Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Japan
1 × Spain
1 × Turkey
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
F.N.Kiwanuka J.B.T.M.Roerdink J.Oosterbroek ∅ E.R.Urbach S.Droop M.Bayer
Talks about:
attribut (2) connect (2) analysi (2) enhanc (2) granulometri (1) threshold (1) morpholog (1) document (1) curvatur (1) spectra (1)
Person: Michael H. F. Wilkinson
DBLP: Wilkinson:Michael_H=_F=
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ICPR-2012-KiwanukaW #clustering
- Cluster-based vector-attribute filtering for CT and MRI enhancement (FNK, MHFW), pp. 3112–3115.
- ICPR-2012-WilkinsonO #analysis #documentation
- Mask-edge connectivity: Theory, computation, and application to historical document analysis (MHFW, JO), pp. 1334–1337.
- ICPR-2010-KiwanukaW #automation
- Automatic Attribute Threshold Selection for Blood Vessel Enhancement (FNK, MHFW), pp. 2314–2317.
- ICPR-v1-2004-UrbachRW #invariant
- Connected Rotation-Invariant Size-Shape Granulometries (ERU, JBTMR, MHFW), pp. 688–691.
- ICPR-v1-2002-Wilkinson
- Generalized Pattern Spectra Sensitive to Spatial Information (MHFW), pp. 21–24.
- ICPR-v3-2000-WilkinsonRDB #analysis #using
- Diatom Contour Analysis Using Morphological Curvature Scale Spaces (MHFW, JBTMR, SD, MB), pp. 3656–3659.