Travelled to:
1 × Russia
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
F.d.Jong M.Dadvar D.Trieschnigg D.Nadeem R.Aly E.Verbruggen W.Heeren L.v.d.Werff A.v.Hessen
Talks about:
search (2) user (2) cyberbulli (1) audiovisu (1) approach (1) quantit (1) context (1) speech (1) requir (1) improv (1)
Person: Roeland Ordelman
DBLP: Ordelman:Roeland
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ECIR-2013-DadvarTOJ #detection
- Improving Cyberbullying Detection with User Context (MD, DT, RO, FdJ), pp. 693–696.
- TPDL-2013-NadeemOAV #approach #requirements
- Users Requirements in Audiovisual Search: A Quantitative Approach (DN, RO, RA, EV), pp. 241–246.
- SIGIR-2007-HeerenWOHJ #speech
- Radio Oranje: searching the queen’s speech(es) (WH, LvdW, RO, AvH, FdJ), p. 903.