Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Germany
Collaborated with:
X.Xing J.Craninckx G.G.E.Gielen Julian Runge F.Garcin B.Faltings W.Dong R.Yao C.Ma C.Li L.Shi L.Wang Y.Wang J.Yan
Talks about:
statist (1) spatial (1) predict (1) intrins (1) discrep (1) social (1) player (1) linear (1) design (1) casual (1)
Person: Peng Gao
DBLP: Gao:Peng
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CIKM-2014-DongYMLSWWGY #multi #statistics
- Maximizing Multi-scale Spatial Statistical Discrepancy (WD, RY, CM, CL, LS, LW, YW, PG, JY), pp. 471–480.
- DATE-2012-GaoXCG #design
- Design of an intrinsically-linear double-VCO-based ADC with 2nd-order noise shaping (PG, XX, JC, GGEG), pp. 1215–1220.
- CIG-2014-RungeGGF #game studies #predict #social
- Churn prediction for high-value players in casual social games (JR, PG, FG, BF), pp. 1–8.