162 papers:
CASE-2015-LinHWC #development #multitenancy #novel #tool support- Development of a novel cloud-based multi-tenant model creation scheme for machine tools (YCL, MHH, CFW, FTC), pp. 1448–1449.
DocEng-2015-LiangWWWPBSWBG #automation #framework #named- BBookX: An Automatic Book Creation Framework (CL, SW, ZW, KW, BP, BB, SS, HW, KB, CLG), pp. 121–124.
DocEng-2015-MarriottSW #automation #documentation #editing #named #visual notation- VEDD: A Visual Editor for Creation and Semi-Automatic Update of Derived Documents (KM, MS, MW), pp. 125–128.
SIGMOD-2015-PrasadFGMLXHR #data transfer #distributed #performance #predict #scalability- Large-scale Predictive Analytics in Vertica: Fast Data Transfer, Distributed Model Creation, and In-database Prediction (SP, AF, VG, JM, JL, VX, MH, IR), pp. 1657–1668.
CHI-2015-ShayBCCFKMMSU #behaviour #feedback- A Spoonful of Sugar?: The Impact of Guidance and Feedback on Password-Creation Behavior (RS, LB, NC, LFC, AF, SK, MLM, WM, SMS, BU), pp. 2903–2912.
DUXU-IXD-2015-BorumBB #design #learning #lessons learnt- Designing with Young Children: Lessons Learned from a Co-creation of a Technology-Enhanced Playful Learning Environment (NB, EPB, ALB), pp. 142–152.
DUXU-UI-2015-BeltranUPSSSPCA #design #game studies #learning- Inclusive Gaming Creation by Design in Formal Learning Environments: “Girly-Girls” User Group in No One Left Behind (MEB, YU, AP, CS, WS, BS, SdlRP, MFCU, MTA), pp. 153–161.
HCI-IT-2015-MijovicMMMKG #fault #human-computer #predict #towards- Towards Creation of Implicit HCI Model for Prediction and Prevention of Operators’ Error (PM, MM, MM, IM, VK, IG), pp. 341–352.
HIMI-IKC-2015-HaKKKLHKKKW #development- K-Culture Time Machine: Development of Creation and Provision Technology for Time-Space-Connected Cultural Contents (TH, YK, EK, KK, SL, SH, JIK, SK, JK, WW), pp. 428–435.
HIMI-IKC-2015-ItaiM #development #interactive #using- Study About Creation of “Maai” Involving Intention Using Rhythm Controller — Development of Maai Creating Agent and Interaction Experiments Between Human and Agent (SI, YM), pp. 599–609.
LCT-2015-FardounAC #education #evaluation- Creation of Meaningful-Learning and Continuous Evaluation Education System (HMF, AA, APC), pp. 218–226.
SEKE-2015-TironiMRM #approach #identification #learning- An approach to identify relevant subjects for supporting the Learning Scheme creation task (HT, ALAM, SSR, AM), pp. 506–511.
ICSE-v2-2015-WuestSG #collaboration #on the fly #sketching- FLEXISKETCH TEAM: Collaborative Sketching and Notation Creation on the Fly (DW, NS, MG), pp. 685–688.
ITiCSE-2014-Urquiza-FuentesCHMH #framework #learning #social #student #video- A social platform supporting learning through video creation by students (JUF, JC, IH, EM, PAH), p. 330.
HIMI-AS-2014-ItaiYM #ambiguity #interface- Soft Interface with the Ambiguity Creation of the Action by Avatar Controller Inducing the Embodiment (SI, TY, YM), pp. 413–422.
HIMI-AS-2014-KwonJKY- A Knowledge Distribution Model to Support an Author in Narrative Creation (HK, SJ, HTK, WCY), pp. 511–522.
CAiSE-2014-MalhotraMNL #database #towards- Towards a Form Based Dynamic Database Schema Creation and Modification System (KM, SM, SBN, MDDL), pp. 595–609.
ICEIS-v3-2014-BenaijaK #risk management- Trade off Between Risk Management, Value Creation and Strategic Alignment in Project Portfolio Management (KB, LK), pp. 447–452.
ICEIS-v3-2014-SinghJIS #architecture #enterprise #modelling- Modeling Value Creation with Enterprise Architecture (PMS, HJ, MEI, MvS), pp. 343–351.
KMIS-2014-SaijoWAOMK #case study #evaluation- Knowledge Creation in Technology Evaluation of 4-Wheel Electric Power Assisted Bicycle for Frail Elderly Persons — A Case Study of a Salutogenic Device in Healthcare Facilities in Japan (MS, MW, SA, NO, SM, SK), pp. 87–97.
MLDM-2014-JavedA #classification #dataset #network #social #using- Creation of Bi-lingual Social Network Dataset Using Classifiers (IJ, HA), pp. 523–533.
SEKE-2014-AnvikBBC- Assisting Software Projects with Assignment Recomender Creation (JA, MB, HB, JC), pp. 470–473.
SAC-2014-CaniGSST #automation #code generation #integration #towards- Towards automated malware creation: code generation and code integration (AC, MG, ES, GS, APT), pp. 157–160.
DAC-2013-SchurmansZALACW #architecture #automation #communication #modelling #using- Creation of ESL power models for communication architectures using automatic calibration (SS, DZ, DA, RL, GA, XC, LW), p. 58.
CSEET-2013-ArdisBCVI #education #re-engineering #source code #using- Using GSwE2009 in the creation and modification of graduate software engineering programs and related curricula (MAA, SB, LC, DV, SI), pp. 109–118.
CHI-2013-ChiltonLEWL #crowdsourcing #named #taxonomy- Cascade: crowdsourcing taxonomy creation (LBC, GL, DE, DSW, JAL), pp. 1999–2008.
CHI-2013-KuksenokBM #online- Accessible online content creation by end users (KK, MB, JM), pp. 59–68.
CHI-2013-WalshFYD #analysis #design #framework- FACIT PD: a framework for analysis and creation of intergenerational techniques for participatory design (GW, EF, JCY, AD), pp. 2893–2902.
CHI-2013-XiaoHH13a #ad hoc #agile #interactive #named- WorldKit: rapid and easy creation of ad-hoc interactive applications on everyday surfaces (RX, CH, SEH), pp. 879–888.
HCI-AS-2013-JohnsonOVYP #adaptation- Examining the Role of Contextual Exercises and Adaptive Expertise on CAD Model Creation Procedures (MDJ, EO, LV, BY, XP), pp. 408–417.
HCI-AS-2013-TakanoS #learning- Nature Sound Ensemble Learning in Narrative-Episode Creation with Pictures (KT, SS), pp. 493–502.
HCI-III-2013-ShojiOKO #case study- A Study on Combinative Value Creation in Songs Selection (HS, JO, KK, AO), pp. 372–380.
ICEIS-v2-2013-SantaN #framework #learning #modelling #using- Modeling the Creation of a Learning Organization by using the Learning Organization Atlas Framework (MS, SN), pp. 278–285.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-GirdauskieneS #what- Assessing Environmental Dimensions for Creativity and Knowledge Creation — What Features of Task, Group and Time do make an Impact on Creativity and Knowledge Creation in a Creative Organization (LG, AS), pp. 532–538.
SEKE-2013-RajasekharanMN #crowdsourcing #effectiveness #online- Effective Crowdsourcing for Software Feature Ideation in Online Co-Creation Forums (KR, APM, SKN), pp. 119–124.
SIGIR-2013-Ekstrand-AbuegPA #automation- Live nuggets extractor: a semi-automated system for text extraction and test collection creation (MEA, VP, JAA), pp. 1087–1088.
DAC-2012-WeiLKP #benchmark #hardware #metric- Hardware Trojan horse benchmark via optimal creation and placement of malicious circuitry (SW, KL, FK, MP), pp. 90–95.
CHI-2012-AmershiFW #interactive #machine learning #named #network #on-demand #social- Regroup: interactive machine learning for on-demand group creation in social networks (SA, JF, DSW), pp. 21–30.
CHI-2012-GarciaTAM #interactive- Interactive paper substrates to support musical creation (JG, TT, CA, WEM), pp. 1825–1828.
ICPR-2012-SouzaOT #performance- Fast global non-rigid registration for mosaic creation (RHCdS, MO, AT), pp. 2736–2739.
ICPR-2012-SvarmSEO #image #using- Point track creation in unordered image collections using Gomory-Hu trees (LS, ZS, OE, CO), pp. 2116–2119.
SAC-2012-ChiprianovKR #architecture #enterprise #modelling- Extending Enterprise Architecture Modeling Languages: application to telecommunications service creation (VC, YK, SR), pp. 1661–1666.
SAC-2012-GreyRS #automation- Automatic creation of VPN backup paths for improved resilience against BGP-attackers (MG, MR, GS), pp. 613–620.
SAC-2012-LeeOKC- Grid-based cloaking area creation scheme supporting continuous location-based services (HL, BSO, HIK, JWC), pp. 537–543.
ICSE-2012-StaatsGH #automation #fault #how #mutation testing #testing- Automated oracle creation support, or: How I learned to stop worrying about fault propagation and love mutation testing (MS, GG, MPEH), pp. 870–880.
HPDC-2012-LeeWF #distributed #named #resource management #using- PonD: dynamic creation of HTC pool on demand using a decentralized resource discovery system (KL, DW, RJOF), pp. 161–172.
LICS-2012-PierardS #calculus #distributed #higher-order- A Higher-Order Distributed Calculus with Name Creation (AP, ES), pp. 531–540.
ICDAR-2011-ChattopadhyaySSR #analysis #corpus- Creation and Analysis of a Corpus of Text Rich Indian TV Videos (TC, SS, AS, NR), pp. 849–853.
TACAS-2011-KieferW #on the #parallel #probability #process #source code- On Probabilistic Parallel Programs with Process Creation and Synchronisation (SK, DW), pp. 296–310.
CSCW-2011-PelaezC #collaboration #documentation #interactive- Interactions with real and digital elements for collaborative document creation (MPP, IC), pp. 697–700.
HCD-2011-KoikeOTMMKUKY #collaboration #communication #process- Co-creation Process of Collaborative Work with Communication Robot (SK, TO, ST, TM, YM, DK, KU, KK, KY), pp. 417–424.
HCD-2011-Yamazaki #idea- Idea Creation Method for HCD (KY), pp. 160–165.
HIMI-v1-2011-IidaINM #process- Utilization of Shadow Media — Supporting Co-Creation of Bodily Expression Activity in a Group (KI, SI, HN, YM), pp. 408–417.
HIMI-v1-2011-NasozBPR #metadata- A User-Centric Metadata Creation Tool for Preserving the Nation’s Ecological Data (FN, RCB, CJP, DJR), pp. 122–131.
HIMI-v2-2011-FagerstromG #empirical #facebook #network #social #using- Co-Creation of Value through Social Network Marketing: A Field Experiment Using a Facebook Campaign to Increase Conversion Rate (AF, GG), pp. 229–235.
HIMI-v2-2011-SakataM #collaboration #communication #process- Process in Establishing Communication in Collaborative Creation (MS, KM), pp. 315–324.
EDOC-2011-CurleyK #case study #framework #maturity #using- Using the IT Capability Maturity Framework to Improve IT Capability and Value Creation: An Intel IT Case Study (MC, JK), pp. 107–115.
SEKE-2011-FaureFHUV #execution #ubiquitous- User-defined Scenarios in Ubiquitous Environments: Creation, Execution Control and Sharing (MF, LF, MH, CU, SV), pp. 302–307.
RE-2011-KomssiKTLD #analysis #perspective #process- Integrating analysis of customers’ processes into roadmapping: The value-creation perspective (MK, MK, HT, LL, AMD), pp. 57–66.
SAC-2011-FontesNPC #architecture #detection #learning #problem- An agent-based architecture for supporting the workgroups creation and the detection of out-of-context conversation on problem-based learning in virtual learning environments (LMdOF, FMMN, AÁAP, GALdC), pp. 1175–1180.
SAC-2011-FragidisT- Analyzing value co-creation in service systems: contribution from GORE (GF, KAT), pp. 705–707.
VMCAI-2011-GawlitzaLMSW #analysis #concurrent #process #reachability #source code- Join-Lock-Sensitive Forward Reachability Analysis for Concurrent Programs with Dynamic Process Creation (TMG, PL, MMO, HS, AW), pp. 199–213.
CBSE-2010-HummelA #adaptation #assessment #automation #component #testing- Automated Creation and Assessment of Component Adapters with Test Cases (OH, CA), pp. 166–181.
CHI-2010-NeustaedterTT #community #maintenance- The role of community and groupware in geocache creation and maintenance (CN, AT, TKJ), pp. 1757–1766.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-KhriyenkoNT #named #paradigm- Context-Policy-Configuration — Paradigm of Intelligent Autonomous System Creation (OK, SN, VYT), pp. 198–205.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-FardounVGRG #mobile #tool support- New Era of m-Learning Tools — Creation of MPrinceTool a Mobile Educative Tool (HF, PGV, JEG, GSR, EdlG), pp. 161–167.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-KralC #automation #corpus #web- Automatic Dialog Act Corpus Creation from Web Pages (PK, CC), pp. 198–203.
ICPR-2010-JoshiWL #semantics #using- Suggesting Songs for Media Creation Using Semantics (DJ, MDW, JL), pp. 3208–3211.
ICPR-2010-MaruyamaKT #3d- 3D Contour Model Creation for Stereo-Vision Systems (KM, YK, FT), pp. 1779–1782.
CGO-2010-WangCDLFY #adaptation #scheduling- An adaptive task creation strategy for work-stealing scheduling (LW, HC, YD, FL, XF, PCY), pp. 266–277.
CGO-2010-YukiRRAEO #automation #modelling- Automatic creation of tile size selection models (TY, LR, SVR, CA, AEE, KO), pp. 190–199.
VMCAI-2010-Esparza #analysis #probability #process- Analysis of Systems with Stochastic Process Creation (JE), p. 1.
CASE-2009-PattanaikC #approach #ecosystem- Services innovation — digital ecosystem approach to dissemination and co-creation of knowledge for Indian Agriculture Extension Services (DP, JC), pp. 65–70.
DAC-2009-TamPB #automation #validation- Automated failure population creation for validating integrated circuit diagnosis methods (WCT, OP, RD(B), pp. 708–713.
DocEng-2009-PortierC #documentation #maintenance #multi- Creation and maintenance of multi-structured documents (PEP, SC), pp. 181–184.
HT-2009-HaouachVG #3d #artificial reality #hypermedia #image- A 3D hypermedia with biomedical stereoscopic images: from creation to exploration in virtual reality (MH, GV, CG), pp. 337–338.
ITiCSE-2009-Al-BowAEFFLLM #education #game studies #programming #student #using- Using game creation for teaching computer programming to high school students and teachers (MAB, DA, JE, RF, JF, CL, STL, SM), pp. 104–108.
ITiCSE-2009-BryfczynskiP #graph #named- GraphPad: a graph creation tool for CS2/CS7 (SPB, RPP), p. 389.
TACAS-2009-AtigBQ #analysis #bound #concurrent #source code #thread- Context-Bounded Analysis for Concurrent Programs with Dynamic Creation of Threads (MFA, AB, SQ), pp. 107–123.
FM-2009-AhrendtBG #logic- Abstract Object Creation in Dynamic Logic (WA, FSdB, IG), pp. 612–627.
CHI-2009-HoffmannAPWFW #community #information management- Amplifying community content creation with mixed initiative information extraction (RH, SA, KP, FW, JF, DSW), pp. 1849–1858.
CHI-2009-KolevaESGGRD #case study #experience #hybrid- Supporting the creation of hybrid museum experiences (BK, SRE, HS, KG, CG, TR, MDR), pp. 1973–1982.
HCI-NT-2009-NishizawaH #design- Design Creation Based on KANSEI in Toshiba (YN, KH), pp. 660–666.
HIMI-DIE-2009-AnggreeniV #adaptation #design #framework- Supporting Scenario-Based Product Design and Its Adapters: An Informal Framework for Scenario Creation and Use (IA, MvdV), pp. 217–226.
HIMI-DIE-2009-KojimaFI #process #web #web service- Web Service Systems for Cooperative Work Support in Knowledge Creation Processes (HK, KF, TI), pp. 94–103.
ICEIS-J-2009-CastellaniKRWG #maintenance #query- Creation and Maintenance of Query Expansion Rules (SC, ANK, FR, JW, AG), pp. 819–830.
KEOD-2009-Zarri #concept #industrial #knowledge base- Creation and Management of a Conceptual Knowledge Base in an Industrial Domain (GPZ), pp. 214–219.
KMIS-2009-KivijarviPT- Rehearsing for the Future — Scenarios as an Enabler and a Product of Organizational Knowledge Creation (HK, KP, MT), pp. 46–54.
SEKE-2009-ChengCSW #composition- Dynamic Service Composition for Virtual UPnP Device Creation (STC, CLC, JS, MW), pp. 364–369.
SEKE-2009-YangCC #architecture #composition- Service Creation and Composition for Realization On Service-oriented Architecture (CLY, YKC, CPC), pp. 338–343.
OOPSLA-2009-CharlesFSDV #eclipse #ide- Accelerating the creation of customized, language-Specific IDEs in Eclipse (PC, RMF, SMSJ, ED, JJV), pp. 191–206.
RE-2009-KauppinenSLKTD #development- From Feature Development to Customer Value Creation (MK, JS, LL, MK, HT, AMD), pp. 275–280.
ICSE-2009-KiezunGJE #automation #injection #sql- Automatic creation of SQL Injection and cross-site scripting attacks (AK, PJG, KJ, MDE), pp. 199–209.
DAC-2008-Trihy #challenge #library- Addressing library creation challenges from recent Liberty extensions (RT), pp. 474–479.
VLDB-2008-JayapandianJ #automation #database #interface #query- Automated creation of a forms-based database query interface (MJ, HVJ), pp. 695–709.
ITiCSE-2008-DicksonAH #automation- Automatic creation of indexed presentations from classroom lectures (PED, WRA, ARH), pp. 12–16.
SAS-2008-LammichM #analysis #concurrent #monitoring #source code #thread- Conflict Analysis of Programs with Procedures, Dynamic Thread Creation, and Monitors (PL, MMO), pp. 205–220.
GT-VMT-2006-JakobS08 #graph grammar #metamodelling #modelling #using- View Creation of Meta Models by Using Modified Triple Graph Grammars (JJ, AS), pp. 181–190.
CHI-2008-BauerCRRV #case study #flexibility #policy- A user study of policy creation in a flexible access-control system (LB, LFC, RWR, MKR, KV), pp. 543–552.
CHI-2008-JokelaLK #editing #mobile #multi- Mobile multimedia presentation editor: enabling creation of audio-visual stories on mobile devices (TJ, JL, HK), pp. 63–72.
CHI-2008-MiaskiewiczSK #analysis #identification #semantics- A latent semantic analysis methodology for the identification and creation of personas (TM, TS, KAK), pp. 1501–1510.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-AnicicS #framework #information management #logic #towards- Towards Creation of Logical Framework for Event-Driven Information Systems (DA, NS), pp. 394–401.
SEKE-2008-KornerG #automation #ontology #using- Improving Automatic Model Creation Using Ontologies (SJK, TG), pp. 691–696.
ITiCSE-2007-AdelmannBL #animation #framework #idea #interactive #named #performance #sketching- IDEA: a framework for the fast creation of interactive animations by pen sketching (RA, TB, TL), pp. 291–295.
MSR-2007-Gonzalez-BarahonaRH #developer #process- Impact of the Creation of the Mozilla Foundation in the Activity of Developers (JMGB, GR, IH), p. 28.
HCI-IDU-2007-ChungdN #interactive- Influence of Avatar Creation on Attitude, Empathy, Presence, and Para-Social Interaction (DC, BDd, CSN), pp. 711–720.
HIMI-IIE-2007-PohlTM #multi #performance- Efficient Creation of Multi Media eLearning Modules (HMP, PT, JTM), pp. 457–465.
OCSC-2007-GonzalezCK #towards- Habitat Computing: Towards the Creation of Tech-Enabled Mexican Neighborhoods (VMG, LAC, KLK), pp. 342–351.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-CheungSB #collaboration #using- Value Creation for SMES Using Collaborative Commerce Marketplaces (YPC, DS, JB), pp. 63–71.
CASE-2006-NarayanasamyCT #assembly #framework- The Creation of an Information Based Manufacturing Framework for micro devices assembly: A discussion of the path planning and virtual assembly modules (GN, JC, AT), pp. 490–495.
DocEng-2006-JoshiAZ #automation #video #workflow- From video to photo albums: digital publishing workflow for automatic album creation (PMJ, CBA, TZ), pp. 179–181.
DocEng-2006-Matulic #documentation #named #reuse- SmartPublisher: document creation on pen-based systems via document element reuse (FM), pp. 182–183.
CHI-2006-SalovaaraJOSKKT #mobile- Collective creation and sense-making of mobile media (AS, GJ, AO, TS, PK, EK, ST), pp. 1211–1220.
SIGMOD-2005-MorishimaOTI #named #semantics #xml- SMART: a tool for semantic-driven creation of complex XML mappings (AM, TO, JT, KI), pp. 909–911.
FM-2005-PierikCB #using- Controlling Object Allocation Using Creation Guards (CP, DC, FSdB), pp. 59–74.
ICFP-2005-FengS #assembly #composition #concurrent #termination #thread #verification- Modular verification of concurrent assembly code with dynamic thread creation and termination (XF, ZS), pp. 254–267.
CAiSE-2005-HodelHD #documentation #editing #using- Using Text Editing Creation Time Meta Data for Document Management (TBH, RH, KRD), pp. 105–118.
CIKM-2005-GuppenbergerF #concept #evaluation #implementation #information management- Intelligent creation of notification events in information systems: concept, implementation and evaluation (MG, BF), pp. 52–59.
DocEng-2004-YehC #identification #topic- Creation of topic map by identifying topic chain in chinese (CLY, YCC), pp. 112–114.
TACAS-2004-BallLX #automation #modelling- Automatic Creation of Environment Models via Training (TB, VL, FX), pp. 93–107.
PASTE-2004-SaffE- Mock object creation for test factoring (DS, MDE), pp. 49–51.
ICEIS-v1-2004-MagnussonNC #concept #enterprise #framework #implementation #towards- A Conceptual Framework for Forecasting ERP Implementation Success — A First Step Towards the Creation of an Implementation Support Tool (JM, AN, FC), pp. 447–453.
ICPR-v2-2004-ErolHGL #documentation #image #multi- Prescient Paper: Multimedia Document Creation with Document Image Matching (BE, JJH, JG, DSL), pp. 675–678.
RE-2004-OmasreiterM #case study #process #specification- A Context-Driven Use Case Creation Process for Specifying Automotive Driver Assistance Systems (HO, EM), pp. 334–339.
SAC-2004-BebelEKMW #multi- Creation and management of versions in multiversion data warehouse (BB, JE, CK, TM, RW), pp. 717–723.
CSL-2003-ZhangN #logic- Logical Relations for Dynamic Name Creation (YZ, DN), pp. 575–588.
VLDB-2002-HeymannTKWRMF #named #network #product line #visual notation- Viator — A Tool Family for Graphical Networking and Data View Creation (SH, KT, AK, GW, PR, DM, JCF), pp. 1067–1070.
ICEIS-v2-2001-AbidiC #enterprise #information management- A Knowledge Creation Strategy to Enrich Enterprise Information Systems with Enterprise-Specific Tacit Knowledge (SSRA, YNC), pp. 633–638.
HT-2000-FischerS #adaptation #automation #hypermedia #learning- Automatic creation of exercises in adaptive hypermedia learning systems (SF, RS), pp. 49–55.
HT-2000-Miyasato #image #interactive #reuse- Creation of interactive media content by the reuse of images (TM), pp. 246–247.
HCI-CCAD-1999-ContractorBZ #case study #community #named #network- PrairieKNOW: a tool to assist the study, creation, and growth of community networks (NSC, APB, DZ), pp. 447–451.
HCI-EI-1999-KinoeM #idea- Discovering Latent Relationships among Ideas: A Methodology for Facilitating New Idea Creation (YK, HM), pp. 1242–1246.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-KollingR #on the #similarity- On Creation, Equality and the Object Model (MK, JR), p. 210–?.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-Noble- Natural Creation (JN), pp. 78–88.
HT-1998-Boissiere #automation #library #web- Automatic Creation of Hypervideo News Libraries for the World Wide Web (GB), pp. 279–280.
SIGIR-1998-MoensD #automation- Automatic Abstracting of Magazine Articles: The Creation of “Highlight” Abstracts (MFM, JD), pp. 359–360.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-WangHQ #distributed- Group Model for Decentralized Federation of Object Creation Service (XW, TH, JQ), p. 127–?.
ASE-1997-Henninger #development #evolution #tool support- Tools Supporting the Creation and Evolution of Software Development Knowledge (SH), p. 46–?.
ICDAR-1997-HennigMSW #architecture #distributed #named #recognition- DART — A Software Architecture for the Creation of a Distributed Asynchronous Recognition Toolbox (AH, EM, NS, RJW), p. 439–?.
SIGMOD-1997-LabioZWGGW #maintenance #prototype- The WHIPS Prototype for Data Warehouse Creation and Maintenance (WL, YZ, JLW, HG, HGM, JW), pp. 557–559.
ITiCSE-1997-Lawhead #online- A modelfor the creation of online courseware (PBL), pp. 31–36.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-Goldberg97a #learning- WebCT, a tool for the creation of sophisticated web-based learning environments (demonstration) (MWG), p. 149.
IFL-1997-Chakravarty #concurrent #lazy evaluation #parallel #thread- Lazy Thread and Task Creation in Parallel Graph-Reduction (MMTC), pp. 231–249.
CHI-1997-LaiV #named #recognition #speech- MedSpeak: Report Creation with Continuous Speech Recognition (JL, JV), pp. 431–438.
TACAS-1996-SteffenMCBNR #constraints- A Constraint-Oriented Service Creation Environment (BS, TMS, AC, VB, RN, MR), pp. 418–421.
ICPR-1996-Johnson #automation #programming #search-based #using #visual notation- Automated creation of visual routines using genetic programming (MPJ), pp. 951–956.
HPDC-1996-LazarL #multi #network #programmable- Programmability and Service Creation for Multimedia Networks (AAL, KSL), pp. 217–223.
SEKE-1995-FarCK #design #reuse #specification #using- Software Creation: Using Specification and Description Language (SDL) for Capturing and Reusing Human Experts’ Knowledge in Software Design (BHF, HC, ZK), pp. 189–196.
LFP-1994-HuelsbergenLA #data type #runtime #thread #using- Using the Run-Time Sizes of Data Structures to Guide Parallel-Thread Creation (LH, JRL, AA), pp. 79–90.
CSCW-1994-KatzenbergM #summary- Meaning-Making in the Creation of Useful Summary Reports (BK, JPM), pp. 199–206.
SEKE-1994-MiyakawaY #logic- Temporal logic extended with object creation and destruction (SM, NY), pp. 156–163.
PODS-1993-DenninghoffV #database- Database Method Schemas and Object Creation (KD, VV), pp. 265–275.
CIKM-1993-Mineau #documentation #multi- Facilitating the Creation of a Multiple Index on Graph-Described Documents by Transforming Their Descriptions (GWM), pp. 132–138.
SEKE-1993-KoonoFBYOH #automation #design #simulation #towards- Software Creation: Towards Automatic Software Design By Simulating Human Designers (ZK, BHF, TB, YY, MO, KIH), pp. 327–331.
SEKE-1993-KoonoFTOHB #automation #design #implementation #process- Software Creation: Implementation and Application of Design Process Knowledge in Automatic Software Design (ZK, BHF, TT, MO, KIH, TB), pp. 332–336.
CC-1992-Weber #compilation #component #product line #reuse #runtime- Creation of a Family of Compilers and Runtime Environments by Combining Reusable Components (CW), pp. 110–124.
DAC-1991-LoboP #optimisation #scheduling- Redundant Operator Creation: A Scheduling Optimization Technique (DAL, BMP), pp. 775–778.
LICS-1991-Boer #composition #process #proving- A Compositional Proof System for Dynamic Process Creation (FSdB), pp. 399–405.
VLDB-1990-HullY #declarative #identifier #named- ILOG: Declarative Creation and Manipulation of Object Identifiers (RH, MY), pp. 455–468.
LFP-1990-MohrKH #lazy evaluation #parallel #source code- Lazy Task Creation: A Technique for Increasing the Granularity of Parallel Programs (EM, DAK, RHHJ), pp. 185–197.
CHI-1990-ZandenM #automation #independence #user interface #visual notation- Automatic, look-and-feel independent dialog creation for graphical user interfaces (BTVZ, BAM), pp. 27–34.
SIGMOD-1976-Beck #approach- An Approach to the Creation of Structured Data Processing Systems (LLB), pp. 179–188.