99 papers:
DATE-2015-EgilmezMME #smarttech- User-specific skin temperature-aware DVFS for smartphones (BE, GM, SOM, OE), pp. 1217–1220.
DATE-2015-SonLKYL #smarttech- A small non-volatile write buffer to reduce storage writes in smartphones (MS, SL, KK, SY, SL), pp. 713–718.
CHI-2015-GirouardLRDEP #interactive #smarttech- One-Handed Bend Interactions with Deformable Smartphones (AG, JL, MR, FD, AKE, JP), pp. 1509–1518.
CHI-2015-HangLH #authentication #exclamation #security #smarttech #what- I Know What You Did Last Week! Do You?: Dynamic Security Questions for Fallback Authentication on Smartphones (AH, ADL, HH), pp. 1383–1392.
CHI-2015-HellerB #artificial reality #mobile #named #smarttech- AudioScope: Smartphones as Directional Microphones in Mobile Audio Augmented Reality Systems (FH, JOB), pp. 949–952.
CHI-2015-LucaHZH #authentication #comprehension #exclamation #smarttech #towards- I Feel Like I’m Taking Selfies All Day!: Towards Understanding Biometric Authentication on Smartphones (ADL, AH, EvZ, HH), pp. 1411–1414.
CHI-2015-OppermannPBLP #performance #smarttech- The Smartphone Project: An Augmented Dance Performance (LO, CP, CB, OL, FP), pp. 2569–2572.
CHI-2015-ShihLW #privacy #smarttech- Privacy Tipping Points in Smartphones Privacy Preferences (FS, IL, DJW), pp. 807–816.
CHI-2015-StawarzCB #design #self #smarttech- Beyond Self-Tracking and Reminders: Designing Smartphone Apps That Support Habit Formation (KS, ALC, AB), pp. 2653–2662.
CHI-2015-WinklerGLHSDR #security #smarttech- Glass Unlock: Enhancing Security of Smartphone Unlocking through Leveraging a Private Near-eye Display (CW, JG, ADL, GH, PS, DD, ER), pp. 1407–1410.
CHI-2015-ZezschwitzLBH #named #performance #smarttech- SwiPIN: Fast and Secure PIN-Entry on Smartphones (EvZ, ADL, BB, HH), pp. 1403–1406.
CSCW-2015-KoYLHJLSYSC #named #self #smarttech- NUGU: A Group-based Intervention App for Improving Self-Regulation of Limiting Smartphone Use (MK, SY, JL, CH, JJ, UL, DS, KY, JS, KMC), pp. 1235–1245.
DUXU-UI-2015-HigashidaI #information retrieval #interface #keyword #smarttech- Keyword Input via Digits: Simplified Smartphone Interface for Information Retrieval (MH, TI), pp. 530–540.
DUXU-UI-2015-JoyceLBJ #evaluation #heuristic #smarttech #usability- Smartphone Application Usability Evaluation: The Applicability of Traditional Heuristics (GJ, ML, TB, AJ), pp. 541–550.
DUXU-UI-2015-QuaresmaGOR #interactive #smarttech- The Interaction with Smartphones in the Brazilian Driving Context (MQ, RCG, JO, MR), pp. 575–586.
HCI-DE-2015-CaonACKM #health #interactive #smarttech- A Smartphone Application to Promote Affective Interaction and Mental Health (MC, LA, SC, OAK, EM), pp. 460–467.
HCI-DE-2015-HashizumeK #analysis #smarttech #usability- Analysis of Factors Influencing the Satisfaction of the Usability Evaluations in Smartphone Applications (AH, SK), pp. 194–201.
HCI-IT-2015-JeongS #case study #how #smarttech #user interface #what- It’s not What It Speaks, but It’s How It Speaks: A Study into Smartphone Voice-User Interfaces (VUI) (JJ, DHS), pp. 284–291.
HCI-IT-2015-SarsharNR #analysis #human-computer #on the #smarttech #usability- On the Usability of Smartphone Apps in Emergencies — An HCI Analysis of GDACSmobile and SmartRescue Apps (PS, VN, JR), pp. 765–774.
HIMI-IKD-2015-LinL15a #smarttech- This Study of Hand Anthropometry and Touchscreen Size of Smartphones (YCL, MHL), pp. 617–626.
LCT-2015-SarmentoRZAT #development #framework #smarttech- Supporting the Development of Computational Thinking: A Robotic Platform Controlled by Smartphone (HRS, CASR, VZ, LDAA, CAT), pp. 124–135.
ICEIS-v2-2015-SarsharNR #case study #comparison #smarttech- A Study on the Usage of Smartphone Apps in Fire Scenarios — Comparison between GDACSmobile and SmartRescue Apps (PS, VN, JR), pp. 469–474.
SEKE-2015-FiondellaGL #automation #predict- A Smartphone-based System for Automated Congestion Prediction (LF, SSG, NL), pp. 195–200.
MoDELS-2015-S #challenge #modelling #named #smarttech- Automobile: Aircraft or smartphone? Modeling challenges and opportunities in Automotive Systems (keynote) (RS), p. 3.
ASPLOS-2015-ColpZGSLRSW #memory management #smarttech- Protecting Data on Smartphones and Tablets from Memory Attacks (PC, JZ, JG, SS, EdL, HR, SS, AW), pp. 177–189.
ASE-2014-AzimNM #automation #self #smarttech #towards- Towards self-healing smartphone software via automated patching (TA, IN, LMM), pp. 623–628.
DAC-2014-ChenCDZ #energy #smarttech- Demystifying Energy Usage in Smartphones (XC, YC, MD, J(Z), p. 5.
DATE-2014-KimSXWPC #android #fine-grained #monitoring #named #smarttech- FEPMA: Fine-grained event-driven power meter for android smartphones based on device driver layer event monitoring (KK, DS, QX, YW, MP, NC), pp. 1–6.
CHI-2014-Al-AkkadRBRZ #ad hoc #design #evaluation #lightweight #smarttech- Help beacons: design and evaluation of an ad-hoc lightweight s.o.s. system for smartphones (AAA, LR, AB, DWR, AZ), pp. 1485–1494.
CHI-2014-BohmerLGBK #design #smarttech- Interrupted by a phone call: exploring designs for lowering the impact of call notifications for smartphone users (MB, CL, SG, DPB, AK), pp. 3045–3054.
CHI-2014-HongMD #behaviour #framework- A smartphone-based sensing platform to model aggressive driving behaviors (JHH, BM, AKD), pp. 4047–4056.
CHI-2014-LeeLKLKYYGCS #case study #smarttech #student- Hooked on smartphones: an exploratory study on smartphone overuse among college students (UL, JL, MK, CL, YK, SY, KY, GG, KMC, JS), pp. 2327–2336.
CHI-2014-LucaHZMSHS #authentication #smarttech- Now you see me, now you don’t: protecting smartphone authentication from shoulder surfers (ADL, MH, EvZ, MEM, BES, HH, MS), pp. 2937–2946.
CHI-2014-MinDWAZH #detection #named #quality #smarttech- Toss-n-turn: smartphone as sleep and sleep quality detector (JKM, AD, JW, SA, JZ, JIH), pp. 477–486.
CHI-2014-MoranPRCGZMR #deployment #lessons learnt #smarttech- Listening to the forest and its curators: lessons learnt from a bioacoustic smartphone application deployment (SM, NP, TR, AC, CG, DZ, GVM, AR), pp. 2387–2396.
CHI-2014-SchaubSHMR0 #interactive #interface #quote #smarttech- “Broken display = broken interface”: the impact of display damage on smartphone interaction (FS, JS, FH, MM, ER, MW), pp. 2337–2346.
CHI-2014-TanNTNTEW #behaviour #developer #smarttech- The effect of developer-specified explanations for permission requests on smartphone user behavior (JT, KN, MT, HNA, CT, SE, DW), pp. 91–100.
CHI-2014-TruongSW #smarttech- Slide to X: unlocking the potential of smartphone unlocking (KNT, TS, DJW), pp. 3635–3644.
CHI-2014-WangCCHC #automation #interactive #named #smarttech- EverTutor: automatically creating interactive guided tutorials on smartphones by user demonstration (CYW, WCC, HRC, CYH, MYC), pp. 4027–4036.
DUXU-DI-2014-HeiskalaPVHM #framework #information management #mobile #research- A Research Framework for the Smartphone-Based Contextual Study of Mobile Knowledge Work (MH, EP, MV, KH, HM), pp. 246–257.
DUXU-DP-2014-LinkLB #challenge #gamification #metric #smarttech- Not So Fun? The Challenges of Applying Gamification to Smartphone Measurement (MWL, JL, KB), pp. 319–327.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-SharmaMTZRTGJ #named #personalisation #smarttech- SPARK: Personalized Parkinson Disease Interventions through Synergy between a Smartphone and a Smartwatch (VS, KM, FDlT, AZ, NR, TGNT, RG, SJ), pp. 103–114.
DUXU-TMT-2014-JoyceL #development #heuristic #mobile #smarttech #towards #usability- Towards the Development of Usability Heuristics for Native Smartphone Mobile Applications (GJ, ML), pp. 465–474.
DUXU-TMT-2014-QuaresmaG #analysis #smarttech #usability- Usability Analysis of Smartphone Applications for Drivers (MQ, RCG), pp. 352–362.
HCI-AS-2014-DotencoGG #smarttech #using- Smartphone Input Using Its Integrated Projector and Built-In Camera (SD, TG, FG), pp. 124–133.
HCI-AS-2014-ParkKL #case study #smarttech- A Study of Emoticon Use in Instant Messaging from Smartphone (TWP, SJK, GL), pp. 155–165.
HIMI-AS-2014-TogawaK #collaboration #framework #smarttech #using- Private Cloud Collaboration Framework for e-Learning Environment for Disaster Recovery Using Smartphone Alert Notification (ST, KK), pp. 118–126.
CIKM-2014-SuTJ #process #recognition #smarttech- Accelerometer-based Activity Recognition on Smartphone (XS, HT, PJ), pp. 2021–2023.
ECIR-2014-SchallerHE #detection #smarttech- Detecting Event Visits in Urban Areas via Smartphone GPS Data (RS, MH, DE), pp. 681–686.
ICPR-2014-KimPZGZB #bibliography #process #recognition #smarttech- Activity Recognition for a Smartphone Based Travel Survey Based on Cross-User History Data (YK, FCP, FZ, AG, PCZ, MEBA), pp. 432–437.
SIGIR-2014-PengS00W #smarttech- The knowing camera 2: recognizing and annotating places-of-interest in smartphone photos (PP, LS, KC, GC, SW), pp. 707–716.
SAC-2014-Alonso-RiosRPKF #case study #smarttech #user interface- A user study on tailoring GUIs for smartphones (DAR, DR, RP, HK, JF), pp. 186–192.
SAC-2014-KawsarAL #detection #multimodal #process #smarttech #using- Smartphone based multimodal activity detection system using plantar pressure sensors (FAK, SIA, RL), pp. 468–469.
SAC-2014-Lutz0D #question #smarttech- Are smartphones better than CRC cards? (RL, SS, SD), pp. 987–994.
SAC-2014-Majumder #realtime- A real-time smartphone- and smartshoe-based fall prevention system (AKMJAM), pp. 470–471.
SAC-2014-ParkY #multi #network #simulation #smarttech- Encountering smartphones in network simulation: a preliminary result on multi-radio multicast (YP, WY), pp. 1727–1728.
ICSE-2014-LiTH #energy #performance #smarttech #web- Making web applications more energy efficient for OLED smartphones (DL, AHT, WGJH), pp. 527–538.
ICSE-2014-LiuXC #debugging #detection #performance #smarttech- Characterizing and detecting performance bugs for smartphone applications (YL, CX, SCC), pp. 1013–1024.
ISSTA-2014-NistorR #developer #named #performance #predict #problem #smarttech- SunCat: helping developers understand and predict performance problems in smartphone applications (AN, LR), pp. 282–292.
DATE-2013-LiYHL #adaptation #named #smarttech #user interface- SmartCap: user experience-oriented power adaptation for smartphone’s application processor (XL, GY, YH, XL), pp. 57–60.
DATE-2013-ShenQ #energy #performance #smarttech #streaming #video- User-aware energy efficient streaming strategy for smartphone based video playback applications (HS, QQ), pp. 258–261.
DocEng-2013-EsserMS #documentation #information management #performance #smarttech- Information extraction efficiency of business documents captured with smartphones and tablets (DE, KM, DS), pp. 111–114.
CSEET-2013-Lutz0D #education #object-oriented #smarttech- Teaching object-orientation with smartphones as digital CRC cards (RL, SS, SD), pp. 89–98.
CHI-2013-BohmerK #case study #smarttech- A study on icon arrangement by smartphone users (MB, AK), pp. 2137–2146.
CHI-2013-GomesNV13a #case study #flexibility #named #smarttech- MorePhone: a study of actuated shape deformations for flexible thin-film smartphone notifications (AG, AN, RV), pp. 583–592.
CHI-2013-HarmonM #smarttech- Stories of the Smartphone in everyday discourse: conflict, tension & instability (EH, MM), pp. 1051–1060.
CHI-2013-LucaZNMRSL #authentication #smarttech- Back-of-device authentication on smartphones (ADL, EvZ, NDHN, MEM, ER, MPS, ML), pp. 2389–2398.
CSCW-2013-MinWHZ #mining #smarttech #social- Mining smartphone data to classify life-facets of social relationships (JKM, JW, JIH, JZ), pp. 285–294.
DUXU-NTE-2013-ShinAH #case study #interface #smarttech- A Pilot Study of the Intuitiveness of Smartphone Camera Interface for Elderly Users (HS, DA, JH), pp. 316–323.
DUXU-WM-2013-BohmS #design #energy #mobile #performance #smarttech- Smart Metering with Smartphones: User-Centered Design of a Mobile Application in the Context of Energy Efficiency (SB, LS), pp. 631–640.
DUXU-WM-2013-JimenezM #design #evaluation #predict #smarttech- Design and Evaluation of a Predictive Model for Smartphone Selection (YJ, PM), pp. 376–384.
HCI-AS-2013-CravenSMSMVRC #development #requirements #self #smarttech- User Requirements for the Development of Smartphone Self-reporting Applications in Healthcare (MPC, KS, RSKM, HS, AM, KV, NRF, JC), pp. 36–45.
HCI-AS-2013-Rampoldi-HniloS #collaboration #gamification #smarttech #social- The Business Love Triangle- Smartphones, Gamification, and Social Collaboration (LRH, MS), pp. 309–315.
HCI-AS-2013-WorpenbergG #case study #experience #game studies #navigation #smarttech- Navigation Experiences — A Case Study of Riders Accessing an Orientation Game via Smartphones (AW, BG), pp. 323–332.
HCI-IMT-2013-JeonL #design #evaluation #smarttech #user interface- The Ecological AUI (Auditory User Interface) Design and Evaluation of User Acceptance for Various Tasks on Smartphones (MJ, JHL), pp. 49–58.
HIMI-D-2013-KomineN #evaluation #optimisation #smarttech #user interface #visual notation- Optimization of GUI on Touchscreen Smartphones Based on Physiological Evaluation — Feasibility of Small Button Size and Spacing for Graphical Objects (SK, MN), pp. 80–88.
HIMI-HSM-2013-ChiangWCH #analysis #performance #smarttech- An Analysis of Smartphone Size Regarding Operating Performance (ZHC, CCW, ACC, CyH), pp. 363–372.
ICEIS-J-2013-HarbuschP13a #exclamation #optimisation #smarttech #usability #user interface- Optimizing the User Interface of a First-Aid App: A “Realistic” Usability Study with the Smartphone Application “Defi Now!” (KH, JP), pp. 421–437.
ICEIS-v3-2013-HarbuschP #exclamation #smarttech #usability #user interface- The User Interface of a Medical First Aid Application — A Close-to-Realistic Usability Study with the Smartphone Application “Defi Now!” (KH, JP), pp. 91–98.
CIKM-2013-LiaoPPL #behaviour #mining #mobile #on the #predict #smarttech- On mining mobile apps usage behavior for predicting apps usage in smartphones (ZXL, YCP, WCP, PRL), pp. 609–618.
SIGIR-2013-PengS00W #smarttech- The knowing camera: recognizing places-of-interest in smartphone photos (PP, LS, KC, GC, SW), pp. 969–972.
SAC-2013-MajumderRZEA #named #novel #realtime #towards- iPrevention: towards a novel real-time smartphone-based fall prevention system (AJAM, FR, IZ, WEJ, SIA), pp. 513–518.
ICST-2013-CanforaMVDFM #automation #case study #performance #smarttech #testing #user interface- A Case Study of Automating User Experience-Oriented Performance Testing on Smartphones (GC, FM, CAV, MD, AF, CM), pp. 66–69.
CHI-2012-TossellKRSZ #smarttech #web- Characterizing web use on smartphones (CT, PTK, AR, CS, LZ), pp. 2769–2778.
ICPR-2012-WidhalmNB #detection #smarttech- Transport mode detection with realistic Smartphone sensor data (PW, PN, NB), pp. 573–576.
KDIR-2012-IkebeKT #learning #predict #smarttech #using- Friendship Prediction using Semi-supervised Learning of Latent Features in Smartphone Usage Data (YI, MK, HT), pp. 199–205.
SAC-2012-MahdianGTM #smarttech #using- Location based routing using smartphones in an infrastructureless environment (AM, HG, ST, SM), pp. 594–599.
FSE-2012-AnandNHY #automation #smarttech #testing- Automated concolic testing of smartphone apps (SA, MN, MJH, HY), p. 59.
ASPLOS-2012-LinWLZ #named #power management #smarttech #using- Reflex: using low-power processors in smartphones without knowing them (FXL, ZW, RL, LZ), pp. 13–24.
DATE-2011-Kauppinen #smarttech- Wireless innovations for smartphones (HK), p. 606.
CSEET-2011-WhiteGP #education #smarttech- Smartphones in the curriculum workshop (SMACK 2011) (JW, JG, AAP), pp. 520–522.
HCI-MIIE-2011-XuS #performance #smarttech #web- Enabling Efficient Browsing and Manipulation of Web Tables on Smartphone (WX, YS), pp. 117–126.
HIMI-v1-2011-JeonKLW #analysis #security #smarttech- A Practical Analysis of Smartphone Security (WJ, JK, YL, DW), pp. 311–320.
IDGD-2011-OzturkRPKB #case study #interactive #network #smarttech #social- The Impact of “Device” in Social Networking: An Explorative Study with Turkish Social Network Site Users on the Nature of Interactions through Personal Computers and Smartphones (ÖÖ, KR, SP, FK, OB), pp. 473–482.
SOSP-2011-AndrusDHLN #architecture #mobile #named #smarttech- Cells: a virtual mobile smartphone architecture (JA, CD, AVH, OL, JN), pp. 173–187.
CHI-2010-KarlsonIMRLT #mobile #smarttech- Mobile taskflow in context: a screenshot study of smartphone usage (AKK, STI, BM, GR, KL, JCT), pp. 2009–2018.
OSDI-2010-EnckGCCJMS #data flow #monitoring #named #privacy #realtime #smarttech- TaintDroid: An Information-Flow Tracking System for Realtime Privacy Monitoring on Smartphones (WE, PG, BGC, LPC, JJ, PM, AS), pp. 393–407.
HCD-2009-RashidQ #evaluation #interactive #smarttech- Interaction Techniques for Binding Smartphones: A Desirability Evaluation (UR, AJQ), pp. 120–128.
SAC-2009-TarratacaSC #gesture #recognition #smarttech #using- The current feasibility of gesture recognition for a smartphone using J2ME (LT, ACS, JMPC), pp. 1642–1649.