Collaborated with:
Erin J. Hastings K.O.Stanley
Talks about:
particl (2) content (2) galact (2) video (2) race (2) game (2) arm (2) represent (1) demonstr (1) generat (1)
Person: Ratan K. Guha
DBLP: Guha:Ratan_K=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CIG-2007-HastingsGS #animation #design #representation
- NEAT Particles: Design, Representation, and Animation of Particle System Effects (EJH, RKG, KOS), pp. 154–160.
- AIIDE-2009-HastingsGS #automation #game studies #generative #video
- Demonstrating Automatic Content Generation in the Galactic Arms Race Video Game (EJH, RKG, KOS).
- CIG-2009-HastingsGS #evolution #game studies #video
- Evolving content in the Galactic Arms Race video game (EJH, RKG, KOS), pp. 241–248.