Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
2 × Spain
Collaborated with:
D.Pavelec L.S.Oliveira E.J.R.Justino M.V.P.d.Nascimento N.L.C.Junior F.M.d.S.Matos J.v.d.Poel F.D.N.Neto
Talks about:
use (3) recognit (2) identif (2) writer (2) author (2) strategi (1) independ (1) geometri (1) compress (1) coeffici (1)
Person: Leonardo Vidal Batista
DBLP: Batista:Leonardo_Vidal
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SAC-2015-NascimentoBJ #approach #geometry #recognition
- A new approach to biometric recognition based on hand geometry (MVPdN, LVB, NLCJ), pp. 59–65.
- ICDAR-2009-PavelecOJNB #identification #modelling #using
- Author Identification Using Compression Models (DP, LSO, EJRJ, FDNN, LVB), pp. 936–940.
- SAC-2008-MatosBP #recognition #using
- Face recognition using DCT coefficients selection (FMdSM, LVB, JvdP), pp. 1753–1757.
- SAC-2008-PavelecJBO #identification #independence #using
- Author identification using writer-dependent and writer-independent strategies (DP, EJRJ, LVB, LSO), pp. 414–418.