Collaborated with:
M.Flanagan Geoff F. Kaufman Sukdith Punjasthitkul Peter Carini Jonathan Belman Zara Downs Mike Ayoob Alicia Driscoll
Talks about:
game (5) design (4) problemat (1) intervent (1) archivist (1) prototyp (1) metadata (1) institut (1) behavior (1) stealth (1)
Person: Max Seidman
DBLP: Seidman:Max
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DiGRA-2011-FlanaganSBPDAD #case study #design #game studies #health #people
- Preventing a POX Among the People? A Design Case Study of a Public Health Game (MF, MS, JB, SP, ZD, MA, AD).
- DiGRA-2013-FlanaganPSKC #design #game studies #metadata
- Citizen Archivists at Play: Game Design for Gathering Metadata for Cultural Heritage Institutions (MF, SP, MS, GFK, PC).
- DiGRA-2015-KaufmanFS #behaviour #design #embedded #game studies
- Creating Stealth Game Interventions for Attitude and Behavior Change: An “Embedded Design” Model (GFK, MF, MS).
- DiGRA-2015-SeidmanFK #design #game studies #lessons learnt #problem #prototype
- Failed Games: Lessons Learned from Promising but Problematic Game Prototypes in Designing for Diversity (MS, MF, GFK).