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Travelled to:
1 × Estonia
1 × India
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Groce M.A.Alipour C.Jensen M.Erwig D.Le A.Shi D.Marinov I.A.0001 C.Brindescu B.Mathis Michaël Mera A.Kampmann M.Höschele A.Zeller
Talks about:
coverag (2) evalu (2) test (2) regular (1) program (1) express (1) discont (1) develop (1) tested (1) reduct (1)

Person: Rahul Gopinath

DBLP DBLP: Gopinath:Rahul

Contributed to:

ICSE 20142014
ISSTA 20142014
Onward! 20142014
FASE 20122012
ASE 20162016
FSE 20162016
PLDI 20192019

Wrote 7 papers:

ICSE-2014-GopinathJG #developer #evaluation #test coverage
Code coverage for suite evaluation by developers (RG, CJ, AG), pp. 72–82.
ISSTA-2014-LeAGG #haskell #mutation testing #named #source code #testing
MuCheck: an extensible tool for mutation testing of haskell programs (DL, MAA, RG, AG), pp. 429–432.
Coverage and Its Discontents (AG, MAA, RG), pp. 255–268.
FASE-2012-ErwigG #regular expression
Explanations for Regular Expressions (ME, RG), pp. 394–408.
ASE-2016-AlipourSGMG #reduction #testing
Evaluating non-adequate test-case reduction (MAA, AS, RG, DM, AG), pp. 16–26.
FSE-2016-AhmedGBGJ #effectiveness #question
Can testedness be effectively measured? (IA0, RG, CB, AG, CJ), pp. 547–558.
PLDI-2019-MathisGMKHZ #fuzzing
Parser-directed fuzzing (BM, RG, MM, AK, MH, AZ), pp. 548–560.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.