Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Ireland
Collaborated with:
L.Shou K.Chen G.Chen S.Wu
Talks about:
smartphon (2) interest (2) recogn (2) camera (2) place (2) photo (2) know (2) annot (1)
Person: Pai Peng
DBLP: Peng:Pai
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SIGIR-2014-PengS00W #smarttech
- The knowing camera 2: recognizing and annotating places-of-interest in smartphone photos (PP, LS, KC, GC, SW), pp. 707–716.
- SIGIR-2013-PengS00W #smarttech
- The knowing camera: recognizing places-of-interest in smartphone photos (PP, LS, KC, GC, SW), pp. 969–972.