Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × USA
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
S.Creese I.Zakiuddin B.Roscoe A.W.Roscoe M.Xiao N.Moffat T.Whitworth P.H.B.Gardiner J.R.Hulance D.M.Jackson J.B.Scattergood P.J.Armstrong G.Lowe J.Ouaknine H.Palikareva J.Worrell
Talks about:
check (3) model (2) fdr (2) csp (2) transform (1) philosoph (1) bootstrap (1) watchdog (1) spygraph (1) properti (1)
Person: Michael Goldsmith
DBLP: Goldsmith:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- CAV-2012-ArmstrongGLOPRW
- Recent Developments in FDR (PJA, MG, GL, JO, HP, AWR, JW), pp. 699–704.
- SEFM-2010-GoldsmithC #graph
- Refinement-Friendly Bigraphs and Spygraphs (MG, SC), pp. 203–207.
- SAC-2006-CreeseGRX #ad hoc #multi #security
- Bootstrapping multi-party ad-hoc security (SC, MG, BR, MX), pp. 369–375.
- FME-2003-GoldsmithMRWZ #model checking
- Watchdog Transformations for Property-Oriented Model-Checking (MG, NM, BR, TW, IZ), pp. 600–616.
- FM-1998-GoldsmithZ #csp #validation #verification
- Critical Systems Validation and Verification with CSP and FDR (MG, IZ), pp. 243–250.
- TACAS-1995-RoscoeGGHJS #concurrent #csp #how #model checking
- Hierarchical Compression for Model-Checking CSP or How to Check 1020 Dining Philosophers for Deadlock (AWR, PHBG, MG, JRH, DMJ, JBS), pp. 133–152.