #constraints #process #programming- A Process Algebra of Concurrent Constraint Programming (FSdB, CP), pp. 463–477.
JICSLP-1992-KirchnerR #algorithm #constraints #finite #theorem proving #unification- A Constraint Solver in Finite Algebras and Its Combination with Unification Algorithms (HK, CR), pp. 225–239.
LICS-1992-BoerKP #communication #process- Asynchronous Communication in Process Algebra (FSdB, JWK, CP), pp. 137–147.
SIGMOD-1991-VandenbergD #array #inheritance- Algebraic Support for Complex Objects with Arrays, Identity, and Inheritance (SLV, DJD), pp. 158–167.
VLDB-1991-Albert #data type- Algebraic Properties of Bag Data Types (JA), pp. 211–219.
ICALP-1991-AcetoH #finite #process #refinement- Adding Action Refinement to a Finite Process Algebra (LA, MH), pp. 506–519.
ICALP-1991-Comon #axiom- Complete Axiomatizations of Some Quotient Term Algebras (HC), pp. 469–480.
RTA-1991-BaaderN #commutative #equation #how #morphism #unification- Adding Homomorphisms to Commutative/Monoidal Theories or How Algebra Can Help in Equational Unification (FB, WN), pp. 124–135.
RTA-1991-Dougherty #λ-calculus- Adding Algebraic Rewriting to the Untyped λ Calculus (DJD), pp. 37–48.
RTA-1991-Socher-Ambrosius #convergence #term rewriting- Boolean Algebra Admits No Convergent Term Rewriting System (RSA), pp. 264–274.
VDME-1991-Bril #specification #using- A Model-Oriented Method for Algebraic Specification using COLD-1 as Notation (RJB), pp. 106–124.
CAiSE-1991-OrlowskaJ #relational- A Funtional Method of Data Processing based on Relational Algebra (MEO, KGJ), pp. 98–123.
POPL-1991-JouvelotG #re-engineering- Algebraic Reconstruction of Types and Effects (PJ, DKG), pp. 303–310.
POPL-1991-PingaliBJMS #approach #dependence #graph- Dependence Flow Graphs: An Algebraic Approach to Program Dependencies (KP, MB, RJ, MM, PS), pp. 67–78.
ESEC-1991-DauchyM #automation #specification #testing- Test Data Selection From Algebraic Specifications: Application to an Automatic Subway Module (PD, BM), pp. 80–100.
ESEC-1991-Parisi-PresicceP #inheritance #object-oriented #programming #type system- An Algebraic View of Inheritance and Subtyping in Object Oriented Programming (FPP, AP), pp. 364–379.
ESEC-1991-ShepperdI #metric #validation- Algebraic Validation of software Metrics (MJS, DCI), pp. 343–363.
DAC-1991-GeigerM #automaton #benchmark #composition #metric- FSM Decomposition Revisited: Algebraic Structure Theory Applied to MCNC Benchmark FSMs (MG, TMW), pp. 182–185.
ESOP-J-1990-Reps91 #integration- Algebraic Properties of Program Integration (TWR), pp. 139–215.
CAAP-1991-AstesianoC #specification #strict- Non-Strict Don't Care Algebras and Specifications (EA, MC), pp. 121–142.
CAAP-1991-BloomE - Iteration Algebras (Extended Abstract) (SLB, ZÉ), pp. 264–274.
CAAP-1991-Broek #category theory #graph grammar #using- Algebraic Graph Rewriting Using a Single Pushout (PMvdB), pp. 90–102.
CAAP-1991-JonssonL #complexity #equation #on the #process- On the Complexity of Equation Solving in Process Algebra (BJ, KGL), pp. 381–396.
CCPSD-1991-CamilleriIN #automation #interactive #process #verification- Combining Interaction and Automation in Process Algebra Verification (AJC, PI, MN), pp. 283–296.
CCPSD-1991-LoweEFJ #on the #specification- On the Relationship Between Algebraic Module Specifications and Program Modules (ML, HE, WF, DJ), pp. 83–98.
CAV-1991-CourcoubetisGS #process- An Algebra of Boolean Processes (CC, SG, JS), pp. 454–465.
CAV-1991-Jeffrey #linear #process- A Linear Time Process Algebra (AJ), pp. 432–442.
CAV-1991-Lin #named #process- PAM: A Process Algebra Manipulator (HL), pp. 136–146.
CAV-1991-NicollinS #overview #process #synthesis- An Overview and Synthesis on Timed Process Algebras (XN, JS), pp. 376–398.
CSL-1991-Leiss #recursion #towards- Towards Kleene Algebra with Recursion (HL), pp. 242–256.
ICLP-1991-Marre #automation #logic programming #specification #testing #towards #using- Toward Automatic Test Data Set Selection Using Algebraic Specifications and Logic Programming (BM), pp. 202–219.
ICLP-1991-RossS #prolog #semantics #termination- An Algebraic Semantics of Prolog Program Termination (BJR, AS), pp. 316–330.
LICS-1991-JouannaudO #execution #higher-order #specification- A Computation Model for Executable Higher-Order Algebraic Specification Languages (JPJ, MO), pp. 350–361.
LICS-1991-Kozen #theorem- A Completeness Theorem for Kleene Algebras and the Algebra of Regular Events (DK), pp. 214–225.
LICS-1991-MalacariaR #λ-calculus- Some Results on the Interpretation of λ-calculus in Operator Algebras (PM, LR), pp. 63–72.
LICS-1991-Vaandrager #automaton #on the #process- On the Relationship Between Process Algebra and Input/Output Automata (FWV), pp. 387–398.
TAV-1991-Sankar #consistency #runtime #specification- Run-Time Consistency Checking of Algebraic Specifications (SS), pp. 123–129.
TAV-1991-YehY #analysis #composition #process #reachability #using- Compositional Reachability Analysis Using Process Algebra (WJY, MY), pp. 49–59.
VLDB-1990-TuzhilinC #relational- A Temporal Relational Algebra as Basis for Temporal Relational Completeness (AT, JC), pp. 13–23.
ICALP-1990-Comon #equation #order- Equational Formulas in Order-Sorted Algebras (HC), pp. 674–688.
ICALP-1990-Kuich #automaton- ω-Continuous Semirings, Algebraic Systems and Pushdown Automata (WK), pp. 103–110.
ICALP-1990-Moller #process- The Importance of the Left Merge Operator in Process Algebras (FM), pp. 752–764.
ICALP-1990-Palamidessi - Algebraic Properties of Idempotent Substitutions (CP), pp. 386–399.
ICALP-1990-PrasadGM #concurrent #functional #integration #programming #semantics #symmetry- Operational and Algebraic Semantics for Facile: A Symmetric Integration of Concurrent and Functional Programming (SP, AG, PM), pp. 765–778.
VDME-1990-DiepenH #relational #semantics- A Formal Semantics for Z and the Link between Z and the Relational Algebra (MJvD, KMvH), pp. 526–551.
VDME-1990-Goguen #approach #refinement- An Algebraic Approach to Refinement (JAG), pp. 12–28.
GG-1990-ArnborgCPS #graph #reduction- An Algebraic Theory of Graph Reduction (SA, BC, AP, DS), pp. 70–83.
GG-1990-Courcelle90a #approach #graph #logic #relational- Graphs as Relational Structures: An Algebraic an Logical Approach (BC), pp. 238–252.
GG-1990-EhrigKL #approach #category theory #graph grammar #tutorial- Tutorial Introduction to the Algebraic Approach of Graph Grammars Based on Double and Single Pushouts (HE, MK, ML), pp. 24–37.
GG-1990-EhringP #graph grammar #specification- Algebraic Specification Grammars: A Junction between Module Specifications and Graph Grammars (HE, FPP), pp. 292–310.
ALP-1990-Qian #higher-order- Higher-Order Order-Sorted Algebras (ZQ), pp. 86–100.
ALP-1990-Walters #hybrid #implementation #specification- Hybrid Implementations of Algebraic Specifications (HRW), pp. 40–54.
ICSE-1990-NakagawaF #process- Software Process à la Algebra: OBJ for OBJ (ATN, KF), pp. 12–23.
ESOP-1990-Reps #integration- Algebraic Properties of Program Integration (TWR), pp. 326–340.
CADE-1990-BrownA90a #equation- Cylindric Algebra Equation Solver (FMB, CA), pp. 645–646.
CAV-1990-JosephsU - An Algebra for Delay-Insensitive Circuits (MBJ, JTU), pp. 343–352.
CAV-1990-MadelaineV #automaton #process- Finiteness Conditions and Structural Construction of Automata for All Process Algebras (EM, DV), pp. 353–363.
CAV-1990-Yodaiken #automaton #feedback- The Algebraic Feedback Product of Automata (VY), pp. 263–271.
CSL-1990-BorgerR #implementation #prolog #towards- From Prolog Algebras Towards WAM — A Mathematical Study of Implementation (EB, DR), pp. 31–66.
LICS-1990-Comon #equation- Solving Inequations in Term Algebras (HC), pp. 62–69.
LICS-1990-DorreR #on the- On Subsumption and Semiunification in Feature Algebras (JD, WCR), pp. 300–310.
NACLP-1990-CorradiniM #logic programming #semantics #source code- An Algebraic Semantics of Logic Programs as Structured Transition Systems (AC, UM), pp. 788–812.
NACLP-1990-KempR #abstract interpretation #framework #source code- An Algebraic Framework for Abstract Interpretation of Definite Programs (RSK, GAR), pp. 516–530.
NACLP-1990-MancarellaPRT #logic programming #source code- Algebraic Properties of a Class of Logic Programs (PM, DP, MR, MT), pp. 23–39.
SIGMOD-1989-Colby #optimisation #query #recursion- A Recursive Algebra and Query Optimization for Nested Relations (LSC), pp. 273–283.
VLDB-1989-Mitschang #relational- Extending the Relational Algebra to Capture Complex Objects (BM), pp. 297–305.
ICALP-1989-ChazelleEGS - A Singly-Expenential Stratification Scheme for Real Semi-Algebraic Varieties and Its Applications (BC, HE, LJG, MS), pp. 179–193.
ICALP-1989-EhrigPO #on the #roadmap #specification- On Recent Trends in Algebraic Specification (HE, PP, FO), pp. 263–288.
ICALP-1989-TannenG #confluence #normalisation #polymorphism- Polymorphic Rewriting Conserves Algebraic Strong Normalization and Confluence (VT, JHG), pp. 137–150.
RTA-1989-Birkhoff #perspective #term rewriting- Term Rewriting and Universal Algebra in Historical Perspective (GB), p. 1.
RTA-1989-NaoiI #complexity #semantics #term rewriting- Algebraic Semantics and Complexity of Term Rewriting Systems (TN, YI), pp. 311–325.
OOPSLA-1989-McDonald #linear #object-oriented #programming- Object-Oriented Programming for Linear Algebra (JAM), pp. 175–184.
POPL-1989-Mosses - Unified Algebras and Modules (PDM), pp. 329–343.
ICSE-1989-JadoulDP #agile #data type #prototype #specification- An Algebraic Data Type Specification Language and Its Rapid Prototyping Environment (LJ, LD, WVP), pp. 74–84.
ICSE-1989-NakagawaF #approach #composition #process #refinement- Stepwise Refinement Process with Modularity: An Algebraic Approach (ATN, KF), pp. 166–177.
AS-1989-Krieg-Bruckner #development #metaprogramming #specification- Algebraic Specification and Fundamentals for Transformational Program and Meta Program Development (BKB), pp. 36–59.
CAAP-1989-Gogolla #approach #constraints- Algebraization and Integrity Constraints for an Extended Entity-Relationship Approach (MG), pp. 259–274.
STOC-1989-Ierardi #formal method #quantifier- Quantifier Elimination in the Theory of an Algebraically-closed Field (DI), pp. 138–147.
CSL-1989-GurevichM #semantics- Algebraic Operational Semantics and Occam (YG, LSM), pp. 176–192.
LICS-1989-AcetoH #process #towards- Towards Action-Refinement in Process Algebras (LA, MH), pp. 138–145.
PODS-1988-HouOT #relational #statistics- Statistical Estimators for Relational Algebra Expressions (WCH, GÖ, BKT), pp. 276–287.
PODS-1988-ImielinskiN #logic programming #source code- Explicit Control of Logic Programs Through Rule Algebra (TI, SAN), pp. 103–116.
PODS-1988-ParedaensG #using- Possibilities and Limitations of Using Flat Operators in Nested Algebra Expressions (JP, DVG), pp. 29–38.
SIGMOD-1988-GyssensG #programming #relational #set- The Powerset Algebra as a Result of Adding Programming Constructs to the Nested Relational Algebra (MG, DVG), pp. 225–232.
VDME-1988-Haxthausen #equation #recursion- Mutually Recursive Algebraic Domain Equations (AEH), pp. 299–317.
ECOOP-1988-ClericiO #inheritance #named #specification- GSBL: An Algebraic Specification Language Based on Inheritance (SC, FO), pp. 78–92.
ALP-1988-Comon #effectiveness- An Effective Method for Handling Initial Algebras (HC), pp. 108–118.
ALP-1988-Drosten #case study #comparative #prolog #source code #specification- Translating Algebraic Specifications to Prolog Programs: A Comparative Study (KD), pp. 137–146.
ALP-1988-HansenL #composition #specification- Modular Algebraic Specifications (HH, ML), pp. 168–179.
ALP-1988-Hussmann #nondeterminism #specification #term rewriting- Nondeterministic Algebraic Specifications and Nonconfluent Term Rewriting (HH), pp. 31–40.
ICSE-1988-NakagawaFTS #specification #using- Algebraic Specification of Macintosh’s Quickdraw Using OBJ2 (ATN, KF, ST, TS), pp. 334–343.
ESOP-1988-Diepen #composition #implementation #specification- Implementation of Modular Algebraic Specifications (NWPvD), pp. 64–78.
ESOP-1988-Krieg-Bruckner #development #formal method- Algebraic Formalisation of Program Development by Transformation (BKB), pp. 34–48.
STOC-1988-Ben-OrC #constant #using- Computing Algebraic Formulas Using a Constant Number of Registers (MBO, RC), pp. 254–257.
STOC-1988-Canny #geometry- Some Algebraic and Geometric Computations in PSPACE (JFC), pp. 460–467.
CADE-1988-Buttner #finite #unification- Unification in Finite Algebras is Unitary (?) (WB), pp. 368–377.
CADE-1988-CyrlukHK #geometry #named #proving #theorem proving- GEOMETER: A Theorem Prover for Algebraic Geometry (DC, RMH, DK), pp. 770–771.
CSL-1988-Karpinski #complexity #problem- Boolean Complexity of Algebraic Interpolation Problems (MK), pp. 138–147.
JICSCP-1988-MancarellaP88 #logic programming #source code- An Algebra of Logic Programs (PM, DP), pp. 1006–1023.
LICS-1988-Breazu-Tannen88a #higher-order- Combining Algebra and Higher-Order Types (VT), pp. 82–90.
LICS-1988-CleavelandH #process- Priorities in Process Algebras (RC, MH), pp. 193–202.
LICS-1988-ComptonL #logic- An Algebra and a Logic for NC¹ (KJC, CL), pp. 12–21.
LICS-1988-Maher #axiom #finite #infinity- Complete Axiomatizations of the Algebras of Finite, Rational and Infinite Trees (MJM), pp. 348–357.
LICS-1988-MeseguerM #monad #petri net- Petri Nets Are Monoids: A New Algebraic Foundation for Net Theory (JM, UM), pp. 155–164.
PODS-1987-Gucht #on the #power of #relational- On the Expressive Power of the Extended Relational Algebra for the Unnormalized Relational Model (DVG), pp. 302–312.
SIGMOD-1987-McKenzieS #relational #transaction- Extending the Relational Algebra to Support Transaction Time (LEM, RTS), pp. 467–478.
VLDB-1987-CeriT #datalog #equation #optimisation #query- Optimization of Systems of Algebraic Equations for Evaluating Datalog Queries (SC, LT), pp. 31–41.
VLDB-1987-SernadasSE #approach #database #object-oriented #specification- Object-Oriented Specification of Databases: An Algebraic Approach (AS, CS, HDE), pp. 107–116.
ICALP-1987-BaetenG #abstraction #process- Another Look at Abstraction in Process Algebra (JCMB, RJvG), pp. 84–94.
ICALP-1987-Kreowski #specification- Partial Algebras Flow From Algebraic Specifications (HJK), pp. 521–530.
FPCA-1987-Wise #matrix #programming- Matrix algebra and applicative programming (DSW), pp. 134–153.
AS-1987-Thatcher #semantics- Algebraic Semantics (JWT), p. 287.
CAAP-1987-Gogolla #fault #on the #parametricity #specification- On Parametric Algebraic Specifications with Clean Error Handling (MG), pp. 81–95.
CAAP-1987-MarongiuT #data type #finite #specification- Finite Algebraic Specifications of Semicomputable Data Types (GM, ST), pp. 111–122.
CAAP-1987-SannellaT #development #implementation #source code #specification #towards- Toward Formal Development of Programs from Algebraic Specifications: Implementations Revisited (Extended Abstract) (DS, AT), pp. 96–110.
CFLP-1987-Thomas #data type #imperative #implementation #programming language- Implementing Algebraically Specified Abstract Data Types in an Imperative Programming Language (MT), pp. 197–211.
STOC-1987-Ronyai - Simple Algebras Are Difficult (LR), pp. 398–408.
STOC-1987-Smolensky #bound #complexity #formal method- Algebraic Methods in the Theory of Lower Bounds for Boolean Circuit Complexity (RS), pp. 77–82.
CSL-1987-GurevichM #semantics- Algebraic Operational Semantics and Modula-2 (YG, JMM), pp. 81–101.
LICS-1987-GoguenM #multi #order- Order-Sorted Algebra solves the Constructor-Selector, Multiple (JAG, JM), pp. 18–29.
VLDB-1986-CeriGL #approach #logic #optimisation #query- Translation and Optimization of Logic Queries: The Algebraic Approach (SC, GG, LL), pp. 395–402.
GG-1986-Courcelle #graph #graph grammar #representation #term rewriting- A representation of graphs by algebraic expressions and its use for graph rewriting systems (BC), pp. 112–132.
GG-1986-Ehrig #approach #graph grammar #tutorial- Tutorial introduction to the algebraic approach of graph grammars (HE), pp. 3–14.
GG-1986-HotzKM #equation #network #on the #recursion- On Network Algebras and Recursive Equations (GH, RK, PM), pp. 250–261.
OOPSLA-1986-AbdaliCS #smalltalk- A Smalltalk System for Algebraic Manipulation (SKA, GWC, NS), pp. 277–283.
POPL-1986-SneltingH #analysis #incremental #semantics #unification- Unification in Many-Sorted Algebras as a Device for Incremental Semantic Analysis (GS, WH), pp. 229–235.
ESOP-1986-BernotBC #exception #semantics- Algebraic Semantics of Exception Handling (GB, MB, CC), pp. 173–186.
ESOP-1986-Bohm #recursion- Reducing Recursion to Iteration by Algebraic Extension (CB), pp. 111–118.
ESOP-1986-Kaplan #nondeterminism #proving- Rewriting with a Nondeterministic Choice Operator: From Algebra to Proofs (SK), pp. 351–374.
CADE-1986-AvenhausBGM #named #specification #term rewriting- TRSPEC: A Term Rewriting Based System for Algebraic Specifications (JA, BB, RG, KM), pp. 665–667.
CADE-1986-Dietrich #logic- Relating Resolution and Algebraic Completion for Horn Logic (RD), pp. 62–78.
CADE-1986-Hussmann #prototype #specification #using- The Passau RAP System: Prototyping Algebraic Specifications Using Conditional Narrowing (HH), pp. 689–690.
LICS-1986-BeckmanGW #execution #logic programming #parallel #source code- An Algebraic Model of Parallel Execution of Logic Programs (LB, RG, AW), pp. 50–57.
PODS-1985-BancilhonS #database #independence #probability- Algebraic Versus Probabilistic Independence in Data Bases (FB, NS), pp. 149–153.
SIGMOD-1985-CliffordT #database #on the #relational- On An Algebra For Historical Relational Databases: Two Views (JC, AUT), pp. 247–265.
ICALP-1985-GoguenJM #order #semantics- Operational Semantics for Order-Sorted Algebra (JAG, JPJ, JM), pp. 221–231.
ICALP-1985-Hennessy #communication #process- An Algebraic Theory of Fair Asynchronous Communicating Processes (MH), pp. 260–269.
ICALP-1985-Hrbacek - Powerdomains as Algebraic Lattices (KH), pp. 281–289.
RTA-1985-Fortenbach #commutative #unification- An Algebraic Approch to Unification Under Assoiativity and Commutativity (AF), pp. 381–397.
RTA-1985-Kandri-RodyKN #approach #commutative #problem #unification- An Ideal-Theoretic Approach to Work Problems and Unification Problems over Finitely Presented Commutative Algebras (AKR, DK, PN), pp. 345–364.
RTA-1985-Otto #finite #monad- Deciding Algebraic Properties of Monoids Presented by Finite Church-Rosser Thue Systems (FO), pp. 95–106.
AS-1985-Horning #specification- Combining Algebraic and Predicative Specifications in Larch (JJH), pp. 12–26.
CAAP-1985-AstesianoMRW #concurrent #on the #specification- On the Parameterized Algebraic Specification of Concurrent Systems (EA, GM, GR, MW), pp. 342–358.
CAAP-1985-Chazelle #complexity #geometry #performance- Fast Searching in a Real Algebraic Manifold with Applications to Geometric Complexity (BC), pp. 145–156.
CAAP-1985-ChoppyGK #compilation #lisp #proving #semantics- A Lisp Compiler for FP Language and Its Proof via Algebraic Semantics (CC, GG, SK), pp. 403–415.
CAAP-1985-SannellaT #equivalence #on the #specification- On Observational Equivalence and Algebraic Specification (DS, AT), pp. 308–322.
CSE-1985-BidoitC #ide #named #specification- ASSPEGIQUE: An Integrated Environment for Algebraic Specifications (MB, CC), pp. 246–260.
CSE-1985-BiebowH #fault #specification- Algebraic Specification of Synchronisation and Errors: A Telephonic Example (BB, JH), pp. 294–308.
CSE-1985-BougeCFG #generative #prolog #specification #testing- Application of Prolog to Test Sets Generation from Algebraic Specifications (LB, NC, LF, MCG), pp. 261–275.
CSE-1985-JosephM #communication #specification- Algebraic Specification Of A Communication Scheduler (MJ, AM), pp. 356–370.
STOC-1985-FriedlR #polynomial #problem- Polynomial Time Solutions of Some Problems in Computational Algebra (KF, LR), pp. 153–162.
SLP-1985-OKeefe85a #logic programming #source code #towards- Towards an Algebra for Constructing Logic Programs (RAO), pp. 152–160.
PODS-1984-Hegner #canonical #component- Canonical View Update Support through Boolean Algebras of Components (SJH), pp. 163–173.
PODS-1984-Lipski #on the #relational- On Relational Algebra with Marked Nulls (WLJ), pp. 201–203.
PODS-1984-YokotaKKMSM #generative #query #relational- An Enhanced Inference Mechanism for Generating Relational Algebra Queries (HY, SK, TK, NM, SS, KM), pp. 229–238.
SIGMOD-1984-Hall #functional #logic #programming #relational- Relational Algebras, Logic, and Functional Programming (PAVH), pp. 326–333.
VLDB-1984-Bratbergsengen #relational- Hashing Methods and Relational Algebra Operations (KB), pp. 323–333.
VLDB-1984-RosenthalR #framework #query- Extending the Algebraic Framework of Query Processing to Handle Outerjoins (AR, DSR), pp. 334–343.
ICALP-1984-BergstraK #process #recursion- The Algebra of Recursively Defined Processes and the Algebra of Regular Processes (JAB, JWK), pp. 82–94.
ICALP-1984-Bidoit #equation #exception #fault #specification- Algebraic Specification of Exception Handling and Error Recovery by Means of Declarations and Equations (MB), pp. 95–108.
ICALP-1984-Dybjer - Domain Algebras (PD), pp. 138–150.
ICALP-1984-GardyP #relational- Relational Algebra Operations and Sizes of Relations (DG, CP), pp. 174–186.
ICALP-1984-IzumiIH #axiom #regular expression- A Complete Axiom System for Algebra of Closed-Regular Expression (HI, YI, NH), pp. 260–269.
ICSE-1984-Forman #data flow #detection- An Algebra for Data Flow Anomaly Detection (IRF), pp. 278–287.
STOC-1984-Ben-OrKR #complexity #geometry- The Complexity of Elementary Algebra and Geometry (MBO, DK, JHR), pp. 457–464.
STOC-1984-Huang #finite- Factorization of Polynomials over Finite Fields and Factorization of Primes in Algebraic Number Fields (MDAH), pp. 175–182.
STOC-1984-KannanLL #polynomial- Polynomial Factorization and Nonrandomness of Bits of Algebraic and Some Transcendental Numbers (RK, AKL, LL), pp. 191–200.
CADE-1984-Chenadec #canonical- Canonical Forms in Finitely Presented Algebras (PlC), pp. 142–165.
CADE-1984-Lescanne #term rewriting- Term Rewriting Systems and Algebra (PL), pp. 166–174.
CADE-1984-PelinG #complexity #problem #using #word- Solving Word Problems in Free Algebras Using Complexity Functions (AP, JHG), pp. 476–495.
PODS-1983-Hegner #aspect-oriented #composition #database #relational- Algebraic Aspects of Relational Database Decomposition (SJH), pp. 400–413.
VLDB-1983-GolshaniMS #database #query #specification- A Modal System of Algebras for Database Specification and Query/Update Language Support (FG, TSEM, MRS), pp. 331–339.
ICALP-1983-DelestV - Algebraic Languages and Polyominoes Enumeration (MPD, GV), pp. 173–181.
ICALP-1983-EhrigWT #constraints #generative #specification- Algebraic Specifications with Generating Constraints (HE, EGW, JWT), pp. 188–202.
ICALP-1983-Moller #data-driven #evaluation #functional #lazy evaluation #semantics- An Algebraic Semantics for Busy (Data-Driven) and Lazy (Demand-Driven) Evaluation and its Application to a Functional Language (BM), pp. 513–526.
RE-1983-Partsch #on the #requirements #using- On the Use of Algebraic Methods for Formal Requirements Definitions (HP), pp. 138–158.
DAC-1983-FlakeMM #logic #simulation- An algebra for logic strength simulation (PF, PM, GM), pp. 615–618.
STOC-1983-Ben-Or #bound- Lower Bounds for Algebraic Computation Trees (MBO), pp. 80–86.
STOC-1983-Gathen #algorithm #parallel #problem- Parallel algorithms for algebraic problems (JvzG), pp. 17–23.
PODS-1982-DayalGK #relational- An Extended Relational Algebra with Control over Duplicate Elimination (UD, NG, RHK), pp. 117–123.
PODS-1982-ImielinskiL #relational- The Relational Model of Data and Cylindrial Algebras (TI, WLJ), p. 170.
PODS-1982-JaeschkeS #normalisation- Remarks on the Algebra of Non First Normal Form Relations (GJ, HJS), pp. 124–138.
VLDB-1982-DoschMW #database #on the #specification- On the Algebraic Specification of Databases (WD, GM, MW), pp. 370–385.
ICALP-1982-BergstraK #data type #parametricity #specification- Algebraic Specifications for Parametrized Data Types with Minimal Parameter and Target Algebras (JAB, JWK), pp. 23–34.
ICALP-1982-Niwinski #fixpoint #semantics- Fixed-Point Semantics for Algebraic (Tree) Grammars (DN), pp. 384–396.
ICALP-1982-Reutenauer - Biprefix Codes and Semisimple Algebras (CR), pp. 451–457.
ICALP-1982-Schmeck #recursion #semantics- Algebraic Semantics of Recursive Flowchart Schemes (HS), pp. 489–501.
LFP-1982-CohenM #nondeterminism #source code #towards- Toward an Algebra of Nondeterministic Programs (ATC, TJM), pp. 235–242.
SIGMOD-1981-Levin #graph- Introduction to the DIAM Theory of Algebraic Access Graph (ML), pp. 40–48.
SIGMOD-1981-Richard #evaluation #query #relational- Evaluation of the Size of a Query Expressed in Relational Algebra (PR), pp. 155–163.
ICALP-1981-BergstraT #hoare #logic #programming- Algebraically Specified Programming Systems and Hoare’s Logic (JAB, JVT), pp. 348–362.
PS-1981-EhrigKTWW #parametricity #specification- Parameter Passing in Algebraic Specification Languages (HE, HJK, JWT, EGW, JBW), pp. 322–369.
PS-1981-Klaeren #recursion- Recursive Definitions of Operations in Universal Algebras (HK), pp. 268–281.
STOC-1981-Parisi-Presicce #on the- On the Faithful Regular Extensions of Iterative Algebras (FPP), pp. 368–374.
ICALP-1980-EhrigKP #concept #correctness #data type #implementation #semantics #syntax- Algebraic Implementation of Abstract Data Types: Concept, Syntax, Semantics and Correctness (HE, HJK, PP), pp. 142–156.
ICALP-1980-EhrigKTWW #data type #specification- Parameterized Data Types in Algebraic Specification Languages (HE, HJK, JWT, EGW, JBW), pp. 157–168.
ICALP-1980-GoralcikovaGK #finite #testing- Testing of Properties of Finite Algebras (AG, PG, VK), pp. 273–281.
ICALP-1980-HornungR #data type #semantics- Terminal Algebra Semantics and Retractions for Abstract Data Types (GH, PR), pp. 310–323.
ICALP-1980-Majster-Cederbaum #axiom #fixpoint #named #semantics- Semantics: Algebras, Fixed Points, Axioms (MEMC), pp. 394–408.
DAC-1980-LeinwandL #analysis #behaviour #nondeterminism- Algebraic analysis of nondeterministic behavior (SML, TL), pp. 483–493.
STOC-1980-EhrigM #complexity #implementation #specification- Complexity of Implementations on the Level of Algebraic Specifications (HE, BM), pp. 281–293.
STOC-1980-JaJa #problem #trade-off- Time-Space Tradeoffs for some Algebraic Problems (JJ), pp. 339–350.
STOC-1980-Pratt #induction- Dynamic Algebras and the Nature of Induction (VRP), pp. 22–28.
CADE-1980-AielloW #reasoning #using- Using Meta-Theoretic Reasoning to do Algebra (LCA, RWW), pp. 1–13.
CADE-1980-BundyW #multi #using- Using Meta-Level Inference for Selective Application of Multiple Rewrite Rules in Algebraic Manipulation (AB, BW), pp. 24–38.
CADE-1980-Guguen #how #induction- How to Prove Algebraic Inductive Hypotheses Without Induction (JAG), pp. 356–373.
CADE-1980-Jeanrond #term rewriting #termination- Deciding Unique Termination of Permutative Rewriting Systems: Choose Your Term Algebra Carefully (HJJ), pp. 335–355.
STOC-1979-Valiant79a - Completeness Classes in Algebra (LGV), pp. 249–261.
VLDB-1978-EhrigKW #database #specification- Algebraic Specification Schemes for Data Base Systems (HE, HJK, HW), pp. 427–440.
GG-1978-ArbibM #monad #recursion #semantics- Partially-Additive Monoids, Graph-Growing, and the Algebraic Semantics of Recursive Calls (MAA, EGM), pp. 127–138.
GG-1978-CatalanoGM #framework #problem- Shortest Path Problems and Tree Grammars: An Algebraic Framework (AC, SG, UM), pp. 167–179.
GG-1978-Ehrig #graph grammar #overview- Introduction to the Algebraic Theory of Graph Grammars (A Survey) (HE), pp. 1–69.
GG-1978-NyrupM #approach- Map Grammars: Cycles and the Algebraic Approach (KN, BHM), pp. 331–340.
SIGMOD-1977-FurtadoK - An Algebra of Quotient Relations (ALF, LK), pp. 1–8.
STOC-1977-Kozen #complexity- Complexity of Finitely Presented Algebras (DK), pp. 164–177.
ICALP-1976-Ehrich - Outline of an Algebraic Theory of Structured Objects (HDE), pp. 508–530.
STOC-1976-Kimura #communication #process- An Algebraic System for Process Structuring and Interprocess Communication (TK), pp. 92–100.
SIGMOD-1975-SmithC #database #interface #optimisation #performance #relational- Optimizing the Performance of a Relational Algebra Data Base Interface (JMS, PYTC), p. 64.
POPL-1975-FongKU #optimisation- Application of Lattice Algebra to Loop Optimization (ACF, JBK, JDU), pp. 1–9.
POPL-1975-HallHT - An Algebra of Relations for Machine Computation (PAVH, PH, ST), pp. 225–232.
POPL-1975-Stewart #string- An Algebraic Model for String Patterns (GFS), pp. 167–184.
DAC-1975-GilliO #network #scalability #simulation- A new algebraic procedure for the simulation of large digital networks (LG, FO), pp. 32–41.
STOC-1973-Kung #complexity- The Computational Complexity of Algebraic Numbers (HTK), pp. 152–159.
STOC-1973-Teitelbaum #analysis #evaluation #fault- Context-Free Error Analysis by Evaluation of Algebraic Power Series (RT), pp. 196–199.
STOC-1973-Wagner #programming language- From Algebras to Programming Languages (EGW), pp. 214–223.
ICALP-1972-Kfoury #algorithm #equivalence- Comparing Algebraic Structures up to Algorithmic Equivalence (DJK), pp. 253–263.
ICALP-1972-WeissMS #context-free grammar #parsing- Algebraic Parsing Techniques for Context-Free Languages (SFW, GM, DFS), pp. 493–498.
STOC-1971-Santos #probability- Algebraic Structure Theory of Stochastic Machines (ESS), pp. 219–243.
STOC-1971-Wagner #recursion- An Algebraic Theory of Recursive Definitions and Recursive Languages (EGW), pp. 12–23.
STOC-1969-Shepard - Languages in General Algebras (CDS), pp. 155–163.
LISP-1963-Dulock #lisp #symmetry- LISP. Applications to Symmetric group, Dirac groups and Lie algebras (VD), p. 1.
LISP-1963-Levin #compilation #lisp- Algebraic Compiler with LISP (ML), p. 7.
LISP-1963-Wooldridge #lisp- An Algebraic Simplify Program in LISP (DW), p. 14.