921 papers:
CASE-2015-TanakaM #algorithm #bound #problem #strict- Dominance properties for the unrestricted block relocation problem and their application to a branch-and-bound algorithm (ST, FM), pp. 509–514.
DAC-2015-RajendranVK #detection- Detecting malicious modifications of data in third-party intellectual property cores (JR, VV, RK), p. 6.
DATE-2015-BombieriFPS #abstraction #verification- RTL property abstraction for TLM assertion-based verification (NB, RF, GP, FS), pp. 85–90.
DATE-2015-DarkeCVSM #approximate #bound #model checking #using- Over-approximating loops to prove properties using bounded model checking (PD, BC, RV, US, RM), pp. 1407–1412.
SIGMOD-2015-SunFSKHX #graph #named #performance- SQLGraph: An Efficient Relational-Based Property Graph Store (WS, AF, KS, AK, GH, GTX), pp. 1887–1901.
SIGMOD-2015-TrummerHLSG #mining #web- Mining Subjective Properties on the Web (IT, AYH, HL, SS, RG), pp. 1745–1760.
FoSSaCS-2015-SalvatiW #type system- Typing Weak MSOL Properties (SS, IW), pp. 343–357.
TACAS-2015-KumarSK #concept #scalability #slicing- Value Slice: A New Slicing Concept for Scalable Property Checking (SK, AS, UPK), pp. 101–115.
SCAM-J-2013-BeszedesSCGJG15 #clustering #dependence #empirical- Empirical investigation of SEA-based dependence cluster properties (ÁB, LS, BC, TG, JJ, TG), pp. 3–25.
PEPM-2015-AsadaS0 #first-order #functional #refinement #relational #source code #verification- Verifying Relational Properties of Functional Programs by First-Order Refinement (KA, RS, NK), pp. 61–72.
SAS-2015-AdjeGM #generative #invariant #optimisation #polynomial #using- Property-based Polynomial Invariant Generation Using Sums-of-Squares Optimization (AA, PLG, VM), pp. 235–251.
CIAA-J-2013-KutribMMPW15 #automaton #decidability #finite #queue- Deterministic input-driven queue automata: Finite turns, decidability, and closure properties (MK, AM, CM, BP, MW), pp. 58–71.
ICALP-v1-2015-CzyzowiczGKKSU #convergence #on the #protocol- On Convergence and Threshold Properties of Discrete Lotka-Volterra Population Protocols (JC, LG, AK, EK, PGS, PU), pp. 393–405.
ICALP-v1-2015-KozikO #algebra #constraints #problem- Algebraic Properties of Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem (MK, JO), pp. 846–858.
ICALP-v2-2015-AchlioptasS #graph #independence #symmetry- Symmetric Graph Properties Have Independent Edges (DA, PS), pp. 467–478.
FM-2015-0001K #bound #model checking #using- Property-Driven Fence Insertion Using Reorder Bounded Model Checking (SJ, DK), pp. 291–307.
FM-2015-AhrendtCPS #runtime #specification #verification- A Specification Language for Static and Runtime Verification of Data and Control Properties (WA, JMC, GJP, GS), pp. 108–125.
FM-2015-BringerCML #architecture #design #privacy #reasoning- Privacy by Design in Practice: Reasoning about Privacy Properties of Biometric System Architectures (JB, HC, DLM, RL), pp. 90–107.
FM-2015-SogokonJ #hybrid #liveness #verification- Direct Formal Verification of Liveness Properties in Continuous and Hybrid Dynamical Systems (AS, PBJ), pp. 514–531.
SEFM-2015-HanazumiM #on the #testing- On the Testability of Properties Patterns (SH, ACVdM), pp. 148–155.
CHI-2015-AbdelrahmanSH0 #interactive- Investigation of Material Properties for Thermal Imaging-Based Interaction (YA, ASS, NH, AS), pp. 15–18.
DHM-HM-2015-FujiwaraSKFETY- Light Transmission Properties of Insert Molded GFRPs with Different Crape Structure of Silk Fabrics (KF, ES, TK, TF, AE, YT, YY), pp. 267–276.
DHM-HM-2015-MigakiOTMKIH #experience- The Relationship Between Mechanical Properties and the Method Technique of GFRP Plate by Hand Lay-up Method: Effect of the Workers Experience (MM, KO, RT, YM, EK, DI, HH), pp. 143–153.
DUXU-UI-2015-KangK #documentation #experience #framework #in the cloud #smarttech #user interface- Elements of Properties of User Experience in Cloud Computing Documentation Platform According to Smart Device Screen Size Changes: Focus on Google Docs and Naver Office (MKK, SWK), pp. 551–562.
ICML-2015-GasseAE #classification #composition #multi #on the #set- On the Optimality of Multi-Label Classification under Subset Zero-One Loss for Distributions Satisfying the Composition Property (MG, AA, HE), pp. 2531–2539.
ECMFA-2015-OgunyomiRK #incremental #model-to-text- Property Access Traces for Source Incremental Model-to-Text Transformation (BO, LMR, DSK), pp. 187–202.
OOPSLA-2015-FengWDL #control flow #interprocedural- EXPLORER : query- and demand-driven exploration of interprocedural control flow properties (YF, XW, ID, CL), pp. 520–534.
PPDP-2015-ChenLJZL #automation #declarative #network #safety #source code #verification- Automated verification of safety properties of declarative networking programs (CC, LKL, LJ, WZ, BTL), pp. 79–90.
QAPL-2015-BortolussiH #markov #modelling #performance- Efficient Checking of Individual Rewards Properties in Markov Population Models (LB, JH), pp. 32–47.
POPL-2015-ChatterjeeIPG #algebra #algorithm #constant #performance #recursion #state machine- Faster Algorithms for Algebraic Path Properties in Recursive State Machines with Constant Treewidth (KC, RIJ, AP, PG), pp. 97–109.
POPL-2015-RaychevVK #predict- Predicting Program Properties from “Big Code” (VR, MTV, AK), pp. 111–124.
SAC-2015-LeTN #requirements #using #verification- Verifying eventuality properties of imprecise system requirements using event-B (HAL, NTT, SN), pp. 1651–1653.
ICSE-v1-2015-ZhangCWD0 #execution #symbolic computation- Regular Property Guided Dynamic Symbolic Execution (YZ, ZC, JW, WD, ZL), pp. 643–653.
ICSE-v2-2015-Lemieux #invariant #mining- Mining Temporal Properties of Data Invariants (CL), pp. 751–753.
CAV-2015-KarbyshevBIRS #invariant #proving- Property-Directed Inference of Universal Invariants or Proving Their Absence (AK, NB, SI, NR, SS), pp. 583–602.
CSL-2015-Kaiser0LL #approach #bound- A Unified Approach to Boundedness Properties in MSO (LK, ML, SL, CL), pp. 441–456.
CSL-2015-SalvatiW #behaviour #higher-order #source code- A Model for Behavioural Properties of Higher-order Programs (SS, IW), pp. 229–243.
ICLP-J-2015-StulovaMH #runtime- Practical run-time checking via unobtrusive property caching (NS, JFM, MVH), pp. 726–741.
ICST-2015-MidtgaardM #static analysis- QuickChecking Static Analysis Properties (JM, AM), pp. 1–10.
VMCAI-2015-BjornerG #abstraction- Property Directed Polyhedral Abstraction (NB, AG), pp. 263–281.
VMCAI-2015-Ferrara0N #automation- Automatic Inference of Heap Properties Exploiting Value Domains (PF, PM, MN), pp. 393–411.
VMCAI-2015-UrbanM #abstract interpretation #proving- Proving Guarantee and Recurrence Temporal Properties by Abstract Interpretation (CU, AM), pp. 190–208.
ECSA-2014-FrommgenLB #composition #framework- A Property Description Framework for Composable Software (AF, ML, APB), pp. 267–282.
WICSA-2014-SapienzaCP #architecture #clustering #multi- Architectural Decisions for HW/SW Partitioning Based on Multiple Extra-Functional Properties (GS, IC, PP), pp. 175–184.
CASE-2014-MurookaNNKOI #learning #physics #scalability- Manipulation strategy learning for carrying large objects based on mapping from object physical property to object manipulation action in virtual environment (MM, SN, SN, YK, KO, MI), pp. 263–270.
DAC-2014-MukherjeeAL #approximate- Approximate property checking of mixed-signal circuits (PM, CSA, PL), p. 6.
DATE-2014-DhruvaKGT #cyber-physical- Computing a language-based guarantee for timing properties of cyber-physical systems (ND, PK, GG, LT), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-Jin #evaluation #proving #security #tool support #trust- EDA tools trust evaluation through security property proofs (YJ), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-SubramanyanA #design #security #verification- Formal verification of taint-propagation security properties in a commercial SoC design (PS, DA), pp. 1–2.
DATE-2014-WelpK #invariant #refinement #verification- Property directed invariant refinement for program verification (TW, AK), pp. 1–6.
TACAS-2014-AlbertiGS #array- Decision Procedures for Flat Array Properties (FA, SG, NS), pp. 15–30.
TACAS-2014-SalemDKT #automaton #invariant #model checking #testing #using- Symbolic Model Checking of Stutter-Invariant Properties Using Generalized Testing Automata (AEBS, ADL, FK, YTM), pp. 440–454.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-MihanceaM #named #security #verification #web- JMODEX: Model extraction for verifying security properties of web applications (PFM, MM), pp. 450–453.
ICPC-2014-BeyerH #evaluation- A formal evaluation of DepDegree based on weyuker’s properties (DB, PH), pp. 258–261.
PEPM-2014-LiTSF #automation #evolution #testing #web #web service- Automating property-based testing of evolving web services (HL, SJT, PLS, MAF), pp. 169–180.
STOC-2014-GroheKS #first-order #graph- Deciding first-order properties of nowhere dense graphs (MG, SK, SS), pp. 89–98.
STOC-2014-Massoulie #community #detection- Community detection thresholds and the weak Ramanujan property (LM), pp. 694–703.
STOC-2014-Yoshida #composition #invariant #theorem- A characterization of locally testable affine-invariant properties via decomposition theorems (YY), pp. 154–163.
FLOPS-2014-AmaralFC #named #prolog #testing- PrologCheck — Property-Based Testing in Prolog (CA, MF, VSC), pp. 1–17.
DLT-2014-DayRS #pattern matching- Closure Properties of Pattern Languages (JDD, DR, MLS), pp. 279–290.
DLT-2014-Sinya #automaton #finite #graph- Graph Spectral Properties of Deterministic Finite Automata — (Short Paper) (RS), pp. 76–83.
FM-2014-LakshmiAK #analysis #liveness #reachability #using- Checking Liveness Properties of Presburger Counter Systems Using Reachability Analysis (KVL, AA, RK), pp. 335–350.
IFM-2014-SchneiderTWW #ltl #refinement- Managing LTL Properties in Event-B Refinement (SAS, HT, HW, DMW), pp. 221–237.
SEFM-2014-DiagneMF #verification- A Tool for Verifying Dynamic Properties in B (FD, AM, MF), pp. 290–295.
ICGT-2014-LambersO #graph #reasoning- Tableau-Based Reasoning for Graph Properties (LL, FO), pp. 17–32.
ICGT-2014-PoskittP #graph #higher-order #monad #source code #verification- Verifying Monadic Second-Order Properties of Graph Programs (CMP, DP), pp. 33–48.
ICGT-2014-SelimLCDO #graph #model transformation #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Graph-Based Model Transformation Properties (GMKS, LL, JRC, JD, BJO), pp. 113–129.
EDOC-2014-DomaschkaHE #database #distributed #reliability- Reliability and Availability Properties of Distributed Database Systems (JD, CBH, BE), pp. 226–233.
ICPR-2014-ItohIS #2d #image #linear #using- Two-Dimensional Global Image Registration Using Local Linear Property of Image Manifold (HI, AI, TS), pp. 3862–3867.
ICPR-2014-KhanMMT #image- Emergent Properties from Feature Co-occurrence in Image Collections (UMK, SM, BM, AT), pp. 2347–2352.
KDD-2014-EmbarPB #framework #network- A bayesian framework for estimating properties of network diffusions (VRE, RKP, IB), pp. 1216–1225.
KR-2014-BorgwardtDP #decidability #logic- Decidable Gödel Description Logics without the Finitely-Valued Model Property (SB, FD, RP).
KR-2014-GebserJR #encoding- ASP Encodings of Acyclicity Properties (MG, TJ, JR).
LOPSTR-2014-PreiningOF #case study #liveness #specification- Liveness Properties in CafeOBJ — A Case Study for Meta-Level Specifications (NP, KO, KF), pp. 182–198.
PPDP-2014-YangEMMN #encryption #finite #unification- Theories of Homomorphic Encryption, Unification, and the Finite Variant Property (FY, SE, CM, JM, PN), pp. 123–133.
SAC-2014-PinisettyFJM #runtime- Runtime enforcement of regular timed properties (SP, YF, TJ, HM), pp. 1279–1286.
FSE-2014-Brunink #monitoring #non-functional- Autonomous compliance monitoring of non-functional properties (MB), pp. 795–798.
FSE-2014-VakiliD #infinity #modelling #smt #using #verification- Verifying CTL-live properties of infinite state models using an SMT solver (AV, NAD), pp. 213–223.
ICSE-2014-YangKPR #difference #incremental- Property differencing for incremental checking (GY, SK, SP, NR), pp. 1059–1070.
SLE-J-2012-KansoT #ocl #specification- Specification of temporal properties with OCL (BK, ST), pp. 527–551.
SLE-2014-MeyersDLSVW #framework #generative #named- ProMoBox: A Framework for Generating Domain-Specific Property Languages (BM, RD, LL, ES, HV, MW), pp. 1–20.
CAV-2014-CimattiGMT #hybrid #ltl #verification- Verifying LTL Properties of Hybrid Systems with K-Liveness (AC, AG, SM, ST), pp. 424–440.
CAV-2014-ItzhakyBRST #analysis- Property-Directed Shape Analysis (SI, NB, TWR, MS, AVT), pp. 35–51.
CAV-2014-LeeS #abstraction #approximate #bound #reachability #scalability #verification- Unbounded Scalable Verification Based on Approximate Property-Directed Reachability and Datapath Abstraction (SL, KAS), pp. 849–865.
CAV-2014-VizelG #reachability- Interpolating Property Directed Reachability (YV, AG), pp. 260–276.
IJCAR-2014-Zhang #encoding #verification- QBF Encoding of Temporal Properties and QBF-Based Verification (WZ), pp. 224–239.
LICS-CSL-2014-FredriksonJ #approach #privacy #satisfiability- Satisfiability modulo counting: a new approach for analyzing privacy properties (MF, SJ), p. 10.
LICS-CSL-2014-Williams #first-order #graph #performance- Faster decision of first-order graph properties (RW), p. 6.
RTA-TLCA-2014-BerardiS #theorem- Ramsey Theorem as an Intuitionistic Property of Well Founded Relations (SB, SS), pp. 93–107.
SMT-2014-AlbertiGS #array- Decision Procedures for Flat Array Properties (FA, SG, NS), p. 51.
ASE-2013-XuHRW #data flow #testing- Testing properties of dataflow program operators (ZX, MH, GR, KLW), pp. 103–113.
DATE-2013-BackesR #reachability #using- Using cubes of non-state variables with property directed reachability (JDB, MDR), pp. 807–810.
DATE-2013-LoiaconoPPPQRVB #estimation #multi #performance #problem- Fast cone-of-influence computation and estimation in problems with multiple properties (CL, MP, PP, DP, SQ, SR, DV, JB), pp. 803–806.
DATE-2013-WelpK #model checking #reachability- QF BV model checking with property directed reachability (TW, AK), pp. 791–796.
DocEng-2013-FaigenbaumSSTP- Evaluating glyph binarizations based on their properties (SF, AS, BS, ET, EP), pp. 127–130.
TACAS-2013-RenaultDKP #automaton #composition #model checking #performance- Strength-Based Decomposition of the Property Büchi Automaton for Faster Model Checking (ER, ADL, FK, DP), pp. 580–593.
TACAS-2013-WijsE #performance- Efficient Property Preservation Checking of Model Refinements (AW, LE), pp. 565–579.
ICSM-2013-NordOSDGK #architecture #using- Variations on Using Propagation Cost to Measure Architecture Modifiability Properties (RLN, IO, RSS, JD, MAG, PK), pp. 400–403.
SCAM-2013-BeszedesSCGJG #clustering #dependence #empirical- Empirical investigation of SEA-based dependence cluster properties (ÁB, LS, BC, TG, JJ, TG), pp. 1–10.
PEPM-2013-CarbinKMR #approximate #program transformation- Verified integrity properties for safe approximate program transformations (MC, DK, SM, MCR), pp. 63–66.
PLDI-2013-SankaranarayananCG #probability #source code #static analysis- Static analysis for probabilistic programs: inferring whole program properties from finitely many paths (SS, AC, SG), pp. 447–458.
STOC-2013-BhattacharyyaFHHL #invariant- Every locally characterized affine-invariant property is testable (AB, EF, HH, PH, SL), pp. 429–436.
STOC-2013-KawarabayashiY #graph #testing- Testing subdivision-freeness: property testing meets structural graph theory (KiK, YY), pp. 437–446.
CIAA-J-2012-Crespi-ReghizziP13 #strict #testing- Strict Local Testability with Consensus Equals Regularity, and Other Properties (SCR, PSP), pp. 747–764.
CIAA-2013-KutribMMPW #automaton #decidability #finite #queue- Input-Driven Queue Automata: Finite Turns, Decidability, and Closure Properties (MK, AM, CM, BP, MW), pp. 232–243.
ICALP-v2-2013-DemriDS #complexity #on the #verification- On the Complexity of Verifying Regular Properties on Flat Counter Systems, (SD, AKD, AS), pp. 162–173.
IFM-2013-CastillosDJKT #composition #semantics- A Compositional Automata-Based Semantics for Property Patterns (KCC, FD, JJ, BK, ST), pp. 316–330.
SEFM-2013-AmanC #migration #realtime- Real-Time Migration Properties of rTiMo Verified in Uppaal (BA, GC), pp. 31–45.
GT-VMT-2013-KupperKB #category theory- Concatenation and other Closure Properties of Recognizable Languages in Adhesive Categories (SK, BK, HJSB).
HCI-AMTE-2013-BratMP #interactive #model checking #semantics- V&V of Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic Properties for Interactive Systems through Model Checking of Formal Description of Dialog (GB, CM, PAP), pp. 290–299.
HCI-AMTE-2013-SuganoMT #physics- Study of Kawaii-ness in Motion — Physical Properties of Kawaii Motion of Roomba (SS, YM, KT), pp. 620–629.
ICML-c1-2013-KrauseFGI #approximate- Approximation properties of DBNs with binary hidden units and real-valued visible units (OK, AF, TG, CI), pp. 419–426.
ICML-c3-2013-VladymyrovC #performance- Entropic Affinities: Properties and Efficient Numerical Computation (MV, MÁCP), pp. 477–485.
KDD-2013-TabeiKKY #constraints #scalability #similarity- Succinct interval-splitting tree for scalable similarity search of compound-protein pairs with property constraints (YT, AK, MK, YY), pp. 176–184.
SEKE-2013-ElshaarawyHT #diagrams #framework #ocl #towards- Towards a Unified Framework for Measuring the Properties of Class Diagrams Augmented with OCL (S) (ME, HSH, IAHT), pp. 479–482.
SEKE-2013-WuZG #named #requirements- DOPROPC: a domain property pattern system helping to specify control system requirements (S) (FW, HZ, MG), pp. 695–698.
OOPSLA-2013-ShiBH #optimisation #using- Code optimizations using formally verified properties (YS, BB, GH), pp. 427–442.
POPL-2013-StatonL #programming language- Universal properties of impure programming languages (SS, PBL), pp. 179–192.
SAC-2013-GouwBJW #case study #industrial #java #runtime #source code- Run-time checking of data- and protocol-oriented properties of Java programs: an industrial case study (SdG, FSdB, EBJ, PYHW), pp. 1573–1578.
ESEC-FSE-2013-BlincoeVD #coordination #dependence #identification- Do all task dependencies require coordination? the role of task properties in identifying critical coordination needs in software projects (KB, GV, DD), pp. 213–223.
CAV-2013-JegourelLS #model checking #statistics- Importance Splitting for Statistical Model Checking Rare Properties (CJ, AL, SS), pp. 576–591.
CAV-2013-PuggelliLSS #nondeterminism #polynomial #verification- Polynomial-Time Verification of PCTL Properties of MDPs with Convex Uncertainties (AP, WL, ALSV, SAS), pp. 527–542.
ICST-2013-Buchler #security #testing- Security Testing with Fault-Models and Properties (MB), pp. 501–502.
ICST-2013-DadeauCLTVBT #evaluation #generative #testing- Test Generation and Evaluation from High-Level Properties for Common Criteria Evaluations — The TASCCC Testing Tool (FD, KCC, YL, TT, GV, JB, ST), pp. 431–438.
ICST-2013-GraslandBGP #approach #functional #hybrid #safety #testing- A Functional Testing Approach for Hybrid Safety Properties with Incomplete Information (YG, LdB, RG, IP), pp. 104–113.
ISSTA-2013-HanazumiM #generative #java #source code- Generation of Java programs properties from test purposes (SH, ACVdM), pp. 362–365.
ISSTA-2013-LuoR #named #parallel #runtime #source code #thread- EnforceMOP: a runtime property enforcement system for multithreaded programs (QL, GR), pp. 156–166.
ISSTA-2013-NijjarB- Data model property inference and repair (JN, TB), pp. 202–212.
ISSTA-2013-PurandareDE #finite #monitoring #optimisation- Optimizing monitoring of finite state properties through monitor compaction (RP, MBD, SGE), pp. 280–290.
LICS-2013-Halpern #first-order #logic #proving #security #using- From Qualitative to Quantitative Proofs of Security Properties Using First-Order Conditional Logic (JYH), pp. 2–3.
LICS-2013-Lahav #logic- From Frame Properties to Hypersequent Rules in Modal Logics (OL), pp. 408–417.
CBSE-2012-PopPOMB #co-evolution #component #network- Property networks allowing oracle-based mode-change propagation in hierarchical components (TP, FP, MO, MM, TB), pp. 93–102.
ASE-2012-Yamamoto #refinement- Property-preserving program refinement (YY), pp. 398–401.
CASE-2012-WakamatsuAMAH #identification #image #towards- Property identification of a deformable belt object from its static images toward its manipulation (HW, MA, EM, EA, SH), pp. 448–453.
PODS-2012-XuT #clustering #on the- On the optimality of clustering properties of space filling curves (PX, ST), pp. 215–224.
WRLA-J-2010-DuranM12 #on the #order- On the Church-Rosser and coherence properties of conditional order-sorted rewrite theories (FD, JM), pp. 816–850.
ESOP-2012-ChadhaCK #automation #encryption #equivalence #protocol #verification- Automated Verification of Equivalence Properties of Cryptographic Protocols (RC, SC, SK), pp. 108–127.
TACAS-2012-SonnexDE #automation #data type #named #proving #recursion- Zeno: An Automated Prover for Properties of Recursive Data Structures (WS, SD, SE), pp. 407–421.
MSR-2012-GilGM #empirical- An empirical investigation of changes in some software properties over time (JYG, MG, DM), pp. 227–236.
SCAM-2012-GauthierM #alias #php- Alias-Aware Propagation of Simple Pattern-Based Properties in PHP Applications (FG, EM), pp. 44–53.
PLDI-2012-CarbinKMR #approximate #nondeterminism #proving #source code- Proving acceptability properties of relaxed nondeterministic approximate programs (MC, DK, SM, MCR), pp. 169–180.
FLOPS-2012-Lobachev #parallel #termination- Parallel Computation Skeletons with Premature Termination Property (OL), pp. 197–212.
DLT-J-2011-CharlierRS12 #automation #decidability #sequence- Enumeration and Decidable Properties of Automatic Sequences (EC, NR, JS), pp. 1035–1066.
ICALP-v2-2012-GavenciakKO #first-order- Deciding First Order Properties of Matroids (TG, DK, SiO), pp. 239–250.
FM-2012-DormoyKL #component #configuration management #refinement- When Structural Refinement of Components Keeps Temporal Properties over Reconfigurations (JD, OK, AL), pp. 171–186.
IFM-2012-BlackmoreHBER #automation #generative #simulation #verification- Analysing and Closing Simulation Coverage by Automatic Generation and Verification of Formal Properties from Coverage Reports (TB, DH, PB, KE, NR), pp. 84–98.
ICGT-2012-Vandin #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Modal Properties for Structured Systems (AV), pp. 423–425.
CAiSE-2012-Guizzardi #ontology- Ontological Meta-properties of Derived Object Types (GG), pp. 318–333.
ICEIS-v2-2012-ChenFZ #3d #graph #visualisation #web- Exploring Structural Properties of Web Graphs through 3D Visualization (ZC, AF, KZ), pp. 233–238.
KR-2012-HaufeT #automation #game studies #verification- Automated Verification of Epistemic Properties for General Game Playing (SH, MT).
SEKE-2012-CuiWLBZL #aspect-oriented #diagrams #petri net #process #verification- Verifying Aspect-Oriented Activity Diagrams Against Crosscutting Properties with Petri Net Analyzer (ZC, LW, XL, LB, JZ, XL), pp. 369–374.
SEKE-2012-NoorianBD #classification #non-functional #product line #taxonomy- Non-functional Properties in Software Product Lines: A Taxonomy for Classification (MN, EB, WD), pp. 663–667.
SEKE-2012-SalamahEO #automaton #consistency #ltl #using- Consistency Checks of System Properties Using LTL and Büchi Automata (SS, ME, OO), pp. 39–44.
ECMFA-2012-GeP #framework #realtime #safety #uml #verification- Time Properties Verification Framework for UML-MARTE Safety Critical Real-Time Systems (NG, MP), pp. 352–367.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-JezekBH #independence- Enhancing OSGi with Explicit, Vendor Independent Extra-Functional Properties (KJ, PB, LH), pp. 108–123.
LOPSTR-2012-Seki #logic programming #program transformation #proving #source code- Proving Properties of Co-logic Programs with Negation by Program Transformations (HS), pp. 213–227.
SAC-2012-HorikoshiNTO #adaptation #configuration management #non-functional #self- Dynamic reconfiguration in self-adaptive systems considering non-functional properties (HH, HN, YT, AO), pp. 1144–1150.
ICSE-2012-ChatzigeorgiouM #evolution #network #object-oriented #roadmap- Trends in object-oriented software evolution: Investigating network properties (AC, GM), pp. 1309–1312.
SLE-2012-DuranZT #domain-specific language #non-functional #on the #reuse #specification- On the Reusable Specification of Non-functional Properties in DSLs (FD, SZ, JT), pp. 332–351.
CSL-2012-JouannaudL- Church-Rosser Properties of Normal Rewriting (JPJ, JL), pp. 350–365.
ICST-2012-FrankeKWP #consistency #lifecycle #mobile #testing- Testing Conformance of Life Cycle Dependent Properties of Mobile Applications (DF, SK, CW, NP), pp. 241–250.
ICST-2012-MalikK #analysis #graph #using- Dynamic Shape Analysis Using Spectral Graph Properties (MZM, SK), pp. 211–220.
ICST-2012-MarcoLA #approach #re-engineering- Property-Driven Software Engineering Approach (ADM, FL, GDA), pp. 966–967.
ICST-2012-TranP #framework #graph transformation #towards #verification- Towards a Rule-Level Verification Framework for Property-Preserving Graph Transformations (HNT, CP), pp. 946–953.
ICTSS-2012-DangS #estimation #hybrid #testing- State Estimation and Property-Guided Exploration for Hybrid Systems Testing (TD, NS), pp. 152–167.
ICTSS-2012-YangHF #embedded #logic #parametricity #query- Querying Parametric Temporal Logic Properties on Embedded Systems (HY, BH, GEF), pp. 136–151.
IJCAR-2012-HeamHK #linear #logic- From Linear Temporal Logic Properties to Rewrite Propositions (PCH, VH, OK), pp. 316–331.
SAT-2012-HoderB #reachability- Generalized Property Directed Reachability (KH, NB), pp. 157–171.
CBSE-2011-CicchettiCLS #component #embedded #evolution- Evolution management of extra-functional properties in component-based embedded systems (AC, FC, TL, SS), pp. 93–102.
CBSE-2011-LevequeS #component #modelling- Refining extra-functional property values in hierarchical component models (TL, SS), pp. 83–92.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-HauckKHR #framework #named- Ginpex: deriving performance-relevant infrastructure properties through goal-oriented experiments (MH, MK, NH, RHR), pp. 53–62.
WICSA-2011-FaniyiBEK #architecture #predict #security- Evaluating Security Properties of Architectures in Unpredictable Environments: A Case for Cloud (FF, RB, AE, RK), pp. 127–136.
ASE-2011-Vakili #modelling- Analyzing temporal properties of abstract models (AV), pp. 656–659.
ASE-2011-VakiliD #declarative #model checking #modelling #using- Using model checking to analyze static properties of declarative models (AV, NAD), pp. 428–431.
CASE-2011-FengZL #evaluation #multi #performance- Multi-product manufacturing systems with sequence-dependent setups: Performance evaluation and system properties (WF, LZ, JL), pp. 363–368.
DAC-2011-NguyenWSK #abstraction #hardware- Formal hardware/software co-verification by interval property checking with abstraction (MDN, MW, DS, WK), pp. 510–515.
DATE-2011-CabodiN #model checking #multi- Optimized model checking of multiple properties (GC, SN), pp. 543–546.
DATE-2011-ChenM #composition #functional #generative #testing- Decision ordering based property decomposition for functional test generation (MC, PM), pp. 167–172.
ICDAR-2011-KatoDTIM #recognition #using- Low Resolution QR-Code Recognition by Applying Super-Resolution Using the Property of QR-Codes (YK, DD, TT, II, HM), pp. 992–996.
ESOP-2011-BieniusaT #memory management #proving #transaction- Proving Isolation Properties for Software Transactional Memory (AB, PT), pp. 38–56.
FASE-2011-PostHP #named #realtime #requirements- rt-Inconsistency: A New Property for Real-Time Requirements (AP, JH, AP), pp. 34–49.
FoSSaCS-2011-SchwinghammerBS #metric #recursion- A Step-Indexed Kripke Model of Hidden State via Recursive Properties on Recursively Defined Metric Spaces (JS, LB, KS), pp. 305–319.
PLDI-2011-JinMGR #garbage collection #monitoring #parametricity- Garbage collection for monitoring parametric properties (DJ, POM, DG, GR), pp. 415–424.
STOC-2011-HatamiL #correlation #fault #invariant #testing- Correlation testing for affine invariant properties on Fpn in the high error regime (HH, SL), pp. 187–194.
STOC-2011-NewmanS #graph- Every property of hyperfinite graphs is testable (IN, CS), pp. 675–684.
DLT-J-2009-KariMS11 #pseudo #word- Properties of Pseudo-Primitive Words and their Applications (LK, BM, SS), pp. 447–471.
AFL-2011-Kunimochi #algebra #morphism #petri net- Algebraic Properties of Petri Net Morphisms based on Place Connectivity (YK), pp. 270–284.
CIAA-2011-CourcelleD- Fly-Automata, Their Properties and Applications (BC, ID), pp. 264–272.
DLT-2011-BattagliaGS #multi #order- Counting the Orderings for Multisets in Consecutive Ones Property and PQ-Trees (GB, RG, NS), pp. 58–69.
DLT-2011-CharlierRS #automation #decidability #sequence- Enumeration and Decidable Properties of Automatic Sequences (EC, NR, JS), pp. 165–179.
DLT-2011-Shur- Growth Properties of Power-Free Languages (AMS), pp. 28–43.
IFM-J-2009-WongG11a #modelling #specification #workflow- Property specifications for workflow modelling (PYHW, JG), pp. 942–967.
SEFM-2011-BlechB #coq #semantics #verification- Verification of PLC Properties Based on Formal Semantics in Coq (JOB, SOB), pp. 58–73.
SEFM-2011-MorseCNF #bound #ltl #model checking- Context-Bounded Model Checking of LTL Properties for ANSI-C Software (JM, LCC, DN, BF), pp. 302–317.
SEFM-2011-SoleimanifardGH #composition #named #safety #verification- ProMoVer: Modular Verification of Temporal Safety Properties (SS, DG, MH), pp. 366–381.
IFL-2011-KoopmanAP #logic #modelling #state machine #testing- Model Based Testing with Logical Properties versus State Machines (PWMK, PA, RP), pp. 116–133.
IFL-2011-Page #testing #verification- Property-Based Testing and Verification: A Catalog of Classroom Examples (RP), pp. 134–147.
GT-VMT-2011-VandinL #graph #maude #model checking #towards- Towards a Maude Tool for Model Checking Temporal Graph Properties (AV, ALL).
CHI-2011-WilliamsYPMMI #3d #interactive #multi #named- TZee: exploiting the lighting properties of multi-touch tabletops for tangible 3d interactions (CW, XDY, GAP, JMU, AM, PI), pp. 1363–1372.
CSCW-2011-HamasakiGT #collaboration #social- Social Infobox: collaborative knowledge construction by social property tagging (MH, MG, HT), pp. 641–644.
CSCW-2011-Kivran-SwaineN #network #social- Network properties and social sharing of emotions in social awareness streams (FKS, MN), pp. 379–382.
CSCW-2011-SantosSCKSRRT #open source #policy- Intellectual property policy and attractiveness: a longitudinal study of free and open source software projects (CDSJ, MBC, FK, JS, VR, DR, TT), pp. 705–708.
CSCW-2011-WagstromMKCTJ #community #online- A dive into online community properties (PW, JM, JvK, MC, JCT, LJ), pp. 725–728.
CIKM-2011-GyllstromM #category theory #wiki- Examining the “leftness” property of Wikipedia categories (KG, MFM), pp. 2309–2312.
CIKM-2011-LiWJNSH #categorisation #information retrieval #social- Exploring categorization property of social annotations for information retrieval (PL, BW, WJ, JYN, ZS, BH), pp. 557–562.
KMIS-2011-JezekB #case study #deployment #framework #tool support- Extra-functional Properties Framework with Configuration based on Deployment Environment — Tool Demonstration and Case-study (KJ, PB), pp. 322–325.
MoDELS-2011-JensenCGN #behaviour #detection- A Toolchain for the Detection of Structural and Behavioral Latent System Properties (ACJ, BHCC, HG, ECN), pp. 683–698.
MoDELS-2011-JohansenHF #combinator #feature model #modelling #product line #testing- Properties of Realistic Feature Models Make Combinatorial Testing of Product Lines Feasible (MFJ, ØH, FF), pp. 638–652.
MoDELS-2011-JensenCGN #behaviour #detection- A Toolchain for the Detection of Structural and Behavioral Latent System Properties (ACJ, BHCC, HG, ECN), pp. 683–698.
MoDELS-2011-JohansenHF #combinator #feature model #modelling #product line #testing- Properties of Realistic Feature Models Make Combinatorial Testing of Product Lines Feasible (MFJ, ØH, FF), pp. 638–652.
OOPSLA-2011-Golan-GuetaBARSY #automation #using- Automatic fine-grain locking using shape properties (GGG, NGB, AA, GR, MS, EY), pp. 225–242.
LOPSTR-2011-Seki #logic programming #proving #source code- Proving Properties of Co-Logic Programs by Unfold/Fold Transformations (HS), pp. 205–220.
QAPL-2011-FahrenbergTL #game studies- Distances for Weighted Transition Systems: Games and Properties (UF, CRT, KGL), pp. 134–147.
PADL-2011-MeraTLH #debugging #logic programming #performance #profiling #runtime #source code- Profiling for Run-Time Checking of Computational Properties and Performance Debugging in Logic Programs (EM, TT, PLG, MVH), pp. 38–53.
SAC-2011-BistarelliCS- Finding partitions of arguments with Dung’s properties via SCSPs (SB, PC, FS), pp. 913–919.
SAC-2011-KangR #automation #named #testing- FortressCheck: automatic testing for generic properties (SK, SR), pp. 1290–1296.
SAC-2011-KimDB #dependence #diagrams #identification #state machine #uml- Identifying properties of UML state machine diagrams that affect data and control dependence (HK, VD, DHB), pp. 1464–1469.
SAC-2011-MammarFD #approach #reachability #verification- A proof-based approach to verifying reachability properties (AM, MF, FD), pp. 1651–1657.
ESEC-FSE-2011-LumpeMG #logic #named #specification- PSPWizard: machine-assisted definition of temporal logical properties with specification patterns (ML, IM, LG), pp. 468–471.
ESEC-FSE-2011-MontrieuxWY #data access #specification #tool support #uml #verification- Tool support for UML-based specification and verification of role-based access control properties (LM, MW, YY), pp. 456–459.
ICSE-2011-Dantas #composition #maintenance #reuse- Reuse vs. maintainability: revealing the impact of composition code properties (FD), pp. 1082–1085.
SPLC-2011-GhezziS #approach #model checking #non-functional #parametricity #performance #product line #towards #using #verification- Verifying Non-functional Properties of Software Product Lines: Towards an Efficient Approach Using Parametric Model Checking (CG, AMS), pp. 170–174.
SPLC-2011-HutchessonM #effectiveness #product line #towards- Towards Cost-Effective High-Assurance Software Product Lines: The Need for Property-Preserving Transformations (SH, JAM), pp. 55–64.
SPLC-2011-SiegmundRKGAK #non-functional #predict #product line #scalability- Scalable Prediction of Non-functional Properties in Software Product Lines (NS, MR, CK, PGG, SA, SSK), pp. 160–169.
HPDC-2011-ZhouKB #debugging #detection #locality #named #parallel #scalability #source code #using- Vrisha: using scaling properties of parallel programs for bug detection and localization (BZ, MK, SB), pp. 85–96.
CAV-2011-CookKV #program analysis #verification- Temporal Property Verification as a Program Analysis Task (BC, EK, MYV), pp. 333–348.
ICST-2011-HemmatiAB #empirical #similarity #testing- Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Test Suite Properties on Similarity-Based Test Case Selection (HH, AA, LCB), pp. 327–336.
ICST-2011-YuSSR #embedded #testing #using- Using Property-Based Oracles when Testing Embedded System Applications (TY, AS, WSa, GR), pp. 100–109.
ICTSS-2011-CastillosDJT #modelling #ocl #testing #uml- Measuring Test Properties Coverage for Evaluating UML/OCL Model-Based Tests (KCC, FD, JJ, ST), pp. 32–47.
RTA-2011-NishidaSS #term rewriting- Soundness of Unravelings for Deterministic Conditional Term Rewriting Systems via Ultra-Properties Related to Linearity (NN, MS, TS), pp. 267–282.
TAP-2011-BuchlerOP #security #testing- Security Mutants for Property-Based Testing (MB, JO, AP), pp. 69–77.
ASE-2010-HeJBGW #approach #bound #model checking #statistics- A bounded statistical approach for model checking of unbounded until properties (RH, PJ, SB, APG, HW), pp. 225–234.
ASE-2010-MontrieuxJHYST #code generation #tool support- Tool support for code generation from a UMLsec property (LM, JJ, CBH, YY, PYS, HT), pp. 357–358.
CASE-2010-KimHS #outsourcing- Risk-averse outsourcing strategies for optimal intellectual property protection (BK, KH, KS), pp. 978–983.
DAC-2010-ThalmaierNWSBK #induction #invariant #satisfiability- Analyzing k-step induction to compute invariants for SAT-based property checking (MT, MDN, MW, DS, JB, WK), pp. 176–181.
DATE-2010-ChenDS #algorithm #analysis- Properties of and improvements to time-domain dynamic thermal analysis algorithms (XC, RPD, LS), pp. 1165–1170.
DATE-2010-GuglielmoFP #analysis- Vacuity analysis for property qualification by mutation of checkers (LDG, FF, GP), pp. 478–483.
DATE-2010-OliveiraZ0 #verification- Assertion-based verification of RTOS properties (MFdSO, HZ, WM), pp. 630–633.
ESOP-2010-AmtoftHR #array #automation #certification #contract #data flow #precise #reasoning #source code #verification- Precise and Automated Contract-Based Reasoning for Verification and Certification of Information Flow Properties of Programs with Arrays (TA, JH, ER), pp. 43–63.
ESOP-2010-BernardyJC #polymorphism #testing- Testing Polymorphic Properties (JPB, PJ, KC), pp. 125–144.
FASE-2010-JacksonSBK #model transformation #reuse- Reusing Model Transformations While Preserving Properties (EKJ, WS, DB, GK), pp. 44–58.
PASTE-2010-NarayanappaBR- Property-aware program sampling (HN, MSB, HR), pp. 45–52.
STOC-2010-Marx #constraints #query- Tractable hypergraph properties for constraint satisfaction and conjunctive queries (DM), pp. 735–744.
DLT-J-2008-MantaciMR10 #word- Balance Properties and Distribution of Squares in Circular Words (RM, SM, AR), pp. 647–664.
DLT-2010-BenschBD #algorithm- Algorithmic Properties of Millstream Systems (SB, HB, FD), pp. 54–65.
LATA-2010-Crespi-ReghizziM #automaton #precedence- Operator Precedence and the Visibly Pushdown Property (SCR, DM), pp. 214–226.
LATA-2010-JordanZ #first-order #quantifier- Untestable Properties Expressible with Four First-Order Quantifiers (CJ, TZ), pp. 333–343.
SEFM-2010-HussainL #ml #named #runtime #specification- temporaljmlc: A JML Runtime Assertion Checker Extension for Specification and Checking of Temporal Properties (FH, GTL), pp. 63–72.
AdaEurope-2010-MezzettiPV #ada- Preservation of Timing Properties with the Ada Ravenscar Profile (EM, MP, TV), pp. 153–166.
ICPR-2010-DagAKS #categorisation #learning- Learning Affordances for Categorizing Objects and Their Properties (ND, IA, SK, ES), pp. 3089–3092.
ICPR-2010-ManoharSGS #modelling #video- Modeling Facial Skin Motion Properties in Video and Its Application to Matching Faces across Expressions (VM, MS, DBG, SS), pp. 2122–2125.
KMIS-2010-Jezek #bibliography #implementation #repository- Universal Extra-functional Properties Repository — Model Overview and Implementation (KJ), pp. 382–385.
RecSys-2010-Burke #algorithm #recommendation- Evaluating the dynamic properties of recommendation algorithms (RDB), pp. 225–228.
SEKE-2010-AndresMN #algorithm #multi #search-based #testing- Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms: Construction and Recombination of Passive Testing Properties (CA, MGM, MN), pp. 405–410.
SIGIR-2010-WilkinsSF #data fusion- Properties of optimally weighted data fusion in CBMIR (PW, AFS, PF), pp. 643–650.
MoDELS-v1-2010-GoldsbyC #automation #behaviour #modelling #uml- Automatically Discovering Properties That Specify the Latent Behavior of UML Models (HG, BHCC), pp. 316–330.
GPCE-J-2007-FradetH10 #aspect-oriented- Aspects of availability: Enforcing timed properties to prevent denial of service (PF, SHTH), pp. 516–542.
ICSE-2010-ClassenHSLR #model checking #performance #product line #verification- Model checking lots of systems: efficient verification of temporal properties in software product lines (AC, PH, PYS, AL, JFR), pp. 335–344.
ICSE-2010-GabelS #online- Online inference and enforcement of temporal properties (MG, ZS), pp. 15–24.
ICLP-2010-Lopez-GarciaDB10 #debugging #framework #resource management #verification- A Framework for Verification and Debugging of Resource Usage Properties: Resource Usage Verification (PLG, LD, FB), pp. 104–113.
ICLP-J-2010-GabbrielliMMS #decidability- Decidability properties for fragments of CHR (MG, JM, MCM, JS), pp. 611–626.
ICTSS-2010-FalconeFJMM- More Testable Properties (YF, JCF, TJ, HM, LM), pp. 30–46.
ICTSS-2010-Heitmeyer #approach #behaviour #modelling #testing- A Model-Based Approach to Testing Software for Critical Behavior and Properties (CLH), p. 15.
IJCAR-2010-ChaudhuriDLM #proving #safety #verification- Verifying Safety Properties with the TLA+ Proof System (KC, DD, LL, SM), pp. 142–148.
CBSE-2009-SentillesSCC #component #integration #modelling- Integration of Extra-Functional Properties in Component Models (SS, PS, JC, IC), pp. 173–190.
QoSA-2009-GhezziT #performance #predict- Predicting Performance Properties for Open Systems with KAMI (CG, GT), pp. 70–85.
ASE-2009-ChenMJR #independence #monitoring #parametricity #performance- Efficient Formalism-Independent Monitoring of Parametric Properties (FC, POM, DJ, GR), pp. 383–394.
ASE-2009-ZhangGTL #probability #sequence chart #syntax- A Formal Syntax for Probabilistic Timed Property Sequence Charts (PZ, LG, AT, BL), pp. 500–504.
CASE-2009-WangLABH #flexibility #quality- Monotonic and non-monotonic properties of product quality in flexible manufacturing systems with batch operations (JW, JL, JA, SB, NH), pp. 13–18.
DATE-2009-BaumgartnerM #liveness #scalability- Scalable liveness checking via property-preserving transformations (JB, HM), pp. 1680–1685.
DATE-2009-KuhneGD #analysis #comprehension #design- Property analysis and design understanding (UK, DG, RD), pp. 1246–1249.
DATE-2009-LettninNBRGKRSR #hardware #verification- Semiformal verification of temporal properties in automotive hardware dependent software (DL, PKN, JB, JR, JG, TK, WR, VS, SR), pp. 1214–1217.
DATE-2009-PurandareWK #abstraction #refinement #using- Strengthening properties using abstraction refinement (MP, TW, DK), pp. 1692–1697.
HT-2009-CapocciBSL #social #statistics- Statistical properties of inter-arrival times distribution in social tagging systems (AC, AB, VDPS, VL), pp. 239–244.
PODS-2009-BarceloLPS #modelling #query #xml- XML with incomplete information: models, properties, and query answering (PB, LL, AP, CS), pp. 237–246.
WRLA-2008-Rodriguez09- Combining Techniques to Reduce State Space and Prove Strong Properties (DER), pp. 267–280.
FASE-2009-AlTurkiDYCI #analysis #specification- Formal Specification and Analysis of Timing Properties in Software Systems (MA, DD, DY, AC, HI), pp. 262–277.
FASE-2009-Sery #specification #verification- Enhanced Property Specification and Verification in BLAST (OS), pp. 456–469.
TACAS-2009-NoriRTT #static analysis #testing- The YogiProject: Software Property Checking via Static Analysis and Testing (AVN, SKR, ST, AVT), pp. 178–181.
TACAS-2009-PlakuKV #hybrid #ltl #safety- Falsification of LTL Safety Properties in Hybrid Systems (EP, LEK, MYV), pp. 368–382.
ICPC-2009-LiuM #static analysis- Practical static analysis for inference of security-related program properties (YL, AM), pp. 50–59.
ICSM-2009-CorreiaKV #maintenance- A survey-based study of the mapping of system properties to ISO/IEC 9126 maintainability characteristics (JPC, YK, JV), pp. 61–70.
ICSM-2009-Herraiz #evolution #statistics- A statistical examination of the evolution and properties of libre software (IH), pp. 439–442.
SCAM-2009-Ward #slicing- Properties of Slicing Definitions (MPW), pp. 23–32.
PLDI-2009-AftandilianG #garbage collection #using- GC assertions: using the garbage collector to check heap properties (EA, SZG), pp. 235–244.
SAS-2009-VoronkovN- Inter-program Properties (AV, IN), pp. 343–359.
SAS-2009-XiaFL #data flow- Inferring Dataflow Properties of User Defined Table Processors (SX, MF, FL), pp. 19–35.
STOC-2009-Shapira #invariant #testing- Green’s conjecture and testing linear-invariant properties (AS), pp. 159–166.
CIAA-J-2008-TsayW09 #automation #composition #reasoning- Automated Compositional Reasoning of Intuitionistically Closed Regular Properties (YKT, BYW), pp. 747–762.
CIAA-2009-CourbisHK #approximate #model checking- TAGED Approximations for Temporal Properties Model-Checking (RC, PCH, OK), pp. 135–144.
ICALP-v2-2009-AcciaiB #behaviour #infinity #safety #π-calculus- Deciding Safety Properties in Infinite-State π-Calculus via Behavioural Types (LA, MB), pp. 31–42.
LATA-2009-Akama #commutative #learning- Commutative Regular Shuffle Closed Languages, Noetherian Property, and Learning Theory (YA), pp. 93–104.
FM-2009-HasanAATA #random #reasoning- Formal Reasoning about Expectation Properties for Continuous Random Variables (OH, NA, BA, ST, RA), pp. 435–450.
FM-2009-LeuschelFFP #automation #modelling #scalability #verification- Automated Property Verification for Large Scale B Models (ML, JF, FF, DP), pp. 708–723.
IFM-2009-WongG #modelling #specification #workflow- Property Specifications for Workflow Modelling (PYHW, JG), pp. 56–71.
SEFM-2009-AndresMN #protocol #testing- Applying Formal Passive Testing to Study Temporal Properties of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (CA, MGM, MN), pp. 73–82.
SEFM-2009-BotaschanjanH #integration- Property-Driven Scenario Integration (JB, AH), pp. 147–156.
CHI-2009-WangR #empirical #evaluation #interactive #multi- Empirical evaluation for finger input properties in multi-touch interaction (FW, XR), pp. 1063–1072.
HCD-2009-Go #design #question #usability #what- What Properties Make Scenarios Useful in Design for Usability? (KG), pp. 193–201.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-OhmoriK #approach #development #enterprise #invariant- Enterprise System Development with Invariant Preserving — A Mathematical Approach by the Homotopy Lifting and Extension Properties (KO, TLK), pp. 116–123.
ICEIS-J-2009-GimenezHL #classification- A Hierarchical Product-Property Model to Support Product Classification and Manage Structural and Planning Data (DMG, GPH, HPL), pp. 639–650.
ICEIS-J-2009-LipariBB #2d #fault #visual notation- Investigation of Error in 2D Vibrotactile Position Cues with Respect to Visual and Haptic Display Properties: A Radial Expansion Model for Improved Cuing (NGL, CWB, VBB), pp. 963–974.
ICML-2009-GargK #algorithm #strict- Gradient descent with sparsification: an iterative algorithm for sparse recovery with restricted isometry property (RG, RK), pp. 337–344.
ICML-2009-KuzelkaZ #relational- Block-wise construction of acyclic relational features with monotone irreducibility and relevancy properties (OK, FZ), pp. 569–576.
KEOD-2009-Hufflen #component #framework #non-functional #using- A Framework for Managing Components using Non-functional Properties (JMH), pp. 460–463.
KEOD-2009-Reyes-PerezBG #towards- Towards an Expert System for the Manufacturing System Planning of Products with Graded Properties (MRP, JB, JG), pp. 226–232.
SEKE-2009-BrownBD #detection #named #open source- FiGD: An Open Source Intellectual Property Violation Detector (CDB, DB, DD), pp. 536–541.
SEKE-2009-SalamahBBPFC #specification #tool support #validation- Enhancing Property Specification Tools With Validation Techniques (SS, MDB, EB, SP, DF, LC), pp. 487–492.
ECMDA-FA-2009-AmeedeenBA #analysis #approach #modelling- A Model Driven Approach to the Analysis of Timeliness Properties (MAA, BB, RA), pp. 221–236.
MoDELS-2009-DhaussyPCRTB #validation- Evaluating Context Descriptions and Property Definition Patterns for Software Formal Validation (PD, PYP, SC, AR, YLT, BB), pp. 438–452.
MoDELS-2009-DhaussyPCRTB #validation- Evaluating Context Descriptions and Property Definition Patterns for Software Formal Validation (PD, PYP, SC, AR, YLT, BB), pp. 438–452.
LOPSTR-2009-PilozziSB #approach #constraints #proving- A Transformational Approach for Proving Properties of the CHR Constraint Store (PP, TS, MB), pp. 22–36.
POPL-2009-ConditHLQ #low level #type checking- Unifying type checking and property checking for low-level code (JC, BH, SKL, SQ), pp. 302–314.
RE-2009-AlspaughAS #requirements- Intellectual Property Rights Requirements for Heterogeneously-Licensed Systems (TAA, HUA, WS), pp. 24–33.
SAC-2009-BeekMG #framework #named #verification- CMC-UMC: a framework for the verification of abstract service-oriented properties (MHtB, FM, SG), pp. 2111–2117.
SAC-2009-FalconeFM #classification #monitoring- Enforcement monitoring wrt. the safety-progress classification of properties (YF, JCF, LM), pp. 593–600.
SAC-2009-SongKS #approach #aspect-oriented #modelling #verification- A property-based verification approach in aspect-oriented modeling (ES, HK, WS), pp. 545–546.
ESEC-FSE-2009-GrunskeZ #monitoring #probability- Monitoring probabilistic properties (LG, PZ), pp. 183–192.
CC-2009-ZhaoCS #framework #optimisation- A Framework for Exploring Optimization Properties (MZ, BRC, MLS), pp. 32–47.
CSL-2009-CockettS #communication #on the #problem #word- On the Word Problem for ΣΠ-Categories, and the Properties of Two-Way Communication (JRBC, LS), pp. 194–208.
LICS-2009-ChatterjeeDH- Expressiveness and Closure Properties for Quantitative Languages (KC, LD, TAH), pp. 199–208.
RTA-2009-BursucC #algebra #bound #protocol #security- Protocol Security and Algebraic Properties: Decision Results for a Bounded Number of Sessions (SB, HCL), pp. 133–147.
RTA-2009-Simonsen #term rewriting- The -Completeness of Most of the Properties of Rewriting Systems You Care About (and Productivity) (JGS), pp. 335–349.
TAP-2009-FraserW #logic #testing- Complementary Criteria for Testing Temporal Logic Properties (GF, FW), pp. 58–73.
TestCom-FATES-2009-MarchandDJ #automation #data access #security #testing- Automatic Testing of Access Control for Security Properties (HM, JD, TJ), pp. 113–128.
VMCAI-2009-GondiPS #monitoring #probability- Monitoring the Full Range of omega-Regular Properties of Stochastic Systems (KG, YP, APS), pp. 105–119.
VMCAI-2009-GurovH #behaviour #source code- Reducing Behavioural to Structural Properties of Programs with Procedures (DG, MH), pp. 136–150.
QoSA-2008-WaignierMD #analysis #architecture #specification- Architectural Specification and Static Analyses of Contractual Application Properties (GW, AFLM, LD), pp. 152–170.
ASE-2008-DwyerDE #cost analysis #monitoring- Reducing the Cost of Path Property Monitoring Through Sampling (MBD, MD, SGE), pp. 228–237.
DATE-2008-FranchinoBF #protocol- Time Properties of the BuST Protocol under the NPA Budget Allocation Scheme (GF, GCB, TF), pp. 1051–1056.
DATE-2008-LettninNRKRKSR #embedded #verification- Verification of Temporal Properties in Automotive Embedded Software (DL, PKN, JR, TK, WR, TK, VS, SR), pp. 164–169.
DATE-2008-RoginKFDR #automation #design #generative #hardware- Automatic Generation of Complex Properties for Hardware Designs (FR, TK, GF, RD, SR), pp. 545–548.
FoSSaCS-2008-ChatterjeeSH #markov #model checking- Model-Checking ω-Regular Properties of Interval Markov Chains (KC, KS, TAH), pp. 302–317.
FoSSaCS-2008-Walukiewicz- Finding Your Way in a Forest: On Different Types of Trees and Their Properties (IW), pp. 1–4.
PEPM-2008-DjokoDF #aspect-oriented- Aspects preserving properties (SDD, RD, PF), pp. 135–145.
PLDI-2008-HalbwachsP #array #source code- Discovering properties about arrays in simple programs (NH, MP), pp. 339–348.
STOC-2008-BenjaminiSS #graph- Every minor-closed property of sparse graphs is testable (IB, OS, AS), pp. 393–402.
STOC-2008-KaufmanS #algebra #testing- Algebraic property testing: the role of invariance (TK, MS), pp. 403–412.
STOC-2008-Valiant #symmetry #testing- Testing symmetric properties of distributions (PV), pp. 383–392.
FLOPS-2008-PrinceGM #proving #using- Proving Properties about Lists Using Containers (RP, NG, CM), pp. 97–112.
CIAA-2008-TsayW #automation #composition #reasoning- Automated Compositional Reasoning of Intuitionistically Closed Regular Properties (YKT, BYW), pp. 36–45.
DLT-2008-DennunzioF #2d #automaton #decidability- Decidable Properties of 2D Cellular Automata (AD, EF), pp. 264–275.
DLT-2008-MantaciMR #word- Balance Properties and Distribution of Squares in Circular Words (RM, SM, AR), pp. 504–515.
DLT-2008-SelivanovW #complexity- Complexity of Topological Properties of Regular ω-Languages (VLS, KWW), pp. 529–542.
ICALP-A-2008-Onak #metric #testing- Testing Properties of Sets of Points in Metric Spaces (KO), pp. 515–526.
ICALP-A-2008-YoshidaI #graph #testing- Property Testing on k-Vertex-Connectivity of Graphs (YY, HI), pp. 539–550.
ICALP-B-2008-Chen #constraints #quantifier- Quantified Constraint Satisfaction and the Polynomially Generated Powers Property (HC), pp. 197–208.
ICALP-C-2008-FischlinLP #multi #revisited #robust- Robust Multi-property Combiners for Hash Functions Revisited (MF, AL, KP), pp. 655–666.
SEFM-2008-DjokoDF #aspect-oriented- Specialized Aspect Languages Preserving Classes of Properties (SDD, RD, PF), pp. 227–236.
GT-VMT-2006-XuLW08 #reasoning #visual notation- BPSL Modeler — Visual Notation Language for Intuitive Business Property Reasoning (KX, YL, CW), pp. 211–220.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-Walsh #architecture #component- Configuration Fragments as the DNA of System and Change Properties — Architectural Change of Component-based and Service-oriented Systems (DW), pp. 270–275.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-PereiraS #equivalence #modelling #process- Business Process Modelling through Equivalence of Activity Properties (CMP, PMAS), pp. 137–146.
ICPR-2008-ZhongGA #algorithm #classification- Properties of the k-norm pruning algorithm for decision tree classifiers (MZ, MG, GCA), pp. 1–4.
SEKE-2008-GallegosOGRSV #generative #specification- A Property Specification Tool for Generating Formal Specifications: Prospec 2.0 (IG, OO, AQG, SR, SS, CV), pp. 273–278.
SEKE-2008-MurphyKHW #machine learning #testing- Properties of Machine Learning Applications for Use in Metamorphic Testing (CM, GEK, LH, LW), pp. 867–872.
SEKE-2008-TsigkritisS #dependence #runtime #security- Diagnosing Runtime Violations of Security & Dependability Properties (TT, GS), pp. 661–666.
GPCE-2008-JarviMPFS #algorithm #component #modelling #reuse- Property models: from incidental algorithms to reusable components (JJ, MM, SP, JF, JNS), pp. 89–98.
SAC-2008-BodorikJW #consistency #privacy #semantics- Consistent privacy preferences (CPP): model, semantics, and properties (PB, DNJ, MXW), pp. 2368–2375.
SAC-2008-DingMH #approach #refinement #specification #using- An approach for specification construction using property-preserving refinement patterns (JD, LM, XH), pp. 797–803.
SAC-2008-GrovPMI #component #concurrent #coordination- Preserving coordination properties when transforming concurrent system components (GG, RFP, GM, AI), pp. 126–127.
FSE-2008-GabelS #automation #mining #named- Javert: fully automatic mining of general temporal properties from dynamic traces (MG, ZS), pp. 339–349.
ICSE-2008-Grunske #probability #quality #specification- Specification patterns for probabilistic quality properties (LG), pp. 31–40.
ATEM-J-2006-HeymansSTBMC #diagrams #feature model- Evaluating formal properties of feature diagram languages (PH, PYS, JCT, YB, RM, AC), pp. 281–302.
CAV-2008-CohenN #concurrent #linear #proving #source code- Local Proofs for Linear-Time Properties of Concurrent Programs (AC, KSN), pp. 149–161.
ICST-2008-PichlerR #how #question #user interface #visual notation- How to Test the Intangible Properties of Graphical User Interfaces? (JP, RR), pp. 494–497.
MBT-2008-FalconeMFR #java #named #testing- j-POST: a Java Toolchain for Property-Oriented Software Testing (YF, LM, JCF, JLR), pp. 29–41.
RTA-2008-EscobarMS #effectiveness #finite- Effectively Checking the Finite Variant Property (SE, JM, RS), pp. 79–93.
RTA-2008-KojimaS #decidability #linear #reachability #term rewriting- Innermost Reachability and Context Sensitive Reachability Properties Are Decidable for Linear Right-Shallow Term Rewriting Systems (YK, MS), pp. 187–201.
TestCom-FATES-2008-GrossmannSW #modelling- Modeling Property Based Stream Templates with TTCN-3 (JG, IS, HWW), pp. 70–85.
VMCAI-2008-SistlaS #monitoring #probability- Monitoring Temporal Properties of Stochastic Systems (APS, ARS), pp. 294–308.
CBSE-2007-MucciniPRB #architecture #component #monitoring- Monitoring Architectural Properties in Dynamic Component-Based Systems (HM, AP, FR, AB), pp. 124–139.
ASE-2007-ChangR #execution #validation- Validating system properties exhibited in execution traces (FC, JR), pp. 517–520.
CASE-2007-SahlanGS- Properties of Frequency Weighted Balanced Truncation Techniques (SS, AG, VS), pp. 765–770.
CASE-2007-VahediS #geometry- Geometric Properties and Computation of Three-Finger Caging Grasps of Convex Polygons (MV, AFvdS), pp. 404–411.
FASE-2007-KleinG #diagrams #specification #using- Joint Structural and Temporal Property Specification Using Timed Story Scenario Diagrams (FK, HG), pp. 185–199.
TACAS-2007-BattBW #liveness #model checking #network #search-based- Model Checking Liveness Properties of Genetic Regulatory Networks (GB, CB, RW), pp. 323–338.
TACAS-2007-SebastianiTV #abstraction #clustering #refinement- Property-Driven Partitioning for Abstraction Refinement (RS, ST, MYV), pp. 389–404.
ICSM-2007-RenC #named #testing #tool support #validation- ATTEST: A Testing Toolkit for Validating Software Properties (Y(R, FC), pp. 469–472.
WCRE-2007-Germaa #research #tutorial- Intellectual Property for Software (Re-)Engineers and Researchers: A Tutorial (DMG), p. 297.
STOC-2007-JainV #algorithm- Eisenberg-Gale markets: algorithms and structural properties (KJ, VVV), pp. 364–373.
STOC-2007-RodlS #testing- Property testing in hypergraphs and the removal lemma (VR, MS), pp. 488–495.
DLT-2007-Richomme #word- A Local Balance Property of Episturmian Words (GR), pp. 371–381.
LATA-2007-BaturoR #standard #word- Occurrence and Lexicographic Properties of Standard Sturmian Words (PB, WR), pp. 79–90.
IFM-2007-AguirreRM #community #design #verification- Verifying Temporal Properties of CommUnity Designs (NA, GR, TSEM), pp. 1–20.
IFM-2007-HasanT #cumulative #probability #using #verification- Verification of Probabilistic Properties in HOL Using the Cumulative Distribution Function (OH, ST), pp. 333–352.
IFM-2007-Toben #communication #data type #reduction- Non-interference Properties for Data-Type Reduction of Communicating Systems (TT), pp. 619–638.
SEFM-2007-DengRH #algorithm #execution #object-oriented #source code #symbolic computation #towards- Towards A Case-Optimal Symbolic Execution Algorithm for Analyzing Strong Properties of Object-Oriented Programs (XD, R, JH), pp. 273–282.
SEFM-2007-SalehD #approach #novel #security #verification- Verifying Security Properties of Cryptoprotocols: A Novel Approach (MS, MD), pp. 349–360.
CEFP-2007-MolEP #functional #lazy evaluation #proving #source code- Proving Properties of Lazy Functional Programs with Sparkle (MdM, MCJDvE, RP), pp. 41–86.
DHM-2007-KuboTA- Two Vibration Modes of a Human Body Sitting on a Car Seat- The Relationship Between Riding Discomfort Affected by the Material Properties of the Seat Cushion and the Two Vibration Modes (MK, FT, HA), pp. 894–903.
HIMI-MTT-2007-SutoKH #case study #data flow #design- A Study of Information Flow Between Designers and Users Via Website Focused on Property of Hyper Links (HS, HK, HH), pp. 189–198.
EDOC-2007-HalleVCG #model checking #workflow- Model Checking Data-Aware Workflow Properties with CTL-FO+ (SH, RV, OC, BG), pp. 267–278.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-AraqueSD #data flow #monitoring #using #web- Monitoring web data sources using temporal properties as an external resources of a data warehouse (FA, AS, CD), pp. 28–35.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-CombemaleGCTV #case study #process #towards #verification- Towards a Formal Verification of Process Model’s Properties SIMPLEPDL and TOCL Case Study (BC, PLG, XC, XT, FV), pp. 80–89.
ICEIS-J-2007-CombemaleCGTV #approach #modelling #process #verification- A Property-Driven Approach to Formal Verification of Process Models (BC, XC, PLG, XT, FV), pp. 286–300.
OOPSLA-2007-MaF #alias #encapsulation #java- Inferring aliasing and encapsulation properties for java (KKM, JSF), pp. 423–440.
SAC-2007-LiuT #game studies #random- Eigen-distribution on assignments for game trees with random properties (CL, KT), pp. 78–79.
ESEC-FSE-2007-PradellaMP #symmetry #verification- The symmetry of the past and of the future: bi-infinite time in the verification of temporal properties (MP, AM, PSP), pp. 312–320.
ICSE-2007-UchitelBC #behaviour #synthesis- Behaviour Model Synthesis from Properties and Scenarios (SU, GB, MC), pp. 34–43.
AMOST-2007-MassonJPJD #automation #generative #modelling #security #testing- Automatic generation of model based tests for a class of security properties (PAM, JJ, JCP, EJ, GD), pp. 12–22.
CADE-2007-GodoyT #normalisation #on the #term rewriting- On the Normalization and Unique Normalization Properties of Term Rewrite Systems (GG, ST), pp. 247–262.
CAV-2007-ChakiSV #bound #verification- Verification Across Intellectual Property Boundaries (SC, CS, HV), pp. 82–94.
CAV-2007-CohenN #proving #safety- Local Proofs for Global Safety Properties (AC, KSN), pp. 55–67.
CAV-2007-JobstmannGWB #named #synthesis- Anzu: A Tool for Property Synthesis (BJ, SJG, MW, RB), pp. 258–262.
CAV-2007-MalerNP #bound #on the- On Synthesizing Controllers from Bounded-Response Properties (OM, DN, AP), pp. 95–107.
VMCAI-2007-NguyenDQC #automation #logic #verification- Automated Verification of Shape and Size Properties Via Separation Logic (HHN, CD, SQ, WNC), pp. 251–266.
ASE-2006-AcharyaSXX #effectiveness #generative #interface #robust #static analysis- Effective Generation of Interface Robustness Properties for Static Analysis (MA, TS, JX, TX), pp. 293–296.
ASE-2006-DengLR #bound #execution #named #symbolic computation- Bogor/Kiasan: A k-bounded Symbolic Execution for Checking Strong Heap Properties of Open Systems (XD, JL, R), pp. 157–166.
ASE-2006-Rajamani #automation #past present future- Automatic Property Checking for Software: Past, Present and Future (SKR), p. 12.
DAC-2006-AwedhS #automation #bound #invariant #model checking- Automatic invariant strengthening to prove properties in bounded model checking (MA, FS), pp. 1073–1076.
DAC-2006-PeranandamNRWKR #bound #performance- Fast falsification based on symbolic bounded property checking (PMP, PKN, JR, RJW, TK, WR), pp. 1077–1082.
DATE-2006-KooM #functional #generative #pipes and filters #testing #using #validation- Functional test generation using property decompositions for validation of pipelined processors (HMK, PM), pp. 1240–1245.
DocEng-2006-GodlewskiPS #recognition- Application of syntactic properties to three-level recognition of polish hand-written medical texts (GG, MP, JS), pp. 115–121.
CSEET-2006-Kay #named #re-engineering #tutorial- Tutorial: Intellectual Property Law Basicsc For Software Engineering Educators (DGK), pp. 242–244.
FASE-2006-GiorgettiG #generative #ml #named #verification- JAG: JML Annotation Generation for Verifying Temporal Properties (AG, JG), pp. 373–376.
ICSM-2006-KimW- Properties of Signature Change Patterns (SK, EJWJ), pp. 4–13.
SAS-2006-Bertrane #communication #proving- Proving the Properties of Communicating Imperfectly-Clocked Synchronous Systems (JB), pp. 370–386.
STOC-2006-Shapira #all about #combinator #graph- A combinatorial characterization of the testable graph properties: it’s all about regularity (NA, EF, IN, AS), pp. 251–260.
DLT-J-2005-BrlekLL06 #set- Properties of the Contour Path of Discrete Sets (SB, GL, AL), pp. 543–556.
DLT-J-2005-LucaL06 #combinator- Combinatorial Properties of Sturmian Palindromes (AdL, ADL), pp. 557–574.
DLT-J-2005-Pribavkina06 #on the #word- On some Properties of the Language of 2-collapsing Words (EVP), pp. 665–676.
ICALP-v1-2006-Kunc #algebra #finite- Algebraic Characterization of the Finite Power Property (MK), pp. 120–131.
FM-2006-BrunetCU #behaviour #model merging- Properties of Behavioural Model Merging (GB, MC, SU), pp. 98–114.
FM-2006-UmenoL #automaton #case study #protocol #proving #safety #theorem proving #using- Proving Safety Properties of an Aircraft Landing Protocol Using I/O Automata and the PVS Theorem Prover: A Case Study (SU, NAL), pp. 64–80.
SEFM-2006-Rajamani #automation #past present future- Automatic Property Checking for Software: Past, Present and Future (SKR), pp. 18–20.
IFL-2006-JanssonJCEKMOV #testing- Testing Properties of Generic Functions (PJ, JJ, LC, GE, JK, SM, MO, KV), pp. 217–234.
IFL-2006-Kozsik #proving #type system- Proving Program Properties Specified with Subtype Marks (TK), pp. 163–180.
CAiSE-2006-MarottaPA #quality- Managing Quality Properties in a ROLAP Environment (AM, FP, AA), pp. 127–141.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-AraqueSDGS #algorithm- Algorithms for Integrating Temporal Properties of Data in Data Warehousing (FA, AS, CD, EG, JS), pp. 193–199.
ICEIS-J-2006-Leukel06a #approach #classification #data transformation- Controlling Property Growth in Product Classification Schemes: A Data Management Approach (JL), pp. 363–374.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-Leukel #classification #library #maintenance- Maintaining Property Libraries in Product Classification Schemes (JL), pp. 3–10.
CIKM-2006-NanavatiGDCDMJ #graph #on the- On the structural properties of massive telecom call graphs: findings and implications (AAN, SG, GD, DC, KD, SM, AJ), pp. 435–444.
ICPR-v3-2006-WuR #adaptation #image- Combining Adaptive PDE and Wavelet Shrinkage in Image Denoising with Edge Enhancing Property (JW, QR), pp. 718–721.
KDD-2006-RattiganMJ #approximate #network #performance #using- Using structure indices for efficient approximation of network properties (MJR, MEM, DJ), pp. 357–366.
KR-2006-Zhang #logic programming #source code- Computational Properties of Epistemic Logic Programs (YZ), pp. 308–317.
SEKE-2006-MichielsRBBD #modelling #testing #using- Program Testing Using High-Level Property-Driven Models (IM, CDR, JB, EGB, TD), pp. 489–494.
SEKE-2006-ZhangYLC #formal method #game studies #novel #protocol- A Novel Fairness Property of Electronic Commerce Protocols and Its Game-based Formalization (LZ, JY, ML, JC), pp. 410–415.
MoDELS-2006-AlanenP #modelling #set- Basic Operations over Models Containing Subset and Union Properties (MA, IP), pp. 469–483.
MoDELS-2006-AlanenP #modelling #set- Basic Operations over Models Containing Subset and Union Properties (MA, IP), pp. 469–483.
OOPSLA-2006-DargaB #data type #model checking #performance- Efficient software model checking of data structure properties (PTD, CB), pp. 363–382.
QAPL-2005-GruhnL06 #specification- Patterns for Timed Property Specifications (VG, RL), pp. 117–133.
QAPL-2005-LanotteMT06 #classification #probability #security- A Classification of Time and/or Probability Dependent Security Properties (RL, AMS, AT), pp. 177–193.
POPL-2006-LahiriQ #verification- Verifying properties of well-founded linked lists (SKL, SQ), pp. 115–126.
SAC-2006-Capron #bound #static analysis- Static analysis of time bounded reactive properties of Boolean symbols (GC), pp. 1827–1834.
SAC-2006-ColletOR #behaviour #component #on the- On contracting different behavioral properties in component-based systems (PC, AO, NR), pp. 1798–1799.
SAC-2006-HuangR- Extending noninterference properties to the timed world (JH, AWR), pp. 376–383.
SAC-2006-MitasiunaiteB #constraints #sequence #similarity- Looking for monotonicity properties of a similarity constraint on sequences (IM, JFB), pp. 546–552.
FSE-2006-CobleighAC #precise #specification- User guidance for creating precise and accessible property specifications (RLC, GSA, LAC), pp. 208–218.
FSE-2006-GulavaniHKNR #algorithm #named- SYNERGY: a new algorithm for property checking (BSG, TAH, YK, AVN, SKR), pp. 117–127.
CSL-2006-LautemannTT #algebra- An Algebraic Point of View on the Crane Beach Property (CL, PT, DT), pp. 426–440.
CSL-2006-ScheweF #calculus #finite #satisfiability #μ-calculus- Satisfiability and Finite Model Property for the Alternating-Time μ-Calculus (SS, BF), pp. 591–605.
FATES-RV-2006-BouquetDGJ #generative #safety #testing- Safety Property Driven Test Generation from (FB, FD, JG, JJ), pp. 225–239.
ICLP-2006-DahlG #semantics- Semantic Property Grammars for Knowledge Extraction from Biomedical Text (VD, BG), pp. 442–443.
ICLP-2006-PettorossiPS #constraints #logic programming #proving #source code- Proving Properties of Constraint Logic Programs by Eliminating Existential Variables (AP, MP, VS), pp. 179–195.
MBT-2006-SilvaM #generative #towards- Towards Test Purpose Generation from CTL Properties for Reactive Systems (DAdS, PDLM), pp. 29–40.
RTA-2006-Bruggink #finite #higher-order #product line #proving #using- A Proof of Finite Family Developments for Higher-Order Rewriting Using a Prefix Property (HJSB), pp. 372–386.
VMCAI-2006-GantyRB #abstract interpretation #framework- A Complete Abstract Interpretation Framework for Coverability Properties of WSTS (PG, JFR, LVB), pp. 49–64.
ASE-2005-HaydarBPS #model checking #web- Properties and scopes in web model checking (MH, SB, AP, HAS), pp. 400–404.
ASE-2005-VardhanV #branch #learning #verification- Learning to verify branching time properties (AV, MV), pp. 325–328.
DAC-2005-Chatterjee #design #process #verification- Streamline verification process with formal property verification to meet highly compressed design cycle (PC), pp. 674–677.
DATE-2005-HeckmannF #abstract interpretation #embedded #safety- erifying Safety-Critical Timing and Memory-Usage Properties of Embedded Software by Abstract Interpretation (RH, CF), pp. 618–619.
WRLA-2004-PalominoP05 #maude #model checking #proving- Proving VLRL Action Properties with the Maude Model Checker (MP, IP), pp. 113–133.
FASE-2005-EichbergSM #using- Using Annotations to Check Structural Properties of Classes (ME, TS, MM), pp. 237–252.
FASE-2005-Mostowski #formal method #java #logic #security #verification- Formalisation and Verification of Java Card Security Properties in Dynamic Logic (WM), pp. 357–371.
TACAS-2005-VardhanSVA #using #verification- Using Language Inference to Verify ω-Regular Properties (AV, KS, MV, GA), pp. 45–60.
PASTE-2005-BradburyCD #analysis #effectiveness #empirical #formal method #framework #testing- An empirical framework for comparing effectiveness of testing and property-based formal analysis (JSB, JRC, JD), pp. 2–5.
SAS-2005-Muller-OlmS #analysis #framework #interprocedural- A Generic Framework for Interprocedural Analysis of Numerical Properties (MMO, HS), pp. 235–250.
STOC-2005-AlonS #graph- Every monotone graph property is testable (NA, AS), pp. 128–137.
STOC-2005-FischerN #estimation #graph #testing- Testing versus estimation of graph properties (EF, IN), pp. 138–146.
DLT-2005-Pribavkina #on the #word- On Some Properties of the Language of 2-Collapsing Words (EVP), pp. 374–384.
ICALP-2005-BraekenBNP #classification #encryption- Classification of Boolean Functions of 6 Variables or Less with Respect to Some Cryptographic Properties (AB, YLB, SN, BP), pp. 324–334.
FM-2005-AndronickCP #embedded #security #smarttech #source code #verification- Formal Verification of Security Properties of Smart Card Embedded Source Code (JA, BC, CPM), pp. 302–317.
FM-2005-ButlerL #csp #specification #verification- Combining CSP and B for Specification and Property Verification (MJB, ML), pp. 221–236.
FM-2005-CelikuM #composition #cost analysis #probability #source code #specification- Compositional Specification and Analysis of Cost-Based Properties in Probabilistic Programs (OC, AM), pp. 107–122.
FM-2005-RusuMJ #automation #consistency #safety #testing #validation #verification- Automatic Verification and Conformance Testing for Validating Safety Properties of Reactive Systems (VR, HM, TJ), pp. 189–204.
CEFP-2005-TejfelHK #source code- Temporal Properties of Clean Programs Proven in Sparkle-T (MT, ZH, TK), pp. 168–190.
CHI-2005-OuOYF #collaboration- Effects of task properties, partner actions, and message content on eye gaze patterns in a collaborative task (JO, LMO, JY, SRF), pp. 231–240.
SOFTVIS-2005-BlochingerKS #parallel #visualisation- Visualizing structural properties of irregular parallel computations (WB, MK, MS), pp. 125–134.
ICEIS-v2-2005-Roubtsova #specification #workflow- A Property Specification Language for Workflow Diagnostics (EER), pp. 297–302.
MLDM-2005-KotsiantisTRP #modelling- Modeling the Organoleptic Properties of Matured Wine Distillates (SBK, GET, CR, PEP), pp. 667–673.
SEKE-2005-MondragonGMS #generative #monitoring #runtime #specification- Generating Properties for Runtime Monitoring from Software Specification Patterns (OM, AQG, HM, OS), pp. 267–273.
SEKE-2005-OgataF #approach #liveness #proving #verification- Proof Score Approach to Verification of Liveness Properties (KO, KF), pp. 608–613.
SIGIR-2005-Chai #empirical- Expectation of f-measures: tractable exact computation and some empirical observations of its properties (KMAC), pp. 593–594.
ECMDA-FA-2005-MullerCCV #on the- On Some Properties of Parameterized Model Application (AM, OC, BC, GV), pp. 130–144.
MoDELS-2005-StaronK #design- Properties of Stereotypes from the Perspective of Their Role in Designs (MS, LK), pp. 201–216.
MoDELS-2005-StaronK #design- Properties of Stereotypes from the Perspective of Their Role in Designs (MS, LK), pp. 201–216.
RE-2005-KonradC #specification- Facilitating the Construction of Specification Pattern-based Properties (SK, BHCC), pp. 329–338.
RE-2005-WassonSLK #fault #requirements #using- Using Occurrence Properties of Defect Report Data to Improve Requirements (KSW, KNS, RRL, JCK), pp. 253–262.
SAC-2005-SchaadSW #case study #process- A case study of separation of duty properties in the context of the Austrian “eLaw” process (AS, PS, HW), pp. 1328–1332.
ICSE-2005-ChinKQPN #alias #policy #safety #verification- Verifying safety policies with size properties and alias controls (WNC, SCK, SQ, CP, HHN), pp. 186–195.
ICSE-2005-RockmanK #development- The software engineer and the development, management and use of intellectual property (HBR, VK), pp. 708–709.
CADE-2005-OgawaHO #incremental #proving- Proving Properties of Incremental Merkle Trees (MO, EH, SO), pp. 424–440.
CAV-2005-ConwayNDE #algorithm #analysis #incremental #interprocedural #safety- Incremental Algorithms for Inter-procedural Analysis of Safety Properties (CLC, KSN, DD, SAE), pp. 449–461.
CAV-2005-SebastianiTV #hybrid #ltl #model checking- Symbolic Systems, Explicit Properties: On Hybrid Approaches for LTL Symbolic Model Checking (RS, ST, MYV), pp. 350–363.
CSL-2005-Kolokolova #bound- Closure Properties of Weak Systems of Bounded Arithmetic (AK), pp. 369–383.
CSL-2005-Soltys #algorithm #matrix #proving- Feasible Proofs of Matrix Properties with Csanky’s Algorithm (MS), pp. 493–508.
LICS-2005-AbdullaHM #finite #infinity #markov #verification- Verifying Infinite Markov Chains with a Finite Attractor or the Global Coarseness Property (PAA, NBH, RM), pp. 127–136.
LICS-2005-KupkeV #algebra #automaton- Closure Properties of Coalgebra Automata (CK, YV), pp. 199–208.
RTA-2005-Comon-LundhD #algebra #finite #how- The Finite Variant Property: How to Get Rid of Some Algebraic Properties (HCL, SD), pp. 294–307.
VMCAI-2005-Bozzelli #model checking #process #term rewriting- Model Checking for Process Rewrite Systems and a Class of Action-Based Regular Properties (LB), pp. 282–297.
VMCAI-2005-Siegel #performance #source code #verification- Efficient Verification of Halting Properties for MPI Programs with Wildcard Receives (SFS), pp. 413–429.
ASE-2004-LiWQ #generative #testing #uml- Property-Oriented Test Generation from UML Statecharts (SL, JW, ZCQ), pp. 122–131.
DATE-v1-2004-BasuDDCMF #architecture #design #question #verification- Formal Verification Coverage: Are the RTL-Properties Covering the Design’s Architectural Intent? (PB, SD, PD, PPC, CRM, LF), pp. 668–669.
HT-2004-KimW- Properties of academic paper references (SK, EJWJ), pp. 44–45.
PODS-2004-BenediktLBW #first-order- A Characterization of First-Order Topological Properties of Planar Spatial Data (MB, CL, JVdB, TW), pp. 107–114.
SIGMOD-2004-IvesHW #adaptation #integration #query- Adapting to Source Properties in Processing Data Integration Queries (ZGI, AYH, DSW), pp. 395–406.
FoSSaCS-2004-GenestMMP #partial order #specification #using #verification- Specifying and Verifying Partial Order Properties Using Template MSCs (BG, MM, AM, DP), pp. 195–210.
TACAS-2004-AlfaroFHMS #model checking- Model Checking Discounted Temporal Properties (LdA, MF, TAH, RM, MS), pp. 77–92.
PASTE-2004-YangE- Dynamically inferring temporal properties (JY, DE), pp. 23–28.
PLDI-2004-YahavR #abstraction #safety #using #verification- Verifying safety properties using separation and heterogeneous abstractions (EY, GR), pp. 25–34.
STOC-2004-BeierV #optimisation- Typical properties of winners and losers in discrete optimization (RB, BV), pp. 343–352.
STOC-2004-GoelRK #geometry #graph #random- Sharp thresholds For monotone properties in random geometric graphs (AG, SR, BK), pp. 580–586.
ICALP-2004-MagniezR #testing- Property Testing of Regular Tree Languages (FM, MdR), pp. 932–944.
SEFM-2004-BaumeisterKW #development- Property-Driven Development (HB, AK, MW), pp. 96–102.
SEFM-2004-EvansTLF #how #information management #verification- How to Verify Dynamic Properties of Information Systems (NE, HT, RL, MF), pp. 416–425.
SEFM-2004-FlakeM #bound #ocl- Past- and Future-Oriented Time-Bounded Temporal Properties with OCL (SF, WM), pp. 154–163.
SEFM-2004-RouffVHTR #behaviour #formal method #predict- Properties of a Formal Method for Prediction of Emergent Behaviors in Swarm-Based Systems (CR, AV, MGH, WT, JLR), pp. 24–33.
SEFM-2004-SistlaWZ #using- Checking Extended CTL properties Using Guarded Quotient Structures (APS, XW, MZ), pp. 87–94.
ICFP-2004-YuS #assembly #concurrent #safety #verification- Verification of safety properties for concurrent assembly code (DY, ZS), pp. 175–188.
IFL-2004-Achten #user interface- The Feasibility of Interactively Probing Quiescent Properties of GUI Applications (PA), pp. 17–34.
IFL-2004-Cristobal-SalasCRG #message passing #program transformation #source code- Exploiting Single-Assignment Properties to Optimize Message-Passing Programs by Code Transformations (ACS, AC, ERA, JLG), pp. 1–16.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Modrak #evaluation #process- Evaluation of Structural Properties for Business Processes (VM), pp. 619–622.
ICPR-v1-2004-TominagaTK #estimation #multi #using- Estimation of Surface Properties of Art Paintings Using a Multi-band Camera (ST, NT, TK), pp. 92–95.
ICPR-v2-2004-MachidaTY #estimation- Dense Estimation of Surface Reflectance Properties Based on Inverse Global Illumination Rendering (TM, HT, NY), pp. 895–898.
KDD-2004-JehW #graph #mining- Mining the space of graph properties (GJ, JW), pp. 187–196.
SIGIR-2004-SilvestriOP #clustering #documentation #identifier- Assigning identifiers to documents to enhance the clustering property of fulltext indexes (FS, SO, RP), pp. 305–312.
UML-2004-RottgerZ #development #model transformation #modelling #non-functional #refinement- Model-Driven Development for Non-functional Properties: Refinement Through Model Transformation (SR, SZ), pp. 275–289.
SAC-2004-PalmeriniOP #database #statistics #transaction- Statistical properties of transactional databases (PP, SO, RP), pp. 515–519.
SAC-2004-UhligBMRD #internet- Implications of the topological properties of Internet traffic on traffic engineering (SU, OB, VM, CR, LD), pp. 339–346.
ICSE-2004-Zschaler #component #concept #non-functional #research #semantics #specification- Research Abstract: Semantic Concepts for the Specification of Non-Functional Properties of Component-Based Software (SZ), pp. 51–53.
LDTA-2004-GoldreiS #attribute grammar #formal method #off the shelf #using #verification- Using Off-the-Shelf Formal Methods to Verify Attribute Grammar Properties (SG, AMS), pp. 33–54.
CAV-2004-AwedhS #bound #model checking #proving- Proving More Properties with Bounded Model Checking (MA, FS), pp. 96–108.
CAV-2004-BustanRV #markov #verification- Verifying ω-Regular Properties of Markov Chains (DB, SR, MYV), pp. 189–201.
CAV-2004-Lange #model checking- Symbolic Model Checking of Non-regular Properties (ML), pp. 83–95.
ICLP-2004-DefourJP #component #modelling #predict- Applying CLP to Predict Extra-Functional Properties of Component-Based Models (OD, JMJ, NP), pp. 454–455.
IJCAR-2004-GodoyT #term rewriting- Deciding Fundamental Properties of Right-(Ground or Variable) Rewrite Systems by Rewrite Closure (GG, AT), pp. 91–106.
RTA-2004-LimetS #logic programming #proving #source code #term rewriting- Proving Properties of Term Rewrite Systems via Logic Programs (SL, GS), pp. 170–184.
VMCAI-2004-XiaH #c #source code- Certifying Temporal Properties for Compiled C Programs (SX, JH), pp. 161–174.
VMCAI-2004-YuX- Checking Interval Based Properties for Reactive Systems (YP, QX), pp. 122–134.
ASE-2003-Wile #architecture #calculus #non-functional- Architecture Style-Based Calculi for Non-functional Properties (DSW), pp. 299–303.
DAC-2003-MishchenkoS #composition #functional #scalability #using- Large-scale SOP minimization using decomposition and functional properties (AM, TS), pp. 149–154.
DATE-2003-ChakrabortyKT #design #embedded #framework- A General Framework for Analysing System Properties in Platform-Based Embedded System Designs (SC, SK, LT), pp. 10190–10195.
DATE-2003-WedlerSK #encoding #induction #using- Using RTL Statespace Information and State Encoding for Induction Based Property Checking (MW, DS, WK), pp. 11156–11157.
DATE-2003-ZhuM #component #non-functional #specification- Specification of Non-Functional Intellectual Property Components (JZ, WSM), pp. 10456–10461.
DATE-2003-Ziv #functional #metric- Cross-Product Functional Coverage Measurement with Temporal Properties-Based Assertions (AZ), pp. 10834–10841.
ESOP-2003-AltisenCMR #using- Using Controller-Synthesis Techniques to Build Property-Enforcing Layers (KA, AC, FM, ÉR), pp. 174–188.
ESOP-2003-Comon-LundhC #security- Security Properties: Two Agents Are Sufficient (HCL, VC), pp. 99–113.
ESOP-2003-YahavRSW #evolution #logic #verification- Verifying Temporal Heap Properties Specified via Evolution Logic (EY, TWR, SS, RW), pp. 204–222.
TACAS-2003-VaziriJ #constraints #theorem proving- Checking Properties of Heap-Manipulating Procedures with a Constraint Solver (MV, DJ), pp. 505–520.
SAS-2003-ShahamYKS #memory management #safety- Establishing Local Temporal Heap Safety Properties with Applications to Compile-Time Memory Management (RS, EY, EKK, SS), pp. 483–503.
STOC-2003-Ben-SassonHR- Some 3CNF properties are hard to test (EBS, PH, SR), pp. 345–354.
ICALP-2003-TorreNPP #recursion #state machine- Hierarchical and Recursive State Machines with Context-Dependent Properties (SLT, MN, MP, GP), pp. 776–789.
FME-2003-GoldsmithMRWZ #model checking- Watchdog Transformations for Property-Oriented Model-Checking (MG, NM, BR, TW, IZ), pp. 600–616.
SEFM-2003-GoldsonR #semantics- Semantic Properties of μ-Charts (DG, GR), pp. 148–155.
SIGAda-2003-EvangelistaKPR #ada #concurrent #linear #logic #source code #verification- Verifying linear time temporal logic properties of concurrent Ada programs with quasar (SE, CK, JFPP, PR), pp. 17–24.
ICEIS-v2-2003-CaleroDSSSM- Helping User to Discover Association Rules: A Case in Soil Color as Aggregation of Other Soil Properties (JC, GD, MSM, DS, JMS, MAVM), pp. 533–540.
SEKE-2003-GambleGD #assessment #component- Defining Change Management Properties for Component Interoperability Assessment (MTG, RFG, LAD), pp. 475–482.
SEKE-2003-MondragonGK #automation #specification- Automated Support for Property Specification Based on Patterns (OM, AQG, FK), pp. 174–181.
SEKE-2003-NetiniantiE #approach #aspect-oriented #using #verification- Adding Verification Property of Inter-Processes Using Aspect-Oriented Approach (PN, TE), pp. 54–60.
SAC-2003-Abdellatif-KaddourTW #testing- Property-Oriented Testing: A Strategy for Exploring Dangerous Scenarios (OAK, PTF, HW), pp. 1128–1134.
CAV-2003-Namjoshi #abstraction #branch- Abstraction for Branching Time Properties (KSN), pp. 288–300.
FATES-2003-FernandezMP #generative #testing- Property Oriented Test Case Generation (JCF, LM, CP), pp. 147–163.
RTA-2003-Dowek #confluence- Confluence as a Cut Elimination Property (GD), pp. 2–13.
RTA-2003-Verma #automaton #decidability #equation- Two-Way Equational Tree Automata for AC-Like Theories: Decidability and Closure Properties (KNV), pp. 180–196.
SAT-2003-Williams #on the- On Computing k-CNF Formula Properties (RW), pp. 330–340.
TestCom-2003-ArnedoCN #performance #testing- Fast Testing of Critical Properties through Passive Testing (JAA, ARC, MN), pp. 295–310.
TestCom-2003-HallalBUP #approach #testing- An Automata-Based Approach to Property Testing in Event Traces (HH, SB, AU, AP), pp. 180–196.
VMCAI-2003-BossiFPR #bisimulation #security #verification- Bisimulation and Unwinding for Verifying Possibilistic Security Properties (AB, RF, CP, SR), pp. 223–237.
VMCAI-2003-GoriL #interpreter- Properties of a Type Abstract Interpreter (RG, GL), pp. 132–145.
VMCAI-2003-Masse #abstract interpretation #static analysis- Property Checking Driven Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analysis (DM), pp. 56–69.
CBSE-2002-LiuR #component #specification- Specifying Component Method Properties for Component State Recovery in RAIC (CL, DJR), p. 9.
CBSE-2002-MorenoHW #component #empirical #modelling #predict #standard #statistics #towards- Statistical Models for Empirical Component Properties and Assembly-Level Property Predictions: Toward Standard Labeling (GM, SH, KW), p. 10.
CBSE-2003-HamletAT #component- Experiments with composing component properties (DH, MA, ZT), p. 14.
ASE-2002-BarberGH #architecture #evaluation #non-functional #using- Enabling Iterative Software Architecture Derivation Using Early Non-Functional Property Evaluation (KSB, TJG, JH), pp. 172–182.
ASE-2002-RosuW #towards- Towards Certifying Domain-Specific Properties of Synthesized Code (GR, JW), pp. 289–294.
DAC-2002-BartleyGB #comparison #pseudo #random testing #testing #verification- A comparison of three verification techniques: directed testing, pseudo-random testing and property checking (MB, DG, TB), pp. 819–823.
DAC-2002-BrunoliHJKMM #question- Analog intellectual property: now? Or never? (MB, MH, FJ, RK, RM, AJM), pp. 181–182.
DAC-2002-ShengTH #effectiveness #safety #using- Effective safety property checking using simulation-based sequential ATPG (SS, KT, MSH), pp. 813–818.
FoSSaCS-2002-SchoppS #process #using #verification- Verifying Temporal Properties Using Explicit Approximants: Completeness for Context-free Processes (US, AKS), pp. 372–386.
TACAS-2002-ArmoniFFGGKLMSTVZ #logic- The ForSpec Temporal Logic: A New Temporal Property-Specification Language (RA, LF, AF, RG, BG, TK, AL, SMH, ES, AT, MYV, YZ), pp. 296–211.
TACAS-2002-HavelundR #monitoring #safety- Synthesizing Monitors for Safety Properties (KH, GR), pp. 342–356.
TACAS-2002-KimSC #functional #requirements #specification #using #verification- Formal Verification of Functional Properties of an SCR-Style Software Requirements Specification Using PVS (TK, DWJSC, SDC), pp. 205–220.
SAS-2002-Hymans #abstract interpretation #behaviour #safety- Checking Safety Properties of Behavioral VHDL Descriptions by Abstract Interpretation (CH), pp. 444–460.
SAS-2002-Masse #abstract interpretation #semantics- Semantics for Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analyzes of Temporal Properties (DM), pp. 428–443.
SAS-2002-VeldhuizenL #compilation #optimisation #proving- Guaranteed Optimization: Proving Nullspace Properties of Compilers (TLV, AL), pp. 263–277.
CIAA-2002-CaronF #normalisation- Star Normal Form, Rational Expressions, and Glushkov WFAs Properties (PC, MF), pp. 248–254.
DLT-2002-DaleyK- Some Properties of Ciliate Bio-operations (MD, LK), pp. 116–127.
FME-2002-FirleyG #abstraction #verification- Property Dependent Abstraction of Control Structure for Software Verification (TF, UG), pp. 511–530.
FME-2002-KristensenM #safety- A Generalised Sweep-Line Method for Safety Properties (LMK, TM), pp. 549–567.
IFM-2002-BarradasB #liveness #proving #specification- Specification and Proof of Liveness Properties under Fairness Assumptions in B Event Systems (HRB, DB), pp. 360–379.
ICPR-v1-2002-MachidaY #estimation- Dense Estimation of Surface Reflectance Properties of Objects with Interreflections (TM, NY), pp. 348–351.
ICPR-v1-2002-ZhangGSS #2d #image #sequence #using- Recovering Elastic Property of Soft Tissues Using 2D Image Sequences With Limited Range Data (YZ, DBG, SS, MCS), pp. 755–758.
LOPSTR-2002-AmatoS #alias #framework #towards- A General Framework for Variable Aliasing: Towards Optimal Operators for Sharing Properties (GA, FS), pp. 52–70.
SAC-2002-DinakarpandianK #predict #proximity- BlOMIND-protein property prediction by property proximity profiles (DD, VK), pp. 168–172.
SAC-2002-KornissNKG #parallel #simulation #statistics- Statistical properties of the simulated time horizon in conservative parallel discrete-event simulations (GK, MAN, AKK, HG), pp. 132–137.
ICSE-2002-SmithACO #approach #named- PROPEL: an approach supporting property elucidation (RLS, GSA, LAC, LJO), pp. 11–21.
CAV-2002-BaumgartnerKA #analysis- Property Checking via Structural Analysis (JB, AK, JAA), pp. 151–165.
CAV-2002-KupfermanPV #linear #model checking- Model Checking Linear Properties of Prefix-Recognizable Systems (OK, NP, MYV), pp. 371–385.
LICS-2002-LaplanteLMPR #abstraction #approach #model checking #probability #testing- Probabilistic Abstraction for Model Checking: An Approach Based on Property Testing (SL, RL, FM, SP, MdR), pp. 30–39.
RTA-2002-Durand #named #term rewriting- Autowrite: A Tool for Checking Properties of Term Rewriting Systems (ID), pp. 371–375.
RTA-2002-OhsakiT #decidability #equation- Decidability and Closure Properties of Equational Tree Languages (HO, TT), pp. 114–128.
RTA-2002-SekiTFK #term rewriting- Layered Transducing Term Rewriting System and Its Recognizability Preserving Property (HS, TT, YF, YK), pp. 98–113.
VMCAI-2002-BernardeschiF #abstract interpretation #bytecode #java #model checking #security- Combining Abstract Interpretation and Model Checking for Analysing Security Properties of Java Bytecode (CB, NDF), pp. 1–15.
VMCAI-2002-HillS #refinement- A Refinement of the Escape Property (PMH, FS), pp. 154–166.
CBSE-2001-Schmidt #assembly #automation #component #predict #towards- Trusted Components: Towards Automated Assembly with Predictable Properties (HWS), p. 14.
CBSE-2001-Wile #architecture #using- Ensuring General-Purpose and Domain-Specific Properties Using Architectural Styles (DSW), p. 6.
ASE-2001-GiannakopoulouH #source code #verification- Automata-Based Verification of Temporal Properties on Running Programs (DG, KH), pp. 412–416.
ASE-2001-Xia #mobile #verification- Verify Properties of Mobile Code (SX), p. 440.
DAC-2001-WangHLKZMD #abstraction #hybrid #refinement #simulation #verification- Formal Property Verification by Abstraction Refinement with Formal, Simulation and Hybrid Engines (DW, PHH, JL, JHK, YZ, HKTM, RFD), pp. 35–40.
DATE-2001-CasavantGLMWA #generative #graph #simulation- Property-specific witness graph generation for guided simulation (AEC, AG, SL, AM, KW, PA), p. 799.
DATE-2001-QuasemG #fault #simulation- Exact fault simulation for systems on Silicon that protects each core’s intellectual property (MSQ, SKG), p. 804.
DATE-2001-RufHKR #multi- Simulation-guided property checking based on a multi-valued AR-automata (JR, DWH, TK, WR), pp. 742–748.
ICDAR-2001-VincentF #approach #quantifier- Gray Level Use in a Handwriting Fractal Approach and Morphological Properties Quantification (NV, TF), pp. 307–311.
VLDB-2001-NishioSTTL #functional #information management- Functional Properties of Information Filtering (RS, MT, YHL, TT, SN), pp. 511–520.
FASE-J-1998-PadbergGE01 #refinement #rule-based #safety- Rule-based refinement of high-level nets preserving safety properties (JP, MG, CE), pp. 97–118.
ESOP-2001-Thiemann #safety #using- Enforcing Safety Properties Using Type Specialization (PT), pp. 62–76.
IWPC-J-1999-AntoniolCPT01 #traceability- Design-code traceability recovery: selecting the basic linkage properties (GA, BC, AP, PT), pp. 213–234.
WCRE-2001-GannodG #dependence #graph- An Investigation into the Connectivity Properties of Source-Header Dependency Graphs (GCG, BDG), pp. 115–126.
STOC-2001-FischerN #matrix #testing- Testing of matrix properties (EF, IN), pp. 286–295.
STOC-2001-ParnasR #metric #testing- Testing metric properties (MP, DR), pp. 276–285.
FLOPS-J2-1998-Sakurai01 #category theory #proving- Categorical Model Construction for Proving Syntactic Properties (TS), pp. 213–244.
FLOPS-2001-PolakovY #exception #framework #logic #order #proving- Proving Syntactic Properties of Exceptions in an Ordered Logical Framework (JP, KY), pp. 61–77.
ICALP-2001-ChakrabartiK #bound #complexity #graph #random- Improved Lower Bounds on the Randomized Complexity of Graph Properties (AC, SK), pp. 285–296.
ICALP-2001-MargaraS #decidability #graph #network- Decidable Properties of Graphs of All-Optical Networks (LM, JS), pp. 518–529.
FME-2001-BellegardeDJK #named #refinement- Reformulation: A Way to Combine Dynamic Properties and B Refinement (FB, CD, JJ, OK), pp. 2–19.
SEKE-2001-BarberGH #architecture #correctness #model checking #simulation #using- Evaluating Dynamic Correctness Properties of Domain Reference Architectures Using a Combination of Simulation and Model Checking (KSB, TJG, JH), pp. 19–28.
SEKE-2001-IosifS #java #logic- Temporal Logic Properties of Java Objects (RI, RS), pp. 120–127.
POPL-2001-Yahav #concurrent #java #logic #safety #source code #using #verification- Verifying safety properties of concurrent Java programs using 3-valued logic (EY), pp. 27–40.
ICSE-2001-KrishnamurthyS #distributed #quantifier #specification #testing- The Specification and Testing of Quantified Progress Properties in Distributed Systems (PK, PAGS), pp. 201–210.
CAV-2001-JohannsenB #design #named- BooStER: Speeding Up RTL Property Checking of Digital Designs by Word-Level Abstarction (PJ), pp. 373–377.
CAV-2001-Maidl #approach #model checking #safety- A Unifying Model Checking Approach for Safety Properties of Parameterized Systems (MM), pp. 311–323.
TLCA-2001-CardelliG #logic #strict- Logical Properties of Name Restriction (LC, ADG), pp. 46–60.
DAC-2000-QuP #constraints #using- Fingerprinting intellectual property using constraint-addition (GQ, MP), pp. 587–592.
PODS-2000-AngiulliBIP #problem- Computational Properties of Metaquerying Problems (FA, RBEZ, GI, LP), pp. 237–244.
ESOP-2000-HeatonHK #abstract domain- Abstract Domains for Universal and Existential Properties (AH, PMH, AK), pp. 150–164.
FASE-2000-FradetIR #mobile #non-functional- Analyzing Non-functional Properties of Mobile Agents (PF, VI, SR), pp. 319–333.
FASE-2000-PadbergHG #algebra #safety- Stepwise Introduction and Preservation of Safety Properties in Algebraic High-Level Net Systems (JP, KH, MG), pp. 249–265.
CSMR-2000-ChaumunKKLS #design #object-oriented- Design Properties and Object-Oriented Software Changeability (MAC, HK, RKK, FL, GSD), pp. 45–54.
SAS-2000-HenzingerMMR #abstract interpretation #game studies- Abstract Interpretation of Game Properties (TAH, RM, FYCM, JFR), pp. 220–239.
ICALP-2000-BaierHHK #logic #on the- On the Logical Characterisation of Performability Properties (CB, BRH, HH, JPK), pp. 780–792.
WLC-2000-KelarevT #combinator #monad- A Combinatorial Property of Languages and Monoids (AVK, PGT), pp. 228–239.
WLC-2000-Konstantinidis #detection- Error-Detecting Properties of Languages (SK), pp. 240–252.
WLC-2000-Machida- Some Properties of Hyperoperations and Hyperclones (HM), pp. 286–296.
IFM-2000-MassonMJ #composition #verification- Modular Verification for a Class of PLTL Properties (PAM, HM, JJ), pp. 398–419.
IFL-2000-Hammond #behaviour #bound #concurrent- The Dynamic Properties of Hume: A Functionally-Based Concurrent Language with Bounded Time and Space Behaviour (KH), pp. 122–139.
ICPR-v1-2000-HsiehF #image #retrieval #using- Color Image Retrieval Using Shape and Spatial Properties (ISH, KCF), pp. 5023–5026.
ICPR-v1-2000-LiuRC #geometry #using- Using Geometric Properties of Correspondence Vectors for the Registration of Free-Form Shapes (YL, MAR, DC), pp. 5011–5014.
ICPR-v1-2000-OkataniD #fault #image #metric #multi- A Method for Fine Registration of Multiple View Range Images Considering the Measurement Error Properties (ISO, KD), pp. 1280–1283.
ICPR-v2-2000-GuoDR #detection #using- Off-Line Skilled Forgery Detection Using Stroke and Sub-Stroke Properties (JKG, DSD, AR), pp. 2355–2358.
POPL-2000-ColcombetF #program transformation- Enforcing Trace Properties by Program Transformation (TC, PF), pp. 54–66.
SAC-2000-SrinivasaS #behaviour #transaction- Discerning Behavioral Properties by Analyzing Transaction Logs (SS, MS), pp. 281–282.
FSE-2000-NaumovichC #classification- Classifying properties: an alternative to the safety-liveness classification (GN, LAC), pp. 159–168.
ICSE-2000-KirschS #tutorial- Intellectual property protection for software in the United States and Europe (tutorial session): the changing roles of patents and copyrights (GJK, YS), p. 827.
CAV-2000-StollerUL #detection #distributed #partial order #performance #using- Efficient Detection of Global Properties in Distributed Systems Using Partial-Order Methods (SDS, LU, YAL), pp. 264–279.
CSL-2000-MakowskyM #combinator #complexity #generative #graph #on the- On the Complexity of Combinatorial and Metafinite Generating Functions of Graph Properties in the Computational Model of Blum, Shub and Smale (JAM, KM), pp. 399–410.
ISSTA-2000-CobleighCO #process #verification- Verifying properties of process definitions (JMC, LAC, LJO), pp. 96–101.
ASE-1999-CopenhaferS #component #interactive- Exploration Harnesses: Tool-Supported Interactive Discovery of Commercial Component Properties (MAC, KJS), pp. 7–14.
ASE-1999-FedeleK #automation #proving- Automatic Proofs of Properties of Simple C-- Modules (CF, EK), pp. 283–286.
DAC-1999-ChoiYLPK #design #embedded- Exploiting Intellectual Properties in ASIP Designs for Embedded DSP Software (HC, JHY, JYL, ICP, CMK), pp. 939–944.
DAC-1999-GuoRP #generative #named #using- Proptest: A Property Based Test Pattern Generator for Sequential Circuits Using Test Compaction (RG, SMR, IP), pp. 653–659.
DAC-1999-HongP #behaviour #synthesis- Behavioral Synthesis Techniques for Intellectual Property Protection (IH, MP), pp. 849–854.
DAC-1999-LachMP #multi #robust- Robust FPGA Intellectual Property Protection Through Multiple Small Watermarks (JL, WHMS, MP), pp. 831–836.
DATE-1999-NikolosVHT #embedded #fault #testing- Path Delay Fault Testing of ICs with Embedded Intellectual Property Blocks (DN, HTV, TH, YT), pp. 112–116.
ITiCSE-1999-YangD #education- Promoting computer software intellectual property right in Computer Science Education (LY, ZD), pp. 115–118.
ESOP-1999-KrishnamurthiEF- Expressing Structural Properties as Language Constructs (SK, YDE, MF), pp. 258–272.
FoSSaCS-1999-GordonC #equation #mobile- Equational Properties of Mobile Ambients (ADG, LC), pp. 212–226.
TACAS-1999-RusuS #abstraction #on the #proving #safety #static analysis #theorem proving- On Proving Safety Properties by Integrating Static Analysis, Theorem Proving and Abstraction (VR, ES), pp. 178–192.
TACAS-1999-Tripakis #reachability- Timed Diagnostics for Reachability Properties (ST), pp. 59–73.
SAS-1999-JeannetHR #analysis #clustering- Dynamic Partitioning in Analyses of Numerical Properties (BJ, NH, PR), pp. 39–50.
STOC-1999-PanduranganU #evaluation- Static and Dynamic Evaluation of QoS Properties (GP, EU), pp. 566–573.
DLT-1999-AndreBC #bound #decidability #on the #query- On decidability of boundedness property for regular path queries (YA, FB, ACC), pp. 245–256.
DLT-1999-FernauR #decidability- Decidability of code properties (HF, KR, LS), pp. 153–163.
ICALP-1999-DodisK #graph #trade-off- Space Time Tradeoffs for Graph Properties (YD, SK), pp. 291–300.
ICALP-1999-FrickG #first-order #graph- Deciding First-Order Properties of Locally Tree-Decomposalbe Graphs (MF, MG), pp. 331–340.
ICALP-1999-Kirsten #finite #monad #problem- A Connection between the Star Problem and the Finite Power Property in Trace Monoids (DK), pp. 473–482.
FM-v1-1999-FocardiM #approach #security- A Uniform Approach for the Definition of Security Properties (RF, FM), pp. 794–813.
IFM-1999-JulliandMM #composition #verification- Modular Verification of Dynamic Properties for Reactive Systems (JJ, PAM, HM), pp. 89–108.
SIGIR-1999-BruzaSW- Fundamental Properties of Aboutness (poster abstract) (PB, DS, KFW), pp. 277–278.
RE-1999-PaunC #linear- Events in Linear-Time Properties (DOP, MC), pp. 123–132.
ICSE-1999-DwyerAC #finite #specification #verification- Patterns in Property Specifications for Finite-State Verification (MBD, GSA, JCC), pp. 411–420.
ICSE-1999-NaumovichAC #analysis #concurrent #data flow #java #source code- Data Flow Analysis for Checking Properties of Concurrent Java Programs (GN, GSA, LAC), pp. 399–410.
HPDC-1999-LowekampOG #distributed #network #query- Direct Queries for Discovering Network Resource Properties in a Distributed Environment (BL, DRO, TRG), pp. 38–46.
CAV-1999-BiereCRZ #model checking #safety #using- Verifiying Safety Properties of a Power PC Microprocessor Using Symbolic Model Checking without BDDs (AB, EMC, RR, YZ), pp. 60–71.
CAV-1999-BloemRS #linear #logic #model checking #performance- Efficient Decision Procedures for Model Checking of Linear Time Logic Properties (RB, KR, FS), pp. 222–235.
CAV-1999-KupfermanV #model checking #safety- Model Checking of Safety Properties (OK, MYV), pp. 172–183.
ICLP-1999-CiarliniF #execution #hybrid #symbolic computation- Symbolic Execution for the Derivation of Meaningful Properties of Hybrid Systems (AEMC, TWF), p. 606.
ICLP-1999-KaneiwaT #logic #order- Event, Property, and Hierarchy in Order-Sorted Logic (KK, ST), pp. 94–108.
LICS-1999-BucciarelliLPS- Some Computational Properties of Intersection Types (AB, SDL, AP, IS), pp. 109–118.
DAC-1998-KahngLMMMPTWW- Watermarking Techniques for Intellectual Property Protection (ABK, JL, WHMS, SM, ILM, MP, PT, HW, GW), pp. 776–781.
DATE-1998-BolchiniSS #analysis #concurrent #detection #fault #network- Fault Analysis in Networks with Concurrent Error Detection Properties (CB, FS, DS), pp. 957–958.
HT-1998-Park #hypermedia- Structural Properties of Hypertext (SP), pp. 180–187.
FASE-1998-PadbergGE #refinement #rule-based #safety- Rule-Based Refinement of High-Level Nets Preserving Safety Properties (JP, MG, CE), pp. 221–238.
FoSSaCS-1998-MuschollPS #sequence chart- Deciding Properties for Message Sequence Charts (AM, DP, ZS), pp. 226–242.
TACAS-1998-DawsT #abstraction #model checking #reachability #realtime #using- Model Checking of Real-Time Reachability Properties Using Abstractions (CD, ST), pp. 313–329.
WRLA-1998-MatsumotoF #automation #behaviour #induction #testing #towards #verification- Test set coinduction — Toward automated verification of behavioural properties (MM, KF), pp. 242–262.
SAS-1998-Volpe #alias #first-order #logic programming #source code- A First-Order Language for Expressing Aliasing and Type Properties of Logic Programs (PV), pp. 184–199.
FLOPS-1998-Sakurai #proving- Categorial Model Construction for Proving Syntactic Properties (TS), pp. 187–206.
ICALP-1998-AlurMP #partial order- Deciding Global Partial-Order Properties (RA, KLM, DP), pp. 41–52.
ICALP-1998-Henzinger #game studies #model checking #multi- Model Checking Game Properties of Multi-agent Systems (Abstract) (TAH), p. 543.
FM-1998-MargariaG #approach #flexibility #process #reliability- Flexible and Reliable Process Model Properties: An Integrated Approach (TMS, VG), pp. 213–227.
TAGT-1998-PadbergGH #development #incremental #petri net #safety- Incremental Development of Safety Properties in Petri Net Transformations (JP, MG, KH), pp. 410–425.
ICPR-1998-Govindu0C #geometry #image #using- Using geometric properties for correspondence-less image alignment (VG, CS, RC), pp. 37–41.
ALP-PLILP-1998-Aoto #persistent #problem #term rewriting- Solution to the Problem of Zantema on a Persistent Property of Term Rewriting Systems (TA), pp. 250–265.
ALP-PLILP-1998-ClearyL #using- Constructive Negation Using Typed Existence Properties (JGC, LL), pp. 411–426.
POPL-1998-Jensen #polymorphism #strict- Inference of Polymorphic and Conditional Strictness Properties (TPJ), pp. 209–221.
POPL-1998-LeroyR #security- Security Properties of Typed Applets (XL, FR), pp. 391–403.
CC-1998-LapkowskiH #multi #pointer- Extended SSA Numbering: Introducing SSA Properties to Language with Multi-level Pointers (CL, LJH), pp. 128–143.
CAV-1998-StollerL #detection #distributed #performance- Efficient Symbolic Detection of Global Properties in Distributed Systems (SDS, YAL), pp. 357–368.
CSL-1998-KorovinaK- Characteristic Properties of Majorant-Computability over the Reals (MVK, OVK), pp. 188–203.
IWTCS-1998-DietrichLKH #distributed #logic #testing- Testing Temporal Logic Properties in Distributed Systems (FD, XL, SK, JPH), pp. 247–258.
JICSLP-1998-DecorteS #analysis #termination- Termination Analysis: Some Practical Properties of the Norm and Level Mapping Space (SD, DDS), pp. 235–249.
LICS-1998-Libkin #logic #on the- On Counting Logics and Local Properties (LL), pp. 501–512.
RTA-1998-Okui- Simultaneous Critical Pairs and Church-Rosser Property (SO), pp. 2–16.
DAC-1997-HasteerMB #performance- An Efficient Assertion Checker for Combinational Properties (GH, AM, PB), pp. 734–739.
ICDAR-1997-SolihinL- Mathematical properties of the native integral ratio handwriting and text extraction technique (YS, GL), p. 1102–?.
SAS-1997-Granger #analysis #congruence- Static Analyses of Congruence Properties on Rational Numbers (Extended Abstract) (PG), pp. 278–292.
STOC-1997-GoldreichR #bound #graph #testing- Property Testing in Bounded Degree Graphs (OG, DR), pp. 406–415.
DLT-1997-NiessnerNO #liveness- Deterministic ω-regular liveness properties (FN, UN, PO), pp. 237–248.
DLT-1997-TipleaM #petri net- Jumping Petri Nets — Specific Properties (FLT, EM), pp. 461–476.
ICALP-1997-CodenottiEGK- Checking Properties of Polynomials (Extended Abstract) (BC, FE, PG, RK), pp. 203–213.
ICALP-1997-CosmoG #composition #higher-order #on the #λ-calculus- On Modular Properties of Higher Order Extensional λ Calculi (RDC, NG), pp. 237–247.
ICALP-1997-Fujito #approach #approximate #problem- A Primal-Dual Approach to Approximation of Node-Deletion Problems for Matroidal Properties (TF), pp. 749–759.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-Courcelle #graph transformation #higher-order #logic #monad- The Expression of Graph Properties and Graph Transformations in Monadic Second-Order Logic (BC), pp. 313–400.
KDD-1997-KnorrN- A Unified Notion of Outliers: Properties and Computation (EMK, RTN), pp. 219–222.
ALP-1997-AotoT #composition #on the #term rewriting- On Composable Properties of Term Rewriting Systems (TA, YT), pp. 114–128.
PLILP-1997-Patterson #lazy evaluation #using- Transforming Lazy Functions Using Comportment Properties (RP), pp. 111–125.
ESEC-FSE-1997-CheungGK #analysis #composition #liveness #reachability #using #verification- Verification of Liveness Properties Using Compositional Reachability Analysis (SCC, DG, JK), pp. 227–243.
CADE-1997-CryanR #normalisation- Constructing a Normal Form for Property Theory (MC, AR), pp. 237–251.
CAV-1997-SistlaMG #liveness #model checking #named #symmetry #verification- SMC: A Symmetry Based Model Checker for Verification of Liveness Properties (APS, LM, VG), pp. 464–467.
ILPS-1997-JussienB #constraints #maintenance- Best-First Search for Property Maintenance in Reactive Constraint Systems (NJ, PB), pp. 339–353.
RTA-1997-Otto #on the #string #term rewriting- On the Property of Preserving Regularity for String-Rewriting Systems (FO), pp. 83–97.
HT-1996-SawhneyBS #named- HyperCafe: Narrative and Aesthetic Properties of Hypervideo (NS, DB, IES), pp. 1–10.
PODS-1996-BenediktGL #database #transaction- Verifiable Properties of Database Transactions (MB, TG, LL), pp. 117–127.
ESOP-1996-MelzerE #integer #programming- Checking System Properties via Integer Programming (SM, JE), pp. 250–264.
TACAS-1996-FocardiG #automation #composition #security #verification- Automatic Compositional Verification of Some Security Properties (RF, RG), pp. 167–186.
TACAS-1996-Saidi #automation #concurrent #proving- A Tool for Proving Invariance Properties of Concurrent Systems Automatically (HS), pp. 412–416.
SAS-1996-Steffen- Property-Oriented Expansion (BS), pp. 22–41.
ICPR-1996-KrotkovKZ #analysis #invariant #synthesis- Analysis and synthesis of the sounds of impact based on shape-invariant properties of materials (EK, RLK, NBZ), pp. 115–119.
ICPR-1996-LambertN #invariant #using- Discrimination properties of invariants using the line moments of vectorized contours (GL, JN), pp. 735–739.
ICPR-1996-RegazzoniF #statistics- Properties of binary statistical morphology (CSR, GLF), pp. 631–635.
SEKE-1996-Garg #distributed- Observation of Global Properties in Distributed Systems (VKG), pp. 418–425.
ALP-1996-ManoO #higher-order #normalisation #term rewriting- Unique Normal Form Property of Higher-Order Rewriting Systems (KM, MO), pp. 269–283.
ALP-1996-Marchiori- Unravelings and Ultra-properties (MM), pp. 107–121.
ICSE-1996-CheungK #analysis #composition #reachability #safety- Checking Subsystem Safety Properties in Compositional Reachability Analysis (SCC, JK), pp. 144–154.
CAV-1996-Greenstreet #difference #equation #safety #verification- Verifying Safety Properties of Differential Equations (MRG), pp. 277–287.
CSL-1996-BartheM #algebra #on the #reduction #type system- On the Subject Reduction Property for Algebraic Type Systems (GB, PAM), pp. 34–57.
RTA-1996-Kesner #confluence #λ-calculus- Confluence Properties of Extensional and Non-Extensional λ-Calculi with Explicit Substitutions (Extended Abstract) (DK), pp. 184–199.
TACAS-1995-Tofts #approximate #probability #process- Analytic and Locally Approximate Solutions to Properties of Probabilistic Processes (CMNT), pp. 174–194.
PEPM-1995-Metayer #data type #proving #recursion #source code- Proving Properties of Programs Defined over Recursive Data Structures (DLM), pp. 88–99.
SAS-1995-Colby #concurrent #source code- Determining Storage Properties of Sequential and Concurrent Programs with Assignment and Structured Data (CC), pp. 64–81.
DLT-1995-KimuraT #graph grammar- Timed Attribute Hypergraph Grammars and Their Based Properties (YK, TT), pp. 319–328.
SIGIR-1995-Lee #multi- Combining Multiple Evidence from Different Properties of Weighting Schemes (JHL), pp. 180–188.
ECOOP-1995-KiesslingK- Sharing Properties in a Uniform Object Space (HK, UK), pp. 424–448.
LOPSTR-1995-Renault #logic programming #proving #source code #towards- Towards a Complete Proof Procedure to Prove Properties of Normal Logic Programs under the Completion (SR), pp. 204–218.
SAC-1995-Bsaies #logic programming #proving- Discovering and proving logic program properties (KB), pp. 369–373.
ESEC-1995-TuyaSC #model checking #modelling #safety #using #verification- Using a Symbolic Model Checker for Verify Safety Properties in SA/RT Models (JT, LS, JAC), pp. 59–75.
HPCA-1995-SivasubramaniamSRV #locality #network #parallel- Abstracting Network Characteristics and Locality Properties of Parallel Systems (AS, AS, UR, HV), pp. 54–63.
CAV-1995-BouajjaniR #hybrid #linear #subclass #verification- Verifying ω-Regular Properties for a Subclass of Linear Hybrid Systems (AB, RR), pp. 437–450.
CAV-1995-JagadeesanPO #safety #source code #verification- Safety Property Verification of ESTEREL Programs and Applications to Telecommunications Software (LJJ, CP, JVO), pp. 127–140.
CAV-1995-JonssonK #algorithm #distributed #infinity #safety #verification- Verifying Safety Properties of a Class of Infinite-State Distributed Algorithms (BJ, LK), pp. 42–53.
ICLP-1995-BarklundDCL #semantics- Semantical Properties of SLD-Resolution with Reflection (JB, PD, SC, GAL), p. 830.
ILPS-1995-BarklundDCL #encoding #logic programming #semantics- Semantical Properties of Encodings in Logic Programming (JB, PD, SC, GAL), pp. 288–302.
LICS-1995-AlurPP #model checking- Model-Checking of Causality Properties (RA, DP, WP), pp. 90–100.
LICS-1995-BouajjaniEH #on the #problem #process #verification- On the Verification Problem of Nonregular Properties for Nonregular Processes (AB, RE, PH), pp. 123–133.
LICS-1995-Stolboushkin- Finitely Monotone Properties (APS), pp. 324–330.
TLCA-1995-Kondoh #data type #equation- Basic Properties of Data Types with Inequational Refinements (HK), pp. 279–296.
TLCA-1995-KurataT #decidability #type system- Decidable Properties of Intersection Type Systems (TK, MT), pp. 297–311.
DAC-1994-Fernandez #industrial- Intellectual Property Protection in the EDA Industry (DSF), pp. 161–163.
VLDB-1994-AnandBH #database #empirical #performance #scalability- An Empirical Performance Study of the Ingres Search Accelerator for a Large Property Management Database System (SSA, DAB, JGH), pp. 676–685.
ESOP-1994-Walker #algebra #proving- Algebraic Proofs of Properties of Objects (DW), pp. 501–516.
SAS-1994-ArmstrongMSS #algebra #analysis #dependence #performance #representation- Boolean Functions for Dependency Analysis: Algebraic Properties and Efficient Representation (TA, KM, PS, HS), pp. 266–280.
STOC-1994-GoldreichW #product line #random #trade-off- Tiny families of functions with random properties (preliminary version): a quality-size trade-off for hashing (OG, AW), pp. 574–584.
ICALP-1994-Cerans #automaton #relational- Deciding Properties of Integral Relational Automata (KC), pp. 35–46.
FME-1994-Gortz #safety #specification- Specifying Safety and Progress Properties with RSL (JG), pp. 567–581.
SEKE-1994-Berzins #modelling- Software merge: models and properties (VB), pp. 225–232.
SIGIR-1994-Lee #information retrieval #modelling- Properties of Extended Boolean Models in Information Retrieval (JHL), pp. 182–190.
ALP-1994-Gramlich #composition #confluence #on the #term rewriting #termination- On Modularity of Termination and Confluence Properties of Conditional Rewrite Systems (BG), pp. 186–203.
PLILP-1994-Bsaies #implementation #synthesis- Implementing the Synthesis of Properties in Unfold/Fold Transformations (KB), pp. 459–460.
FSE-1994-DillonY #concurrent- Oracles for Checking Temporal Properties of Concurrent Systems (LKD, QY), pp. 140–153.
FSE-1994-DwyerC #analysis #concurrent #data flow #source code #verification- Data Flow Analysis for Verifying Properties of Concurrent Programs (MBD, LAC), pp. 62–75.
ICSE-1994-KazmanBWA #architecture #named- SAAM: A Method for Analyzing the Properties of Software Architectures (RK, LJB, MW, GDA), pp. 81–90.
CAV-1994-LamB #automaton- Criteria for the Simple Path Property in Timed Automata (WKCL, RKB), pp. 27–40.
ICLP-1994-Pedreschi #prolog #proving #runtime #source code- A Proof Method for Runtime Properties of Prolog Programs (DP), pp. 584–598.
LICS-1994-GeuversW #on the #type system- On the Church-Rosser Property for Expressive Type Systems and its Consequences for their Metatheoretic Study (HG, BW), pp. 320–329.
LICS-1994-Otto #quantifier- Generalized Quantifiers for Simple Properties (MO), pp. 30–39.
PODS-1993-Wong #normalisation #query- Normal Forms and Conservative Properties for Query Languages over Collection Types (LW), pp. 26–36.
WSA-1993-Benton #algebra #data type #lazy evaluation #strict- Strictness Properties of Lazy Algebraic Datatypes (PNB), pp. 206–217.
HCI-ACS-1993-TakedaHS93a #analysis- Analysis of Uric Properties for Stress Caused by VDT Work and Relationship Among CFF, HRV and VEP (MT, YH, KS), pp. 903–908.
TRI-Ada-1993-Nycum- Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in Software (SHN), pp. 410–421.
CAiSE-1993-BrockersG #process #verification- Computer-Aided Verification of Software Process Model Properties (AB, VG), pp. 521–546.
CIKM-1993-FlaterY #information retrieval- Properties of Networked Information Retrieval with ALIBI (DWF, YY), pp. 31–38.
SEKE-1993-Ameur #development #non-functional #source code- Formal Program Development by Transformation and Non-Functional Properties Evaluations. An Application to Numerical Programs (YAA), pp. 703–710.
SEKE-1993-Paterno #logic #user interface #using- Definition of Properties of User Interfaces Using Action-Based Temporal Logic (FP), pp. 314–318.
CAV-1993-CourcoubetisDJ #verification- Verification of timing Properties of VHDL (CC, WD, BJ), pp. 225–236.
CAV-1993-JourdanMO #realtime #source code #verification- Verifying Quantitative Real-Time Properties of Synchronous Programs (MJ, FM, AO), pp. 347–358.
ICLP-1993-McCarty #higher-order #induction #logic #prolog #proving #source code- Proving Inductive Properties of Prolog Programs in Second-Order Intuitionistic Logic (LTM), pp. 44–63.
ILPS-1993-Bsaies #automation #logic programming #performance #source code- Automated Derivation of Efficient Logic Programs by Synthesizing Eureka Properties (KB), p. 633.
RTA-1993-CaronCD #automaton #constraints- Encompassment Properties and Automata with Constraints (ACC, JLC, MD), pp. 328–342.
RTA-1993-Gallier #proving- Proving Properties of Typed λ Terms: Realizability, Covers, and Sheaves (Abstract) (JHG), p. 136.
TLCA-1993-Paulin-Mohring #coq #induction- Inductive Definitions in the system Coq — Rules and Properties (CPM), pp. 328–345.
HT-ECHT-1992-StottsFR #automaton #verification- Hyperdocuments as Automata: Trace-Based Browsing Property Verification (PDS, RF, JCR), pp. 272–281.
PEPM-1992-Bsaies #framework #logic programming #program transformation #synthesis- A Framework for Mechanizing Logic Program Transformation: The Synthesis of Eureka-Properties (KB), pp. 108–115.
PEPM-1992-Malmkjaer #predict #source code- Predicting Properties of Residual Programs (KM), pp. 8–13.
WSA-1992-CodishFMW #analysis #concurrent #constraints #logic programming #performance #source code- Efficient Analysis of Reactive Properties of Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs (MC, MF, KM, WHW), pp. 35–42.
WSA-1992-Jensen #axiom #data type #recursion- Axiomatising Uniform Properties of Recursive Data Structures (TPJ), pp. 144–151.
ICALP-1992-ChangMP- Characterization of Temporal Property Classes (EYC, ZM, AP), pp. 474–486.
SEKE-1992-Ameur #evaluation- Formal Program Developments Directed by Operational Properties Evaluation (YAA), pp. 1–8.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Ratjens #information management #scalability- Discovering Classes and their Properties in Large-Scale Management Information Systems (MR), pp. 53–65.
PLILP-1992-Amtoft #termination- Unfold/fold Transformations Preserving Termination Properties (TA), pp. 187–201.
ICSE-1992-PearceL #multi #specification- The Property Vector Specification of a Multiset Iterator (TWP, DAL), pp. 235–245.
CADE-1992-FegarasSS #combinator #traversal- Uniform Traversal Combinators: Definition, Use and Properties (LF, TS, DWS), pp. 148–162.
CAV-1992-BensalemBLS #simulation- Property Preserving Simulations (SB, AB, CL, JS), pp. 260–273.
CSL-1992-BehrendtCG #approximate #optimisation #problem- Optimization Problems: Expressibility, Approximation Properties and Expected Asymptotic Growth of Optimal Solutions (TB, KJC, EG), pp. 43–60.
CSL-1992-Tyszkiewicz #higher-order #monad #on the- On Asymptotic Probabilities of Monadic Second Order Properties (JT), pp. 425–439.
LICS-1992-Geuvers #λ-calculus- The Church-Rosser Property for βη-reduction in Typed λ-Calculi (HG), pp. 453–460.
HT-1991-SamuelsonG #analysis #hypermedia #library- Intellectual Property Rights for Digital Library and Hypertext Publishing Systems: An Analysis of Xanadu (PS, RJG), pp. 39–50.
VLDB-1991-Albert #algebra #data type- Algebraic Properties of Bag Data Types (JA), pp. 211–219.
ESOP-J-1990-Reps91 #algebra #integration- Algebraic Properties of Program Integration (TWR), pp. 139–215.
PEPM-1991-Hansen- Properties of Unfolding-based Meta-level Systems (TAH), pp. 243–254.
WSA-1991-Ameur #functional- Non Functional Properties Can Guide Program Developments (YAA), pp. 189–196.
WSA-1991-Malmkjaer #on the #source code- On Static Properties of Specialized Programs (KM), pp. 234–241.
ICALP-1991-JouannaudO #decidability #satisfiability- Satisfiability of Systems of Ordinal Notations with the Subterm Property is Decidable (JPJ, MO), pp. 455–468.
LOPSTR-1991-Ameur #evaluation #functional #program transformation- Program Transformations Directed by the Evaluation of non Functional Properties (Extended Abstract) (YAA), pp. 297–299.
CAV-1991-GabrielianI #realtime #specification #verification- Verifying Properties of HMS Machine Specifications of Real-Time Systems (AG, RI), pp. 421–431.
CAV-1991-GodefroidW #concurrent #partial order #performance #safety #using #verification- Using Partial Orders for the Efficient Verification of Deadlock Freedom and Safety Properties (PG, PW), pp. 332–342.
CAV-1991-Goldschlag #liveness #safety #verification- Mechanically Verifying Safety and Liveness Properties of Delay Insensitive Circuits (DMG), pp. 354–364.
CAV-1991-HolmerLY #process #realtime- Deciding Properties of Regular Real Time Processes (UH, KGL, WY), pp. 443–453.
CAV-1991-NicolaFGR #behaviour #concurrent #framework #logic #verification- An Action Based Framework for Verifying Logical and Behavioural Properties of Concurrent Systems (RDN, AF, SG, GR), pp. 37–47.
CSL-1991-Tyszkiewicz #logic #query #transitive- Infinitary Queries and Their Asymptotic Probabilities I: Properties Definable in Transitive Closue Logic (JT), pp. 396–410.
ICLP-1991-Lever #proving- Proving Program Properties by Means of SLS-Resolution (JML), pp. 614–628.
LICS-1991-Taylor #fixpoint- The Fixed Point Property in Synthetic Domain Theory (PT0), pp. 152–160.
RTA-1991-Hermann #on the #proving- On Proving Properties of Completion Strategies (MH), pp. 398–410.
RTA-1991-Klay #decidability- Undecidable Properties of Syntactic Theories (FK), pp. 136–149.
ESOP-1990-Reps #algebra #integration- Algebraic Properties of Program Integration (TWR), pp. 326–340.
ICALP-1990-Palamidessi #algebra- Algebraic Properties of Idempotent Substitutions (CP), pp. 386–399.
ICALP-1990-PeledP #liveness #partial order #proving- Proving Partial Order Liveness Properties (DP, AP), pp. 553–571.
GG-1990-Courcelle #graph #logic- The Logical Exprssion of Graph Properties (Abstract) (BC), pp. 38–40.
CAV-1990-Burch #liveness #safety #verification- Verifying Liveness Properties by Verifying Safety Properties (JRB), pp. 224–232.
CAV-1990-CoudertMB #diagrams #verification- Verifying Temporal Properties of Sequential Machines Without Building their State Diagrams (OC, JCM, CB), pp. 23–32.
CAV-1990-CourcoubetisVWY #algorithm #memory management #performance #verification- Memory Efficient Algorithms for the Verification of Temporal Properties (CC, MYV, PW, MY), pp. 233–242.
LICS-1990-Courcelle #graph #higher-order #monad #on the #set- On the Expression of Monadic Second-Order Graph Properties Without Quantifications Over Sets of Edges (Extended Abstract) (BC), pp. 190–196.
LICS-1990-WandW #source code #verification- Conditional λ-Theories and the Verification of Static Properties of Programs (MW, ZYW), pp. 321–332.
NACLP-1990-MancarellaPRT #algebra #logic programming #source code- Algebraic Properties of a Class of Logic Programs (PM, DP, MR, MT), pp. 23–39.
DAC-1989-SastryP #clustering #problem #statistics- An Investigation into Statistical Properties of Partitioning and Floorplanning Problems (SS, JIP), pp. 382–387.
KR-1989-RandellC #modelling #physics #process- Modelling Topological and Metrical Properties in Physical Processes (DAR, AGC), pp. 357–368.
SEKE-1989-Cooke #design #proving- Proving Properties of Software Design Methods (DEC), pp. 9–12.
SEKE-1989-WuCZT #identification #morphism #novel #query #subclass- A Novel Way 1o Identify IneguaIity Query Subclasses Which possess the Homomorphism Property (TW, JLC, NZ, KT), pp. 158–163.
RTA-1989-LatchS #term rewriting #termination- A Local Termination Property for Term Rewriting Systems (DML, RS), pp. 222–233.
RTA-1989-Middeldorp #aspect-oriented #composition #normalisation #term rewriting- Modular Aspects of Properties of Term Rewriting Systems Related to Normal Forms (AM), pp. 263–277.
STOC-1988-HajnalMT #communication #complexity #graph #on the- On the Communication Complexity of Graph Properties (AH, WM, GT), pp. 186–191.
STOC-1988-JerrumS #agile #approximate #markov- Conductance and the Rapid Mixing Property for Markov Chains: the Approximation of the Permanent Resolved (Preliminary Version) (MJ, AS), pp. 235–244.
STOC-1988-King #bound #complexity #graph- Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Graph Properties (VK), pp. 468–476.
ICALP-1988-LengauerW #analysis #graph #performance- Efficient Analysis of Graph Properties on Context-free Graph Languages (Extended Abstract) (TL, EW), pp. 379–393.
ML-1988-WisniewskiA #induction #learning- Some Interesting Properties of a Connectionist Inductive Learning System (EJW, JAA), pp. 181–187.
CSL-1988-DaneluttoM #approach #concurrent #finite #logic- A temporal Logic Approach to Specify and to Prove Properties of Finite State Concurrent Systems (MD, AM), pp. 63–79.
JICSCP-1988-Fribourg88 #induction #prolog #source code- Equivalence-Preserving Transformations of Inductive Properties of Prolog Programs (LF), pp. 893–908.
LICS-1988-Baudinet #approach #prolog #proving #semantics #source code #termination- Proving Termination Properties of Prolog Programs: A Semantic Approach (MB), pp. 336–347.
STOC-1987-KolaitisV #higher-order #problem- The Decision Problem for the Probabilities of Higher-Order Properties (PGK, MYV), pp. 425–435.
STOC-1987-Venkateswaran- Properties that Characterize LOGCFL (HV), pp. 141–150.
ESEC-1987-CollbergK #implementation #multi- A Property-Based Method for Selecting Among Multiple Implementations of Modules (CSC, MGK), pp. 193–201.
LICS-1987-AlpernS #proving- Proving Boolean Combinations of Deterministic Properties (BA, FBS), pp. 131–137.
PODS-1986-AbiteboulV #transaction- Deciding Properties of Transactional Schemas (SA, VV), pp. 235–239.
PODS-1986-ChanA #on the- On the Properties and Characterization of Connection-tap-free Schemes (EPFC, PA), pp. 140–147.
VLDB-1986-ArisawaM #dependence #on the- On the Properties of Extended Inclusion Dependencies (HA, TM), pp. 449–456.
STOC-1986-Kaltofen- Uniform Closure Properties of P-Computable Functions (EK), pp. 330–337.
LFP-1986-Mitchell #approach #polymorphism #reduction #semantics #summary- A Type-Inference Approach to Reduction Properties and Semantics of Polymorphic Expressions (Summary) (JCM), pp. 308–319.
POPL-1986-Wolper #logic #source code- Expressing Interesting Properties of Programs in Propositional Temporal Logic (PW), pp. 184–193.
LICS-1986-Mason #equivalence #first-order #lisp #proving #source code- Equivalence of First Order LISP Programs. Proving Properties of Destructive Programs via Transformation (IAM), pp. 105–117.
PODS-1985-AusielloDM #concept #graph #modelling #semantics- Chordality Properties on Graphs and Minimal Conceptual Connections in Semantic Data Models (GA, AD, MM), pp. 164–170.
RTA-1985-ChoppyJ #named #petri net #proving #term rewriting- PETRIREVE: Proving Petri Net Properties with Rewriting Systems (CC, CJ), pp. 271–286.
RTA-1985-Otto #algebra #finite #monad- Deciding Algebraic Properties of Monoids Presented by Finite Church-Rosser Thue Systems (FO), pp. 95–106.
PODS-1984-SaccaMM #database #dependence #functional- Properties of Database Schemata with Functional Dependencies (DS, FM, AM), pp. 19–28.
STOC-1984-DeganoM #convergence #liveness #metric- Liveness Properties as Convergence in Metric Spaces (PD, UM), pp. 31–38.
STOC-1984-Gerth #composition #how #logic- Transition Logic: How to Reason About Temporal Properties in a Compositional Way (RG), pp. 39–50.
POPL-1984-MishraK #source code #static analysis- Static Inference of Properties of Applicative Programs (PM, RMK), pp. 235–244.
VLDB-1983-ArisawaMM #database #relational- Operations and the Properties on Non-First-Normal-Form Relational Databases (HA, KM, TM), pp. 197–204.
STOC-1983-Young #polynomial #set- Some Structural Properties of Polynomial Reducibilities and Sets in NP (PY), pp. 392–401.
ICALP-1983-MannaP #precedence #proving- Proving Precedence Properties: The Temporal Way (ZM, AP), pp. 491–512.
PODS-1982-GoodmanS #query- The Tree Property is Fundamental for Query Processing (NG, OS), pp. 40–48.
VLDB-1982-WhangWS #database #design #network #physics #using- Physical Design of Network Model Databases Using the Property of Separability (KYW, GW, DS), pp. 98–107.
ICALP-1982-FernandezT- Some Properties of D-Continuous Causal Nets (CF, PST), pp. 225–238.
ICALP-1982-RaoultS- Properties of a Notation for Combining Functions (JCR, RS), pp. 429–441.
GG-1982-EhrigS #graph transformation- Church-Rosser properties for graph replacement systems with unique splitting (HE, JS), pp. 82–101.
ASPLOS-1982-Reed #memory management #on the- On a General Property of Memory Mapping Tables (KR), pp. 81–86.
CADE-1982-Book #power of #string #term rewriting- The Power of the Church-Rosser Property for String Rewriting Systems (RVB), pp. 360–368.
ILPC-1982-BarbutiDL82 #logic programming #proving #source code #towards- Toward an Inductionless Technique for Proving Properties of Logic Programs (RB, PD, GL), pp. 175–181.
DAC-1981-WallaceH #probability- Some properties of a probabilistic model for global wiring (DW, LH), pp. 660–667.
STOC-1981-BeeriFMMUY #database- Properties of Acyclic Database Schemes (CB, RF, DM, AOM, JDU, MY), pp. 355–362.
ICALP-1981-Pettorossi #order #proving #recursion #term rewriting #termination- Comparing and Putting Together Recursive Path Ordering, Simplification Orderings and Non-Ascending Property for Termination Proofs of Term Rewriting Systems (AP), pp. 432–447.
ICSE-1981-RamamrithamK #process #proving #specification- Specifying and Proving Properties of Sentinel Processes (KR, RMK), pp. 374–386.
SOSP-1981-BernsteinH #logic #proving #realtime #source code- Proving Real-Time Properties of Programs with Temporal Logic (AJB, PKHJ), pp. 1–11.
SIGMOD-1980-ChangLD- Some Properties of Cartesian Product Files (CCC, RCTL, DHCD), pp. 157–168.
STOC-1980-Angluin #network- Local and Global Properties in Networks of Processors (Extended Abstract) (DA), pp. 82–93.
STOC-1980-Mirkowska #algorithm #axiom #bound #nondeterminism- Complete Axiomatization of Algorithmic Properties of Program Schemes with Bounded Nondeterministic Interpretations (GM), pp. 14–21.
ICALP-1980-EmersonC #correctness #fixpoint #parallel #source code #using- Characterizing Correctness Properties of Parallel Programs Using Fixpoints (EAE, EMC), pp. 169–181.
ICALP-1980-EngelfrietF #attribute grammar #multi- Formal Properties of One-Visit and Multi-Pass Attribute Grammars (JE, GF), pp. 182–194.
ICALP-1980-GoralcikovaGK #algebra #finite #testing- Testing of Properties of Finite Algebras (AG, PG, VK), pp. 273–281.
ICALP-1980-LucaR #on the #testing- On Some Properties of Local Testability (AdL, AR), pp. 385–393.
ICALP-1980-SippuS #ll- Characterizations of the LL(k) Property (SS, ESS), pp. 596–608.
POPL-1980-Musser #data type #induction #on the #proving- On Proving Inductive Properties of Abstract Data Types (DRM), pp. 154–162.
POPL-1979-ReitmanA #approach #axiom #data flow #source code- Certifying Information Flow Properties of Programs: An Axiomatic Approach (RPR, GRA), pp. 283–290.
VLDB-1978-AroraC #database #relational- The Information Preserving Properties of Relational Database Transformations (AKA, CRC), pp. 352–359.
STOC-1978-Tompa #trade-off #using- Time-Space Tradeoffs for Computing Functions, Using Connectivity Properties of their Circuits (MT), pp. 196–204.
SOSP-J-1975-OwickiG76 #approach #axiom #parallel #source code #verification- Verifying Properties of Parallel Programs: An Axiomatic Approach (SSO, DG), pp. 279–285.
STOC-1975-BoothL #algorithm #graph #linear- Linear Algorithms to Recognize Interval Graphs and Test for the Consecutive Ones Property (KSB, GSL), pp. 255–265.
POPL-1975-Lipton #named #process #proving #reduction- Reduction: A New Method of Proving Properties of Systems of Processes (RJL), pp. 78–86.
SOSP-1975-BelpaireN #architecture #recursion #virtual machine- Formal Properties of Recursive Virtual Machine Architectures (GB, NTH), pp. 89–96.
STOC-1974-Kirkpatrick #graph #matrix- Determining Graph Properties from Matrix Representations (DGK), pp. 84–90.
ICALP-1974-Dezani-CiancagliniZ #algorithm #parallel #performance- Application of Church-Rosser Properties to Increase the Parallelism and Efficiency of Algorithms (MDC, MZ), pp. 170–184.
ICALP-1974-Kandzia #algol #on the #source code- On the Most Recent Property of Algol-Like Programs (PK), pp. 97–111.
STOC-1973-Miller #fault #towards #verification- Toward Mechanical Verification of Properties of Roundoff Error Propagation (WM), pp. 50–58.
ICALP-1972-Boas #comparison #complexity- A Comparison of the Properties of Complexity Classes and Honesty Classes (PvEB), pp. 391–396.
ICALP-1972-Linna #finite #regular expression- Finite Power Property of Regular Languages (ML), pp. 87–98.
SOSP-J-1973-DenningS72 #set- Properties of the Working Set Model (PJD, SCS), pp. 191–198.
SOSP-1971-DenningS #set- Properties of the Working Set Model (Abstract) (PJD, SCS), pp. 130–140.
SOSP-1971-Holt #concurrent- Some Deadlock Properties of Computer Systems (RCH), pp. 64–71.
STOC-1970-LandweberR #complexity #recursion- Recursive Properties of Abstract Complexity Classes (Preliminary Version) (LHL, ELR), pp. 31–36.
STOC-1969-Fischer #precedence- Some Properties of Precedence Languages (MJF), pp. 181–190.
STOC-1969-Hodes #complexity #geometry #logic- The Logical Complexity of Geometric Properties in the Plane (LH), pp. 249–254.
STOC-1969-MannaP #formal method #recursion- Formalization of Properties of Recursively Defined Functions (ZM, AP), pp. 201–210.
STOC-1969-RosenkrantzS #top-down- Properties of Deterministic Top Down Grammars (DJR, RES), pp. 165–180.