Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.D.Chase H.R.Hartson D.Hix J.A.Lewis S.M.Henry D.G.Kafura J.L.Brandenburg
Talks about:
techniqu (2) behavior (2) model (2) represent (1) paradigm (1) interfac (1) taxonom (1) softwar (1) develop (1) repres (1)
Person: Robert S. Schulman
DBLP: Schulman:Robert_S=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CHI-1994-ChaseSHH94a #behaviour #development #evaluation #representation
- Development and evaluation of a taxonomical model of behavioral representation techniques (JDC, RSS, HRH, DH), pp. 159–165.
- HCI-SHI-1993-ChaseHHSB #behaviour #design #representation #user interface
- A Model of Behavioral Techniques for Representing User Interface Designs (JDC, HRH, DH, RSS, JLB), pp. 861–866.
- OOPSLA-1991-LewisHKS #empirical #object-oriented #paradigm #reuse
- An Empirical Study of the Object-Oriented Paradigm and Software Reuse (JAL, SMH, DGK, RSS), pp. 184–196.