188 papers:
ITiCSE-2015-Kurkovsky #education #game studies #re-engineering- Teaching Software Engineering with LEGO Serious Play (SK), pp. 213–218.
CHI-2015-BaiBC #artificial reality #game studies #social- Exploring Expressive Augmented Reality: The FingAR Puppet System for Social Pretend Play (ZB, AFB, GC), pp. 1035–1044.
CHI-2015-JohnsonWCW #difference #experience #game studies #process- Cooperative Game Play with Avatars and Agents: Differences in Brain Activity and the Experience of Play (DJ, PW, MC, CW), pp. 3721–3730.
CHI-2015-LeeBCCWPSBR #exclamation #interactive- Trap it!: A Playful Human-Biology Interaction for a Museum Installation (SAL, EB, AMC, NC, BW, JYP, BS, PB, IHRK), pp. 2593–2602.
CHI-2015-LesselAK #analysis #people- Analysis of Recycling Capabilities of Individuals and Crowds to Encourage and Educate People to Separate Their Garbage Playfully (PL, MA, AK), pp. 1095–1104.
CHI-2015-LugerURG #design #game studies #process #using- Playing the Legal Card: Using Ideation Cards to Raise Data Protection Issues within the Design Process (EL, LU, TR, MG), pp. 457–466.
CSCW-2015-GallacherOBRCHM #interactive #lightweight- Mood Squeezer: Lightening up the Workplace through Playful and Lightweight Interactions (SG, JO, JB, YR, LC, DH, PM), pp. 891–902.
DUXU-IXD-2015-BorumBB #design #learning #lessons learnt- Designing with Young Children: Lessons Learned from a Co-creation of a Technology-Enhanced Playful Learning Environment (NB, EPB, ALB), pp. 142–152.
DUXU-IXD-2015-EliasFC #game studies #interactive- Ads-on Games and Fake Brands: Interactions, Commercials and Playful Branding (HE, EF, BJAdC), pp. 251–262.
HCI-IT-2015-RughinisM #game studies #video- Play to Remember: The Rhetoric of Time in Memorial Video Games (RR, SM), pp. 628–639.
HCI-IT-2015-ZhaoH #concept #game studies #online- A Conceptual Model of Online Game Continuance Playing (FZ, QH), pp. 660–669.
HIMI-IKC-2015-ZhangT #design #game studies- Considering a New Nanbu Fuurin Design that Play a Healing Sound — Including Innovations in Appearance and Texture, and Continually Improving- (YZ, TT), pp. 675–684.
LCT-2015-SmithS #evolution #game studies #video- Let’s Play, Video Streams, and the Evolution of New Digital Literacy (PAS, AS), pp. 520–527.
CAiSE-2015-HarmanBJRK #elicitation #memory management #process- Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation (JH, RB, DJ, SRM, UK), pp. 166–180.
ICML-2015-ClarkS #game studies #network- Training Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Play Go (CC, AJS), pp. 1766–1774.
ICML-2015-HeinrichLS #game studies #self- Fictitious Self-Play in Extensive-Form Games (JH, ML, DS), pp. 805–813.
ICML-2015-KomiyamaHN #analysis #multi #probability #problem- Optimal Regret Analysis of Thompson Sampling in Stochastic Multi-armed Bandit Problem with Multiple Plays (JK, JH, HN), pp. 1152–1161.
SIGIR-2015-ZhangZ #formal method #game studies #information retrieval #interactive #interface #optimisation- Information Retrieval as Card Playing: A Formal Model for Optimizing Interactive Retrieval Interface (YZ, CZ), pp. 685–694.
CADE-2015-RegerSV #game studies- Playing with AVATAR (GR, MS, AV), pp. 399–415.
ITiCSE-2014-BerryK #game studies #learning #programming- The state of play: a notional machine for learning programming (MB, MK), pp. 21–26.
ITiCSE-2014-Hidalgo-CespedesRL #concept #design #game studies #learning #programming #video- Playing with metaphors: a methodology to design video games for learning abstract programming concepts (JHC, GMR, VLV), p. 348.
FoSSaCS-2014-BertrandFS #configuration management #game studies #network- Playing with Probabilities in Reconfigurable Broadcast Networks (NB, PF, AS), pp. 134–148.
GT-VMT-2014-BrennerGHLST #case study #realtime #sequence #testing #validation- ScenarioTools Real-Time Play-Out for Test Sequence Validation in an Automotive Case Study (CB, JG, JH, GL, GS, MT).
CHI-2014-GohCTTS #collaboration #design #framework #game studies #interactive- The MOY framework for collaborative play design in integrated shared and private interactive spaces (WBG, MC, CHT, JT, WS), pp. 391–400.
CHI-2014-HamiltonGK #community #game studies #streaming- Streaming on twitch: fostering participatory communities of play within live mixed media (WAH, OG, AK), pp. 1315–1324.
CHI-2014-HunterMTIH #distance #exclamation #game studies #video- WaaZam!: supporting creative play at a distance in customized video environments (SEH, PM, AT, KMI, SMH), pp. 1197–1206.
CHI-2014-MatthewsGD #design- Taking part: role-play in the design of therapeutic systems (MM, GG, GD), pp. 643–652.
CHI-2014-Ruggiero #game studies #learning #named #persuasion #student #towards #video- Spent: changing students’ affective learning toward homelessness through persuasive video game play (DNR), pp. 3423–3432.
CHI-2014-WoodVB0SCMLCACW #library- The dept. of hidden stories: playful digital storytelling for children in a public library (GW, JV, MB, NT, TS, CC, JM, HL, JC, LA, AC, PCW), pp. 1885–1894.
CSCW-2014-Flanagan #design #difference- Making a difference in and through playful design (MF), pp. 1–2.
CSCW-2014-RatanH #design #game studies- Playing well with virtual classmates: relating avatar design to group satisfaction (RR, BSH), pp. 564–573.
HCI-AS-2014-MoserF #branch #experience #feedback #game studies- Narrative Control and Player Experience in Role Playing Games: Decision Points and Branching Narrative Feedback (CM, XF), pp. 622–633.
SCSM-2014-SakamotoN #game studies #hybrid #process #social #social media- Gamifying Social Media to Encourage Social Activities with Digital-Physical Hybrid Role-Playing (MS, TN), pp. 581–591.
ICEIS-v3-2014-BuchdidPB #design #game studies- Playing Cards and Drawing with Patterns — Situated and Participatory Practices for Designing iDTV Applications (SBB, RP, MCCB), pp. 14–27.
ICPR-2014-BanerjeeCM #automation #classification #game studies #generative #wiki- Playscript Classification and Automatic Wikipedia Play Articles Generation (SB, CC, PM), pp. 3630–3635.
RE-2014-Daneva #approach #game studies #how #multi #online #requirements- How practitioners approach gameplay requirements? An exploration into the context of massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MD), pp. 3–12.
SAC-2014-ChaturvediP #component #game studies #ontology- Ontology driven builder pattern: a plug and play component (AC, TVP), pp. 1055–1057.
CASE-2013-TranH13a #composition #predict- Plug-and-play predictive control of modular nonlinear systems with coupling delays (TT, QPH), pp. 699–704.
ICDAR-2013-NalisnickB #network #sentiment- Extracting Sentiment Networks from Shakespeare’s Plays (ETN, HSB), pp. 758–762.
GT-VMT-2013-GreenyerBM #diagrams #sequence chart #specification- The ScenarioTools Play-Out of Modal Sequence Diagram Specifications with Environment Assumptions (JG, CB, VPLM).
CHI-2013-AnkolekarSY #game studies- Play it by ear: a case for serendipitous discovery of places with musicons (AA, TS, LY), pp. 2959–2968.
CHI-2013-LomasKPCLKF #design #game studies #power of- The power of play: design lessons for increasing the lifespan of outdated computers (DL, AK, KP, DC, ML, MK, JF), pp. 2735–2744.
CHI-2013-Mirza-BabaeiNGCF #game studies #how #research #testing- How does it play better?: exploring user testing and biometric storyboards in games user research (PMB, LEN, JG, NC, GF), pp. 1499–1508.
CHI-2013-PeytonYL #game studies- Playing with leadership and expertise: military tropes and teamwork in an arg (TP, ALY, WGL), pp. 715–724.
CHI-2013-RiceTOYWN #behaviour #game studies #interactive- The dynamics of younger and older adult’s paired behavior when playing an interactive silhouette game (MDR, WPT, JO, LJY, MW, JN), pp. 1081–1090.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MarchettiB #game studies #learning- Setting Conditions for Learning: Mediated Play and Socio-material Dialogue (EM, EPB), pp. 238–246.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MirandaHPB #game studies #interactive- Exploring Adjustable Interactive Rings in Game Playing: Preliminary Results (LCdM, HHH, RP, MCCB), pp. 518–527.
DUXU-CXC-2013-ValenteM #education #game studies- Teachers and Children Playing with Factorization: Putting Prime Slaughter to the Test (AV, EM), pp. 311–320.
HCI-AS-2013-NouriT #game studies #online- A Cross-Cultural Study of Playing Simple Economic Games Online with Humans and Virtual Humans (EN, DRT), pp. 266–275.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-KanegaeYYW #communication #game studies- Effects of a Communication with Make-Believe Play in a Real-Space Sharing Edutainment System (HK, MY, MY, TW), pp. 326–335.
OCSC-2013-TokelC #communication #game studies #representation- Communication and Avatar Representation during Role-Playing in Second Life Virtual World (STT, EC), pp. 210–215.
SAC-2013-ZhongM #analysis #empirical #game studies- Google play is not a long tail market: an empirical analysis of app adoption on the Google play app market (NZ, FM), pp. 499–504.
ICSE-2013-MaozS #specification- Counter play-out: executing unrealizable scenario-based specifications (SM, YS), pp. 242–251.
DATE-2012-YangGBSC #game studies #graph #policy #resource management- Playing games with scenario- and resource-aware SDF graphs through policy iteration (YY, MG, TB, SS, HC), pp. 194–199.
VLDB-2012-AbouziedHS #query #specification- Playful Query Specification with DataPlay (AA, JMH, AS), pp. 1938–1941.
CSEET-2012-ZuppiroliCG #game studies #product line #re-engineering- A Role-Playing Game for a Software Engineering Lab: Developing a Product Line (SZ, PC, MG), pp. 13–22.
ITiCSE-2012-BoyceCPCB #behaviour #game studies #learning- Maximizing learning and guiding behavior in free play user generated content environments (AKB, AC, SP, DC, TB), pp. 10–15.
CHI-2012-FerreiraH- Appreciating plei-plei around mobiles: playfulness in Rah island (PF, KH), pp. 2015–2024.
CHI-2012-GaoM #game studies- The acute cognitive benefits of casual exergame play (YG, RLM), pp. 1863–1872.
CHI-2012-HellerB #named #navigation- DiskPlay: in-track navigation on turntables (FH, JOB), pp. 1829–1832.
CHI-2012-PiperWH #authoring #game studies #interactive #process #tool support- TAP & PLAY: an end-user toolkit for authoring interactive pen and paper language activities (AMP, NW, JDH), pp. 149–158.
CHI-2012-TangB #video- #EpicPlay: crowd-sourcing sports video highlights (AT, SB), pp. 1569–1572.
CHI-2012-WaernBN #community #design #game studies- Athletes and street acrobats: designing for play as a community value in parkour (AW, EB, KJLN), pp. 869–878.
CSCW-2012-CheungH #game studies #lessons learnt- Remix and play: lessons from rule variants in texas hold’em and halo 2 (GC, JH), pp. 559–568.
CSCW-2012-GoBS #game studies- Brothers and sisters at play: exploring game play with siblings (JG, RB, MS), pp. 739–748.
CSCW-2012-KowWC #design #game studies #online- Designing online games for real-life relationships: examining QQ farm in intergenerational play (YMK, JW, YC), pp. 613–616.
CSCW-2012-MillerPXEKCM #behaviour #game studies #health #pervasive #student- The work of play: supporting a pervasive health behavior change intervention for us middle school students (ADM, ESP, YX, EE, DK, RC, EDM), pp. 897–900.
CSCW-2012-NackeMGM #game studies #online #quote #social- “I’m just here to play games”: social dynamics and sociality in an online game site (LN, GM, CG, RLM), pp. 549–558.
KR-2012-HaufeT #automation #game studies #verification- Automated Verification of Epistemic Properties for General Game Playing (SH, MT).
SEKE-2012-PassosMAN #agile #game studies- Working and Playing with SCRUM (EBP, DM, WA, PSN), pp. 545–550.
ECOOP-2012-BiermanRMMT #c# #formal method #game studies- Pause’n’Play: Formalizing Asynchronous C# (GMB, CVR, GM, EM, MT), pp. 233–257.
POPL-2012-HoderKV #game studies #proving- Playing in the grey area of proofs (KH, LK, AV), pp. 259–272.
IJCAR-2012-QueselP #game studies #hybrid- Playing Hybrid Games with KeYmaera (JDQ, AP), pp. 439–453.
SAT-2012-BloomGHSSS #framework #game studies #named #parallel #satisfiability #scalability- SatX10: A Scalable Plug&Play Parallel SAT Framework — (Tool Presentation) (BB, DG, BH, AS, HS, VAS), pp. 463–468.
CASE-2011-YangXZCT #game studies #multi- A vision system with multiple cameras designed for humanoid robots to play table tennis (PY, DX, ZZ, GC, MT), pp. 737–742.
ITiCSE-2011-Moy #education #performance #student #tool support- Efficient and playful tools to teach Unix to new students (MM), pp. 93–97.
CHI-2011-BatemanMSG #game studies- Target assistance for subtly balancing competitive play (SB, RLM, TS, CG), pp. 2355–2364.
CHI-2011-LindenJBRS #feedback #game studies #lessons learnt #realtime- Buzzing to play: lessons learned from an in the wild study of real-time vibrotactile feedback (JvdL, RMGJ, JB, YR, ES), pp. 533–542.
CHI-2011-MorrisonVM #interactive- Building sensitising terms to understand free-play in open-ended interactive art environments (AJM, SV, PM), pp. 2335–2344.
CSCW-2011-SilfverbergLL #game studies #ll #network #quote #social- “I’ll press play, but I won’t listen”: profile work in a music-focused social network service (SS, LAL, AL), pp. 207–216.
HCD-2011-Yamane #authentication #case study #design #game studies #multi #online- Secure Online Game Play with Token: A Case Study in the Design of Multi-factor Authentication Device (SRY), pp. 597–605.
HCI-UA-2011-FangZ #game studies #question #what- Extraversion and Computer Game Play: Who Plays What Games? (XF, MZ), pp. 659–667.
ICEIS-v4-2011-Jung #comprehension #game studies #video- Understanding Media Violence from a Role-play Perspective — Effects of Various Types of Violent Video Games on Players’ Cognitive Aggression (YJ), pp. 261–266.
ICEIS-v4-2011-ZhaoH #comprehension #empirical #game studies #human-computer- Understanding HCI Issues of Browser Game Playing in China — An Empirical Study (FZ, QH), pp. 254–260.
SAC-2011-ThalerSS #named #ontology- SpotTheLink: playful alignment of ontologies (ST, EPBS, KS), pp. 1711–1712.
ASPLOS-2011-VeeraraghavanLWOCFN #named- DoublePlay: parallelizing sequential logging and replay (KV, DL, BW, JO, PMC, JF, SN), pp. 15–26.
ASE-2010-HarelMSB #named #programming #towards- PlayGo: towards a comprehensive tool for scenario based programming (DH, SM, SS, DB), pp. 359–360.
ICSM-2010-BavotaOLAG #game studies #identification #refactoring- Playing with refactoring: Identifying extract class opportunities through game theory (GB, RO, ADL, GA, YGG), pp. 1–5.
ICFP-2010-FischerHW #functional #game studies #regular expression- A play on regular expressions: functional pearl (SF, FH, TW), pp. 357–368.
CHI-2010-LindleyHS #case study #design #game studies- Designing a technological playground: a field study of the emergence of play in household messaging (SEL, RHRH, AS), pp. 2351–2360.
CHI-2010-MedlerM #design #game studies- The implications of improvisational acting and role-playing on design methodologies (BM, BM), pp. 483–492.
CHI-2010-NgaiCNCCLT #framework #scalability #smarttech- i*CATch: a scalable plug-n-play wearable computing framework for novices and children (GN, SCFC, VTYN, JCYC, SSSC, WWYL, JTPT), pp. 443–452.
CHI-2010-RaffleBRHFGRMKS #distance #game studies #product line- Family story play: reading with young children (and elmo) over a distance (HR, RB, GR, HH, SF, JG, ER, KM, JK, MS), pp. 1583–1592.
CHI-2010-TianLWWLKSDC #game studies #learning #mobile- Let’s play chinese characters: mobile learning approaches via culturally inspired group games (FT, FL, JW, HW, WL, MK, VS, GD, JC), pp. 1603–1612.
CHI-2010-YaroshIB #distance #game studies #towards #video- Video playdate: toward free play across distance (SY, KMI, AJBB), pp. 1251–1260.
KMIS-2010-BornerL #enterprise #using- Using Role-plays to Acquire Process-oriented Knowledge in Enterprises (RB, ML), pp. 149–156.
CGO-2010-PatilPSLC #analysis #framework #named #parallel #source code- PinPlay: a framework for deterministic replay and reproducible analysis of parallel programs (HP, CP, MS, GL, JC), pp. 2–11.
ITiCSE-2009-Popyack #game studies- Blackjack-playing agents in an advanced AI course (JLP), pp. 208–212.
ICSM-2009-KhomhGA #design pattern #empirical #game studies- Playing roles in design patterns: An empirical descriptive and analytic study (FK, YGG, GA), pp. 83–92.
CHI-2009-BellRBSMFC #game studies #named #navigation- EyeSpy: supporting navigation through play (MB, SR, BB, SS, DM, JF, MC), pp. 123–132.
CHI-2009-MuellerGV #design #distributed #game studies #social- Design influence on social play in distributed exertion games (FM, MRG, FV), pp. 1539–1548.
CHI-2009-VoidaG #game studies- Wii all play: the console game as a computational meeting place (AV, SG), pp. 1559–1568.
CHI-2009-WiltseN #collaboration #mobile #named #web- PlayByPlay: collaborative web browsing for desktop and mobile devices (HW, JN), pp. 1781–1790.
DHM-2009-HashagenZSZ #adaptation #implementation #interactive #learning #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Adaptive Motion Pattern Recognition: Implementing Playful Learning through Embodied Interaction (AH, CZ, HS, SZ), pp. 105–114.
HCD-2009-CantoniBFB #human-computer #requirements #using- Playful Holistic Support to HCI Requirements Using LEGO Bricks (LC, LB, MF, DB), pp. 844–853.
HCD-2009-Seland #design #game studies #mobile #using- Empowering End Users in Design of Mobile Technology Using Role Play as a Method: Reflections on the Role-Play Conduction (GS), pp. 912–921.
HCI-NIMT-2009-OginoMSU #evaluation #game studies- Impression Evaluation of a Conversational Robot Playing RAKUGO (AO, NM, PSJ, HU), pp. 351–360.
HCI-VAD-2009-HsuC09a #design #game studies #interface #multi #online- Exploring the Elements and Design Criteria of Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) Interfaces (CCH, ECHC), pp. 325–334.
HCI-VAD-2009-LeeC #game studies #information management #online- The Effects of Quest Types and Gaming Motivations on Players’ Knowledge Acquisitions in an Online Role-Playing Game Environment (JL, CYC), pp. 353–358.
HIMI-II-2009-WallhoffBGRDR #exclamation #game studies #interface #statistics- Statistics-Based Cognitive Human-Robot Interfaces for Board Games — Let’s Play! (FW, AB, JG, TR, MD, GR), pp. 708–715.
OCSC-2009-DesurvireW #design #game studies #heuristic #usability- Game Usability Heuristics (PLAY) for Evaluating and Designing Better Games: The Next Iteration (HD, CW), pp. 557–566.
OCSC-2009-TaylorT #analysis #game studies #multi #online- A Content Analysis of Interviews with Players of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Play Games (MMORPGs): Motivating Factors and the Impact on Relationships (JT, JT), pp. 613–621.
OCSC-2009-VoiskounskyMA #game studies- Gamers’ Implicit Knowledge on the Psychological Influence of Game-Playing (AEV, OVM, AAA), pp. 632–640.
ICLP-2009-Thielscher #game studies #programming #set- Answer Set Programming for Single-Player Games in General Game Playing (MT), pp. 327–341.
ITiCSE-2008-Albin-ClarkK #game studies #simulation- The use of role play to simulate a tethered swarm of robots for urban search and rescue (USAR) (AAC, TRVAK), p. 335.
ESOP-2008-MartinFS #constraints #game studies- Playing with TOY: Constraints and Domain Cooperation (SEM, AJF, FSP), pp. 112–115.
ICFP-2008-Jones #case study #domain-specific language #experience #game studies- Experience report: playing the DSL card (MPJ), pp. 87–90.
CHI-2008-Akiyama #music #named- PlaceAndPlay: a digital tool for children to create and record music (YA, SO), pp. 735–738.
CHI-2008-ChangLHHCWCH #education- Playful toothbrush: ubicomp technology for teaching tooth brushing to kindergarten children (YCC, JLL, CJH, NYH, HHC, HYW, PYC, YLH), pp. 363–372.
CHI-2008-LindleyCB #behaviour #experience #game studies #social- Stirring up experience through movement in game play: effects on engagement and social behaviour (SEL, JLC, NB), pp. 511–514.
CSCW-2008-OHaraGR #comprehension #game studies- Understanding collective play in an urban screen game (KO, MG, SR), pp. 67–76.
SAC-2008-SahayAF #game studies #named- PPEPR: plug and play electronic patient records (RS, WA, RF), pp. 2298–2304.
ICSE-2008-StoreyRBMS #debugging #developer #game studies #how- TODO or to bug: exploring how task annotations play a role in the work practices of software developers (MADS, JR, RIB, DM, JS), pp. 251–260.
TACAS-2007-BolligKKL #design #game studies #learning #modelling #synthesis- Replaying Play In and Play Out: Synthesis of Design Models from Scenarios by Learning (BB, JPK, CK, ML), pp. 435–450.
TACAS-2007-HarelS #flexibility #source code- Planned and Traversable Play-Out: A Flexible Method for Executing Scenario-Based Programs, (DH, IS), pp. 485–499.
STOC-2007-KakadeKL #algorithm #approximate #game studies- Playing games with approximation algorithms (SMK, ATK, KL), pp. 546–555.
CHI-2007-BatchellerHNRRZ #game studies #testing #video- Testing the technology: playing games with video conferencing (ALB, BH, KN, EJR, MRB, XZ), pp. 849–852.
HCI-AS-2007-Chang #design #game studies #interactive- Interacting Play — Design as a Metaphor for Developing Interactive Games (TWC), pp. 190–197.
HCI-AS-2007-LiuLS #behaviour #comprehension #design #game studies #online #what- What Makes Game Players Want to Play More? A Mathematical and Behavioral Understanding of Online Game Design (DL, XL, RS), pp. 284–293.
HCI-AS-2007-TanC #mobile #quality- The Effects of Mobile Service Quality and Technology Compatibility on Users’ Perceived Playfulness (FBT, JPCC), pp. 1029–1038.
HCI-IDU-2007-VogiazouFL #design #process- The Use of Improvisational Role-Play in User Centered Design Processes (YV, JF, JL), pp. 262–272.
HCI-IPT-2007-Watanabe #game studies #interactive #named- VortexBath: Study of Tangible Interaction with Water in Bathroom for Accessing and Playing Media Files (JiW), pp. 1240–1248.
HCI-MIE-2007-DuL #design #game studies #interactive #music #named #physics- G-Tunes — Physical Interaction Design of Playing Music (JD, YL), pp. 846–851.
OCSC-2007-PanKL #community #design #game studies #guidelines #online- Sociability Design Guidelines for the Online Gaming Community: Role Play and Reciprocity (YCP, LK, JJL), pp. 426–434.
SEKE-2007-AlencarWSF #deployment #game studies #information management #question- Do Neural-Network Question-Answering Systems Have a Role to Play in the Deployment of Real World Information Systems? (AJA, RCW, EAS, ALF), pp. 386–391.
CAV-2007-BehrmannCDFLL #exclamation #game studies #named- UPPAAL-Tiga: Time for Playing Games! (GB, AC, AD, EF, KGL, DL), pp. 121–125.
CBSE-2006-WangAC #architecture #design- Architectural Building Blocks for Plug-and-Play System Design (SW, GSA, LAC), pp. 98–113.
ITiCSE-2006-BiancoL #game studies #named- PlayToLearn: a game adventure in the realm of Si Piuh (GMB, IL), p. 331.
FoSSaCS-2006-Serre #game studies #graph #process- Parity Games Played on Transition Graphs of One-Counter Processes (OS), pp. 337–351.
ICALP-v1-2006-GroheV #game studies #graph #morphism #parallel #testing- Testing Graph Isomorphism in Parallel by Playing a Game (MG, OV), pp. 3–14.
CHI-2006-Hazlett #case study #experience #game studies #interactive #video- Measuring emotional valence during interactive experiences: boys at video game play (RLH), pp. 1023–1026.
CHI-2006-MandrykAI #evaluation #experience #game studies #interactive- A continuous and objective evaluation of emotional experience with interactive play environments (RLM, MSA, KMI), pp. 1027–1036.
CHI-2006-ParkKSHHK #named- TAP: touch-and-play (DGP, JKK, JBS, JHH, CHH, SWK), pp. 677–680.
CHI-2006-RafflePIL #behaviour #game studies- Beyond record and play: backpacks: tangible modulators for kinetic behavior (HR, AJP, HI, JL), pp. 681–690.
CHI-2006-WangXXWZDZ #game studies #video- Face-tracking as an augmented input in video games: enhancing presence, role-playing and control (SW, XX, YX, CW, WZ, XD, DZ), pp. 1097–1106.
CHI-2006-Wyeth #case study #experience #game studies- Ethnography in the kindergarten: examining children’s play experiences (PW), pp. 1225–1228.
CSCW-2006-FonoC #collaboration #composition #game studies #mobile #multi #named #social- Sandboxes: supporting social play through collaborative multimedia composition on mobile phones (DF, SC), pp. 163–166.
CSCW-2006-NardiH #collaboration #game studies- Strangers and friends: collaborative play in world of warcraft (BAN, JH), pp. 149–158.
ICPR-v1-2006-SkelleyFSH #database- Recognizing Expressions in a New Database Containing Played and Natural Expressions (JS, RF, AS, BH), pp. 1220–1225.
HPDC-2006-WeinbergS #game studies- When Jobs Play Nice: The Case For Symbiotic Space-Sharing (JW, AS), pp. 361–362.
CAV-2006-Harel #aspect-oriented #game studies #source code #verification- Playing with Verification, Planning and Aspects: Unusual Methods for Running Scenario-Based Programs (DH), pp. 3–4.
CSEET-2005-Sindre #case study #communication #education #experience #game studies #student- Teaching Oral Communication Techniques in RE by Student-Student Role Play: Initial Experiences (GS), pp. 85–92.
ITiCSE-2005-BoavidaSASLV #game studies #online- The MulE game engine extending online role-playing games (MB, JPS, PAAA, LS, JL, RV), p. 404.
ITiCSE-2005-Jimenez-DiazGGG #behaviour #comprehension #visualisation- Software behaviour understanding Supported by dynamic visualization and role-play (GJD, MGA, MAGM, PAGC), pp. 54–58.
CHI-2005-FlanaganHN #design #game studies #trade-off- Values at play: design tradeoffs in socially-oriented game design (MF, DCH, HN), pp. 751–760.
SAC-2005-VogiazouEDK #community #game studies #scalability- From buddyspace to CitiTag: large-scale symbolic presence for community building and spontaneous play (YV, ME, MD, JK), pp. 1600–1606.
FATES-2005-BlassGNV #game studies- Play to Test (AB, YG, LN, MV), pp. 32–46.
ASE-2004-McNaughtonCSSRP #design pattern #game studies #generative #named- ScriptEase: Generative Design Patterns for Computer Role-Playing Games (MM, MC, DS, JS, JR, DP), pp. 88–99.
ASE-2004-McNaughtonCSSRP04a #game studies #generative #named- ScriptEase: Generating Scripting Code for Computer Role-Playing Games (MM, MC, DS, JS, JR, DP), pp. 386–387.
CHI-2004-PaulosG #game studies- The familiar stranger: anxiety, comfort, and play in public places (EP, EG), pp. 223–230.
CHI-2004-SvanaesS #design #game studies #mobile #prototype- Putting the users center stage: role playing and low-fi prototyping enable end users to design mobile systems (DS, GS), pp. 479–486.
CSCW-2004-BrownB #collaboration #game studies- CSCW at play: “there” as a collaborative virtual environment (BB, MB), pp. 350–359.
CSCW-2004-MandrykI #collaboration #evaluation #game studies- Physiological indicators for the evaluation of co-located collaborative play (RLM, KMI), pp. 102–111.
CAV-2004-Tan #framework #game studies #named- PlayGame: A Platform for Diagnostic Games (LT), pp. 492–495.
ICML-2003-ConitzerS #algorithm #learning #multi #named #self- AWESOME: A General Multiagent Learning Algorithm that Converges in Self-Play and Learns a Best Response Against Stationary Opponents (VC, TS), pp. 83–90.
ICML-2003-KotnikK #learning #self- The Significance of Temporal-Difference Learning in Self-Play Training TD-Rummy versus EVO-rummy (CK, JKK), pp. 369–375.
KDD-2003-Jermaine #correlation #game studies- Playing hide-and-seek with correlations (CJ), pp. 559–564.
RE-2003-ZowghiP #education #game studies #lessons learnt #requirements- Teaching Requirements Engineering through Role Playing: Lessons Learnt (DZ, SP), p. 233–?.
SAC-2003-BandiniMV #game studies #multi #profiling #testing- A Multi-Agent System for Remote Psychological Profiling with Role Playing Games Based Tests (SB, SM, GV), pp. 33–37.
DATE-2001-TagoHINSY #cpu- CPU for PlayStation 2 (HT, KH, NI, MN, MS, YY), p. 696.
ICML-2001-JafariGGE #equilibrium #game studies #learning #nash #on the- On No-Regret Learning, Fictitious Play, and Nash Equilibrium (AJ, AG, DG, GE), pp. 226–233.
SAC-2001-KallesK #design #game studies #learning #on the #using #verification- On verifying game designs and playing strategies using reinforcement learning (DK, PK), pp. 6–11.
VLDB-2000-PardonA #data transformation #internet #lightweight #named #transaction- CheeTah: a Lightweight Transaction Server for Plug-and-Play Internet Data Management (GP, GA), pp. 210–219.
FASE-2000-Harel- From Play-In Scenarios to Code: An Achievable Dream (DH), pp. 22–34.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-NobleW #game studies #learning- GOF Pursuit — Learning Patterns by Playing (JN, CW), p. 462.
SAC-2000-Mourlas #distributed #framework #game studies #information management #multi #requirements- A Framework for Creating and Playing Distributed Multimedia Information Systems with QoS Requirements (CM), pp. 598–600.
ITiCSE-1999-Bobkowska #empirical #game studies- Laboratory experiment with the 3RolesPlaying method (AEB), pp. 123–126.
CHI-1999-IshiiWOCP #design #game studies #interface #named- PingPongPlus: Design of an Athletic-Tangible Interface for Computer-Supported Cooperative Play (HI, CW, JO, BC, JAP), pp. 394–401.
HT-1998-Rosenberg #game studies #programmable- Locus Looks at the Turing Play: Hypertextuality vs. Full Programmability (JR), pp. 152–160.
OOPSLA-1998-MeziniL #adaptation #component #development- Adaptive Plug-and-Play Components for Evolutionary Software Development (MM, KJL), pp. 97–116.
ICRE-1998-MillardLT #elicitation #game studies #requirements #using- Child’s Play: Using Techniques Developed to Elicit Requirements from Children with Adults (NM, PL, KT), pp. 66–73.
HCI-SEC-1997-ShirabeB #3d #game studies #interface #question #realtime- Do Three Dimensional Realtime Interfaces Really Play Important Roles? (MS, YB), pp. 849–852.
HCI-ACS-1993-QuinnBKKMR #game studies- Observations on Game Playing (CNQ, MB, DK, DK, RM, SR), pp. 433–437.
CADE-1992-LuskW #benchmark #metric #problem #similarity- Benchmark Problems in Which Equality Plays the Major Role (ELL, LW), pp. 781–785.
ML-1988-JongS #game studies #learning #using- Using Experience-Based Learning in Game Playing (KADJ, ACS), pp. 284–290.
DAC-1987-LueM #game studies #layout #named- PLAY: Pattern-Based Symbolic Cell Layout: Part I: Transistor Placement (WJL, LPM), pp. 659–665.
STOC-1987-GoldreichMW #game studies #how #protocol #theorem- How to Play any Mental Game or A Completeness Theorem for Protocols with Honest Majority (OG, SM, AW), pp. 218–229.
STOC-1982-GoldwasserM #encryption #game studies #how #probability- Probabilistic Encryption and How to Play Mental Poker Keeping Secret All Partial Information (SG, SM), pp. 365–377.