Collaborated with:
Renske Spijkerman P.Siriaraya Valentijn Visch R.H.M.Goossens Vincent M. Hendriks Valentijn T. Visch
Talks about:
design (2) studi (2) readysetgo (1) healthcar (1) challeng (1) persuas (1) mental (1) applic (1) pilot (1) learn (1)
Person: Marierose M. M. van Dooren
DBLP: Dooren:Marierose_M=_M=_van
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-PLAY-2014-DoorenSGHV #case study #design #evaluation #game studies #persuasion
- PLEX as input and evaluation tool in persuasive game design: pilot study (MMMvD, RS, RHMG, VMH, VTV), pp. 449–450.
- VS-Games-2018-SiriarayaVDS #case study #challenge #design
- Learnings and Challenges in Designing Gamifications for Mental Healthcare: The Case Study of the Readysetgoals Application (PS, VV, MMMvD, RS), pp. 1–8.