Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Denmark
3 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
C.Fiorentini A.Avellone M.Ornaghi P.Miglioli A.Momigliano
Talks about:
synthesi (3) program (3) logic (3) framework (2) formal (2) verif (2) construct (1) snapshot (1) abstract (1) languag (1)
Person: Mauro Ferrari
DBLP: Ferrari:Mauro
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- LOPSTR-2007-FerrariFMO #generative #modelling #object-oriented
- Snapshot Generation in a Constructive Object-Oriented Modeling Language (MF, CF, AM, MO), pp. 169–184.
- LOPSTR-2001-FerrariFO #bound #logic #proving
- Extracting Exact Time Bounds from Logical Proofs (MF, CF, MO), pp. 245–266.
- LOPSTR-2000-AvelloneFF #framework #logic programming #source code #synthesis #verification
- A formal framework for synthesis and verification of logic programs (AA, MF, CF).
- LOPSTR-J-2000-AvelloneFF #framework #logic programming #source code #synthesis #verification
- A Formal Framework for Synthesis and Verification of Logic Programs (AA, MF, CF), pp. 1–17.
- LOPSTR-1998-AvelloneFM #data type #source code #synthesis
- Synthesis of Programs in Abstract Data Types (AA, MF, PM), pp. 81–100.