Collaborated with:
V.K.Mansinghka Feras A. Saad Alexander K. Lew Ulrich Schaechtle M.C.Rinard Benjamin Sherman M.Carbin
Talks about:
probabilist (3) programm (2) program (2) infer (2) synthesi (1) bayesian (1) languag (1) general (1) automat (1) system (1)
Person: Marco F. Cusumano-Towner
DBLP: Cusumano-Towner:Marco_F=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- PLDI-2019-Cusumano-Towner #named #probability #programmable #programming
- Gen: a general-purpose probabilistic programming system with programmable inference (MFCT, FAS, AKL, VKM), pp. 221–236.
- POPL-2019-SaadCSRM #automation #modelling #probability #source code #synthesis
- Bayesian synthesis of probabilistic programs for automatic data modeling (FAS, MFCT, US, MCR, VKM), p. 32.
- POPL-2020-LewCSCM #probability #programmable #semantics
- Trace types and denotational semantics for sound programmable inference in probabilistic languages (AKL, MFCT, BS, MC, VKM), p. 32.