278 papers:
CBSE-2015-KimBNMLSLP #analysis #probability #scheduling- Quantitative Schedulability Analysis of Continuous Probability Tasks in a Hierarchical Context (JHK, AB, UN, MM, KGL, AS, IL, LTXP), pp. 91–100.
CASE-2015-0002KL #evaluation- Quantitative evaluation of coarse-to-fine loading strategies for material rehandling (MM, TK, AJL), pp. 450–455.
DocEng-2015-BatistaFTFLSSR #assessment #automation #summary- A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Automatic Text Summarization Systems (JB, RF, HT, RF, RDL, SJS, GPeS, MR), pp. 65–68.
ITiCSE-2015-AhadiPBL #query #sql- A Quantitative Study of the Relative Difficulty for Novices of Writing Seven Different Types of SQL Queries (AA, JCP, VB, RL), pp. 201–206.
TACAS-2015-Sankur #analysis #automaton #robust- Symbolic Quantitative Robustness Analysis of Timed Automata (OS), pp. 484–498.
FM-2015-DuLT #independence #ltl #monitoring #policy #runtime- Trace-Length Independent Runtime Monitoring of Quantitative Policies in LTL (XD, YL, AT), pp. 231–247.
ICEIS-v3-2015-ValentimCM #analysis #case study #specification- Evaluating an Inspection Technique for Use Case Specifications — Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis (NMCV, TC, JCM), pp. 13–24.
SEKE-2015-SubramanianKKG #reasoning- Quantitative Reasoning of Goal Satisfaction in the i*Framework (CS, AK, AK, RPG), pp. 666–669.
QAPL-2015-KawamotoG #data flow- Quantitative Information Flow for Scheduler-Dependent Systems (YK, TGW), pp. 48–62.
QAPL-2015-LatellaMV #bisimulation- A Definition Scheme for Quantitative Bisimulation (DL, MM, EPdV), pp. 63–78.
QAPL-2015-MartinelliMS #security #specification- Semiring-based Specification Approaches for Quantitative Security (FM, IM, FS), pp. 95–109.
POPL-2015-ChatterjeePV #analysis #interprocedural- Quantitative Interprocedural Analysis (KC, AP, YV), pp. 539–551.
SAC-2015-BurityE #approach #recommendation- A quantitative, evidence-based approach for recommending software modules (TB, GEdS), pp. 1449–1456.
ICSE-v2-2015-MenziesMP #data analysis- The Art and Science of Analyzing Software Data; Quantitative Methods (TM, LLM, FP), pp. 959–960.
SPLC-2015-BeekFG #adaptation #analysis #paradigm #product line- Applying the product lines paradigm to the quantitative analysis of collective adaptive systems (MHtB, AF, SG), pp. 321–326.
SPLC-2015-BeekLLV #analysis #constraints #modelling #probability #product line #statistics- Statistical analysis of probabilistic models of software product lines with quantitative constraints (MHtB, AL, ALL, AV), pp. 11–15.
CAV-2015-AbateBCK #adaptation #analysis #markov #network- Adaptive Aggregation of Markov Chains: Quantitative Analysis of Chemical Reaction Networks (AA, LB, MC, MZK), pp. 195–213.
CAV-2015-ChatterjeeIP #algorithm #constant #graph #performance #verification- Faster Algorithms for Quantitative Verification in Constant Treewidth Graphs (KC, RIJ, AP), pp. 140–157.
CAV-2015-GleissenthallKR #verification- Symbolic Polytopes for Quantitative Interpolation and Verification (KvG, BK, AR), pp. 178–194.
CSL-2015-BrihayeBMR #reachability- Weak Subgame Perfect Equilibria and their Application to Quantitative Reachability (TB, VB, NM, JFR), pp. 504–518.
LICS-2015-McIverMR #data flow #markov #modelling #monad- Abstract Hidden Markov Models: A Monadic Account of Quantitative Information Flow (AM, CM, TMR), pp. 597–608.
LICS-2015-Smith #data flow #tutorial- Recent Developments in Quantitative Information Flow (Invited Tutorial) (GS), pp. 23–31.
VMCAI-2015-PrabhakarS #abstraction #analysis #hybrid- Foundations of Quantitative Predicate Abstraction for Stability Analysis of Hybrid Systems (PP, MGS), pp. 318–335.
DAC-2014-ShrivastavaRJW #analysis #control flow #fault- Quantitative Analysis of Control Flow Checking Mechanisms for Soft Errors (AS, AR, RJ, CJW), p. 6.
ESOP-2014-BrunelGMZ #calculus- A Core Quantitative Coeffect Calculus (AB, MG, DM, SZ), pp. 351–370.
TACAS-2014-HartmannsH #ide #modelling #tool support #verification- The Modest Toolset: An Integrated Environment for Quantitative Modelling and Verification (AH, HH), pp. 593–598.
SCAM-2014-CaiJSZZ #analysis #named #predict- SENSA: Sensitivity Analysis for Quantitative Change-Impact Prediction (HC, SJ, RAS, YJZ, YZ), pp. 165–174.
DLT-J-2013-DrosteV14 #context-free grammar #theorem- The Chomsky-SCHüTzenberger Theorem for Quantitative Context-Free Languages (MD, HV), pp. 955–970.
ICALP-v2-2014-JagadeesanR #consistency- Between Linearizability and Quiescent Consistency — Quantitative Quiescent Consistency (RJ, JR), pp. 220–231.
IFM-2014-GilmoreTV #analysis #evaluation- An Analysis Pathway for the Quantitative Evaluation of Public Transport Systems (SG, MT, AV), pp. 71–86.
CHI-2014-AlzayatHN #metric #physics- Quantitative measurement of virtual vs. physical object embodiment through kinesthetic figural after effects (AA, MSH, MAN), pp. 2903–2912.
CHI-2014-MeklerBTO #bibliography #game studies- A systematic review of quantitative studies on the enjoyment of digital entertainment games (EDM, JAB, ANT, KO), pp. 927–936.
CHI-2014-ZadeAGDC #bisimulation #distance #edit distance #evolution #modelling- Edit distance modulo bisimulation: a quantitative measure to study evolution of user models (HZ, SAA, SG, AKD, VC), pp. 1757–1766.
CSCW-2014-PriedhorskyCV #twitter- Inferring the origin locations of tweets with quantitative confidence (RP, AC, SYDV), pp. 1523–1536.
DUXU-TMT-2014-InoueSNTMHKWK #physics #process- Attempts to Quantitative Analyze for the Change of Human Brain Activity with Physical and Psychological Load (HI, SS, HN, TT, FM, NH, SK, EW, SK), pp. 240–249.
HCI-TMT-2014-AssilaOE #approach #evaluation #human-computer #integration #quality #towards- Towards Qualitative and Quantitative Data Integration Approach for Enhancing HCI Quality Evaluation (AA, KMdO, HE), pp. 469–480.
HIMI-DE-2014-KhodaskarL #image #retrieval #semantics #using- Content Based Image Retrieval Using Quantitative Semantic Features (AK, SL), pp. 439–448.
ICEIS-v1-2014-KammererN #approach #comparison #named #sql- Application-Mimes — An Approach for Quantitative Comparison of SQL — and NoSQL-databases (MK, JN), pp. 256–263.
KMIS-2014-ThomasN #concept #process- Quantitative Process Maps — A Concept for Prioritization of Business Process Improvement Projects (CT, TN), pp. 441–446.
QAPL-2014-MiculanP #aspect-oriented #nondeterminism #process- GSOS for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects (MM, MP), pp. 17–33.
POPL-2014-ChaudhuriCS #proving #synthesis #using- Bridging boolean and quantitative synthesis using smoothed proof search (SC, MC, ASL), pp. 207–220.
POPL-2014-PaganiSV #higher-order #quantum #semantics- Applying quantitative semantics to higher-order quantum computing (MP, PS, BV), pp. 647–658.
RE-2014-SaxenaC #agile #analysis #named #requirements- Decisively: Application of Quantitative Analysis and Decision Science in Agile Requirements Engineering (SKS, RC), pp. 323–324.
SAC-2014-OliveiraSB #analysis #coordination- Quantitative analysis of Reo-based service coordination (NO, AS, LSB), pp. 1247–1254.
SMT-2014-FremontS #program analysis #smt- Speeding Up SMT-Based Quantitative Program Analysis (DJF, SAS), pp. 3–13.
CASE-2013-JunKZRK #automation- Automation for individualization of Kinect-based quantitative progressive exercise regimen (SkJ, SK, XZ, DKR, VNK), pp. 243–248.
DAC-2013-ChoMCAM #design #evaluation #fault #injection #robust- Quantitative evaluation of soft error injection techniques for robust system design (HC, SM, CYC, JAA, SM), p. 10.
DATE-2013-GuanYL0 #analysis #approach #estimation- FIFO cache analysis for WCET estimation: a quantitative approach (NG, XY, ML, WY), pp. 296–301.
DATE-2013-KondratyevLMW #evaluation #synthesis- Share with care: a quantitative evaluation of sharing approaches in high-level synthesis (AK, LL, MM, YW), pp. 1547–1552.
ITiCSE-2013-ReedZ #framework #learning- A hierarchical framework for mapping and quantitatively assessing program and learning outcomes (JR, HZ), pp. 52–57.
DLT-2013-DrosteV #context-free grammar #theorem- The Chomsky-Schützenberger Theorem for Quantitative Context-Free Languages (MD, HV), pp. 203–214.
SFM-2013-KopfR #analysis #automation #data flow- Automation of Quantitative Information-Flow Analysis (BK, AR), pp. 1–28.
CSCW-2013-AlmuhimediWLSA #analysis #scalability #twitter- Tweets are forever: a large-scale quantitative analysis of deleted tweets (HA, SW, BL, NMS, AA), pp. 897–908.
HCI-AMTE-2013-SchullerGH #research #self- A Self-Evaluation Tool for Quantitative User Research within the digital.me Project (AS, RG, FH), pp. 256–264.
HIMI-D-2013-Terawaki #framework #quality #requirements- Framework for Quantitatively Evaluating the Quality Requirements of Software System (YT), pp. 383–392.
CAiSE-2013-PapottiPSCP #analysis #code generation #modelling- A Quantitative Analysis of Model-Driven Code Generation through Software Experimentation (PEP, AFdP, WLdS, CEC, LFP), pp. 321–337.
KDD-2013-SunBK #identification #optimisation #polynomial- Quadratic optimization to identify highly heritable quantitative traits from complex phenotypic features (JS, JB, HRK), pp. 811–819.
SEKE-2013-WangWMX #analysis #how #performance- How Does Acquirer’s Participation Influence Performance of Software Projects: A Quantitative Analysis (S) (YW, JW, JM, BX), pp. 537–541.
OOPSLA-2013-CarbinMR #hardware #reliability #source code #verification- Verifying quantitative reliability for programs that execute on unreliable hardware (MC, SM, MCR), pp. 33–52.
QAPL-2013-NgoH #analysis #concurrent #multi #security #source code #thread- Quantitative Security Analysis for Multi-threaded Programs (TMN, MH), pp. 34–48.
POPL-2013-CernyHR #abstraction #refinement- Quantitative abstraction refinement (PC, TAH, AR), pp. 115–128.
POPL-2013-HenzingerKPSS #concurrent #data type- Quantitative relaxation of concurrent data structures (TAH, CMK, HP, AS, AS), pp. 317–328.
SAC-2013-Marques-NetoAV #approach #maintenance- A quantitative approach for evaluating software maintenance services (HMN, GJA, MTV), pp. 1068–1073.
ICSE-2013-SantelicesZJCZ #slicing- Quantitative program slicing: separating statements by relevance (RAS, YZ, SJ, HC, YJZ), pp. 1269–1272.
CGO-2013-EklovNBH #memory management- Bandwidth Bandit: Quantitative characterization of memory contention (DE, NN, DBS, EH), p. 10.
CAV-2013-BiondiLTW #imperative #named #security- QUAIL: A Quantitative Security Analyzer for Imperative Code (FB, AL, LMT, AW), pp. 702–707.
CAV-2013-BrimCDS #model checking #parametricity #probability #using- Exploring Parameter Space of Stochastic Biochemical Systems Using Quantitative Model Checking (LB, MC, SD, DS), pp. 107–123.
LICS-2013-Halpern #first-order #logic #proving #security #using- From Qualitative to Quantitative Proofs of Security Properties Using First-Order Conditional Logic (JYH), pp. 2–3.
LICS-2013-HoffmannMS #proving #reasoning- Quantitative Reasoning for Proving Lock-Freedom (JH, MM, ZS), pp. 124–133.
LICS-2013-KreutzerR #higher-order #logic #monad- Quantitative Monadic Second-Order Logic (SK, CR), pp. 113–122.
DATE-2012-BozgaDHHLLT #analysis #embedded #modelling #state of the art #tool support- State-of-the-art tools and techniques for quantitative modeling and analysis of embedded systems (MB, AD, AH, HH, KGL, AL, JT), pp. 370–375.
FoSSaCS-2012-BrihayeBPG #game studies #reachability- Subgame Perfection for Equilibria in Quantitative Reachability Games (TB, VB, JDP, HG), pp. 286–300.
TACAS-2012-Hermanns #grid #modelling- Quantitative Models for a Not So Dumb Grid (HH), p. 1.
CSMR-2012-TerceiroMCC #analysis #complexity #comprehension #evolution- Understanding Structural Complexity Evolution: A Quantitative Analysis (ASdAT, MGM, CC, DSC), pp. 85–94.
ICPC-2012-NunezK #abstraction #case study #comprehension- Understanding registration-based abstractions: A quantitative user study (JJN, GK), pp. 93–102.
STOC-2012-MosselR #theorem- A quantitative gibbard-satterthwaite theorem without neutrality (EM, MZR), pp. 1041–1060.
IFM-2012-KazemeyniJOB #analysis #modelling #network #probability- MULE-Based Wireless Sensor Networks: Probabilistic Modeling and Quantitative Analysis (FK, EBJ, OO, IB), pp. 143–157.
CHI-2012-SarkarWLD #community #online- A quantitative explanation of governance in an online peer-production community (CS, DYW, CL, KD), pp. 2939–2942.
ICPR-2012-LewinJC #algorithm #composition #evaluation #framework #performance- Framework for quantitative performance evaluation of shape decomposition algorithms (SL, XJ, AC), pp. 3696–3699.
MoDELS-2012-Henzinger #modelling- Quantitative Reactive Models (TAH), pp. 1–2.
MoDELS-2012-Henzinger #modelling- Quantitative Reactive Models (TAH), pp. 1–2.
QAPL-2012-Giro #model checking #performance- Efficient computation of exact solutions for quantitative model checking (SG), pp. 17–32.
QAPL-2012-YasuokaT #data flow #liveness #safety- Quantitative Information Flow as Safety and Liveness Hyperproperties (HY, TT), pp. 77–91.
ISSTA-2012-CanaliLBKCK #detection- A quantitative study of accuracy in system call-based malware detection (DC, AL, DB, CK, MC, EK), pp. 122–132.
DATE-2011-KimYLAJ #3d #analysis #embedded #mobile #performance- A quantitative analysis of performance benefits of 3D die stacking on mobile and embedded SoC (DK, SY, SL, JHA, HJ), pp. 1333–1338.
CSEET-2011-AndrianoMBR #assessment- A quantitative assessment method for simulation-based e-learnings (NA, MGM, CB, DR), pp. 159–168.
CSEET-2011-John #assessment #re-engineering #usability- A quantitative usability assessment method for inclusion in software engineering courses (BEJ), pp. 537–539.
ITiCSE-2011-EckerdalLLS #concept #perspective #programming- Relationship between text and action conceptions of programming: a phenomenographic and quantitative perspective (AE, MJL, ML, AS), pp. 33–37.
FoSSaCS-2011-JaubertR #analysis #automaton #robust- Quantitative Robustness Analysis of Flat Timed Automata (RJ, PAR), pp. 229–244.
TACAS-2011-ChatterjeeHJS #named #synthesis- QUASY: Quantitative Synthesis Tool (KC, TAH, BJ, RS), pp. 267–271.
TACAS-2011-ForejtKNPQ #multi #probability #verification- Quantitative Multi-objective Verification for Probabilistic Systems (VF, MZK, GN, DP, HQ), pp. 112–127.
ICALP-v2-2011-AlvimACP #data flow #difference #on the #privacy- On the Relation between Differential Privacy and Quantitative Information Flow (MSA, MEA, KC, CP), pp. 60–76.
ICALP-v2-2011-FischerK #calculus #hybrid #linear #model checking #μ-calculus- Model Checking the Quantitative μ-Calculus on Linear Hybrid Systems (DF, LK), pp. 404–415.
LATA-2011-Huschenbett #distributed #logic #modelling #multi- Models for Quantitative Distributed Systems and Multi-Valued Logics (MH), pp. 310–322.
CHI-2011-MaLD #analysis #perspective- Perceptual analysis of talking avatar head movements: a quantitative perspective (XM, BHL, ZD), pp. 2699–2702.
DUXU-v2-2011-MasakiOUM #evaluation #experience- A Quantitative Evaluation on the Software Use Experience with Electroencephalogram (HM, MO, HU, KiM), pp. 469–477.
HCD-2011-ChouC #interactive #physics- Investigating Users’ Interaction with Physical Products Applying Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (CJC, CC), pp. 3–12.
HCD-2011-LiikkanenHHBK #effectiveness #evaluation #generative #idea- Quantitative Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Idea Generation in the Wild (LAL, MMH, AH, TB, MPK), pp. 120–129.
EDOC-2011-MelleriHM #analysis #modelling #standard #xml- Comparing Information Models in XML-based e-Business Standards — A Quantitative Analysis (IM, KH, JM), pp. 225–234.
ICEIS-v3-2011-ZhouL #analysis #metric- A New Method and Metric for Quantitative Risk Analysis (PZ, HL), pp. 25–33.
CIKM-2011-GhionnaGS #hybrid #named #sql- H-DB: a hybrid quantitative-structural sql optimizer (LG, GG, FS), pp. 2573–2576.
CIKM-2011-MalikBF #information management- Accurate information extraction for quantitative financial events (HHM, VSB, HF), pp. 2497–2500.
SEKE-2011-RebeloLKSCMRO #aspect-oriented #contract #design #impact analysis- Assessing the Impact of Aspects on Design By Contract Effort: A Quantitative Study (HR, RMFL, UK, CS, RC, AM, MR, CALO), pp. 450–455.
QAPL-2011-LeitnerFischerL #analysis #modelling #named #quantum #safety #uml- QuantUM: Quantitative Safety Analysis of UML Models (FLF, SL), pp. 16–30.
RE-2011-HeavenL #design #modelling #optimisation #simulation- Simulating and optimising design decisions in quantitative goal models (WH, EL), pp. 79–88.
SAC-2011-ElahiY #analysis #heuristic #metric #requirements #trade-off- Requirements trade-offs analysis in the absence of quantitative measures: a heuristic method (GE, ESKY), pp. 651–658.
ICSE-2011-BellamyJK #assessment #development #usability- Deploying CogTool: integrating quantitative usability assessment into real-world software development (RKEB, BEJ, SK), pp. 691–700.
ICSE-2011-FujiiDF #assessment #development #incremental #process #reliability #towards- Towards quantitative software reliability assessment in incremental development processes (TF, TD, TF), pp. 41–50.
ICSE-2011-LiuZ #program analysis- Program analysis: from qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis (SL, JZ), pp. 956–959.
HPCA-2011-ZhangO #analysis #architecture #gpu #performance- A quantitative performance analysis model for GPU architectures (YZ, JDO), pp. 382–393.
CAV-2011-CernyCHRS #concurrent #source code #synthesis- Quantitative Synthesis for Concurrent Programs (PC, KC, TAH, AR, RS), pp. 243–259.
HT-2010-ChignellBST #hypermedia- Evaluating hypertext: the quantitative-qualitative quandary (MHC, PB, SS, EGT), pp. 211–212.
HT-2010-KornerKGS #evaluation #metric #motivation- Of categorizers and describers: an evaluation of quantitative measures for tagging motivation (CK, RK, HPG, MS), pp. 157–166.
ITiCSE-2010-GarlickC #empirical #using- Using alice in CS1: a quantitative experiment (RG, ECC), pp. 165–168.
SFM-2010-MalacariaH #data flow #security- Information Theory and Security: Quantitative Information Flow (PM, JH), pp. 87–134.
CHI-2010-PancieraPET #analysis #behaviour #lifecycle- Lurking? cyclopaths?: a quantitative lifecycle analysis of user behavior in a geowiki (KAP, RP, TE, LGT), pp. 1917–1926.
ICPR-2010-MaramisD #image #information management #performance- Efficient Quantitative Information Extraction from PCR-RFLP Gel Electrophoresis Images (CM, AD), pp. 2560–2563.
ICPR-2010-SoldeaESU #approach #image #segmentation #using- Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Brain MR Images Using Atlases in FSL — A Quantitative Approach (OS, AE, DFS, DU, MÇ, AE, MGU, ZF, MC), pp. 2592–2595.
QAPL-2010-BiancoFMM #game studies- Quantitative Fairness Games (AB, MF, FM, AM), pp. 48–63.
POPL-2010-Henzinger #correctness- From Boolean to quantitative notions of correctness (TAH), pp. 157–158.
POPL-2010-JostHLH #higher-order #resource management #source code- Static determination of quantitative resource usage for higher-order programs (SJ, KH, HWL, MH), pp. 223–236.
SAC-2010-SulaymanM #process #web- Quantitative assessments of key success factors in software process improvement for small and medium web companies (MS, EM), pp. 2319–2323.
ICSE-2010-Meedeniya #architecture #evaluation #incremental #modelling #probability- An incremental methodology for quantitative software architecture evaluation with probabilistic models (IM), pp. 339–340.
CAV-2010-Malacaria #data flow #question #theory and practice- Quantitative Information Flow: From Theory to Practice? (PM), pp. 20–22.
DATE-2009-KonigBSMNW #behaviour #embedded #evaluation #performance #realtime- Application specific performance indicators for quantitative evaluation of the timing behavior for embedded real-time systems (FK, DB, FS, UM, MN, GW), pp. 519–523.
FoSSaCS-2009-Smith #data flow #on the- On the Foundations of Quantitative Information Flow (GS), pp. 288–302.
SFM-2009-ClarkGT #analysis #using #web #web service- Quantitative Analysis of Web Services Using SRMC (AC, SG, MT), pp. 296–339.
CHI-2009-Stewarts #graph #sketching- Graph sketcher: extending illustration to quantitative graphs (RS, MMCS), pp. 1113–1116.
HCD-2009-WadaY #analysis- The Proposal of Quantitative Analysis Method Based on the Method of Observation Engineering (TW, TY), pp. 342–350.
HCI-NT-2009-FukuzumiIO #development #evaluation #usability- Development of Quantitative Usability Evaluation Method (SF, TI, HO), pp. 252–258.
HCI-NT-2009-LeuteritzWK #multi #usability #validation- Multi-level Validation of the ISOmetrics Questionnaire Based on Qualitative and Quantitative Data Obtained from a Conventional Usability Test (JPL, HW, MK), pp. 304–313.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-PoelmansR #analysis #evaluation #workflow- Assessing Workflow Management Systems — A Quantitative Analysis of a Worfklow Evaluation Model (SP, HAR), pp. 183–189.
MLDM-2009-SmaouiMM #algorithm #assessment #clustering #named #quality- CSBIterKmeans: A New Clustering Algorithm Based on Quantitative Assessment of the Clustering Quality (TS, SM, CMS), pp. 337–346.
RE-2009-LongLYJ #approach #evaluation #requirements #security- AVT Vector: A Quantitative Security Requirements Evaluation Approach Based on Assets, Vulnerabilities and Trustworthiness of Environment (TL, LL, YY, ZJ), pp. 377–378.
REFSQ-2009-DavisH #assessment #requirements- A Quantitative Assessment of Requirements Engineering Publications — 1963-2008 (AMD, AMH), pp. 175–189.
ESEC-FSE-2009-PaveseBU #analysis #behaviour #modelling #probability- Probabilistic environments in the quantitative analysis of (non-probabilistic) behaviour models (EP, VAB, SU), pp. 335–344.
ICSE-2009-CalinescuK #analysis #using- Using quantitative analysis to implement autonomic IT systems (RC, MZK), pp. 100–110.
CAV-2009-BloemCHJ #quality #synthesis- Better Quality in Synthesis through Quantitative Objectives (RB, KC, TAH, BJ), pp. 140–156.
LICS-2009-ChatterjeeDH- Expressiveness and Closure Properties for Quantitative Languages (KC, LD, TAH), pp. 199–208.
LICS-2009-ChenHKM #automaton #markov #model checking #specification- Quantitative Model Checking of Continuous-Time Markov Chains Against Timed Automata Specifications (TC, TH, JPK, AM), pp. 309–318.
QoSA-2008-JansenVAV #analysis #architecture- Sharing the Architectural Knowledge of Quantitative Analysis (AJ, TdV, PA, MvV), pp. 220–234.
WICSA-2008-MolesiniGCB #analysis #architecture #on the- On the Quantitative Analysis of Architecture Stability in Aspectual Decompositions (AM, AFG, CvFGC, TVB), pp. 29–38.
DATE-2008-BadstubnerV #design #metric- Quantitative Productivity Measurement in IC Design (FB, AV), pp. 934–935.
DATE-2008-ClothH #design #embedded #evaluation #mobile #predict- Quantitative Evaluation in Embedded System Design: Predicting Battery Lifetime in Mobile Devices (LC, BRH), pp. 90–91.
DATE-2008-CosteGHHTZ #architecture #design #embedded #evaluation #parallel #thread #validation- Quantitative Evaluation in Embedded System Design: Validation of Multiprocessor Multithreaded Architectures (NC, HG, HH, RH, YT, MZ), pp. 88–89.
DATE-2008-HauslerPHHN #analysis #design- Qalitative and Quantitative Analysis of IC Designs (SH, FP, KH, AH, WN), pp. 935–936.
DATE-2008-Katoen #analysis #design #embedded #evaluation #modelling #roadmap- Quantitative Evaluation in Embedded System Design: Trends in Modeling and Analysis Techniques (JPK), pp. 86–87.
ITiCSE-2008-Armoni #algorithm- Reductive thinking in a quantitative perspective: the case of the algorithm course (MA), pp. 53–57.
ITiCSE-2008-NorrisBFRR #developer #how #named- ClockIt: collecting quantitative data on how beginning software developers really work (CN, EFB, JBFJ, KR, JR), pp. 37–41.
PLDI-2008-McCamantE #capacity #data flow #network- Quantitative information flow as network flow capacity (SM, MDE), pp. 193–205.
FLOPS-2008-Rodriguez-ArtalejoR #logic programming #revisited- Quantitative Logic Programming Revisited (MRA, CARD), pp. 272–288.
SIGAda-2008-LiangRB #ada #architecture #named #reliability- Re-ADA: reliable Ada-based descriptive architecture for C4ISR via a quantitative interoperating model (SXL, LAR, JB), pp. 39–56.
ICML-2008-SalakhutdinovM #analysis #network #on the- On the quantitative analysis of deep belief networks (RS, IM), pp. 872–879.
ICPR-2008-ChoiMSH #analysis #using- Quantitative analysis of Iaido proficiency by using motion data (WC, SM, HS, KH), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-GuptaFFSK #algorithm #approximate #evaluation #mining- Quantitative evaluation of approximate frequent pattern mining algorithms (RG, GF, BF, MS, VK), pp. 301–309.
KR-2008-SimariBSK #axiom- Promises Kept, Promises Broken: An Axiomatic and Quantitative Treatment of Fulfillment (GIS, MB, VSS, SK), pp. 59–69.
QAPL-2008-FaellaLS #linear #logic #model checking- Model Checking Quantitative Linear Time Logic (MF, AL, MS), pp. 61–77.
RE-2008-FeatherHMU #analysis #deployment #requirements #using- Guiding Technology Deployment Decisions using a Quantitative Requirements Analysis Technique (MSF, KAH, RMM, SU), pp. 271–276.
SAC-2008-ZhangNLH #approach #enterprise #modelling #network #security- A model-based semi-quantitative approach for evaluating security of enterprise networks (ZZ, FNA, XL, PHH), pp. 1069–1074.
PPoPP-2008-PraunBC #analysis #concurrent #dependence #modelling #using- Modeling optimistic concurrency using quantitative dependence analysis (CvP, RB, CC), pp. 185–196.
CSL-2008-ChatterjeeDH- Quantitative Languages (KC, LD, TAH), pp. 385–400.
CSL-2008-LagoL #game studies #linear #logic #semantics- Quantitative Game Semantics for Linear Logic (UDL, OL), pp. 230–245.
IJCAR-2008-BozgaIP #logic #source code- Quantitative Separation Logic and Programs with Lists (MB, RI, SP), pp. 34–49.
CASE-2007-ChengYT #evaluation #testing- A Quantitative Knife-edge Testing Method for Local Deformation Evaluation in Optical Aspheric Fabrication (HC, YY, HT), pp. 818–822.
CASE-2007-SugiMTOA #evaluation- Quantitative Evaluation of Human Supporting Production System “Attentive Workbench” (MS, IM, YT, JO, TA), pp. 531–535.
DATE-2007-PoppNGKP #architecture #evaluation #interactive #towards- Interactive presentation: Towards a methodology for the quantitative evaluation of automotive architectures (PP, MDN, PG, SK, CP), pp. 504–509.
DATE-2007-PuautP #comparison #realtime- Scratchpad memories vs locked caches in hard real-time systems: a quantitative comparison (IP, CP), pp. 1484–1489.
CSEET-2007-Staron #analysis #learning #student #using- Using Students as Subjects in Experiments--A Quantitative Analysis of the Influence of Experimentation on Students’ Learning Proces (MS), pp. 221–228.
DLT-2007-Henzinger- Quantitative Generalizations of Languages (TAH), pp. 20–22.
HCI-IDU-2007-KantolaJ #case study #requirements #usability- Determining High Level Quantitative Usability Requirements: A Case Study (NK, TJ), pp. 536–543.
HCI-IDU-2007-YoonY #design #development #metric #process #user interface- Development of Quantitative Metrics to Support UI Designer Decision-Making in the Design Process (YSY, WCY), pp. 316–324.
HIMI-IIE-2007-CastroCM #approach #design #education- A Quantitative Approach for the Design of Academic Curricula (CC, BC, EM), pp. 279–288.
QAPL-2007-CianciaF #algebra #logic #modelling- Co-Algebraic Models for Quantitative Spatial Logics (VC, GLF), pp. 43–58.
REFSQ-2007-DavisHTJM #assessment #requirements- A Quantitative Assessment of Requirements Engineering Publications — 1963-2006 (AMD, AMH, ÓDT, NJJ, AMM), pp. 129–143.
SAC-2007-LinsS #algorithm #documentation- A quantitative method for assessing algorithms to remove back-to-front interference in documents (RDL, JMMdS), pp. 610–616.
ESEC-FSE-2007-Kwiatkowska #modelling #tool support #verification- Quantitative verification: models techniques and tools (MZK), pp. 449–458.
CASE-2006-ShaoHM #algorithm #analysis #component #linear #multi #using- Quantitative Analysis Using NIR by Building Principal Component- Multiple Linear Regression-BP Algorithm (YS, YH, JM), pp. 161–164.
DATE-2006-SchirnerD #analysis #modelling #transaction- Quantitative analysis of transaction level models for the AMBA bus (GS, RD), pp. 230–235.
FM-2006-McIver #analysis #model checking #probability #refinement- Quantitative Refinement and Model Checking for the Analysis of Probabilistic Systems (AM), pp. 131–146.
CAiSE-2006-Franch #analysis #modelling #on the- On the Quantitative Analysis of Agent-Oriented Models (XF), pp. 495–509.
KDD-2006-AchtertBKKZ #clustering #correlation #modelling- Deriving quantitative models for correlation clusters (EA, CB, HPK, PK, AZ), pp. 4–13.
KDD-2006-KeCN #approach #correlation #mining #using- Mining quantitative correlated patterns using an information-theoretic approach (YK, JC, WN), pp. 227–236.
SEKE-2006-SteinmacherLH #analysis #process #simulation #using #workflow- Task Anticipation: A Quantitative Analysis Using Workflow Process Simulation (IS, JVdL, EHMH), pp. 601–606.
QAPL-2005-DengCPP06 #metric- Metrics for Action-labelled Quantitative Transition Systems (YD, TC, CP, JP), pp. 79–96.
QAPL-2005-KwiatkowskaNP06 #analysis #model checking #probability- Quantitative Analysis With the Probabilistic Model Checker PRISM (MZK, GN, DP), pp. 5–31.
QAPL-2005-McIverM06 #calculus #game studies #novel #probability #μ-calculus- A Novel Stochastic Game Via the Quantitative μ-calculus (AM, CM), pp. 195–212.
QAPL-2006-AdaoMRV #analysis #protocol #security #towards- Towards a Quantitative Analysis of Security Protocols (PA, PM, TR, LV), pp. 3–25.
QAPL-2006-DeganoPPQ #biology- Beta-binders for Biological Quantitative Experiments (PD, DP, CP, PQ), pp. 101–117.
QAPL-2006-SotinCJ #behaviour #java #static analysis- Quantitative Static Analysis Over Semirings: Analysing Cache Behaviour for Java Card (PS, DC, TPJ), pp. 153–167.
RE-2006-CornfordFHJ #analysis #modelling #requirements- Fusing Quantitative Requirements Analysis with Model-based Systems Engineering (SLC, MSF, VAH, JSJ), pp. 272–277.
SAC-2006-GotoC #analysis #logic- A quantitative analysis of implicational paradoxes in classical mathematical logic (YG, JC), pp. 42–43.
ICSE-2006-NakamichiSSM #behaviour #detection #usability #using #web- Detecting low usability web pages using quantitative data of users’ behavior (NN, KS, MS, KiM), pp. 569–576.
WICSA-2005-Booch #architecture- Quantitative Observation and Theoretical Construction in Software Architecture (GB), p. 3.
ITiCSE-2005-FossumH #assessment #source code- A new quantitative assessment tool for computer science programs (TVF, SMH), pp. 153–157.
QAPL-2004-AldiniP05 #analysis #on the #probability #protocol- On Quantitative Analysis of Probabilistic Protocols (AA, ADP), pp. 131–148.
QAPL-2004-HankinW05 #program analysis #λ-calculus- λ-calculus and Quantitative Program Analysis: (Extended Abstract) (CH, HW), pp. 5–18.
QAPL-2004-Lluch-LafuenteM05 #calculus #constraints- Quantitative ?-calculus and CTL Based on Constraint Semirings (ALL, UM), pp. 37–59.
POPL-2005-Ghica #game studies- Slot games: a quantitative model of computation (DRG), pp. 85–97.
SAC-2005-NicolaLM #analysis #formal method #mobile #modelling- Formal modeling and quantitative analysis of KLAIM-based mobile systems (RDN, DL, MM), pp. 428–435.
ESEC-FSE-2005-Baroni #assessment #modelling #uml- Quantitative assessment of UML dynamic models (ALB), pp. 366–369.
LICS-2005-EsparzaKM #analysis #automaton #probability- Quantitative Analysis of Probabilistic Pushdown Automata: Expectations and Variances (JE, AK, RM), pp. 117–126.
LICS-2005-Hillston #algebra #analysis #process- Process Algebras for Quantitative Analysis (JH), pp. 239–248.
ICSM-2004-Kung #lifecycle #maintenance- Quantitative Method to Determine Software Maintenance Life Cycle (HJK), pp. 232–241.
SAS-2004-Rugina #analysis- Shape Analysis Quantitative Shape Analysis (RR), pp. 228–245.
ICALP-2004-AlfaroFS #branch #linear #metric- Linear and Branching Metrics for Quantitative Transition Systems (LdA, MF, MS), pp. 97–109.
SEFM-2004-BertoliniFFO #analysis #automaton #generative #network #probability #testing #using- Test Case Generation Using Stochastic Automata Networks: Quantitative Analysis (CB, AGF, PF, FMO), pp. 251–260.
ICPR-v2-2004-DeselaersKN #classification #evaluation #fault #image #retrieval- Classification Error Rate for Quantitative Evaluation of Content-based Image Retrieval Systems (TD, DK, HN), pp. 505–508.
ICPR-v4-2004-KamberovK #evaluation #formal method #performance- Conformal Method for Quantitative Shape Extraction: Performance Evaluation (GK, GK), pp. 31–35.
KDD-2004-ZhangPT #on the #statistics- On the discovery of significant statistical quantitative rules (HZ, BP, AT), pp. 374–383.
KR-2004-FriedlandAWMSMASICPBC #analysis #independence #towards- Towards a Quantitative, Platform-Independent Analysis of Knowledge Systems (NSF, PGA, MJW, GM, NS, PM, JA, SS, DJI, VKC, BWP, KB, PC), pp. 507–515.
DATE-2003-ChenHBW #automation #constraints #generative #monitoring #simulation- Automatic Generation of Simulation Monitors from Quantitative Constraint Formula (XC, HH, FB, YW), pp. 11174–11175.
ICALP-2003-Rabinovich #analysis #probability- Quantitative Analysis of Probabilistic Lossy Channel Systems (AMR), pp. 1008–1021.
SIGIR-2003-TellexKLFM #algorithm #evaluation #retrieval- Quantitative evaluation of passage retrieval algorithms for question answering (ST, BK, JJL, AF, GM), pp. 41–47.
ICSM-2002-KataokaIAF #evaluation #maintenance #refactoring- A Quantitative Evaluation of Maintainability Enhancement by Refactoring (YK, TI, HA, TF), pp. 576–585.
CHI-2002-HinckleyCBM #analysis- Quantitative analysis of scrolling techniques (KH, EC, SB, TM), pp. 65–72.
ICPR-v2-2002-Duncan #analysis #geometry #image #modelling #physics- Geometrical and Physical Models for the Recovery of Quantitative Information from Medical Image Analysis (JSD), p. 277.
ICPR-v4-2002-BarronK- Quantitative Color Optical Flow (JLB, RK), pp. 251–255.
SEKE-2002-RuheEP #requirements- Quantitative WinWin: a new method for decision support in requirements negotiation (GR, AE, DP), pp. 159–166.
ICSE-2002-MockusH #approach #identification- Expertise browser: a quantitative approach to identifying expertise (AM, JDH), pp. 503–512.
VLDB-2001-AmirKN #database #image- Analyzing Quantitative Databases: Image is Everything (AA, RK, NSN), pp. 89–98.
STOC-2001-AlfaroM #game studies- Quantitative solution of ω-regular games (LdA, RM), pp. 675–683.
ICALP-2001-BreugelW #probability #towards #verification- Towards Quantitative Verification of Probabilistic Transition Systems (FvB, JW), pp. 421–432.
CHI-2001-FoggMLOVFPRSST #scalability #web #what- What makes Web sites credible?: a report on a large quantitative study (BJF, JM, OL, AO, CV, NF, JP, AR, JS, PS, MT), pp. 61–68.
QAPL-2001-BrogiPW #comparison #linear- Linear Embedding for a Quantitative Comparison of Language Expressiveness (AB, ADP, HW), pp. 207–237.
QAPL-2001-ClarkHM #analysis- Quantitative Analysis of the Leakage of Confidential Data (DC, SH, PM), pp. 238–251.
ASE-2000-FeatherCL #risk management #tool support- Combining the Best Attributes of Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Management Tool Support (MSF, SLC, TWL), pp. 309–312.
DATE-2000-LuCSMB #algorithm #comparison #power management- Quantitative Comparison of Power Management Algorithms (YHL, EYC, TS, GDM, LB), pp. 20–26.
CSMR-2000-KellerS #assessment #towards- Towards a Quantitative Assessment of Method Replacement (RKK, RS), pp. 141–150.
SAC-2000-HongKCW #algorithm #data-driven #database #fuzzy #mining- Mining Fuzzy Rules from Quantitative Data Based on the AprioriTid Algorithm (TPH, CSK, SCC, SLW), pp. 534–536.
ICDAR-1999-FrecheV #metric- Local and Global Approaches to Achieve Quantitative Measurement of Handwritings (TF, NV), pp. 593–596.
ICEIS-1999-AllouiCOV #modelling #named #process- ALLIANCE: An Agent-Based Case Environment for Enterprose Process Modelling, Enactment and Quantitative Control (IA, SC, FO, HV), pp. 371–382.
ICEIS-1999-HerickoJDZR #development #object-oriented- Quantitative Management of OO Development (MH, MBJ, TD, AZ, IR), pp. 452–460.
KDD-1999-AumannL #statistics- A Statistical Theory for Quantitative Association Rules (YA, YL), pp. 261–270.
ICSE-1999-Fairley #metric #tutorial- Managing by the Numbers: A Tutorial on Quantitative Measurement and Control of software Projects (REF), pp. 677–678.
CSL-1999-HirshfeldR #logic- Quantitative Temporal Logic (YH, AMR), pp. 172–187.
LICS-1999-EmersonT #parametricity #reasoning- Parametric Quantitative Temporal Reasoning (EAE, RJT), pp. 336–343.
TLCA-1999-BarreiroE #revisited #semantics- Quantitative Semantics Revisited (NB, TE), pp. 40–53.
VLDB-1998-WeberSB #analysis #performance- A Quantitative Analysis and Performance Study for Similarity-Search Methods in High-Dimensional Spaces (RW, HJS, SB), pp. 194–205.
AdaEurope-1998-FernandezAGPP #architecture #case study #evaluation #realtime- A Case Study in Quantitative Evaluation of Real-Time Software Architectures (JLF, BÁ, FJGI, ÁP, JAdlP), pp. 213–224.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-LiTC #evolution #object-oriented- Quantitatively Evaluate Object Oriented Software Evolution (WL, JRT, YTC), pp. 362–367.
SAC-1997-ChanA #algorithm #effectiveness #mining- An effective algorithm for mining interesting quantitative association rules (KCCC, WHA), pp. 88–90.
CAV-1997-CamposCM #approach #realtime #verification- The Verus Tool: A Quantitative Approach to the Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems (SVAC, EMC, MM), pp. 452–455.
CSL-1997-HeckmannH #semantics- A Duality Theory for Quantitative Semantics (RH, MH), pp. 255–274.
LICS-1997-HuthK #analysis #model checking- Quantitative Analysis and Model Checking (MH, MZK), pp. 111–122.
SIGMOD-1996-SrikantA #mining #relational #scalability- Mining Quantitative Association Rules in Large Relational Tables (RS, RA), pp. 1–12.
FME-1996-BicarreguiDW #analysis #formal method- Quantitative Analysis of an Application of Formal Methods (JB, JD, EW), pp. 60–73.
SEKE-1996-Liu #approach #quality #requirements- A Quantitative Approach for Assessing the Priorities of Software Quality Requirements (XFL), pp. 377–384.
SAC-1996-WassermanYS #logic programming #metric #on the- On quantitative measurement of negation in logic programming (HCW, KY, ZS), pp. 58–62.
ASPLOS-1996-McKinleyT #analysis #locality- A Quantitative Analysis of Loop Nest Locality (KSM, OT), pp. 94–104.
CAV-1996-CamposG #analysis #model checking #verification- Selective Quantitative Analysis and Interval Model Checking: Verifying Different Facets of a System (SVAC, OG), pp. 257–268.
ICML-1995-Fong- A Quantitative Study of Hypothesis Selection (PWLF), pp. 226–234.
ESEC-1995-Matsumoto- Quantitative Evaluations of Software Built in with Domain-specific Disciplines (MJM), pp. 438–456.
LCT-RTS-1995-CamposCMM #analysis #finite #named #realtime- Verus: A Tool for Quantitative Analysis of Finite-State Real-Time Systems (SVAC, EMC, WRM, MM), pp. 70–78.
CIKM-1994-ChaudhriHMS #evaluation #knowledge base #transaction- Quantitative Evaluation of a Transaction Facility for a Knowledge Base Management System (VKC, VH, JM, KCS), pp. 122–131.
CSM-1993-KurishimaONAF #analysis #fault- Quantitative Analysis of Errors in Telecommunications Software (NK, HO, JiN, KA, MF), pp. 190–198.
FPCA-1993-RohNB #clustering #data flow #evaluation #generative- Generation and Quantitative Evaluation of Dataflow Clusters (LR, WAN, APWB), pp. 159–168.
HCI-ACS-1993-CorbettMK #evaluation #music #usability- Quantitative Usability Evaluation — The ESPRIT MUSiC Project (MC, MM, MK), pp. 313–318.
HCI-ACS-1993-Rauterberg #human-computer #interface #metric- Quantitative Measures for Evaluating Human-Computer Interfaces (MR), pp. 612–617.
HCI-ACS-1993-VendaH #analysis #complexity- Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Human Decision-Making Complexity (VFV, HWH), pp. 636–641.
HCI-ACS-1993-YufikSV #evaluation #performance #predict- Quantitative Evaluation and Performance Prediction (YMY, TBS, VFV), pp. 642–647.
SAC-1993-Goforth #editing #interactive #simulation- Histogram Editing for Semi-Quantitative Data Input in Interactive Simulations (RRRG), pp. 627–633.
ESEC-1993-Kunzmann-Combelles #approach- Quantitative Approach to Software Management: the ami Method (AKC), pp. 238–250.
CAV-1993-JourdanMO #realtime #source code #verification- Verifying Quantitative Real-Time Properties of Synchronous Programs (MJ, FM, AO), pp. 347–358.
STOC-1990-KirkpatrickMY #multi #theorem- Quantitative Steinitz’s Theorems with Applications to Multifingered Grasping (DGK, BM, CKY), pp. 341–351.
CAV-1990-EmersonMSS #reasoning- Quantitative Temporal Reasoning (EAE, AKM, APS, JS), pp. 136–145.
ML-1989-Gaines #data-driven #database #empirical #induction #statistics #trade-off- An Ounce of Knowledge is Worth a Ton of Data: Quantitative studies of the Trade-Off between Expertise and Data Based On Statistically Well-Founded Empirical Induction (BRG), pp. 156–159.
CADE-1988-Subrahmanian #logic programming #query- Query Processing in Quantitative Logic Programming (VSS), pp. 81–100.
JICSCP-1988-Subrahmanian88 #semantics #set- Intuitive Semantics for Quantitative Rule Sets (VSS), pp. 1036–1053.
HCI-CE-1987-CampbellR #graph- Issues in Computer-Assisted Interpretation of Graphs and Quantitative Information (JAC, SPR), pp. 473–480.
HCI-SES-1987-Saito #analysis #evaluation #eye tracking- Quantitative Evaluation of VDT Operations Through the Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Eye Movement (SS), pp. 197–202.
SLP-1987-Subrahmanian87 #logic programming #on the #semantics #source code- On the Semantics of Quantitative Logic Programs (VSS), pp. 173–182.
LICS-1986-Girard #semantics- Quantitative and Qualitative Semantics (Abstract of Invited Lecture) (JYG), p. 258.
ICSE-1984-EvansP #effectiveness #evaluation #named- POWER: A Tool for Quantitative Evaluation of Software Project Effectiveness (MWE, LMP), pp. 138–142.
VLDB-1983-KiesslingL #comparison #database- A Quantitative Comparison of Lockprotocols for Centralized Databases (WK, GL), pp. 120–130.
DAC-1976-JonesN #assessment #programming- A quantitative assessment of IBM’s programming productivity techniques (LCJ, DAN), pp. 344–353.
ICSE-1976-BoehmBL #evaluation #quality- Quantitative Evaluation of Software Quality (BWB, JRB, ML), pp. 592–605.
SIGMOD-1975-SchneiderS- Quantitative Data Description (LSS, CRS), pp. 167–185.
SIGIR-1971-WangL #design #evaluation #file system #trade-off- Quantitative Evaluation of Design Tradeoffs in File Systems (CPW, VYL), pp. 155–162.