Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Denmark
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
4 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
B.Legeard F.Bouquet F.Peureux E.G.Aydal J.Woodcock C.J.Fidge P.Kearney F.Dadeau R.F.Paige T.Miller L.Freitas P.Malik R.Clayton J.G.Cleary B.Pfahringer I.J.Hayes E.Jaffuel C.Grandpierre N.Vacelet
Talks about:
test (5) model (4) specif (3) valid (3) base (3) jml (3) schedul (2) program (2) symbol (2) autom (2)
Person: Mark Utting
DBLP: Utting:Mark
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- ICST-2009-AydalPUW #modelling #specification #testing #validation
- Putting Formal Specifications under the Magnifying Glass: Model-based Testing for Validation (EGA, RFP, MU, JW), pp. 131–140.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-AydalUW #comparison #modelling #tool support #validation
- A Comparison of State-Based Modelling Tools for Model Validation (EGA, MU, JW), pp. 278–296.
- A-MOST-2007-BouquetGLPVU #modelling #precise #testing #uml
- A subset of precise UML for model-based testing (FB, CG, BL, FP, NV, MU), pp. 95–104.
- A-MOST-2005-BouquetJLPU #automation #generative #requirements #smarttech #testing #traceability #validation
- Requirements traceability in automated test generation: application to smart card software validation (FB, EJ, BL, FP, MU), pp. 44–50.
- FM-2005-BouquetDLU #animation #ml #specification
- Symbolic Animation of JML Specifications (FB, FD, BL, MU), pp. 75–90.
- IFM-2005-MillerFMU
- CZT Support for Z Extensions (TM, LF, PM, MU), pp. 227–245.
- TACAS-2005-BouquetDLU #ml #named #specification #using
- JML-Testing-Tools: A Symbolic Animator for JML Specifications Using CLP (FB, FD, BL, MU), pp. 551–556.
- FME-2002-LegeardPU #automation #bound #testing
- Automated Boundary Testing from Z and B (BL, FP, MU), pp. 21–40.
- LOPSTR-2002-ClaytonCPU #bottom-up #logic programming
- Tabling Structures for Bottom-Up Logic Programming (RC, JGC, BP, MU), pp. 50–51.
- FME-1996-FidgeUKH #realtime #refinement #scheduling
- Integrating Real-Time Scheduling Theory and Program Refinement (CJF, MU, PK, IJH), pp. 327–346.
- CAV-1995-FidgeKU #realtime #verification
- Interactively Verifying a Simple Real-time Scheduler (CJF, PK, MU), pp. 395–408.