Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Korea
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.A.Viola M.Shilman Y.Zhang A.C.Surendran J.C.Platt P.Liang
Talks about:
learn (2) constraint (1) discrimin (1) algorithm (1) structur (1) document (1) contextu (1) advertis (1) grammar (1) geometr (1)
Person: Mukund Narasimhan
DBLP: Narasimhan:Mukund
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- KDD-2008-ZhangSPN #documentation #learning #multi #topic #web
- Learning from multi-topic web documents for contextual advertisement (YZ, ACS, JCP, MN), pp. 1051–1059.
- ICML-2006-NarasimhanVS #constraints #latency #markov #modelling #online
- Online decoding of Markov models under latency constraints (MN, PAV, MS), pp. 657–664.
- ICDAR-2005-LiangNSV #2d #algorithm #geometry #parsing #performance
- Efficient Geometric Algorithms for Parsing in Two Dimensions (PL, MN, MS, PAV), pp. 1172–1177.
- SIGIR-2005-ViolaN #context-free grammar #learning #using
- Learning to extract information from semi-structured text using a discriminative context free grammar (PAV, MN), pp. 330–337.