Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × India
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Kietz U.Reimer M.Jarke C.Quix M.A.Jeusfeld R.Soiron
Talks about:
data (4) applic (3) view (3) support (2) mainten (2) insur (2) mine (2) repositori (1) increment (1) heterogen (1)
Person: Martin Staudt
DBLP: Staudt:Martin
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- SAC-2001-StaudtKR #data flow #execution #process #semistructured data
- Access to heterogeneous data sources for supporting business process execution (MS, JUK, UR), pp. 197–206.
- SAC-1999-StaudtSQJ #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization for Repository-Based Applications (MS, RS, CQ, MJ), pp. 197–203.
- KDD-1998-StaudtKR #data mining #mining
- A Data Mining Support Environment and its Application on Insurance Data (MS, JUK, UR), pp. 105–111.
- SAC-1998-StaudtQJ #maintenance
- View maintenance and change notification for application program views (MS, CQ, MAJ), pp. 220–225.
- VLDB-1997-KietzRS #mining
- Mining Insurance Data at Swiss Life (JUK, UR, MS), pp. 562–566.
- VLDB-1996-StaudtJ #incremental #maintenance
- Incremental Maintenance of Externally Materialized Views (MS, MJ), pp. 75–86.