Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Xiao C.Lei Z.Zhuang E.A.Rundensteiner K.Ibrahim X.Du R.Gemulla F.Özcan A.Bashllari T.Menard Y.Tian A.Krettek J.McPherson K.S.Beyer V.Ercegovac A.Balmin C.Kanne E.J.Shekita
Talks about:
annot (3) data (3) insight (2) databas (2) hadoop (2) relat (2) recur (2) manag (2) note (2) big (2)
Person: Mohamed Y. Eltabakh
DBLP: Eltabakh:Mohamed_Y=
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- SIGMOD-2015-IbrahimDE #database #relational
- Proactive Annotation Management in Relational Databases (KI, XD, MYE), pp. 2017–2030.
- SIGMOD-2015-XiaoBME #metadata #summary #using
- Even Metadata is Getting Big: Annotation Summarization using InsightNotes (DX, AB, TM, MYE), pp. 1409–1414.
- VLDB-2015-LeiZRE #execution #pipes and filters
- Shared Execution of Recurring Workloads in MapReduce (CL, ZZ, EAR, MYE), pp. 714–725.
- SIGMOD-2014-XiaoE #database #named #relational
- InsightNotes: summary-based annotation management in relational databases (DX, MYE), pp. 661–672.
- VLDB-2014-LeiZRE #big data #framework #query
- Redoop Infrastructure for Recurring Big Data Queries (CL, ZZ, EAR, MYE), pp. 1589–1592.
- VLDB-2011-BeyerEGBEKOS #data analysis #named #scalability #scripting language #semistructured data
- Jaql: A Scripting Language for Large Scale Semistructured Data Analysis (KSB, VE, RG, AB, MYE, CCK, FÖ, EJS), pp. 1272–1283.
- VLDB-2011-EltabakhTOGKM #flexibility #named
- CoHadoop: Flexible Data Placement and Its Exploitation in Hadoop (MYE, YT, FÖ, RG, AK, JM), pp. 575–585.