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Collaborated with:
Gabriel Synnaeve
Talks about:
bayesian (4) model (3) craft (3) star (3) rts (3) tactic (2) appli (2) game (2) recognit (1) approach (1)

Person: Pierre Bessière

DBLP DBLP: Bessi=egrave=re:Pierre

Contributed to:

AIIDE 20112011
CIG 20112011
CIG 20122012

Wrote 4 papers:

AIIDE-2011-SynnaeveB #game studies #recognition
A Bayesian Model for Plan Recognition in RTS Games Applied to StarCraft (GS, PB).
A Bayesian model for RTS units control applied to StarCraft (GS, PB), pp. 190–196.
CIG-2011-SynnaeveB11a #game studies #predict
A Bayesian model for opening prediction in RTS games with application to StarCraft (GS, PB), pp. 281–288.
CIG-2012-SynnaeveB #approach
Special tactics: A Bayesian approach to tactical decision-making (GS, PB), pp. 409–416.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.