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Collaborated with:
Janice Dengeri-Knott
Talks about:
videogam (2) consumpt (2) practic (2) digit (2) play (2) virtualis (1) headshot (1) communic (1) pleasur (1) monster (1)

Person: Mike Molesworth

DBLP DBLP: Molesworth:Mike

Contributed to:

DiGRA 20032003
DiGRA 20052005
DiGRA 20072007
DiGRA 20092009

Wrote 4 papers:

DiGRA-2003-Molesworth #communication #development #game studies
Encounters with consumption during computer-mediated play: the development of digital games as marketing communication media (MM).
The pleasures and practices of virtualised consumption in digital spaces (MM, JDK).
DiGRA-2007-Molesworth #game studies
Monsters and the Mall: Videogames and the Scopic Regimes of Shopping (MM).
DiGRA-2009-Molesworth #game studies #how #quote
“How many headshots you've done”: Achievement as discursive practice in videogame play (MM).

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.