Travelled to:
1 × Greece
Collaborated with:
R.Yun A.Aziz B.Lasternas V.Loftness P.Scupelli C.Zhang Y.Mo J.Zhao
Talks about:
workplac (2) sustain (2) dashboard (1) investig (1) intellig (1) energi (1) design (1) stage (1) evalu (1)
Person: Nana Wilberforce
DBLP: Wilberforce:Nana
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DUXU-ELAS-2014-YunALZLSMZW #design #energy #evaluation
- The Design and Evaluation of Intelligent Energy Dashboard for Sustainability in the Workplace (RY, AA, BL, CZ, VL, PS, YM, JZ, NW), pp. 605–615.
- Investigating Sustainability Stages in the Workplace (RY, PS, AA, BL, VL, NW), pp. 616–627.