Collaborated with:
Henrik Engström Per Backlund María Guadalupe Alvarez Díaz Ulf Wilhelmsson Mikael Lebram Björn Berg Marklund
Talks about:
game (4) taxonomi (1) research (1) perspect (1) industri (1) challeng (1) visitor (1) product (1) impress (1) identif (1)
Person: Marcus Toftedahl
DBLP: Toftedahl:Marcus
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- VS-Games-2015-DiazWLT #game studies #using #visitor
- Your Answer Will Make an Impression. Using Quiz Game Mechanics for the Collection of Visitor Data at an Exhibition (MGAD, UW, ML, MT), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2017-BacklundEMT #challenge #game studies #identification #research
- Developing games for non-leisure contexts: Identification of challenges and research gaps (PB, HE, BBM, MT), pp. 15–22.
- DiGRA-2018-ToftedahlBE #game studies #how #locality #question #why
- Localization from an Indie Game Production Perspective - Why, When and How? (MT, PB, HE).
- DiGRA-2019-ToftedahlE #game studies #industrial #taxonomy #tool support
- A Taxonomy of Game Engines and the Tools that Drive the Industry (MT, HE).