268 papers:
CASE-2015-JeongMS #composition #design #functional #requirements- Product modularity to jointly address functional and ecological requirements in the early design stage (MGJ, JRM, HWS), pp. 33–38.
CASE-2015-LuSJSX #approach #multi #nondeterminism #programming- A chance constrained programming approach for multi-product multi-stage integrated production planning under internal and external uncertainties (SL, HS, CJ, HS, LX), pp. 880–885.
CASE-2015-WangSH #concurrent- A three-stage deadlock prevention strategy for S3PR nets (SW, CS, LH), pp. 286–291.
DRR-2015-BideaultMCP #architecture #regular expression #using #word- Spotting handwritten words and REGEX using a two stage BLSTM-HMM architecture (GB, LM, CC, TP).
CSCW-2015-MaYFD #design #feedback #online- Exiting the Design Studio: Leveraging Online Participants for Early-Stage Design Feedback (XM, LY, JLF, SPD), pp. 676–685.
HCI-IT-2015-SakamotoT #communication #interactive- Stage of Subconscious Interaction for Forming Communication Relationship (TS, YT), pp. 376–384.
LCT-2015-KobanLO #game studies #video- Good Newbie or Poor Newbie? Determinants of Video Game Skill Acquisition at an Early Stage (KK, BL, PO), pp. 608–619.
KDD-2015-JiangZZY #e-commerce #predict #recommendation- Life-stage Prediction for Product Recommendation in E-commerce (PJ, YZ, YZ, QY), pp. 1879–1888.
KDD-2015-LiT- The Child is Father of the Man: Foresee the Success at the Early Stage (LL, HT), pp. 655–664.
GPCE-2015-MakarovH #compilation #multi #named- CLOP: a multi-stage compiler to seamlessly embed heterogeneous code (DM, MH), pp. 109–112.
GPCE-2015-ScherrC #domain-specific language #embedded #staged- Almost first-class language embedding: taming staged embedded DSLs (MS, SC), pp. 21–30.
REFSQ-2015-BreinerGKM #perspective #requirements #research- Requirements Engineering in the Bidding Stage of Software Projects — A Research Preview (KB, MG, AK, CM), pp. 270–276.
SAC-2015-MochalovaN #multi- Multi-stage seed selection for viral marketing (AM, AN), pp. 1181–1183.
ESEC-FSE-2015-LongR #program repair #staged #synthesis- Staged program repair with condition synthesis (FL, MR), pp. 166–178.
SPLC-2015-DudderRH #composition #design #staged #type safety #using- Synthesizing type-safe compositions in feature oriented software designs using staged composition (BD, JR, GTH), pp. 398–401.
CC-2015-AllenSK #analysis #points-to #scalability #staged- Staged Points-to Analysis for Large Code Bases (NA, BS, PK), pp. 131–150.
CASE-2014-PedrielliAM #multi- Time Buffer Control System for multi-stage production lines (GP, AA, AM), pp. 393–398.
DAC-2014-ZhuoGS #design #grid #modelling #optimisation #power management- Early-Stage Power Grid Design: Extraction, Modeling and Optimization (CZ, HG, WKS), p. 6.
DATE-2014-GanapathyCACGR #analysis #framework #memory management #named #robust- INFORMER: An integrated framework for early-stage memory robustness analysis (SG, RC, DA, EC, AG, AR), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-SassolasSGAVBFP #architecture #design #evaluation- Early design stage thermal evaluation and mitigation: The locomotiv architectural case (TS, CS, AG, AA, PV, HB, LF, NP), pp. 1–2.
DRR-2014-HajiABSP #approach #documentation #keyword- Two-stage approach to keyword spotting in handwritten documents (MMH, MRA, TDB, CYS, DP), p. ?–12.
ITiCSE-2014-PolitzPKF #bibliography #multi #named #programming- CaptainTeach: multi-stage, in-flow peer review for programming assignments (JGP, DP, SK, KF), pp. 267–272.
ESOP-2014-DudderMR #composition #staged #synthesis- Staged Composition Synthesis (BD, MM, JR), pp. 67–86.
FLOPS-2014-HanadaI #multi #on the #persistent #programming- On Cross-Stage Persistence in Multi-Stage Programming (YH, AI), pp. 103–118.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-YunSALLW- Investigating Sustainability Stages in the Workplace (RY, PS, AA, BL, VL, NW), pp. 616–627.
DUXU-TMT-2014-BertholdoSMKS #agile #usability- Agile Usability Patterns for UCD Early Stages (APOB, TSdS, CdOM, FK, MSS), pp. 33–44.
HIMI-AS-2014-Coelho #analysis- Association of CCR and BCC Efficiencies to Market Variables in a Retrospective Two Stage Data Envelope Analysis (DAC), pp. 151–159.
CAiSE-2014-MurguzurCTS #process #runtime #staged- Context-Aware Staged Configuration of Process Variants@Runtime (AM, XDC, ST, GS), pp. 241–255.
CIKM-2014-LiuLB #predict- Predicting Search Task Difficulty at Different Search Stages (CL, JL, NJB), pp. 569–578.
CIKM-2014-LiuWZNZM #web- From Skimming to Reading: A Two-stage Examination Model for Web Search (YL, CW, KZ, JYN, MZ, SM), pp. 849–858.
CIKM-2014-YuanWYC #big data #database #grid #scalability #staged- Rubato DB: A Highly Scalable Staged Grid Database System for OLTP and Big Data Applications (LYY, LW, JHY, YC), pp. 1–10.
ICML-c2-2014-WangSSMK #learning #metric- Two-Stage Metric Learning (JW, KS, FS, SMM, AK), pp. 370–378.
ICML-c2-2014-WeiIB #multi #performance- Fast Multi-stage Submodular Maximization (KW, RKI, JAB), pp. 1494–1502.
ICPR-2014-DuanHZCZ #image #segmentation #using- A Two-Stage Image Segmentation Method Using Euler’s Elastica Regularized Mumford-Shah Model (YD, WH, JZ, HC, TZ), pp. 118–123.
ICPR-2014-HeDY0PJ #multi #random #using #visual notation- Visual Tracking Using Multi-stage Random Simple Features (YH, ZD, MY, LC, MP, YJ), pp. 4104–4109.
ICPR-2014-HuWSC #detection #framework #robust #using- Robust Head-Shoulder Detection Using a Two-Stage Cascade Framework (RH, RW, SS, XC), pp. 2796–2801.
ICPR-2014-RingLRE #assessment #using- A Two-Stage Regression Using Bioimpedance and Temperature for Hydration Assessment During Sports (MR, CL, MR, BE), pp. 4519–4524.
KDIR-2014-MeguebliKDP14a #personalisation #recommendation- Stories Around You — A Two-Stage Personalized News Recommendation (YM, MK, BLD, FP), pp. 473–479.
SEKE-2014-NetoC #identification- Identifying Threats to Validity and Control Actions in the Planning Stages of Controlled Experiments (AAN, TC), pp. 256–261.
ECOOP-2014-ScherrC #staging- Implicit Staging of EDSL Expressions: A Bridge between Shallow and Deep Embedding (MS, SC), pp. 385–410.
OOPSLA-2014-JonnalageddaCSRO #combinator #parsing #performance #staged- Staged parser combinators for efficient data processing (MJ, TC, SS, TR, MO), pp. 637–653.
GPCE-2014-DanilewskiKLMS #staging- Specialization through dynamic staging (PD, MK, RL, RM, PS), pp. 103–112.
CASE-2013-SunSZS #approach #optimisation- A two-stage approach for VMAT treatment plan optimization (BS, JS, GZ, LS), pp. 455–460.
CASE-2013-SustoJOM #multi #predict #process- Virtual metrology enabled early stage prediction for enhanced control of multi-stage fabrication processes (GAS, ABJ, PGO, SFM), pp. 201–206.
CASE-2013-WangC #multi #policy #robust- A robust production control policy for a multiple-stage production system with inventory inaccuracy and time-delay (ZW, FTSC), pp. 77–82.
DAC-2013-WangZSLG #modelling #performance #reuse #scalability- Bayesian model fusion: large-scale performance modeling of analog and mixed-signal circuits by reusing early-stage data (FW, WZ, SS, XL, CG), p. 6.
DATE-2013-LiuLC #algorithm- A network-flow based algorithm for power density mitigation at post-placement stage (SYSL, RGL, HMC), pp. 1707–1710.
ICDAR-2013-DuAD #multi #scalability #using- Large-Scale Signature Matching Using Multi-stage Hashing (XD, WAA, DSD), pp. 976–980.
ICDAR-2013-TarafdarPRRR #approach #documentation #visual notation #word- A Two-Stage Approach for Word Spotting in Graphical Documents (AT, UP, PPR, NR, JYR), pp. 319–323.
VLDB-2013-Madaan #documentation #multi #query #repository- Domain Specific Multi-stage Query Language for Medical Document Repositories (AM), pp. 1410–1415.
PLDI-2013-DeVitoHAHV #multi #named- Terra: a multi-stage language for high-performance computing (ZD, JH, AA, PH, JV), pp. 105–116.
STOC-2013-ChenST #design #morphism #multi #testing- Multi-stage design for quasipolynomial-time isomorphism testing of steiner 2-systems (XC, XS, SHT), pp. 271–280.
CIKM-2013-NaeemWDL- A generic front-stage for semi-stream processing (MAN, GW, GD, CL), pp. 769–774.
ECIR-2013-DangBC #information retrieval #learning #rank- Two-Stage Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval (VD, MB, WBC), pp. 423–434.
MLDM-2013-BijaksanaLA #classification- A Pattern Based Two-Stage Text Classifier (MAB, YL, AA), pp. 169–182.
SIGIR-2013-AsadiL #architecture #effectiveness #generative #multi #performance #retrieval #trade-off- Effectiveness/efficiency tradeoffs for candidate generation in multi-stage retrieval architectures (NA, JL), pp. 997–1000.
SIGIR-2013-HeBV #multi #query- Characterizing stages of a multi-session complex search task through direct and indirect query modifications (JH, MB, APdV), pp. 897–900.
GPCE-2013-ChapinSSW #named #network #programming #staged- Scalaness/nesT: type specialized staged programming for sensor networks (PCC, CS, SFS, MW), pp. 135–144.
POPL-2013-RompfSABJLJOO #compilation #data type #optimisation #source code #staging- Optimizing data structures in high-level programs: new directions for extensible compilers based on staging (TR, AKS, NA, KJB, VJ, HL, MJ, KO, MO), pp. 497–510.
SAC-2013-AzarianCWB #approach #manycore #pipes and filters- An FPGA-based multi-core approach for pipelining computing stages (AA, JMPC, SW, JB), pp. 1533–1540.
SAC-2013-BhattacharjeeJ #algorithm #named #repository #scalability #similarity- CodeBlast: a two-stage algorithm for improved program similarity matching in large software repositories (AB, HMJ), pp. 846–852.
CASE-2012-CostantinoDEFS #analysis #evaluation #fuzzy #novel #performance- A novel fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis methodology for performance evaluation in a two-stage supply chain (NC, MD, NE, MF, FS), pp. 974–979.
CASE-2012-HanXZLW #concurrent #policy- Two-stage deadlock prevention policy based on resource-transition circuits (LH, KX, MZ, HL, FW), pp. 741–746.
CASE-2012-XiaoLL #adaptation- A model reference adaptive PID control for electromagnetic actuated micro-positioning stage (SX, YL, JL), pp. 97–102.
DATE-2012-0002EGB #performance #using- Area efficient asynchronous SDM routers using 2-stage Clos switches (WS, DAE, JDG, WJB), pp. 1495–1500.
ESOP-2012-InoueT #multi #reasoning #source code- Reasoning about Multi-stage Programs (JI, WT), pp. 357–376.
ESOP-2012-Rhiger #staged- Staged Computation with Staged Lexical Scope (MR), pp. 559–578.
PEPM-2012-UrecheRSCO #case study #development #domain-specific language #named- StagedSAC: a case study in performance-oriented DSL development (VU, TR, AKS, HC, MO), pp. 73–82.
CSCW-2012-HarryGS #interactive #tablet- Setting the stage for interaction: a tablet application to augment group discussion in a seminar class (DH, EG, CS), pp. 1071–1080.
ICML-2012-KumarNKD #classification #framework #kernel #learning #multi- A Binary Classification Framework for Two-Stage Multiple Kernel Learning (AK, ANM, KK, HDI), p. 173.
ICPR-2012-GautamSV #performance- An efficient, bolus-stage based method for motion correction in perfusion weighted MRI (RG, JS, RV), pp. 145–148.
ICPR-2012-JetleyBKN #documentation #hybrid #image #segmentation- Two-stage hybrid binarization around fringe map based text line segmentation for document images (SJ, SB, VKK, AN), pp. 343–346.
ICPR-2012-LiuHI #3d #image #re-engineering- Stage-based 3D scene reconstruction from single image (YL, PH, EI), pp. 1034–1037.
ICPR-2012-MaLWZH #authentication #multimodal #security- Enhancing biometric security with wavelet quantization watermarking based two-stage multimodal authentication (BM, CL, YW, ZZ, DH), pp. 2416–2419.
ICPR-2012-RattaniMGR #approach #automation #classification- A dual-staged classification-selection approach for automated update of biometric templates (AR, GLM, EG, FR), pp. 2972–2975.
ICPR-2012-RothBNS #multi #robust- Robust multi-pose face tracking by multi-stage tracklet association (MR, MB, RN, RS), pp. 1012–1016.
SAC-2012-FariaBGC #algorithm #clustering #data type- Improving the offline clustering stage of data stream algorithms in scenarios with variable number of clusters (ERF, RCB, JG, ACPLFC), pp. 829–830.
SAC-2012-SiddiquiK #execution #staged #symbolic computation- Staged symbolic execution (JHS, SK), pp. 1339–1346.
ICSE-2012-Cowling #education #testing- Stages in teaching software testing (TC), pp. 1185–1194.
SPLC-2012-Elsner #staged #tool support- Light-weight tool support for staged product derivation (CE), pp. 146–155.
HPCA-2012-ChatterjeeMBDJ #staged- Staged Reads: Mitigating the impact of DRAM writes on DRAM reads (NC, NM, RB, AD, NPJ), pp. 41–52.
DATE-2011-LuPRR #energy #optimisation- Stage number optimization for switched capacitor power converters in micro-scale energy harvesting (CL, SPP, VR, KR), pp. 770–775.
DocEng-2011-KarolNKAM #adaptation #aspect-oriented #detection #multi #xml- Detecting and resolving conflicts between adaptation aspects in multi-staged XML transformations (SK, MN, DK, UA, KM), pp. 229–238.
DRR-2011-RamirezO- OMR of early plainchant manuscripts in square notation: a two-stage system (CR, JO), pp. 1–10.
DUXU-v2-2011-TsaoCY #case study #design #image- A Study on the Expected Image and Relevant Design Techniques in Different Product-Use Stages (YCT, BC, YPY), pp. 655–663.
CIKM-2011-MaLL #using- Selecting related terms in query-logs using two-stage SimRank (YM, HL, YL), pp. 1969–1972.
ECIR-2011-ArampatzisZC #database #image #multimodal #retrieval #scalability- Dynamic Two-Stage Image Retrieval from Large Multimodal Databases (AA, KZ, SAC), pp. 326–337.
ECIR-2011-ArampatzisZC11a #multimodal #retrieval- Fusion vs. Two-Stage for Multimodal Retrieval (AA, KZ, SAC), pp. 759–762.
SIGIR-2011-ChatzichristofisZA #image #multimodal #retrieval- Bag-of-visual-words vs global image descriptors on two-stage multimodal retrieval (SAC, KZ, AA), pp. 1251–1252.
SIGIR-2011-LiWLKP #named #personalisation #recommendation #scalability- SCENE: a scalable two-stage personalized news recommendation system (LL, DW, TL, DK, BP), pp. 125–134.
GPCE-J-2005-CaretteK11 #abstraction #monad #multi #programming- Multi-stage programming with functors and monads: Eliminating abstraction overhead from generic code (JC, OK), pp. 349–375.
POPL-2011-ChoiAYT #multi #source code #static analysis- Static analysis of multi-staged programs via unstaging translation (WC, BA, KY, MT), pp. 81–92.
CC-2011-LameedH #array #compilation #jit #matlab #semantics #staged- Staged Static Techniques to Efficiently Implement Array Copy Semantics in a MATLAB JIT Compiler (NL, LJH), pp. 22–41.
HPCA-2011-JacobsonBBAE #abstraction #architecture #modelling #scalability- Abstraction and microarchitecture scaling in early-stage power modeling (HMJ, AB, PB, EA, RJE), pp. 394–405.
HPDC-2011-AbbasiEWSK #performance #pipes and filters- Just in time: adding value to the IO pipelines of high performance applications with JITStaging (HA, GE, MW, KS, SK), pp. 27–36.
CASE-2010-JingL #assembly #hybrid #scheduling- A MILP-based batch scheduling for two-stage hybrid flowshop with sequence-dependent setups in semiconductor assembly and test manufacturing (XJ, ZL), pp. 87–92.
CASE-2010-XuL #precise- Precise tracking control of a piezoactuated micropositioning stage based on modified Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis model (QX, YL), pp. 692–697.
DATE-2010-MichailidisSRHK #development- Test front loading in early stages of automotive software development based on AUTOSAR (AM, US, TR, BH, SK), pp. 435–440.
CSEET-2010-Cowling #education #formal method- Stages in Teaching Formal Methods (AJC), pp. 17–24.
PLDI-2010-WestbrookRIYAT #java #multi #named #programming #using- Mint: Java multi-stage programming using weak separability (EMW, MR, JI, YY, TA, WT), pp. 400–411.
CHI-2010-LiDF- A stage-based model of personal informatics systems (IL, AKD, JF), pp. 557–566.
CIKM-2010-ZhouLBXL #information management #mining #reasoning #set- Rough sets based reasoning and pattern mining for a two-stage information filtering system (XZ, YL, PB, YX, RYKL), pp. 1429–1432.
ICML-2010-CortesMR #algorithm #kernel #learning- Two-Stage Learning Kernel Algorithms (CC, MM, AR), pp. 239–246.
ICPR-2010-CordellaSFMF #classification #performance- Combining Single Class Features for Improving Performance of a Two Stage Classifier (LPC, CDS, FF, CM, ASdF), pp. 4352–4355.
ICPR-2010-KhushabaEAAM #analysis #fuzzy #locality #orthogonal- Orthogonal Locality Sensitive Fuzzy Discriminant Analysis in Sleep-Stage Scoring (RNK, RE, AA, AAA, SM), pp. 165–168.
ICPR-2010-WangC #3d #estimation- 3D Human Pose Estimation by an Annealed Two-Stage Inference Method (YKW, KYC), pp. 535–538.
KDD-2010-SunCY #approach #reduction #scalability- A scalable two-stage approach for a class of dimensionality reduction techniques (LS, BC, JY), pp. 313–322.
SIGIR-2010-LiuB #information retrieval #multi #personalisation- Personalizing information retrieval for multi-session tasks: the roles of task stage and task type (JL, NJB), pp. 26–33.
SIGIR-2010-WeerkampBR- A two-stage model for blog feed search (WW, KB, MdR), pp. 877–878.
GPCE-2010-RompfO #approach #code generation #composition #domain-specific language #lightweight #runtime #staging- Lightweight modular staging: a pragmatic approach to runtime code generation and compiled DSLs (TR, MO), pp. 127–136.
SAC-2010-GuoH #algorithm #clustering- A two stage yard crane workload partitioning and job sequencing algorithm for container terminals (XG, SYH), pp. 2383–2388.
SAC-2010-WelferSM #approach #detection #image- A morphologic three-stage approach for detecting exudates in color eye fundus images (DW, JS, DRM), pp. 964–968.
FSE-2010-SinhaW #concurrent #program analysis #staged- Staged concurrent program analysis (NS, CW), pp. 47–56.
DATE-2009-KahngLPS #design #performance- ORION 2.0: A fast and accurate NoC power and area model for early-stage design space exploration (ABK, BL, LSP, KS), pp. 423–428.
DATE-2009-RichterJE #framework #learning #verification- Learning early-stage platform dimensioning from late-stage timing verification (KR, MJ, RE), pp. 851–857.
ICDAR-2009-ChandaPFP #approach #identification- Two-stage Approach for Word-wise Script Identification (SC, SP, KF, UP), pp. 926–930.
ICDAR-2009-LouloudisSG #evaluation #novel #segmentation #word- A Novel Two Stage Evaluation Methodology for Word Segmentation Techniques (GL, NS, BG), pp. 686–690.
CSEET-2009-Armarego #learning #student- Displacing the Sage on the Stage: Student Control of Learning (JA), pp. 198–201.
ICPC-2009-KarumuriR #automation #detection- Automatic detection of internal queues and stages in message processing systems (SK, SPR), pp. 315–316.
PEPM-2009-KameyamaKS #staging- Shifting the stage: staging with delimited control (YK, OK, CcS), pp. 111–120.
PLDI-2009-ChughMJL #data flow #javascript #staged- Staged information flow for javascript (RC, JAM, RJ, SL), pp. 50–62.
HCI-NT-2009-HaesenMLC #design #multi #using- Supporting Multidisciplinary Teams and Early Design Stages Using Storyboards (MH, JM, KL, KC), pp. 616–623.
CIKM-2009-LiuZ #classification #sentiment #using- Cross-domain sentiment classification using a two-stage method (KL, JZ), pp. 1717–1720.
SEKE-2009-ChangL #design- Supporting Good Decision Making at Early Stage of Software Design (HFC, SCYL), pp. 493–498.
SEKE-2009-EzenwoyeVSFDK #adaptation #composition #distributed #staging #workflow- Task Decomposition for Adaptive Data Staging in Workflows for Distributed Environments (OE, BV, SMS, LF, GD, SK), pp. 16–19.
SIGIR-2009-BenderskyCS #information retrieval #query #segmentation- Two-stage query segmentation for information retrieval (MB, WBC, DAS), pp. 810–811.
GPCE-2009-KongCY #parsing- Abstract parsing for two-staged languages with concatenation (SK, WC, KY), pp. 109–116.
HPDC-2009-AbbasiWEKSZ #named #scalability #staging- DataStager: scalable data staging services for petascale applications (HA, MW, GE, SK, KS, FZ), pp. 39–48.
CASE-2008-GeorgievA- Two-stage robotic crystal mounting of protein crystals for X-ray data collection (AG, PKA), pp. 1019–1024.
CASE-2008-MittalYBB #difference #equation #modelling #multi #performance #probability #using- Dynamics and performance modeling of multi-stage manufacturing systems using nonlinear stochastic differential equations (UM, HY, STSB, LGB), pp. 498–503.
DAC-2008-KurimotoSAYOTS #detection #fault #optimisation #scalability- Phase-adjustable error detection flip-flops with 2-stage hold driven optimization and slack based grouping scheme for dynamic voltage scaling (MK, HS, RA, TY, HO, HT, HS), pp. 884–889.
PEPM-2008-KameyamaKS #staged- Closing the stage: from staged code to typed closures (YK, OK, CcS), pp. 147–157.
ICFP-2008-AugustssonMS #domain-specific language #embedded #haskell #named- Paradise: a two-stage DSL embedded in Haskell (LA, HM, GS), pp. 225–228.
ICFP-2008-MainlandMW #functional #named #network #programming #staged- Flask: staged functional programming for sensor networks (GM, GM, MW), pp. 335–346.
CHI-2008-LinL #design #prototype #user interface- Employing patterns and layers for early-stage design and prototyping of cross-device user interfaces (JL, JAL), pp. 1313–1322.
CIKM-2008-HoefelE #classification #learning #sequence- Learning a two-stage SVM/CRF sequence classifier (GH, CE), pp. 271–278.
CIKM-2008-HuangMG #categorisation #framework #multi- Error-driven generalist+experts (edge): a multi-stage ensemble framework for text categorization (JH, OM, CLG), pp. 83–92.
CIKM-2008-LiZBXL #information management #mining- A two-stage text mining model for information filtering (YL, XZ, PB, YX, RYKL), pp. 1023–1032.
SPLC-2008-BragancaM #development #modelling #multi- Transformation Patterns for Multi-staged Model Driven Software Development (AB, RJM), pp. 329–338.
CGO-2008-RamanORBA #pipes and filters- Parallel-stage decoupled software pipelining (ER, GO, AR, MJB, DIA), pp. 114–123.
ECSA-2007-PereiraHK #architecture #distributed #multimodal #staged- A Distributed Staged Architecture for Multimodal Applications (ACP, FH, KK), pp. 195–206.
CASE-2007-LiuKS- A MEMS Stage for 3-Axis Nanopositioning (XL, KK, YS), pp. 1087–1092.
ICDAR-2007-BhattacharyaGP07a #recognition- A Two Stage Recognition Scheme for Handwritten Tamil Characters (UB, SKG, SKP), pp. 511–515.
ICDAR-2007-YinSNFFKT #documentation #image #mobile #multi- A Multi-Stage Strategy to Perspective Rectification for Mobile Phone Camera-Based Document Images (XCY, JS, SN, KF, YF, KK, HT), pp. 574–578.
CSEET-2007-Cowling #design #education- Stages in Teaching Software Design (AJC), pp. 141–148.
ICALP-2007-KatrielKU #nondeterminism #probability #problem- Commitment Under Uncertainty: Two-Stage Stochastic Matching Problems (IK, CKM, EU), pp. 171–182.
CHI-2007-Aoki #performance- Back stage on the front lines: perspectives and performance in the combat information center (PMA), pp. 717–726.
CHI-2007-RamachandranKCCF #co-evolution #design #social- Social dynamics of early stage co-design in developing regions (DR, MK, JC, JFC, JFF), pp. 1087–1096.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ImafukuY #development- A Development of Supporting Systems for Disaster Victims in the Initial Stage of Serious Earthquakes (TI, SY), pp. 1020–1028.
CIKM-2007-JiangZ #adaptation #approach #classification #statistics- A two-stage approach to domain adaptation for statistical classifiers (JJ, CZ), pp. 401–410.
ECIR-2007-GengWLZ #ranking- Fighting Link Spam with a Two-Stage Ranking Strategy (GG, CW, QL, YZ), pp. 699–702.
ECOOP-2007-BoddenHL #monitoring #performance #program analysis #runtime #staged- A Staged Static Program Analysis to Improve the Performance of Runtime Monitoring (EB, LJH, OL), pp. 525–549.
RE-2007-KousikV #development #requirements- Total Requirements Control at Every Stage of Product Development (SRK, RV), pp. 337–342.
REFSQ-2007-LaukaitisV #development #information management #natural language- Integrating All Stages of Information Systems Development by Means of Natural Language Processing (AL, OV), pp. 218–231.
GTTSE-2007-Taha #multi #programming- A Gentle Introduction to Multi-stage Programming, Part II (WT), pp. 260–290.
SOSP-2007-CrameriKKBZ #deployment #staged #testing- Staged deployment in mirage, an integrated software upgrade testing and distribution system (OC, NK, DK, RB, WZ), pp. 221–236.
CASE-2006-FangL #agile #multi- A Class of Optimal Operation Planning for Kanban Managed Multi-Stage Production System (YF, YJL), pp. 369–374.
DATE-2006-MoezE #distributed #process- A 10-GHz 15-dB four-stage distributed amplifier in 0.18 µm CMOS process (KKM, MIE), pp. 405–409.
DATE-2006-YavariSR #design #hybrid- Systematic and optimal design of CMOS two-stage opamps with hybrid cascode compensation (MY, OS, ÁRV), pp. 144–149.
PEPM-2006-SwadiTKP #approach #monad #staging- A monadic approach for avoiding code duplication when staging memoized functions (KNS, WT, OK, EP), pp. 160–169.
CHI-2006-BenfordCRSDFD #case study #design #experience #risk management #staging- Designing for the opportunities and risks of staging digital experiences in public settings (SB, AC, SR, JGS, AJD, MF, AD), pp. 427–436.
ICPR-v1-2006-Chen #adaptation #estimation- Noise Variance Adaptive SEA for Motion Estimation: A Two-Stage Schema (WGC), pp. 31–34.
ICPR-v3-2006-AnLV #classification #performance- Efficient Cross-validation of the Complete Two Stages in KFD Classifier Formulation (SA, WL, SV), pp. 240–244.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChatelainHP #documentation- A two-stage outlier rejection strategy for numerical field extraction in handwritten documents (CC, LH, TP), pp. 224–227.
ICPR-v4-2006-XieLYD #identification #robust- Improved Two-stage Wiener Filter for Robust Speaker Identification (YX, ML, ZY, BD), pp. 310–313.
GPCE-2006-BradyH #compilation #interpreter #staged- A verified staged interpreter is a verified compiler (EB, KH), pp. 111–120.
GPCE-2006-KaminAK #analysis #generative #staging- Staging static analyses for program generation (SK, BA, MK), pp. 1–10.
GPCE-2006-VieraP #analysis #multi- A multi-stage language with intensional analysis (MV, AP), pp. 11–20.
POPL-2006-KimYC #multi #polymorphism #type system- A polymorphic modal type system for lisp-like multi-staged languages (ISK, KY, CC), pp. 257–268.
POPL-2006-OlinskyLR #composition #implementation #specification #staged- Staged allocation: a compositional technique for specifying and implementing procedure calling conventions (RO, CL, NR), pp. 409–421.
CASE-2005-GongHYL #precise- Experimental-model-based precision control of a piezoelectric actuated flexure stage (ZG, EHLH, GY, WL), pp. 124–129.
CASE-2005-TangK #distributed #game studies #modelling #multi #problem- Cooperation in a multi-stage game for modeling distributed task delegation in a supply chain procurement problem (KT, SRTK), pp. 93–98.
ICDAR-2005-GaoLV #algorithm #online #programming #segmentation- A Two-stage Online Handwritten Chinese Character Segmentation Algorithm Based on Dynamic Programming (XG, PML, CVG), pp. 735–739.
ICDAR-2005-HanL #approach #recognition #segmentation- A two-stage handwritten character segmentation approach in mail address recognition (ZH, CPL), pp. 111–115.
ICDAR-2005-PervouchineLM- Three-stage Handwriting Stroke Extraction Method with Hidden Loop Recovery (VP, GL, KM), pp. 307–311.
ICDAR-2005-WanW #modelling #online #statistics #verification- On-Line Signature Verification With Two-Stage Statistical Models (LW, BW), pp. 282–286.
GPCE-2005-CaretteK #abstraction #monad #multi #programming- Multi-stage Programming with Functors and Monads: Eliminating Abstraction Overhead from Generic Code (JC, OK), pp. 256–274.
GPCE-2005-EckhardtKPST #multi #programming- Implicitly Heterogeneous Multi-stage Programming (JE, RK, EP, KNS, WT), pp. 275–292.
CHI-2004-SvanaesS #design #game studies #mobile #prototype- Putting the users center stage: role playing and low-fi prototyping enable end users to design mobile systems (DS, GS), pp. 479–486.
ICPR-v1-2004-LeungCCT- B-Spline Snakes in Two Stages (CCL, CHC, FHYC, WKT), pp. 568–571.
ICPR-v1-2004-MilgramSC #classification #modelling- Two-Stage Classification System combining Model-Based and Discriminative Approaches (JM, RS, MC), pp. 152–155.
ICPR-v1-2004-SochmanM- Inter-Stage Feature Propagation in Cascade Building with AdaBoost (JS, JM), pp. 236–239.
ICPR-v2-2004-ParkYKJ #approach #recognition #segmentation #string- A Two-Stage Approach for Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Digit Strings Collected from Mail Pieces (SP, YY, GK, SHJ), pp. 626–629.
ICPR-v3-2004-FujimuraOT #3d #algorithm #re-engineering- Improved 3D Head Reconstruction System based on Combining Shape-From-Silhouette with Two-Stage Stereo Algorithm (KF, YO, TT), pp. 127–130.
ICPR-v4-2004-GorgevikC #classification #performance #recognition- An Efficient Three-Stage Classifier for Handwritten Digit Recognition (DG, DC), pp. 507–510.
SIGIR-2004-Leuski #email #people- Email is a stage: discovering people roles from email archives (AL), pp. 502–503.
SIGIR-2004-TaoZ #feedback #pseudo- A two-stage mixture model for pseudo feedback (TT, CZ), pp. 486–487.
GPCE-2004-NeverovR #multi #named #object-oriented #programming language- Metaphor: A Multi-stage, Object-Oriented Programming Language (GN, PR), pp. 168–185.
SPLC-2004-CzarneckiHE #feature model #modelling #staged #using- Staged Configuration Using Feature Models (KC, SH, UWE), pp. 266–283.
CGO-2004-JoshiBZ #optimisation #profiling #staged- Targeted Path Profiling: Lower Overhead Path Profiling for Staged Dynamic Optimization Systems (RJ, MDB, CBZ), pp. 239–250.
ICDAR-2003-WuA #approach #automation #multi #using- Automatic Thresholding of Gray-level Using Multi-stage Approach (SW, AA), pp. 493–497.
FoSSaCS-2003-MoggiF #metalanguage #monad #multi- A Monadic Multi-stage Metalanguage (EM, SF), pp. 358–374.
CAiSE-2003-NikolaidouA #design #information management- Exploring Web-Based Information System Design: A Discrete-Stage Methodology and the Corresponding Model (MN, DA), pp. 159–174.
GPCE-2003-CalcagnoTHL #abstract syntax tree #implementation #multi #using- Implementing Multi-stage Languages Using ASTs, Gensym, and Reflection (CC, WT, LH, XL), pp. 57–76.
GPCE-2003-TahaJ #staged- Staged Notational Definitions (WT, PJ), pp. 97–116.
GPCE-2003-WangM #on the #staged- On Stage Ordering in Staged Computation (ZW, RRM), pp. 77–96.
LOPSTR-2003-MurakamiHKT #algorithm #analysis #performance #staging- An Efficient Staging Algorithm for Binding-Time Analysis (TM, ZH, KK, MT), pp. 106–107.
RE-2003-CysneirosK #development #usability- Bringing Usability to the Early Stages of Software Development (LMC, AK), p. 359–?.
PEPM-2002-Chambers #compilation #staged- Staged compilation (CC), pp. 1–8.
ICFP-2002-PasalicTS #staged- Tagless staged interpreters for typed languages (EP, WT, TS), pp. 218–229.
ICEIS-2002-AshB #enterprise #implementation #network #staged- Staged Implementation of E-Business Networks through ERP (CGA, JMB), pp. 877–884.
ICPR-v1-2002-LohRW #3d #modelling #process #using- Refining 3D Models Using a Two-Stage Neural Network-Based Iterative Process (AWKL, MR, GAWW), pp. 172–175.
ICPR-v4-2002-TothCA #classification #fault- A Two-Stage-Classifier for Defect Classification in Optical Media Inspection (DT, AC, TA), pp. 373–376.
SIGIR-2002-ZhaiL #information retrieval #modelling- Two-stage language models for information retrieval (CZ, JDL), pp. 49–56.
GPCE-2002-WangM #generative #multi- Managing Dynamic Changes in Multi-stage Program Generation Systems (ZW, RRM), pp. 316–334.
POPL-2002-PhiliposeCE #automation #compilation #staged #towards- Towards automatic construction of staged compilers (MP, CC, SJE), pp. 113–125.
DAC-2001-McDonaldB #analysis #simulation #using- Computing Logic-Stage Delays Using Circuit Simulation and Symbolic Elmore Analysis (CBM, REB), pp. 283–288.
ICDAR-2001-BrittoSBS #string- A Two-Stage HMM-Based System for Recognizing Handwritten Numeral Strings (AdSBJ, RS, FB, CYS), pp. 396–400.
ICDAR-2001-ZhaoCSW #approach #segmentation #using- Handwritten Chinese Character Segmentation Using a Two-Stage Approach (SZ, ZC, PS, QW), pp. 179–183.
VLDB-2001-AksoyZF #on-demand #staging- Data Staging for On-Demand Broadcast (DA, MJF, SBZ), pp. 571–580.
WCRE-2001-MiecznikowskiH #encapsulation #java #staged #using- Decompiling Java Using Staged Encapsulation (JM, LJH), pp. 368–374.
ICFP-2001-GanzST #generative #metaprogramming #multi #type safety- Macros as Multi-Stage Computations: Type-Safe, Generative, Binding Macros in MacroML (SEG, AS, WT), pp. 74–85.
ICFP-2001-NanevskiBH #automation #generative #geometry #staged- Automatic Generation of Staged Geometric Predicates (AN, GEB, RH), pp. 217–228.
ICFP-2001-Sperber- Developing a Stage Lighting System from Scratch (MS), pp. 122–133.
SAIG-2001-HarrisonS #adaptation #staged- Dynamically Adaptable Software with Metacomputations in a Staged Language (WLH, TS), pp. 163–182.
DATE-2000-ZuoD #concept #design- An Integrated Design Environment for Early Stage Conceptual Design (JZ, SWD), p. 754.
SIGMOD-2000-MoonSL #adaptation #distance #multi- Adaptive Multi-Stage Distance Join Processing (HS, BM, SL), pp. 343–354.
PEPM-2000-Pfenning #logic #on the #staged- On the Logical Foundations of Staged Computation (Abstract of Invited Talk) (FP), p. 33.
PEPM-2000-Taha #formal method #ml #multi #reduction #semantics- A Sound Reduction Semantics for Untyped CBN Multi-stage Computation. Or, the Theory of MetaML is Non-trivial (Extended Abstract) (WT), pp. 34–43.
ICALP-2000-CalcagnoMT #approach #imperative #multi #programming- Closed Types as a Simple Approach to Safe Imperative Multi-stage Programming (CC, EM, WT), pp. 25–36.
ICEIS-2000-Feng #analysis- The Need for an “Information Analysis” Stage for ISD (JF), pp. 275–281.
ICML-2000-KaynakA #classification #multi- MultiStage Cascading of Multiple Classifiers: One Man’s Noise is Another Man’s Data (CK, EA), pp. 455–462.
ICPR-v1-2000-Lopez-RubioMG #image #robust #segmentation- A Robust Two-Stage System for Image Segmentation (ELR, JMP, JAGR), pp. 1606–1609.
ICPR-v2-2000-SunOKAKT #algorithm #approximate #distance #reduction- Two-Stage Computational Cost Reduction Algorithm Based on Mahalanobis Distance Approximations (FS, SO, NK, HA, SK, TT), pp. 2696–2699.
ICPR-v4-2000-Kauppinen #fault #recognition- A Two Stage Defect Recognition Method for Parquet Slab Grading (HK), pp. 4803–4806.
KR-2000-FargierLM #logic- Propositional Logic and One-Stage Decision Making (HF, JL, PM), pp. 445–456.
SAIG-2000-CalcagnoM #imperative #multi- Multi-Stage Imperative Languages: A Conservative Extension Result (CC, EM), pp. 92–107.
SAIG-2000-Pfenning #reasoning #staged- Reasoning about Staged Computation (FP), pp. 5–6.
PLDI-1999-GrantPMCE #evaluation #optimisation #runtime #staged- An Evaluation of Staged Run-Time Optimizations in DyC (BG, MP, MM, CC, SJE), pp. 293–304.
Best-of-PLDI-1999-GrantPMCE99a #evaluation #optimisation #runtime #staged- An evaluation of staged run-time optimizations in DyC (with retrospective) (BG, MP, MM, CC, SJE), pp. 656–669.
SIGIR-1999-Hirsh #process #research- Information Seeking at Different Stages of the RD Research Process (poster abstract) (SGH), pp. 285–286.
SAC-1999-Lee #multi #scheduling- Artificial Intelligence Search Methods for Multi-Machine Two-Stage Scheduling (IL), pp. 31–35.
DATE-1998-PullelaPDV- CMOS Combinational Circuit Sizing by Stage-wise Tapering (SP, RP, AD, GV), pp. 985–986.
FLOPS-1998-LedererD #programming- Two-Stage Programming (EFAL, RAD), pp. 296–313.
ICALP-1998-TahaBS #axiom #multi #programming #type safety- Multi-Stage Programming: Axiomatization and Type Safety (WT, ZEAB, TS), pp. 918–929.
AFP-1998-Sheard98 #ml #programming language #staged #using- Using MetaML: A Staged Programming Language (TS), pp. 207–239.
CHI-1998-ChinR #collaboration #design #evolution #learning #staged- Progressive Design: Staged Evolution of Scenarios in the Design of a Collaborative Science Learning Environment (GCJ, MBR), pp. 611–618.
ICPR-1998-Lehmann #algorithm #image #modelling- A two-stage algorithm for model-based registration of medical images (TML), pp. 344–351.
ICPR-1998-RodriguezMNZMP #classification- A two-stage classifier for broken and blurred digits in forms (CR, JM, MN, AZ, JIM, JMP), pp. 1101–1105.
ICPR-1998-SakalliYLK #image #modelling #multi- Model-based multi-stage compression of human face images (MS, HY, KML, TK), pp. 1278–1280.
ICPR-1998-Yamada #pattern matching #query #retrieval #using- Handwritten text retrieval using two-stage pattern matching with handwritten query (KY), pp. 621–625.
SIGIR-1998-KwokC #ad hoc #query #retrieval- Improving Two-Stage Ad-Hoc Retrieval for Short Queries (KLK, MC), pp. 250–256.
ALP-PLILP-1998-HatcliffDL #analysis #staging #using- Staging Static Analyses Using Abstraction-Based Program Specialization (JH, MBD, SL), pp. 134–151.
POPL-1998-ShieldsSJ #dynamic typing #staged #type inference #type system- Dynamic Typing as Staged Type Inference (MS, TS, SLPJ), pp. 289–302.
HPDC-1998-KanitkarD #transaction- Two-Stage Transaction Processing in Client-Server DBMSs (VK, AD), pp. 98–105.
ICDAR-1997-HaseSYSM #multi #string- Character String Extraction by Multi-stage Relaxation (HH, TS, MY, MS, HM), pp. 298–302.
PEPM-1997-TahaS #multi #programming- Multi-Stage Programming with Explicit Annotations (WT, TS), pp. 203–217.
ICFP-1997-TahaS #multi #programming- Multi-Stage Programming (WT, TS), p. 321.
CHI-1997-YamaguchiHM #named #web- WebStage: An Active Media Enhanced World Wide Web Browser (TY, IH, TM), pp. 391–398.
HCI-CC-1997-KameiMSH #integration- Creating a Source and Target Language Mixed Stage for Integration of Human Knowledge into Machine Translation (SiK, KM, KS, KH), pp. 825–828.
ECOOP-1997-Nygaard- GOODS to Appear on the Stage (KN), pp. 1–31.
ICPR-1996-PaikCLL #multi #using- Multiple recognizers system using two-stage combination (JP, SBC, KL, YL), pp. 581–585.
POPL-1996-DaviesP #analysis #staged- A Modal Analysis of Staged Computation (RD, FP), pp. 258–270.
ICDAR-v1-1995-StrathyS #classification #multi #network- A two-stage multi-network OCR system with a soft pre-classifier and a network selector (NWS, CYS), pp. 78–81.
ICDAR-v2-1995-JangKHK #recognition- Two-stage recognition of freight train ID number under outdoor environment (JHJ, JHK, KSH, JHK), pp. 986–991.
VLDB-1995-Wang #implementation #parallel #query #staging- DB2 Query Parallelism: Staging and Implementation (YW), pp. 686–691.
CSEE-1995-TalbertG #quality #staging- Managing Quality in Course Staging — A Working Paper (ST, EG), p. 437.
CHI-1995-LandayM #design #interactive #sketching #user interface- Interactive Sketching for the Early Stages of User Interface Design (JAL, BAM), pp. 43–50.
POPL-1994-Muller #calculus #staging #verification- A Staging Calculus and its Application to the Verification of Translators (RM), pp. 389–396.
ICDAR-1993-HarukiTO #algorithm #generative #multi- A multi-stage algorithm of extracting joint points for generating function-fonts (RH, KT, YO), pp. 31–34.
ICDAR-1993-KrtolicaM #algorithm #recognition- Two-stage box connectivity algorithm for optical character recognition (RK, SM), pp. 179–182.
ICDAR-1993-TungL #detection #recognition- 2-stage character recognition by detection and correction of erroneously-identified characters (CHT, HJL), pp. 834–837.
INTERCHI-1993-Tognazzini #design #interface- Principles, techniques, and ethics of stage magic and their application to human interface design (BT), pp. 355–362.
POPL-1993-LawallD #continuation- Separating Stages in the Continuation-Passing Style Transformation (JLL, OD), pp. 124–136.
SIGIR-1992-CooperGD #probability #retrieval #staged- Probabilistic Retrieval Based on Staged Logistic Regression (WSC, FCG, DPD), pp. 198–210.
PEPM-1991-Hannan #automaton #staging- Staging Transformations for Abstract Machines (JH), pp. 130–141.
ML-1991-Shultz #development #modelling #simulation- Simulating Stages of Human Cognitive Development With Connectionist Models (TRS), pp. 105–109.
POPL-1986-JorringS #compilation #staging- Compilers and Staging Transformations (UJ, WLS), pp. 86–96.