56 papers:
ECSA-2015-FernandezAP #architecture #security- Revisiting Architectural Tactics for Security (EBF, HA, GPG), pp. 55–69.
QoSA-2015-AlzahraniP #aspect-oriented #fault tolerance #modelling #reuse- Modeling Fault Tolerance Tactics with Reusable Aspects (NAMA, DCP), pp. 43–52.
QoSA-2015-KjaergaardK #architecture #mobile #on the- On Architectural Qualities and Tactics for Mobile Sensing (MBK, MK), pp. 63–72.
QoSA-2015-LewisL #architecture- A Catalog of Architectural Tactics for Cyber-Foraging (GAL, PL), pp. 53–62.
HT-2015-BlountMW #logic #social #web- An Investigation into the Use of Logical and Rhetorical Tactics within Eristic Argumentation on the Social Web (TB, DEM, MJW), pp. 195–199.
MSR-2015-MirakhorliC #architecture #debugging- Modifications, Tweaks, and Bug Fixes in Architectural Tactics (MM, JCH), pp. 377–380.
ICEIS-v2-2015-GlocknerML #evaluation #process- Engineering and Evaluation of Process Alternatives in Tactical Logistics Planning (MG, SM, AL), pp. 166–176.
KDD-2015-WangZHSY #topic- Discerning Tactical Patterns for Professional Soccer Teams: An Enhanced Topic Model with Applications (QW, HZ, WH, ZS, YY), pp. 2197–2206.
CADE-2015-FultonMQVP #axiom #hybrid #proving #theorem proving- KeYmaera X: An Axiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover for Hybrid Systems (NF, SM, JDQ, MV, AP), pp. 527–538.
QoSA-2014-ChavarriagaNCJ #architecture #in the cloud- Architectural tactics support in cloud computing providers: the jelastic case (JC, CN, RC, VJ), pp. 13–22.
WICSA-2014-ProcacciantiLL #architecture- Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud (GP, PL, GAL), pp. 41–44.
CHI-2014-BonsignoreMNHKD #authentication #design #game studies #interactive- Design tactics for authentic interactive fiction: insights from alternate reality game designers (EMB, VM, CN, DLH, KK, AD), pp. 947–950.
SEKE-2014-Parvizi-MosaedMHH #adaptation #architecture #evaluation #self #towards- Towards a Tactic-Based Evaluation of Self-Adaptive Software Architecture Availability (APM, SM, JH, AH), pp. 168–173.
SAC-2014-ZardariBE #using- Cloud adoption: prioritizing obstacles and obstacles resolution tactics using AHP (SZ, RB, AE), pp. 1013–1020.
ASE-2013-Mirakhorli #architecture #implementation #visualisation- Preventing erosion of architectural tactics through their strategic implementation, preservation, and visualization (MM), pp. 762–765.
CASE-2013-AlfonsoAX- Tactical planning of bloodmobile collection systems (EA, VA, XX), pp. 26–31.
ICFP-2013-ZilianiDKNV #coq #monad #named #programming- Mtac: a monad for typed tactic programming in Coq (BZ, DD, NRK, AN, VV), pp. 87–100.
HIMI-HSM-2013-LeaN #framework #performance #quality #research #usability- Usability of Performance Dashboards, Usefulness of Operational and Tactical Support, and Quality of Strategic Support: A Research Framework (BRL, FFHN), pp. 116–123.
SEKE-2013-KassabE #design pattern #interactive #quality #towards- Towards Quantifying Quality, Tactics and Architectural Patterns Interactions (S) (MK, GEB), pp. 441–446.
PPDP-2013-JedynakBB #coq- An operational foundation for the tactic language of Coq (WJ, MB, DB), pp. 25–36.
MSR-2012-PosnettDF #correlation- MIC check: A correlation tactic for ESE data (DP, PTD, VF), pp. 22–31.
SEFM-2012-FilhoO #implementation #refinement- Implementing Tactics of Refinement in CRefine (MCF, MVMO), pp. 342–351.
FSE-2012-MirakhorliMC #design pattern #variability- Variability points and design pattern usage in architectural tactics (MM, PM, JCH), p. 52.
ICSE-2012-MirakhorliSCC #approach #automation #quality #traceability- A tactic-centric approach for automating traceability of quality concerns (MM, YS, JCH, MÇ), pp. 639–649.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-KoziolekKR #architecture #automation #multi #named #optimisation- PerOpteryx: automated application of tactics in multi-objective software architecture optimization (AK, HK, RHR), pp. 33–42.
WICSA-2011-ChampagneG #architecture #automation #performance #towards- Towards Automation of Performance Architectural Tactics Application (RC, SG), pp. 157–160.
ICSM-2011-MirakhorliC #architecture #information management #maintenance #modelling #traceability #using- Using tactic traceability information models to reduce the risk of architectural degradation during system maintenance (MM, JCH), pp. 123–132.
KEOD-2011-MunozCLCP #enterprise #framework #integration #ontology #process- Ontological Framework for the Enterprise from a Process Perspective — Operational, Tactical and Strategic Integration for Improved Decision-making (EM, ECG, JML, AEC, LP), pp. 538–546.
SEKE-2011-BagheriS #approach #architecture #formal method- A Formal Approach for Incorporating Architectural Tactics into the Software Architecture (HB, KJS), pp. 770–775.
CSCW-2010-ChoiAKL #wiki- Socialization tactics in wikipedia and their effects (BC, KA, REK, JML), pp. 107–116.
ICPR-2010-ZhangXL #detection #video- Extracting Key Sub-trajectory Features for Supervised Tactic Detection in Sports Video (YZ, CX, HL), pp. 125–128.
KDIR-2010-AchaKV #analysis #data mining #mining #modelling- Tactical Analysis Modeling through Data Mining — Pattern Discovery in Racket Sports (ATA, WAK, JKV), pp. 176–181.
SEKE-2010-Pelaez #convergence #forensics #modelling #network- A Pattern Methodology for Modeling Network Forensic Investigations in Converged Tactical Environments (JCP), pp. 777–782.
SEKE-2010-WyethZ #architecture #security #specification- Formal Specification of Software Architecture Security Tactics (AW, CZ), pp. 172–175.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-KeulerW #architecture #design #synthesis- Interaction-sensitive synthesis of architectural tactics in connector designs (TK, CW), pp. 321–324.
HCI-NT-2009-MoesleinBS #collaboration #development #roadmap #tool support- Open Collaborative Development: Trends, Tools, and Tactics (KMM, ACB, JHS), pp. 874–881.
HIMI-DIE-2009-SamoylovFRTSG #communication #interactive- Tactical Access to Complex Technology through Interactive Communication (TACTIC) (AS, CF, SHR, PDT, KS, PG), pp. 154–162.
SAC-2009-JaquesLP- Evaluating the affective tactics of an emotional pedagogical agent (PAJ, ML, SP), pp. 104–109.
EDOC-2008-KimKLP #approach #architecture #non-functional #requirements- A Tactic-Based Approach to Embodying Non-functional Requirements into Software Architectures (SK, DKK, LL, SP), pp. 139–148.
SEFM-2004-OliveiraXC #refinement- Refine and Gabriel: Support for Refinement and Tactics (MO, MX, AC), pp. 310–319.
SEKE-2002-PoleseTT #data mining #mining- A data mining based system supporting tactical decisions (GP, MT, GT), pp. 681–684.
ICSE-2002-LetierL #requirements- Agent-based tactics for goal-oriented requirements elaboration (EL, AvL), pp. 83–93.
HCI-SEC-1997-MulgundRIZ #estimation #interface #modelling- Situation Awareness Modeling and Pilot State Estimation for Tactical Cockpit Interfaces (SSM, GR, CI, GZ), pp. 487–490.
CADE-1997-EastaughffeOC #formal method #proving #state machine #visual notation- Proof Tactics for a Theory of State Machines in a Graphical Environment (KAE, MAO, AC), pp. 366–379.
CADE-1996-Ruess #deduction #framework- Reflection of Formal Tactics in a Deductive Reflection Framework (HR), pp. 628–642.
CADE-1994-FeltyH #proving #theorem proving- Tactic Theorem Proving with Refinement-Tree Proofs and Metavariables (APF, DJH), pp. 605–619.
CADE-1992-Chen #empirical #knowledge-based #proving #theorem proving- Tactic-based Theorem Proving and Knowledge-based Forward Chaining: an Experiment with Nuprl and Ontic (WZC), pp. 552–566.
VDME-1991-1-Cattel #specification #tool support- Tactical Tools for Distributing VDM Specifications (TC), pp. 309–323.
CADE-1990-BundyHSI #induction #proving- Extensions to the Rippling-Out Tactic for Guiding Inductive Proofs (AB, FvH, AS, AI), pp. 132–146.
CADE-1990-HeiselRS #proving #theorem proving #verification- Tactical Theorem Proving in Program Verification (MH, WR, WS), pp. 117–131.
ML-1989-LeviPS #learning- Learning Tactical Plans for Pilot Aiding (KRL, DLP, VLS), pp. 191–193.
SIGIR-1989-SmithSGC #knowledge-based- In Search of Knowledge-Based Search Tactics (PJS, SJS, DG, MHC), pp. 3–10.
ML-1988-EricksonZ #experience- Utilizing Experience for Improving the Tactical Manager (MDE, JMZ), pp. 444–450.
CSCW-1986-GarrettSM #design #documentation #hypermedia #named- Intermedia: issues, strategies, and tactics in the design of a hypermedia document system (LNG, KES, NKM), pp. 163–174.
CADE-1984-Schmidt #programming #reasoning- A Programming Notation for Tactical Reasoning (DAS), pp. 445–459.
SIGIR-1973-Dockery #problem- Remarks on Tactical Computer Problems (JTD), p. 176.