Thomas Zimmermann 0001, Jane Cleland-Huang, Zhendong Su
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering
FSE, 2016.
doi = "10.1145/2950290",
editor = "Thomas Zimmermann 0001 and Jane Cleland-Huang and Zhendong Su",
isbn = "978-1-4503-4218-6",
publisher = "{ACM}",
title = "{Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering}",
year = 2016,
Contents (143 items)
- FSE-2016-Burnett #what
- “Womenomics” and gender-inclusive software: what software engineers need to know (invited talk) (MMB), p. 1.
- FSE-2016-Herbsleb #coordination #how #research #why
- Building a socio-technical theory of coordination: why and how (outstanding research award) (JDH), pp. 2–10.
- FSE-2016-JacksonV #verification
- Correct or usable? the limits of traditional verification (impact paper award) (DJ0, MV), p. 11.
- FSE-2016-RossiSSBSS #deployment #facebook #mobile
- Continuous deployment of mobile software at facebook (showcase) (CR, ES, SS, KLB, TS, MS), pp. 12–23.
- FSE-2016-Huang #programming
- Model, execute, and deploy: answering the hard questions in end-user programming (showcase) (SSH), p. 24.
- FSE-2016-Mahmud
- Making invisible things visible: tracking down known vulnerabilities at 3000 companies (showcase) (GM), p. 25.
- FSE-2016-Sadowski #developer #workflow
- Developer workflow at google (showcase) (CS), p. 26.
- FSE-2016-BagheriM #alloy #analysis #evolution #named #performance #specification
- Titanium: efficient analysis of evolving alloy specifications (HB, SM), pp. 27–38.
- FSE-2016-BruninkR #mining #performance #specification
- Mining performance specifications (MB, DSR), pp. 39–49.
- FSE-2016-HaoK0J #design #effectiveness #formal method #lightweight
- Designing minimal effective normative systems with the help of lightweight formal methods (JH, EK, JS0, DJ0), pp. 50–60.
- FSE-2016-XieCLLL #analysis #dependence #named #summary
- Proteus: computing disjunctive loop summary via path dependency analysis (XX, BC0, YL0, WL, XL), pp. 61–72.
- FSE-2016-JohnsonPSFEMHS #communication #program analysis
- A cross-tool communication study on program analysis tool notifications (BJ, RP, JS0, DF, SE, ERMH, SH, CS), pp. 73–84.
- FSE-2016-BaumLNS #code review #industrial #overview #process
- Factors influencing code review processes in industry (TB, OL, KN, KS), pp. 85–96.
- FSE-2016-PiorkowskiHNFSB #developer #predict
- Foraging and navigations, fundamentally: developers' predictions of value and cost (DP, AZH, TN, SDF, CS, MMB), pp. 97–108.
- FSE-2016-BogartKHT #api #community #ecosystem #how
- How to break an API: cost negotiation and community values in three software ecosystems (CB, CK, JDH, FT), pp. 109–120.
- FSE-2016-Xu0ZX #analysis #debugging #detection #predict #python
- Python predictive analysis for bug detection (ZX, PL0, XZ0, BX), pp. 121–132.
- FSE-2016-JiangCQXML #consistency #validation
- Crash consistency validation made easy (YJ, HC, FQ, CX, XM, JL), pp. 133–143.
- FSE-2016-HanamBM #debugging #javascript
- Discovering bug patterns in JavaScript (QH, FSDMB, AM0), pp. 144–156.
- FSE-2016-YangZLZL0XL #fault #modelling #predict
- Effort-aware just-in-time defect prediction: simple unsupervised models could be better than supervised models (YY, YZ, JL, YZ, HL, LX0, BX, HL), pp. 157–168.
- FSE-2016-HuangZT #analysis #correlation #detection
- Detecting sensitive data disclosure via bi-directional text correlation analysis (JH0, XZ0, LT0), pp. 169–180.
- FSE-2016-KangMJ #analysis #multi #security
- Multi-representational security analysis (EK, AM, DJ0), pp. 181–192.
- FSE-2016-BangAPPB #analysis #string
- String analysis for side channels with segmented oracles (LB, AA, QSP, CSP, TB), pp. 193–204.
- FSE-2016-WangZXKZE #delivery #named #web
- WebRanz: web page randomization for better advertisement delivery and web-bot prevention (WW, YZ, XX, YK, XZ0, PTE), pp. 205–216.
- FSE-2016-BaresiGLQ #feedback
- A discrete-time feedback controller for containerized cloud applications (LB, SG, AL, GQ), pp. 217–228.
- FSE-2016-ShevtsovW #adaptation #multi #self
- Keep it SIMPLEX: satisfying multiple goals with guarantees in control-based self-adaptive systems (SS, DW), pp. 229–241.
- FSE-2016-NejatiS0BM #automation #design #impact analysis #modelling #requirements
- Automated change impact analysis between SysML models of requirements and design (SN, MS, CA0, LCB, FM), pp. 242–253.
- FSE-2016-FowkesS #api #git #mining #probability
- Parameter-free probabilistic API mining across GitHub (JMF, CAS), pp. 254–265.
- FSE-2016-ZhouW #analysis #api #detection #web
- API deprecation: a retrospective analysis and detection method for code examples on the web (JZ, RJW), pp. 266–277.
- FSE-2016-HoraVRA #interface #question
- When should internal interfaces be promoted to public? (ACH, MTV, RR, NA), pp. 278–289.
- FSE-2016-KalraGKDSP #library #named
- POLLUX: safely upgrading dependent application libraries (SK, AG, DK, MD, SS0, RP), pp. 290–300.
- FSE-2016-HasabnisS #code generation #execution #semantics #symbolic computation
- Extracting instruction semantics via symbolic execution of code generators (NH, RS), pp. 301–313.
- FSE-2016-GhassabaniGW #generative #induction #performance #safety
- Efficient generation of inductive validity cores for safety properties (EG, AG, MWW), pp. 314–325.
- FSE-2016-BeyerDDH #correctness #verification
- Correctness witnesses: exchanging verification results between verifiers (DB, MD, DD, MH), pp. 326–337.
- FSE-2016-GurfinkelSM #smt #verification
- SMT-based verification of parameterized systems (AG, SS, YM), pp. 338–348.
- FSE-2016-Apel0MMS #composition #model checking #on the fly #specification
- On-the-fly decomposition of specifications in software model checking (SA, DB0, VOM, VSM, AS), pp. 349–361.
- FSE-2016-MaozR #on the #specification
- On well-separation of GR(1) specifications (SM, JOR), pp. 362–372.
- FSE-2016-MacedoBCCK #analysis #lightweight #specification
- Lightweight specification and analysis of dynamic systems with rich configurations (NM, JB, DC, AC, DK), pp. 373–383.
- FSE-2016-NiuWG #requirements #traceability #using
- Gray links in the use of requirements traceability (NN, WW0, AG), pp. 384–395.
- FSE-2016-LiuXCT #android #comprehension #detection
- Understanding and detecting wake lock misuses for Android applications (YL, CX0, SCC, VT), pp. 396–409.
- FSE-2016-KangZXL #android #named #performance
- DiagDroid: Android performance diagnosis via anatomizing asynchronous executions (YK, YZ, HX, MRL), pp. 410–421.
- FSE-2016-ClappBAA #user interface
- Minimizing GUI event traces (LC, OB, SA, AA), pp. 422–434.
- FSE-2016-MartinSH #game studies #impact analysis
- Causal impact analysis for app releases in google play (WJM, FS, MH), pp. 435–446.
- FSE-2016-SungKS0 #analysis #dependence #testing #web
- Static DOM event dependency analysis for testing web applications (CS, MK, NS0, CW0), pp. 447–459.
- FSE-2016-SuiX #analysis #on-demand #refinement
- On-demand strong update analysis via value-flow refinement (YS, JX), pp. 460–473.
- FSE-2016-ReifEHLM #graph #java #library
- Call graph construction for Java libraries (MR, ME, BH, JL, MM), pp. 474–486.
- FSE-2016-WeiTRD #javascript #locality #static analysis
- Revamping JavaScript static analysis via localization and remediation of root causes of imprecision (SW, OT, BGR, JD), pp. 487–498.
- FSE-2016-SorboPASVCG #recommendation #what
- What would users change in my app? summarizing app reviews for recommending software changes (ADS, SP, CVA, JS, CAV, GC, HCG), pp. 499–510.
- FSE-2016-NguyenHCNMRND #api #fine-grained #learning #recommendation #statistics #using
- API code recommendation using statistical learning from fine-grained changes (ATN0, MH, MC, HAN, LM, ER, TNN, DD), pp. 511–522.
- FSE-2016-CostaFMS #branch #named #recommendation
- TIPMerge: recommending experts for integrating changes across branches (CC, JF, LM, AS), pp. 523–534.
- FSE-2016-LinPCDZZ #architecture #interactive #recommendation #refactoring #search-based
- Interactive and guided architectural refactoring with search-based recommendation (YL0, XP0, YC, DD, DZ, WZ), pp. 535–546.
- FSE-2016-AhmedGBGJ #effectiveness #question
- Can testedness be effectively measured? (IA0, RG, CB, AG, CJ), pp. 547–558.
- FSE-2016-LuoMP #comparison #empirical #scalability #testing
- A large-scale empirical comparison of static and dynamic test case prioritization techniques (QL, KM, DP), pp. 559–570.
- FSE-2016-KurtzAODKG
- Analyzing the validity of selective mutation with dominator mutants (BK, PA, JO, MED, MK, NG), pp. 571–582.
- FSE-2016-LegunsenHSLZM #evolution #testing
- An extensive study of static regression test selection in modern software evolution (OL, FH, AS, YL, LZ, DM), pp. 583–594.
- FSE-2016-KimRLZX #monitoring #named #performance
- PerfGuard: binary-centric application performance monitoring in production environments (CHK, JR, KHL, XZ0, DX), pp. 595–606.
- FSE-2016-XuZCPX #natural language #probability #python #type inference
- Python probabilistic type inference with natural language support (ZX, XZ0, LC0, KP, BX), pp. 607–618.
- FSE-2016-WangZHXZ0 #detection #fault #float
- Detecting and fixing precision-specific operations for measuring floating-point errors (RW, DZ, XH, YX, LZ0, GH0), pp. 619–630.
- FSE-2016-GuZZK #api #learning
- Deep API learning (XG, HZ0, DZ, SK0), pp. 631–642.
- FSE-2016-CelikKMG #java #lazy evaluation #retrieval
- Build system with lazy retrieval for Java projects (AÇ, AK, AM, MG), pp. 643–654.
- FSE-2016-NguyenKCFP #configuration management #interactive #named
- iGen: dynamic interaction inference for configurable software (TN, UK, JC, JSF, AAP), pp. 655–665.
- FSE-2016-ChenSHNF #developer #framework #named #web
- CacheOptimizer: helping developers configure caching frameworks for hibernate-based database-centric web applications (THC, WS, AEH, MNN, PF), pp. 666–677.
- FSE-2016-ChandramohanXXL #architecture #named
- BinGo: cross-architecture cross-OS binary search (MC, YX, ZX, YL0, CYC, HBKT), pp. 678–689.
- FSE-2016-LiWWYXM #code search #framework #javascript
- Relationship-aware code search for JavaScript frameworks (XL, ZW, QW, SY, TX0, HM), pp. 690–701.
- FSE-2016-SuBHSKJ #detection
- Code relatives: detecting similarly behaving software (FHS, JB0, KH, SS, GEK, TJ), pp. 702–714.
- FSE-2016-LiuCL #comprehension #concurrent #debugging #generative #quality
- Understanding and generating high quality patches for concurrency bugs (HL, YC, SL), pp. 715–726.
- FSE-2016-TanYPR #program repair #search-based
- Anti-patterns in search-based program repair (SHT, HY, MRP, AR), pp. 727–738.
- FSE-2016-KaleeswaranSKG #feedback #generative
- Semi-supervised verified feedback generation (SK, AS, AK, SG), pp. 739–750.
- FSE-2016-HammoudiRS #approach #incremental #named #testing #web
- WATERFALL: an incremental approach for repairing record-replay tests of web applications (MH, GR, AS0), pp. 751–762.
- FSE-2016-BergerVJDS #editing #empirical #performance #projectional
- Efficiency of projectional editing: a controlled experiment (TB, MV, HPJ, TD, JS), pp. 763–774.
- FSE-2016-ZhanH #concurrent #detection #ide #named
- ECHO: instantaneous in situ race detection in the IDE (SZ, JH0), pp. 775–786.
- FSE-2016-DouCGXXW #detection #smell #spreadsheet
- Detecting table clones and smells in spreadsheets (WD, SCC, CG, CX0, LX, JW0), pp. 787–798.
- FSE-2016-Kusano0 #abstract interpretation #composition #thread
- Flow-sensitive composition of thread-modular abstract interpretation (MK, CW0), pp. 799–809.
- FSE-2016-CaiZCL #concurrent #detection
- A deployable sampling strategy for data race detection (YC0, JZ, LC, JL), pp. 810–821.
- FSE-2016-JiangXLML #coordination #dependence #memory management #online #reduction
- Online shared memory dependence reduction via bisectional coordination (YJ, CX, DL, XM, JL), pp. 822–832.
- FSE-2016-YogaNG #concurrent #detection #parallel #source code
- Parallel data race detection for task parallel programs with locks (AY, SN, AG), pp. 833–845.
- FSE-2016-FordSGP #identification #stack overflow
- Paradise unplugged: identifying barriers for female participation on stack overflow (DF, JS0, PJG, CP), pp. 846–857.
- FSE-2016-SilvaTV #git #why
- Why we refactor? confessions of GitHub contributors (DS, NT, MTV), pp. 858–870.
- FSE-2016-ZhuZM #effectiveness #tool support
- Effectiveness of code contribution: from patch-based to pull-request-based tools (JZ, MZ, AM), pp. 871–882.
- FSE-2016-ZhangLZHZM #branch #testing
- Isomorphic regression testing: executing uncovered branches without test augmentation (JZ0, YL, LZ, DH, LZ0, HM), pp. 883–894.
- FSE-2016-DhokR #detection #generative #testing
- Directed test generation to detect loop inefficiencies (MD, MKR), pp. 895–907.
- FSE-2016-PonzioAFV #testing
- Field-exhaustive testing (PP, NA, MFF, WV), pp. 908–919.
- FSE-2016-Robillard #design
- Sustainable software design (MPR), pp. 920–923.
- FSE-2016-BarikPMM #design #re-engineering #research
- Designing for dystopia: software engineering research for the post-apocalypse (TB, RP, JM, ERMH), pp. 924–927.
- FSE-2016-StoreyZ #developer
- Disrupting developer productivity one bot at a time (MADS, AZ), pp. 928–931.
- FSE-2016-SarmaGSL #ecosystem
- Training the future workforce through task curation in an OSS ecosystem (AS, MAG, IS, RL), pp. 932–935.
- FSE-2016-WeirRN #education
- Reaching the masses: a new subdiscipline of app programmer education (CW, AR, JN0), pp. 936–939.
- FSE-2016-SharifCM #developer #re-engineering #research
- Studying developer gaze to empower software engineering research and practice (BS, BC, JIM), pp. 940–943.
- FSE-2016-DamTGG #named
- DeepSoft: a vision for a deep model of software (HKD, TT0, JCG, AKG), pp. 944–947.
- FSE-2016-CohenPV #algorithm #lens #testing
- Budgeted testing through an algorithmic lens (MBC, AP, NVV), pp. 948–951.
- FSE-2016-Omoronyia #privacy #reasoning
- Reasoning with imprecise privacy preferences (IO), pp. 952–955.
- FSE-2016-ZhangJKKGH #developer #recommendation
- Bing developer assistant: improving developer productivity by recommending sample code (HZ0, AJ, GK, CK, SG, WH), pp. 956–961.
- FSE-2016-ZalmanoviciRT #analysis #clustering #functional #testing
- Cluster-based test suite functional analysis (MZ, OR, RTB), pp. 962–967.
- FSE-2016-ImesBH #energy #interface #monitoring #runtime
- A portable interface for runtime energy monitoring (CI, LB, HH), pp. 968–974.
- FSE-2016-BusjaegerX #case study #industrial #learning
- Learning for test prioritization: an industrial case study (BB, TX), pp. 975–980.
- FSE-2016-ZhongZK #combinator #generative #testing
- Combinatorial generation of structurally complex test inputs for commercial software applications (HZ, LZ, SK), pp. 981–986.
- FSE-2016-ZengLZXDLYX #android #automation #case study #generative #industrial #question
- Automated test input generation for Android: are we really there yet in an industrial case? (XZ, DL0, WZ, FX, YD, WL, WY0, TX0), pp. 987–992.
- FSE-2016-GyoriLSLM #api #debugging #detection #java #named #specification
- NonDex: a tool for detecting and debugging wrong assumptions on Java API specifications (AG, BL, AS, OL, DM), pp. 993–997.
- FSE-2016-CostaFSM #branch #developer #named #recommendation
- TIPMerge: recommending developers for merging branches (CC, JF, AS, LM), pp. 998–1002.
- FSE-2016-BarrMMMS #debugging #javascript
- Time-travel debugging for JavaScript/Node.js (ETB, MM, EM, DM, GS), pp. 1003–1007.
- FSE-2016-HajriGBS #case study #domain model #modelling #named #product line
- PUMConf: a tool to configure product specific use case and domain models in a product line (IH, AG, LCB, TS), pp. 1008–1012.
- FSE-2016-NguyenRNKN #api #named #statistics
- T2API: synthesizing API code usage templates from English texts with statistical translation (TVN, PCR, ATN0, MK, TNN), pp. 1013–1017.
- FSE-2016-BraioneDP #java #named #source code
- JBSE: a symbolic executor for Java programs with complex heap inputs (PB, GD, MP), pp. 1018–1022.
- FSE-2016-PanichellaSGVCG #classification #development #named
- ARdoc: app reviews development oriented classifier (SP, ADS, EG, CAV, GC, HCG), pp. 1023–1027.
- FSE-2016-WangFMKDR #java #named #reuse
- Hunter: next-generation code reuse for Java (YW, YF, RM, AK, ID, SPR), pp. 1028–1032.
- FSE-2016-GulzarICK #big data #data analysis #debugging #interactive #named
- BigDebug: interactive debugger for big data analytics in Apache Spark (MAG, MI, TC, MK), pp. 1033–1037.
- FSE-2016-OosterwaalDCSB #code review #overview #perspective #visualisation
- Visualizing code and coverage changes for code review (SO, AvD, RC, AAS, AB), pp. 1038–1041.
- FSE-2016-MiucinBF #behaviour #memory management #profiling
- End-to-end memory behavior profiling with DINAMITE (SM, CB, AF), pp. 1042–1046.
- FSE-2016-PaschalidesK #open source #validation
- Validate your SPDX files for open source license violations (DP, GMK), pp. 1047–1051.
- FSE-2016-YoshidaTPGU #c #c++ #fine-grained #generative #incremental #named #source code #testing
- FSX: a tool for fine-grained incremental unit test generation for C/C++ programs (HY, ST, MRP, IG, TU), pp. 1052–1056.
- FSE-2016-Mazinanian #css #maintenance #migration #optimisation #refactoring #towards
- Refactoring and migration of cascading style sheets: towards optimization and improved maintainability (DM), pp. 1057–1059.
- FSE-2016-Shevtsov #adaptation #approach #reuse #self
- Developing a reusable control-based approach to build self-adaptive software systems with formal guarantees (SS), pp. 1060–1062.
- FSE-2016-Rolim #automation #using
- Automating repetitive code changes using examples (RR), pp. 1063–1065.
- FSE-2016-Hilton #comprehension #integration
- Understanding and improving continuous integration (MH), pp. 1066–1067.
- FSE-2016-Alexandru #network #synthesis #using
- Guided code synthesis using deep neural networks (CVA), pp. 1068–1070.
- FSE-2016-Panchekha #generative #interactive #web
- Generating interactive web pages from storyboards (PP), pp. 1071–1072.
- FSE-2016-Loncaric #data type #synthesis
- Data structure synthesis (CL), pp. 1073–1075.
- FSE-2016-Alimadadi #behaviour #comprehension #javascript
- Understanding behavioural patterns in JavaScript (SA), pp. 1076–1078.
- FSE-2016-Hammoudi #testing #tool support #using #web
- Regression testing of web applications using Record/Replay tools (MH), pp. 1079–1081.
- FSE-2016-Hajri #case study #development #product line #testing
- Supporting change in product lines within the context of use case-driven development and testing (IH), pp. 1082–1084.
- FSE-2016-Luo #performance #testing
- Input-sensitive performance testing (QL), pp. 1085–1087.
- FSE-2016-Kurtz #mutation testing #on the #testing
- On the utility of dominator mutants for mutation testing (BK), pp. 1088–1090.
- FSE-2016-Zanjani #developer #effectiveness
- Effective assignment and assistance to software developers and reviewers (MBZ), pp. 1091–1093.
- FSE-2016-Cheng #analysis #fault #integer #named
- RABIEF: range analysis based integer error fixing (XC), pp. 1094–1096.
- FSE-2016-Meng #fine-grained #identification
- Fine-grained binary code authorship identification (XM), pp. 1097–1099.
- FSE-2016-Costa #collaboration #identification
- Identifying participants for collaborative merge (CC), pp. 1100–1102.
- FSE-2016-Loncaric16a #data type #named
- Cozy: synthesizing collection data structures (CL), pp. 1103–1105.
- FSE-2016-Wang #constraints #reduction
- Constraint-based event trace reduction (JW), pp. 1106–1108.
- FSE-2016-Nandi #automation #generative
- Automatic trigger generation for end user written rules for home automation (CN), pp. 1109–1111.
- FSE-2016-Quan #execution #float #source code #symbolic computation
- Hotspot symbolic execution of floating-point programs (MQ), pp. 1112–1114.
- FSE-2016-Pearson #evaluation #fault #locality
- Evaluation of fault localization techniques (SP), pp. 1115–1117.
- FSE-2016-Barik #developer #how #question #static analysis #tool support
- How should static analysis tools explain anomalies to developers? (TB), pp. 1118–1120.
- FSE-2016-Lam #dependence
- Repairing test dependence (WL), pp. 1121–1123.
- FSE-2016-Kellogg #debugging #detection #generative #testing
- Combining bug detection and test case generation (MK), pp. 1124–1126.
- FSE-2016-Guo #debugging #interactive #java #named
- SmartDebug: an interactive debug assistant for Java (XG), pp. 1127–1129.
- FSE-2016-Xiaofei #analysis
- Static loop analysis and its applications (XX), pp. 1130–1132.
- FSE-2016-Head #developer #health #open source #social
- Social health cues developers use when choosing open source packages (AH), pp. 1133–1135.
- FSE-2016-Kappler #dependence #execution
- Finding and breaking test dependencies to speed up test execution (SK), pp. 1136–1138.
- FSE-2016-Luo16a #automation #performance #profiling #testing #using
- Automatic performance testing using input-sensitive profiling (QL), pp. 1139–1141.
- FSE-2016-Santino #array #type system
- Enforcing correct array indexes with a type system (JS), pp. 1142–1144.
- FSE-2016-Huang16a #api #invariant #java
- Discovering additional violations of Java API invariants (WH), pp. 1145–1147.
- FSE-2016-Mackie #fault #java
- Preventing signedness errors in numerical computations in Java (CAM), pp. 1148–1150.
- FSE-2016-Monteiro #bound #finite #fixpoint #implementation #model checking #modelling
- Bounded model checking of state-space digital systems: the impact of finite word-length effects on the implementation of fixed-point digital controllers based on state-space modeling (FRM), pp. 1151–1153.
- FSE-2016-Gullapalli #framework #grid #named
- Atlas: an intelligent, performant framework for web-based grid computing (SG), pp. 1154–1156.