Travelled to:
1 × Japan
1 × Latvia
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Hagihara S.Miyakawa N.Yoshiura T.Katayama N.Egawa M.Shimakawa T.Kinnula M.Saeki J.Ljungberg
Talks about:
logic (4) specif (3) process (2) tempor (2) modal (2) unsatisfi (1) synchron (1) function (1) destruct (1) creation (1)
Person: Naoki Yonezaki
DBLP: Yonezaki:Naoki
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ASE-2014-HagiharaESY #satisfiability #set #specification
- Minimal strongly unsatisfiable subsets of reactive system specifications (SH, NE, MS, NY), pp. 629–634.
- CSL-1999-HagiharaY #logic
- Resolution Method for Modal Logic with Well-Founded Frames (SH, NY), pp. 277–291.
- SEKE-1994-MiyakawaY #logic
- Temporal logic extended with object creation and destruction (SM, NY), pp. 156–163.
- SEKE-1993-YonezakiKSL #named #process
- TAP: A New Model for Software Process: Tasks-Agents-Products (NY, TK, MS, JL), pp. 346–350.
- SEKE-1993-YoshiuraY #logic #specification
- More Expressive Temporal Logic for Specifications (NY, NY), pp. 363–366.
- ICSE-1982-YonezakiK #functional #logic #process #specification
- Functional Specification of Synchronized Processes Based on Modal Logic (NY, TK), pp. 208–217.