Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Landoni F.Gibb ∅ C.Malama J.Shortreed
Talks about:
book (5) electron (4) design (3) usabl (3) studi (2) evalu (2) encyclopaedia (1) methodolog (1) textbook (1) interfac (1)
Person: Ruth Wilson
DBLP: Wilson:Ruth
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- ECDL-2004-MalamaLW #usability
- Fiction Electronic Books: A Usability Study (CM, ML, RW), pp. 69–79.
- SAC-2004-WilsonSL #case study #usability
- A study into the usability of e-encyclopaedias (RW, JS, ML), pp. 1688–1692.
- SAC-2003-WilsonL #usability
- Evaluating the Usability of Portable Electronic Books (RW, ML), pp. 564–568.
- ECDL-2002-WilsonLG #design #guidelines
- Guidelines for Designing Electronic Books (RW, ML, FG), pp. 47–60.
- SAC-2002-Wilson #design #interface
- The “look and feel” of an ebook: considerations in interface design (RW), pp. 530–534.
- ECDL-2001-WilsonL
- Evaluating Electronic Textbooks: A Methodology (RW, ML), pp. 1–12.
- ECDL-2000-LandoniWG #design #visual notation #web
- From the Visual Book to the WEB Book: The Importance of Good Design (ML, RW, FG), pp. 305–314.